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Process Essay Name:

Essay prompt: The diagram shows the stages in the cultivation and
management of a forest. Summarise the information by selecting and
reporting the main features, and comparisons where relevant. (
SAMPLE 2 - book/p. 70


The diagram depicts information about the procedures involved in the construction of a
synthetic forest as well as the different kinds for the created wood.

Paragraph One

With the goal of guaranteeing that planting can take place efficiently, land preparation and sampling
from nursery plants are required.

Paragraph two

Note how the specifics of the trees' growth and how many different uses they can serve. While the
trunks are being utilized for floors and furniture, the cleared forest area is being readied for the
planting of fresh saplings.

Prior to they are felled and replaced by new forests, it is important to wait
until forest trees reach a particular age.

PART 2: Create your own note about how to write a process essay
A process essay describes a succession of event steps. It
investigates a series of actions that result in a specific outcome. The
first form of process essay is one that is directional. It describes how
to do something. The second is informative; it describes how
something works or occurs. A process essay is composed of three
fundamental steps. The first step is to split the process. It should be
broken down into simple, well-defined steps, usually in chronological
order. Transitional terms, such as then, next, and after doing, can also
help explain a process analysis essay. The final step is to thoroughly
read the paper. Step-by-step analysis of the process essay is advised in
order to spot any potential omissions. The process essay frequently
has three basic topic types: scientific or natural (used in textbooks),
historical (used in textbooks or articles), and advisory (expresses the
writer's perspective). In process essays, we can utilize transitional
signals or words. For example, we can use for the first step, then, after
that, finally, and lastly.

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