Technology Challenges in Integration

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Quote: “When a learner moves from direct and purposeful experiences to verbal symbols, the

degree of abstraction gradually grows. And as a result, learners become spectators rather than
participants” (Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, 2021).

Given Setting:
Classrooms play a crucial role in the educational process, providing a structured environment
for students to gain knowledge, skills, and values. They serve as a foundation and are designed
to facilitate effective teaching and learning experiences.

Classroom Integration Problems:

Classrooms often have an over-reliance on hands-on learning experiences. While those
experiences have their value, an overemphasis can lead to limited exposure to other abstract
learning experiences. Moreover, classroom instruction may not effectively leverage modern
educational technologies or individual learning styles, limiting the variety of learning experiences
available to students (Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, 2021).

In a traditional classroom setting, educators often face challenges in providing a balanced
learning environment. Dale’s Cone of Education suggests that as learners move from concrete
examples the level of abstraction increases but, it does not mean there are high percentages for
retention. While these experiences are essential, they neglect the value of abstract learning
such as reading, listening, and discussing.

Suggested Delivery Method:

To address these problems, educators should consider a flexible approach. Blending hands-on
experiences with abstract learning concepts helps cater to various learning styles. Incorporating
modern technologies can also offer an engaging learning experience, appealing to students.
By recognizing that students have diverse learning styles, classrooms can better facilitate
active participation and create a more enriched learning environment for all students.

Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience. (2021, September 28). Growth Engineering.

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