Family and Friends Unit 8

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‘August 20 tA tatop View Rood i ‘Oxford | Dex Dan How ae you? so a ely usual sr to ou surety We amiga tere an hea sis ge jury, ws comfortable Coral eee ony we herd he cn we al fe the up On no, ght oa ide mised ou satin!” We had to get off atthe next station. Dad asked the Aicker seller the time of the next train back to Ou ae on But he said, “There art any more wns Aegan The next train faves tomorrow mering, Bat 1 tan book you into a hotel. Fallow me.” On the way tothe hotel, I was disappointed because ie tenn seemed smal and unexciting, Bu in the town verre we sow some fireworks and heard some music ‘Thare was a festival and a fair! After we checked into Tpehotel, we went and joined the festival. We hed a foruasic evening and it wos a brillant star our holiday! Wate soon to tel me about your holiday. } From, Finn 3. Underline these words in the text. Guess their meanings and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary (page 132). ecm cmc nee mine 4 Read again and write T (true) or F (false). 1 The journey was quite short. _F 2. Finn enjoyed the start of his holiday. 3 The family got off the train 4 They caught a train to their station at the right station. the same day, 1 Complete the crossword. Down, Across 1 At this place there ore rides and 3. These make colours and light in games. the sky 2. You can blow this to moke a loud 6 You feel this if something isn't as, noise. Trains have them. good as you wanted. 4 The time when you are travelling 7 You stay here when you goon {rom one place to another, holiday. 5 When something is different from 8 You get into bed, turn off the light what usually happens. and fall 8, f w °, J Od hospital hotel head plane pool holiday Thanks for your letter. How are you? bia you have a 400d summer? in the summer holidays, I went to the ' beach with og Family. We went by ? + Tt was my First time and I was realy ercited. 1 loved it! We. stayed in a te rear the beach, Tt was really hot and we suam in the © Oey day. 1 liked the sea the most because of the waves, t tried suring but it was difficur. Rwasabritient® pas there was one. problem, ny Wttle brother pete. Fell over by the. pool an hurt his ® a We hac to go to the ? ———— He cried a lot tut after tuo Dia You go on holiday? Where Aid You go? Mease- write soon are tell me. all your news! from, Misa 2 Read the Class Book, Match the questions and answers, 1 Where did they go for their holiday? On 2 Did they fall asleep on the train? (€ } 3. Why did they wake up? (5) 4 What time was it? (a } 5 Were there any more trains? a 8 o'clock. b No. At a hotel. Cornwall. Yes. A festival and a fair. g They heard a whistle. 6 When was the next train 7 Where did they stay? 8 What was at the town? h Tomorrow morning. jambeard EA Ee Write the questions and answer it on your notebook. Write a paragraph on your notebook. | went to Bali two years ago with my family. | took the first flight from Jakarta and arrived at noon. First day was amazing, we checked in to a hotel near Kuta beach. Me and my children spent a really nice afternoon at Kuta beach. We played body board and made a nice sand castle. We saw a beautiful scenery of sunset. The next day we went to Bali Birds Park, we spent a great time seeing various kind of birds. We had dinner at a restaurant called Bebek Tepi Sawah and went back to hotel. Day three, we went to Garuda Wisnu Kencana site, took some beautiful family photos, and again we went to the beach. It was a really nice beach to swim, it called Padang-padang beach. The next day we spent our time at the hotel and went back to Jakarta after we checked out.

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