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International Journal of Pavement Engineering

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Modelling linear viscoelastic properties of asphalt

concrete by the Huet–Sayegh model
a b
Qinwu Xu & Mansour Solaimanian
Department of Civil Engineering, Penn State University, Austin, TX, USA
PTI, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA
Version of record first published: 28 Oct 2009.

To cite this article: Qinwu Xu & Mansour Solaimanian (2009): Modelling linear viscoelastic properties of asphalt concrete by
the Huet–Sayegh model, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 10:6, 401-422

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International Journal of Pavement Engineering
Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2009, 401–422

Modelling linear viscoelastic properties of asphalt concrete by the Huet – Sayegh model
Qinwu Xua and Mansour Solaimanianb*
Department of Civil Engineering, Penn State University, Austin, TX, USA; bPTI, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA
(Received 31 May 2007; final version received 26 September 2008)

In order to seek an appropriate mechanical model to describe the complex modulus and characterise the linear viscoelastic
property of asphalt concrete, the Huet – Sayegh model was studied in this research. Laboratory tests of complex modulus
were conducted on 20 different mixtures. Several mechanical models (Maxwell, Kelvin, generalised Maxwell, generalised
Kelvin and Huet – Sayegh) and the mathematical model of sigmoidal function were applied to establish master curves of
dynamic moduli. Results indicate that the Huet –Sayegh model can describe complex modulus more accurately using fewer
numbers of parameters compared with other mechanical models.
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Keywords: complex modulus; mechanical models; Huet – Sayegh model; master curve

1. Introduction Similarly, the corresponding strain response is

Asphalt concrete is a viscoelastoplastic material and its expressed as
behaviour is temperature and time dependent. Within a
small strain level (i.e. at high frequency and low 1 ¼ 10 eiðvt2wÞ ; ð2Þ
temperature), it may exhibit the linear viscoelastic
where w is the phase angle representing the time that the
behaviour without damage. Complex modulus test is
strain lags the stress (Figure 1).
conducted at very small strain levels, and therefore it is
believed that the material will not undergo noticeable tL
damage. The complex modulus test is one of the primary w¼ £ 360 ð8Þ; ð3Þ
simple performance tests used to characterise the linear
viscoelastic property and evaluate the fundamental stress – where tL is the time lag of strain to stress and tC is the time
strain relationship of asphalt concrete (Witczak and for one cycle test.
Fonseca 1996, Bonaquist et al. 2003, Witczak 2005). The complex modulus has been defined as (Huang
The complex modulus is also used as input in the 2004):
mechanistic-empirical models for evaluating the field
s s0 i f
pavement response and performance (Hallin 2004, E * ðvÞ ¼ ¼ e ¼ E 0 þ iE 00 ; ð4Þ
1 10
El-Basyouny and Witczak 2005, El-Basyouny et al. 2007).
In the laboratory testing procedure, the sinusoidal where E 0 is the storage modulus (considered as elastic part)
loading is applied to the cylindrical asphalt concrete and E 00 is the loss modulus (considered as viscous part).
specimen at a range of frequencies and temperatures. The The dynamic modulus is the absolute value of complex
strain response also follows a sinusoidal function similar modulus, calculated by the ratio of stress amplitude to
to the applied stress. However, a time lag exists between strain amplitude (Huang 2004).
stress and strain due to the viscoelastic behaviour of the
material, as shown in Figure 1. s0
jE * j ¼ : ð5Þ
The testing mode can be either stress or strain 10
controlled, producing the related response of strain or
stress. This sinusoidal function of input stress could be Because of the laboratory testing limitations, the complex
expressed in a complex format (Huang 2004) modulus tests are typically conducted within a limited
range of temperatures and frequencies. However, char-
s ¼ s 0 e i vt ; ð1Þ acterising asphalt concrete viscoelastic property and
predicting pavement structure response and performance
where i is the imaginary unit (i2 ¼ 2 1) and v is the requires knowledge of modulus magnitude at a wider
angular frequency. range of temperatures and frequencies. Therefore,

*Corresponding author. Email: msol@psu.edu

ISSN 1029-8436 print/ISSN 1477-268X online
q 2009 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/10298430802524784
402 Q. Xu and M. Solaimanian

to account for the ‘pseudo’ permanent deformation of

asphalt binder and mixture. This configuration of elements
was named as 2S2P1D (two springs, two variable dashpots
and one linear dashpot) model. In this article, the Huet –
Sayegh model is investigated for describing the complex
modulus of asphalt concrete in comparison with other
mechanical models.

2. Objective and scope

The work presented here was to evaluate the Huet – Sayegh
model for describing the master curve of complex modulus
and modelling the linear viscoelastic property of asphalt
Figure 1. Sinusoidal input stress and strain response. The laboratory test of complex modulus was
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conducted on 20 different asphalt concrete mixtures. The

Huet – Sayegh model was used to fit the measured modulus
different models have been developed and proposed to fit
and construct a master curve of complex modulus. The
the measured complex modulus data and/or establish the
modelling results of master curves using different
master curve of modulus over a wide range of frequencies.
mechanical and mathematical models are also compared.
Examples include the mathematical model of sigmoidal
function using the temperature – time superposition rule
(Chehab et al. 2002, Pellinen and Witczak 2002, Schwartz
et al. 2002), which is widely known through several 3. Experimental program
important projects, including the NCHRP 1-37A, NCHRP The complex modulus tests were conducted on laboratory
9-19 and NCHRP 9-29, and the empirical Witczak prepared specimens made of 20 different asphalt concrete
(Witczak and Fonseca 1996) and Hirsch models mixtures representing the wearing, binder and base layers
(Christensen et al. 2003), which predict the mixture at eight different sites within the Commonwealth of
modulus from binder properties and mixture volumetric Pennsylvania. For each mixture, three to five replicates
properties. Contrary to the mathematical or empirical were tested.
models, the analytical viscoelastic models have the
advantage of utilising physical elements to describe the
viscoelastic behaviour of materials. Such models include 3.1 Specimen preparation
those known as Burger, Maxwell, generalised Maxwell, The mixtures had different asphalt contents, gradations
Kelvin and generalised Kelvin. Burger’s model is a simple and maximum aggregate sizes. The asphalt concrete
one capable of characterising the viscoelastic property of specimens were compacted using the Superpave gyratory
the asphalt concrete, but it cannot be used for a wide range compactor. The compacted specimens were then cut and
of frequencies or temperatures (Nilsson et al. 2002). sawed to yield cylindrical specimens with the diameter of
The simple Maxwell and Kelvin models are not capable of 100 mm and the height of 150 mm. The mixture and binder
describing the complex behaviour of asphalt concrete properties are detailed in Table 1. The PG76-22 binders
accurately. However, the generalised Maxwell and Kelvin were polymer modified while others were not.
models can be used to characterise the viscoelastic
behaviour of asphalt concrete effectively. The former can
successfully describe the relaxation modulus and the latter 3.2 Test equipment and procedure
can successfully describe the creep compliance of the As shown in Figure 2, the Instron system equipped with
materials; however, both of these models require a large the related hardware and FastTrack software was used to
number of elements to express the modulus with control the laboratory test. The Instron system was used
reasonable accuracy (Lytton et al. 1993, Lee 1996). as the control and data acquisition system, the MTS
The analytical Huet – Sayegh model was proposed by Huet closed-loop servo-hydraulic system was the load frame
(1963) for characterising the viscoelastic property of and the environmental chamber was used to control
materials. Pronk (2005) applied this model for the four- temperatures. Three extensometers were mounted on
point bending test on different asphalt mixes to accurately the specimen surface with the angular spacing of 1208
fit and describe the stiffness modulus. Olard and Benedetto to measure the axial deformation of the specimen
(2003) extended the Huet – Sayegh model by adding one (Figure 2). The tests were conducted at four temperatures
linear dashpot in series with the two variable dashpots of 4, 10, 25 and 408C, by applying the compressive
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Table 1. Binder and mixture properties.

Lab# % Binder % #200 Gmb Gmm Gsb Gb Gse AV VMA VFA Pba Pbe F/A ratio Grade NMAS (mm)
M0264 5.6 6.6 2.428 2.502 2.686 1.023 2.737 7.3 14.7 79.8 0.7 4.9 0.80 PG64-22 12.5
MD216 5.0 4.8 2.454 2.555 2.739 1.032 2.770 6.6 14.9 73.5 0.4 4.6 1.02 PG64-22 19.0
M0181 3.9 5.0 2.394 2.565 2.687 1.033 2.729 5.9 14.4 53.6 0.6 3.3 0.97 PG64-22 37.5
M0272 5.4 7.2 2.438 2.468 2.644 1.022 2.685 5.9 12.8 90.5 0.6 4.8 0.90 PG76-22 12.5
M0251 4.7 4.9 2.484 2.553 2.743 1.028 2.755 7.5 13.7 80.3 0.2 4.6 1.00 PG76-22 12.5
M0237 2.8 5.3 2.474 2.542 2.643 1.031 2.654 7.0 9.0 70.3 0.2 2.6 0.90 PG64-22 25.0
M0287 5.2 6.9 2.423 2.468 2.635 1.022 2.676 6.0 12.8 85.8 0.6 4.6 0.90 PG76-22 37.5
M1255 6.7 5.3 2.295 2.349 2.522 1.032 2.586 7.0 15.5 82.4 1.0 5.8 0.60 PG76-22 9.5
M1253 4.8 5.5 2.312 2.412 2.548 1.032 2.586 7.1 13.6 69.5 0.6 4.2 0.90 PG64-22 19.0
M1241B 4.3 3.3 2.346 2.536 2.671 1.032 2.714 5.9 15.9 53.0 0.6 3.7 0.80 PG64-22 37.5
M1261 5.3 6.4 2.412 2.498 2.683 1.029 2.715 6.7 14.9 76.8 0.5 4.9 0.85 PG76-22 12.5
M1241A 4.9 6.2 2.392 2.473 2.632 1.043 2.661 7.5 13.6 75.9 0.4 4.5 1.00 PG64-22 19.0
M2167 5.0 6.2 2.297 2.457 2.625 1.037 2.648 5.5 16.9 61.4 0.3 4.7 1.16 PG76-22 12.5
M2149 4.4 5.5 2.507 2.601 2.778 1.037 2.795 5.1 13.7 73.7 0.2 4.2 0.93 PG76-22 19.0
M2302 5.2 6.4 2.453 2.500 2.675 1.031 2.712 1.8 13.1 85.6 0.5 4.7 1.00 PG64-22 19.0
M2288 3.9 6.1 2.409 2.540 2.676 1.031 2.700 4.6 13.5 61.7 0.4 3.6 1.00 PG64-22 25.0
M2256 3.9 7.9 2.458 2.509 2.647 1.031 2.664 4.7 10.8 81.1 0.2 3.7 1.10 PG64-22 37.5
M3298 5.7 7.4 2.488 2.535 2.729 1.033 2.779 7.2 14.0 86.8 0.7 5.1 1.10 PG64-22 12.5
International Journal of Pavement Engineering

M3273 5.2 8.3 2.556 2.590 2.777 1.033 2.823 6.4 12.7 89.7 0.6 4.6 1.20 PG64-22 19.0
M3254 4.9 7.0 2.500 2.634 2.832 1.033 2.863 8.9 16.0 68.3 0.4 4.5 1.20 PG64-22 25.0
404 Q. Xu and M. Solaimanian
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Figure 2. Laboratory test equipment and specimen.

uniaxial sinusoidal loads at six frequencies of 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 4. Constructing master curve of complex modulus
10 and 25 Hz for each temperature. The applied load 4.1 Models for describing complex modulus
amplitude produced the strain amplitude of approximately
The temperature –time superposition rule of Williams –
80 –100 microstrain. The test was preceded from the
Landel – Ferry (Williams et al. 1995) can be used to
lowest temperature to the highest temperature and from
approximate the reduced frequency using shift factor aT
the highest frequency to the lowest frequency at each
2C1 ðT 2 T r Þ
logðaT Þ ¼ and f r ¼ f £ a T ; ð6Þ
½C 2 þ ðT 2 T r Þ
3.3 Measured dynamic modulus and phase angle
The measured results of stress and strain are used to
determine the dynamic modulus and phase angle using where aT is the shift factor, f is the frequency at
temperature T and fr is the reduced frequency at reference
Equations (3) and (5). Testing data at these four temperatures
temperature Tr. The parameters of C1 and C2 are dependent
and six frequencies for each mix results in 24 values
on the reference temperature.
for modulus and phase angle. As shown in Figures 3 and 4,
The mathematical model of sigmoidal function can be
with increasing temperature or decreasing frequency,
used to express the dynamic modulus and phase angle over
the dynamic modulus decreases while the phase angle
increases. a wide range of reduced frequencies at a reference

Figure 3. Measured dynamic modulus at four temperatures with Figure 4. Measured phase angle at four temperatures with six
six frequencies. frequencies.
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 405

temperature (Fonseca and Witczak 1996): 4.2 Master curve of dynamic modulus and phase angle
The second-order polynomial function was used to
B approximate the temperature – time superposition rule for
logðE * Þ ¼ A þ ; ð7Þ
1þ e2ðCþD logðf r ÞÞ all models used in this paper, and the statistic test of
goodness of fit was conducted by fitting these mechanical
where A, B, C and D are the material-dependent models (Burger, Maxwell, Kelvin, generalised Maxwell,
parameters. The second-order polynomial function is generalised Kelvin and Huet – Sayegh) to the measured
used to express the temperature – time superposition rule moduli. Here, the measured dynamic modulus jE*m j
(absolute value of complex modulus), elastic part of
0 00
logðaT Þ ¼ aT 2 þ bT þ c; ð8Þ storage modulus jE m j, viscous part of loss modulus jE m j
and phase angle wm are assumed to be normally distributed
around the predicted dynamic modulus jE*p j, predicted
where a, b and c are the material and reference storage modulus jE p0 j, predicted loss modulus jE p00j and
temperature-dependent constants. predicted phase angle wp by the Huet –Sayegh model,
The mechanistic mechanical models can describe the respectively. The measured and predicted moduli are
Downloaded by [University of Hong Kong Libraries] at 22:22 12 March 2013

complex modulus in a complex format by using their considered independent as wm and wp are. The sum
physical elements. The structures of the Maxwell, Kelvin,
Burger, generalised Maxwell and generalised Kelvin "  #
models are presented in Figure 5, in which E is the elastic X
N jE*m j 2 jE*p j 2
modulus of spring and h is the viscosity parameter of x ¼ ;
dashpot. The associated mathematical expression of
complex modulus for each model was determined by
using Equation (4), which is also shown in some other (applicable for both analytical and mathematical models),
literatures (e.g. Olard and Benedetto 2003).
As shown in Figure 6, the Huet – Sayegh model has two "  #
N jE*m j 2 jE*p j 2 ðwm 2 wp Þ2
parallel branches, one of which is the elastic spring E0, x ¼2
representing the long-term elastic modulus (frequency is i¼1
sE2 sw2
zero), and the other is formed by three elements in series:
one elastic spring El, as the difference in instantaneous
elastic modulus E1 (frequency is infinite) and long-term
modulus E0, and two parabolic dashpots. " #
For the parabolic dashpot, the stress – strain relation- X
N ðjE 0m j 2 jE 0p jÞ2 ðjE 00m j 2 jE 00p jÞ2
ship is given by (Pronk 2005) x ¼ þ ;
sE2 sE2
s¼ ðivtÞa 1; ð9Þ
t (applicable for mechanical models) will follow the chi-
square (x 2) distribution with N degrees of freedom, where
where i2 ¼ 2 1, v ¼ 2p f, f is the frequency, h is the N is the number of tested data points (i.e. for four
viscosity parameter and a is the parabolic dashpot variable temperatures and six frequencies, N ¼ 24). The parameter
(0 , a , 1), e.g. k and h in Figure 6. t is the retardation x 2 is minimised to achieve the best curve fitting by using
time regarding the effect of temperature T, which can be the optimisation method.
expressed as (Pronk 2005): Using the Huet–Sayegh model, the master curves of
dynamic modulus and phase angle over a wide range of
t ¼ eaþbTþcT ;
ð10Þ reduced frequencies are obtained by fitting the measured data
using the optimisation method in an excel sheet, as shown in
Figures 7 and 8, respectively. Table 2 shows the model
where T is the temperature and a, b and c are the constants. parameters for the specimen M0287-SPT14. It is indicated
The complex modulus E* is described by the Huet – that the Huet–Sayegh model can fit the dynamic modulus
Sayegh model as (Pronk 2005) very well, and the dynamic modulus can be fitted better than
phase angle, i.e. for specimen M0287-SPT14, the x 2 is 1.1
El with a probability of more than 99% for the hypothesis
E * ¼ E0 þ ; ð11Þ
1 þ dðiwtÞ2k þ ðiwtÞ2h (i.e. the calculated dynamic modulus equals the measured
dynamic modulus) to be accepted. The master curves for all
where d ¼ Elt/h1, k and h are the two constants (0 , k, 20 mixtures by using the Huet–Sayegh model are displayed
h , 1). in Appendix A (average modulus values of duplicate
406 Q. Xu and M. Solaimanian
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Figure 5. Analytical models and expressions of complex modulus.

International Journal of Pavement Engineering 407

Figure 6. Huet– Sayegh model.

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Figure 7. Master curves of dynamic moduli by Huet – Sayegh model.

Figure 8. Master curves of phase angles by Huet – Sayegh model.

Table 2. Parameters of Huet – Sayegh model.

E0 (MPa) E1 (MPa) d (1/s) k h a b ca Trb (8C)

0.1 17,156 5.2816 0.354 0.354 0.0006 20.2954 7.0278 25
a þ 25b þ 625c ¼ 0 for the reference temperature 258C.
Reference temperature.
408 Q. Xu and M. Solaimanian
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Figure 9. Master curve of dynamic modulus by Maxwell model.

Figure 10. Master curve of dynamic modulus by Kelvin model.

Figure 11. Master curve of dynamic modulus by Burger’s model.

International Journal of Pavement Engineering 409

specimens were used for the same mixtures, temperature. This phenomenon is also noted for other
" # models including the sigmoidal function (even though to a
XN ðjE*m j 2 jE*p jÞ2 ðwm 2 wp Þ2 smaller extent). This might be a significant disadvantage of
x ¼ þ the Huet–Sayegh model in its ability to simulate pavement
sE2 sw2
response at cold temperatures.
is used for optimisation), and the associated model For comparison, analysis is also presented based on the
parameters were detailed in Appendix B. In general, the results from other mechanical models (Maxwell, Kelvin,
data indicate that moduli vary within a wide range for Burger, generalised Maxwell and generalised Kelvin) for
different mixes. It appears that the mixes with larger the same mixture. These models were also applied to fit the
aggregate size and lower air void levels have higher modulus. measured dynamic modulus and establish the master curves
It is also noted that the master curves of Huet–Sayegh do not with respect to the reduced frequency at the reference
show a well-defined upper shelf for some specimens at the temperature of 258C. To express the complex modulus, the
test point of 25 Hz and 48C. This could be a result of Maxwell model used four parameters (two material
insufficient test data at the high frequency and low parameters represented by the spring and dashpot, and the
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Figure 12. Master curve of dynamic modulus by generalised Maxwell model. Generalised Maxwell model: (a) n ¼ 6 and (b) n ¼ 16.
410 Q. Xu and M. Solaimanian

other two parameters used for expressing the temperature – achieving a good data fitting. The model parameters are
time shift factors). The number of parameters for the Kelvin detailed in Appendix C. It is also noted that the upper
and Burger models was five and six, respectively. Both the shelves of model expressions ‘ignore’ the tested data,
generalised Maxwell and Kelvin models used (2n þ 3) which can be resulted from the mathematical formats of
parameters (n is a term number). Master curve results by those mechanical models and insufficient test data at high
using these mechanical models are shown in Figures 9– 13, values of reduced frequencies. Meanwhile, the optimis-
respectively, indicating that the Maxwell, Kelvin and ation method tries to minimise the x 2 statistics of
Burger models could only fit the dynamic modulus within a summarisation of differences between modelling results
very limited range of reduced frequencies. The master and testing results overall. As a result, the models would
curves of the generalised Maxwell and Kelvin models result provide a better fitting overall, but may ignore some points
from ‘assembling’ of n master curves of single Maxwell on the upper shelf shown in Figures 9 – 13.
and Kelvin models, respectively. The curve ‘waves’ appear, The master curves of dynamic modulus for the same
though increasing term number of n will reduce the ‘wave’ specimen (M0287-SPT14) using all mechanical models
amplitude, and a large n (i.e. n . 10) is necessary for at 258C reference temperature were plotted in Figure 14.
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Figure 13. Master curve of dynamic modulus by generalised Kelvin model. Generalised Kelvin model: (a) n ¼ 4 and (b) n ¼ 12.
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 411
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Figure 14. Master curves of dynamic modulus by different analytical models.

It was found that the Huet–Sayegh, generalised Maxwell the measured dynamic modulus and construct the master
(n ¼ 16) and generalised Kelvin models (n ¼ 12) all have curve with six parameters. Using the same shift factors, a
close fits for these measured 24 dynamic modulus data points different sigmoidal function with four parameters can be
with low x 2 statistics, as shown in Table 3. All models established to construct the master curve of phase angle
including the sigmoidal function indicate that the probability (total n ¼ 6 þ 4). By using seven parameters, the Huet –
of accepting the hypothesis (the calculated dynamic modulus Sayegh model can be used to describe the complex
equals the measured dynamic modulus) exceeds 99%. modulus properly. This calculation procedure can be easily
However, the fitted curves of the generalised Maxwell and implemented in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for friendly
Kelvin models were not as smooth as those of the Huet– use. One of the main advantages of the Huet – Sayegh
Sayegh model. Meanwhile, they ‘ignore’ the upper shelves model over the sigmoidal function is that it is a rheological
of test data as discussed previously. It was further found that model utilising the physical elements to describe the
the modelled complex moduli of the Huet–Sayegh model viscoelastic property of asphalt concrete in a complex
could be fitted by the sigmoidal function closely, as format, which helps towards understanding the mechanical
illustrated in Figure 15. The smoother curve of the Huet– behaviour and structure of materials.
Sayegh model illustrates its advantages over other
mechanical models for describing the dynamic modulus
beyond the range of measured frequencies and temperatures. 5. Conclusions
Such is the case for data points at the very high reduced The laboratory complex modulus tests were conducted on
frequency (low temperature or high frequency). 20 asphalt concrete mixtures. Several mechanical models
The mathematical model of sigmoidal function were used to fit the measured dynamic moduli, and to
(Equation (7)) has been used by many researchers to fit construct the master curves of complex modulus with

Table 3. x2 statistics of analysed models.

PN hðjE*m j2jE*p jÞ2 i PN hðjE0m j2jE0p jÞ2 ðjE00m j2jE00p jÞ2
i PN hðjE*m j2jE*p jÞ2 ðjw*m j2jw*p jÞ2
x2 i¼1 sE2 i¼1 s E0 2
þ s E00 2 i¼1 sE2
þ sw2

Sigmoidal function 0.080016

Huet – Sayegh model 0.059028 3.889408072 1.10321257
Generalised Maxwell (n ¼ 6) 0.214593 15.50043973 7.12543786
Generalised Maxwell (n ¼ 16) 0.020392 3.740935878 1.20847381
Generalised Kelvin (n ¼ 4) 0.177975 10.18835814 9.87330187
Generalised Kelvin (n ¼ 12) 0.018816 8.23805645 3.50157842
412 Q. Xu and M. Solaimanian
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Figure 15. Sigmoid fit of Huet– Sayegh model.

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Appendix A: Master curves of dynamic modulus by Huet – Sayegh model.

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Appendix B: Huet –Sayegh model parameters for all mixtures

Mixture E0 (MPa) E1 (MPa) d (1/s) k h a b c

M3254 0.1 28,381.90 13.492356 0.317451 0.317451 0.000072 20.305292 7.587351
M3273 0.1 35,473.90 11.874732 0.229700 0.229700 20.000496 20.330976 8.584572
M3298 0.1 25,184.83 10.387988 0.279699 0.279699 0.001154 20.372478 8.590497
M2149 0.1 29,311.87 5.919594 0.267714 0.267714 0.000938 20.337845 7.859799
M2167 0.1 23,502.97 4.256929 0.290003 0.290003 0.001268 20.352085 8.009394
M0237 0.1 25,092.13 3.649406 0.296606 0.296606 0.001493 20.342398 7.626727
M0251 0.1 24,908.32 6.562897 0.277476 0.277476 0.001185 20.343057 7.835975
M0272 0.1 25,957.65 9.517871 0.183220 0.183220 0.003580 20.541592 11.302224
M0287 0.1 21,996.93 5.986186 0.279926 0.279926 20.000102 20.287540 7.252366
M1241A 0.1 22,133.53 5.266329 0.284492 0.284492 0.000197 20.307764 7.571119
M1261 0.1 16,597.82 4.403468 0.300663 0.300663 0.001589 20.347257 7.688409
M2256 0.1 27,192.25 6.468686 0.320410 0.320410 20.000020 20.246091 6.164856
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M2288 0.1 28,948.14 5.171846 0.284857 0.284857 0.001084 20.341184 7.852243

M2302 0.1 30,789.77 4.927312 0.296796 0.296796 0.001487 20.352207 7.876075
M0181 0.1 22,685.42 4.144948 0.334179 0.334179 0.000208 20.251886 6.167133
M0216 0.1 25,183.22 9.288503 0.321540 0.321540 0.000891 20.316422 7.353406
M0264 0.1 21,625.00 5.179771 0.231531 0.231531 0.000609 20.332282 7.926694
M1241B 0.1 20,306.66 5.051609 0.307198 0.307198 20.000069 20.257169 6.472400
M1253 0.1 18,791.70 5.521520 0.285067 0.285067 0.000605 20.307410 7.306918
M1255 0.1 18,504.35 12.494803 0.289114 0.289114 0.004201 20.497011 9.799364
Note: For each mixture, three to five duplicate specimens were used, and the average modulus values were used for Huet – Sayegh model here.
422 Q. Xu and M. Solaimanian

Appendix C: Model parameters for analytical models (specimen M0287-SPT14)

Generalised Generalised Generalised Generalised

Coefficient Maxwell Kelvin Burger Maxwell (n ¼ 6) Kelvin (n ¼ 4) Maxwell (n ¼ 16) Kelvin (n ¼ 12)
a 7.6900 6.7236 7.1395 7.815582896 7.2016 8.1180 7.6900
b 2 0.3490 2 0.3624 20.3344 2 0.357010224 2 0.3281 2 0.3485 20.3514
c 0.0037 0.0037 0.0020 0.001775476 0.0016 0.0017 0.0018
E0 (or E1)a 13,494.0785 0.000001 15,944.6296 0.000001 17,919.5446
E1b 13,152.8538 3346.4122 15,018.4164 4773.159985 10,319,376.9504 4075.1707 10,319,376.9374
h1 41.5880 756.9070 5249.8256 0.000001 9,934,558.1316 0.000001 9,934,558.1178
E2 17,480.0006 4929.463075 1655.9490 3100.5018 720.4349
h2 117.6947 0.000001 7676.8988 0.000001 66,764.0968
E3 3086.963928 43,479.0025 3118.6491 75,891.3116
h3 0.000001 49.1712 0.000002 7.7120
E4 3636.379242 14,686.5942 1.0000 49,019.5710
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h4 3839.741046 683.3893 3836.4096 1531.1749

E5 5983.224175 4995.4764 5137.4048
h5 1.512232243 0.000001 23,052.9339
E6 5609.908006 4416.4181 40,091.4436
h6 96.29796062 0.000001 10,632.1606
E7 407.4616 63,664.1717
h7 20,401.2263 153.0773
E8 3301.4224 95,319.9739
h8 8.7175 174.9728
E9 3030.7274 95,770.2367
h9 0.0348 27,551.1043
E10 3970.5394 32,988.9122
h10 0.7409 9010.6908
E11 1794.3451 21,350.2571
h11 585.9260 22,522.9906
E12 1108.1352 67,422.0068
h12 3799.1725 2195.1724
E13 353.0349
h13 40.3925
E14 3090.6547
h14 75.9827
E15 39.2712
h15 2631.0273
E16 142.2836
h16 7621.0204
For Kelvin and generalised Kelvin model, it is E1 representing modulus at infinite time.
Unit for modulus E is MPa and viscosity h is MPa s.

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