Lesson Plan - Human Person and The Environment

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

GRADE: 11 (Edison, Einstein, Newton and Darwin)

Date: October 18 & 19, 2023 (Wed/Thurs)

COMPETENCY Distin Notice disorder in an environment

& OBJECTIVES At the end of the session, learners are expected to understand the
interplay between humans and their environment.
 PPT11/12-li-4.1

Knowledge: Recognize disorder in an environment

Skills: Explain how philosophical views influence and
: define human action regarding the disorder in the
Attitude: Describe ways that they can contribute to protect
the environment
Values: Show awareness and action by protecting the
environment in their community
CONTENT : The human person in their environment
LEARNING Curriculum Guide – Core Subjects
RESOURCES : Teachers Guide pp. 18-20
Introduction to Philosophy of the human person pp 62-64
A. Preparation
Checking of Attendance
Let the assigned group facilitate the recapitulation of
the previous lesson.
B. Motivation
PROCEDURE : The teacher will show a picture of beautiful environment
and a destructed one.
Process Questions

1. Describe what you see.

2. Would you like to visit this?
3. What will you do when you go this place?
First Picture
Second Picture

1. Describe what you see.

2. Do you see yourself staying in this place?
3. Do you imagine yourself doing the same
things you imagine doing in the first picture?

C. Presentation
Based from the presentation of the new lesson, teacher
will ask the ff. questions:

1. Which picture show a much preferable conditions in

our surroundings?
2. How the condition of the first picture be
3. How the condition of the second picture be
4. Which of the following statements regarding its
state are true for our community?
a. Its hotter now than it was usually
during the summer month
b. Typhoons are stronger and there is
more rain during the rainy season
c. We experience more flooding in our
d. Our community is now dirtier and
more disorderly compared to the past
few years


The whole class are going to watch a music video about the


1. What is the video all about?

2. Have you ever wondered about the changes
happening in our environment?
3. What have you noticed about the weather and your

D. Discussion/Abstraction

How does Philosophy define man’s relationship with the


Environmental Philosophy is the branch of philosophy that

is concerned with the natural environment and humanity’s
place within it.

Anthropocentrism is the belief that humans are the central

and most significant species on the planet.

Deep Ecology sees the natural world as being maintained by

the interrelationship among living organisms and that every
living thing on the planet is dependent on each other for

Gaia Hyphotesis suggests that non-organic elements in the

planet play a significant role in maintaining balance in the
environment as they interact with living organisms to
regulate the various systems that enable life to continue
thriving on Earth.

How do Philosophical views influence environmental


Environmental Ethics emerged in the 1970s and advocated

human responsibility and action with regard to
environmental issues
1. All nonhuman elements of the world, including
animals and natural resources have intrinsic value
and should be preserved.
2. The preservation of the environment is beneficial for
humans, as it will continue to provide for the present
and future generations.
3. Man has a responsibility to safeguard the planet as it
has been entrusted to him by God

The growing concern of climate change and climate justice

which consider climate change a significant ethical, social
and political issue. These views were greatly influenced by
the concept of Environmental Justice, which refers to the
fair distribution of environmental benefits, as well as the
burden of meeting environmental challenges.

Environmentalism has also become an important issue in

international politics as governments and international
organizations have devoted efforts to discuss environmental
issues and formulate plans to address them.

E. Exercises

Small Group Work

Mechanics divide the class into 5 groups
Then give each group a task

Teacher will let the students to the task for 10 minutes and
ask student to select reporter to present their output.

Group 1: what changes in the environment have you notice?

(5 years ago, to present use timeline to present your output

Group 2: What brought about the changes in the

environment? Name as many as you can

Group 3. Impact of the changes of the environment to the


Group 4: Causes of environmental destructions

Group 5: Effects of environmental destructions

F. Generalization

Humankind is part of the world, and we significantly

affect our environment in the same way that changes in
our environment affect us.

G. Application

The teacher will ask the students to answer these questions

in their activity notebook

1. What are the changes in nature you have observed in

your local communities?

2. In what ways do human change the environment to

meet their wants and needs?

H. Evaluation

Ask the student to list/name disorders in the environment:

a. Man Made
b. Natural

How do our actions lead to negative effects in the



I. Agreement/Assignment
Can you help save the world? It’s a big question. You may
think that saving the world is something others should do.
What impact can a single person have on the future of our
planet? Make an infomercial on how to save Mother Nature.

Rubrics for Infomercial

Communication of Ideas - 20

Veracity of Content - 10

Visual Appeal - 10

Creativeness - 10

Total - 50 pts



A. No. of learners who

earned 75% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson

D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

Prepared by:



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