PWR Dist & Protn - Day 1 Coursepack

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} IN OF DAW. fe. PUAN (3 ah Institute Of Professional Advancemen it 3 - day course on POWER “DISTRIBUTION & PROTECTION IN BUILDINGS Dy s 12th - 14th December 1995 The Crown Princess Hotel © Kuala Lumpur We Institute Of Professional Advancement WELCOME! The Institute Of Professional Advancement is honoured to have your participation in this conference. This manual may not contain the verbatim speeches but a synopsis of the presentation. Together with your own notes, it will be a useful source of reference for your organisation. The papers presented are the copyright of the speakers and the Institute, and may only be reproduced with our permission. Our staff will be present during the conference to provide you with any kind of assistance required. Please do not hesitate to ask. The Institute of Professional Advancement wishes to thank you for your kind support and attendance. It is our sincere hope that our conferences will help prepare you towards our nation's Vision 2020. Yours sincerely, Mohamed Idham Karim, 2.4,, Dip. Edun., Dip TesoL Principal Director w% Institute Of Professional Advancement* TIME-TABLE +*8.30am : Registration & Welcome Coffee 9:00am : Course Begins 10:30am f : Morning Coffee 10:45am : Course Resumes 12:30-2:00pm_—: Lunch & Zohor 2:00pm : Course Resumes 3:30pm : Afternoon Tea 3:45pm : Course Resumes 5:00pm ~ : Course Ends NOTE: REGISTRATION * 8:30 IS ONLY FOR DAY 1 TIME-TABLE APPLIES FOR DAY I - DAY3 DAY 1 ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION & PROTECTION SYSTEM COMPILED BY TAN YAN CHOON eal REVISION ON SINGLE-PHASE & 3-PHASE A.C. THEORY Current / is the flow of electrons in a circuit, and its unit of measure- ment is the ampere. Voltage Vis the electromotive force applied to a circuit, and its unit of measurement is the volt. Voltage can also represent a potential drop across a circuit element., ; Resistance R is the measure of opposition to the flow of current in a circuit. and its unit is the ohm. Ohm's law states that R = V/I. Energy is the ability to do work, and its unit is the joule. Power is the rate of doing work and its unit is the watt. Electrical power in watts = volts x amperes. The power dissipated by resistance is /?R. Electrical energy is measured in kilowatt-hours: 1 kWh = 3.6 X 10 wattseconds or joules Mechanical power is measured in horsepower: 1 hp = 746 watts = 0.746 kW A series circuit provides only one path for the current. The voltage drop across each circuit element is directly proportional to the resis- tance of the element. A parallel circuit provides multiple paths for the current. There is one common voltage across all circuit elements and the current through each element is inversely proportional to the resistance of the element. bre * Anductive reactance X; is a measure of the opposition to the flow of ac current due to self-inductance, and its unit is the ohm. " Capacitive reactance Xc is a measure of the opposition to the flow of ‘ac current due to capacitance, and its unit is the ohm. * Altemating current systems have currents and voltages that alter- nate in a sinsusoidal manner. Frequency is the number of cycles per second, designated hertz, ™ Ac voltages and currents are designated by their rms values where: E = 0.7071 Emax T= 0.7071 Teas " Impedance Z is the circuit property that represents the combined effects of resistance and reactance, and its unit is the ohm. " Ohm's law for ac circuits is Z = E/I, where E and I are rms values. © For a circuit with resistance and inductive reactance: Z=R+ik.= VRE Cycle repeats — Vg = IRs in phase with current) - a Fay ay it 23 1, = 1%, Heads curent by 90°) eb The time relationship between an ac voltage and current is desig- nated by a phase angle. Ina purely inductive ac circuit, the current lags the voltage by 90°. In a purely capacitive ac circuit, the current leads the voltage by 90°. @ a8 Creu Siagam est : ye mh x Zo ay “ ‘age voltage) % eR hy VEO, Oe wean +b) Voltage phasor diseam ‘drawn with cuentas reference (c) Impedance tangle Impedance triangle for a circuit with resistance and inductance } 3 PHBE sysrEM ps re * Power factor isthe ratio of the active power to the apparent power | and is expressed as a decimal or a percentage: | a Power factor = cos @ where @ is the angle between the current and voltage. Mo Le) ” | Maximo ole diference “4 } (a) Waveforms ofthe three phase voltages {by Phator diagram ois ‘Voltage relationships for three- phase systems . Delta Configuration v = Ina three-phase, wye-connected system, V, = V3Vp, where L is ea the liné value and P is the phase value. , 1) Coren Ign the voltage by 45" ? G I rtd* Vile Volare : on el Line voltage ory a {ey Caren ain th voltage by 30? a1 Det configuration : Phasor diagram of currents Iyietetie arnt, © Power in a single-phase ac circuit Dawe secret is P (watts) = VI cos 6. V3 Ip. = Ina three-phase, delta-connected system, Iz WYE coupreatatun STAR Conwecrien) m * The power in a balanced three-phase system is * The three-phase, four-wire, wye-connected system provides two voltage levels. Three single-phase loads can be supplied using only Ptwatts) = V3 Vile cos @ four wires. FoR STAR CONNECTION) — rl) Iycos 6 = V3 Vil, cos 8 For DELTA CONNECTION ¢ — Twmeptase | Nerd ets Hla He P=3y, (4) cos 8 = V3 Vilt cos 8 active power spparent power Power factor = a Actie component of 1 ; Reactive component of 7 z 12) Voltage and current relationship ‘ToTORTAL INGLE 9 A.C. THEORY A Sinusoidal current with a frequency at 60Hz peaks at positive maximim of 20A at.time 2ms. Express an mathematical equation for. the instantaneous current. Sketch the waveform for one cycle. A sinusoidal AC voltage at 50Hz has an RMS value of 230V. Express the Instantaneous voltage in terms of maximim voltage and time. Find the instantaneous voltage at time 0.0125 second. Calculate the time lapse the voltage reached 141.4V after the first maximum. A 60Hz AC supply with a peak voltage 170V is applied to a 272 resistor. Sketch the circult diagram and calculate: a) the RMS and mean current flowing through the resistor, b) the expression of the instantaneous current for the resistor, ¢) the period of the waveform, d) the form factor. Determine the components connected to a SOHz supply when the impedances are : i) -J159 9 ii) 150/90° 9 111)150/30° Q In the circuit as shown below, find : (1) the total circuit impedance and sketch the impedance triangle, (41) the circuit characteristic le resistive, Inductive or capacitive, (411) the current 1, (lv) the phasor diagram of v and 1, (v)_ the voltage drop across each element, (v1) . Sketch the paasor diagram of the voltage drops found in part (v) using the supply voltage as reference. ‘ 1 19 -Jisa at Sas TWORIAL, _= THREE PHASE AC THEORY 4) With the aide of circult dlagrane, explain the merits 40K differences of the two 99 syatens 1 4 vires Star 6 2 vires belea b) The 39 syst (roefralee) ©) The 3¢ systes colour code in Singapore t= REY. (Trueftalse) ©) The pover equation for both 39 Star or Delta system Is , P= 03% t;coss. (True/False) The Two-Wattneter method cannot seasure unbalanced 36 systen. (True/Falze) Jn Singapore is 400V, 4, SoH. 3 the 3, Starccomected, 4wlre,6Oe eysten gs shown, ft 4) each load current, (9.3/-26.57°,9.3/-146.57°,9.3/93.43°A) ‘D) each Line current, e 7 is £) eh piste carton of the source, : 2 featral Severe 6) es Taal olesge, 2) each Line voltage, (260/0°, 460/20", 260/i80°¥) Sketcha! coaplete Woitage-phesor Gingran ft the Lond y 208/0°v 36 Star Source 36 Star Load oy 4 balanced 3-phase machine 1s connected in Sta 3, S0ft supply. If the effective inpedance of 15 302.0, fled: 44) the Line and phase voltage, (230/-00°,230/-150",230/80°V) ) the Line and phase current, and than sketch the cosplete phasor diagran (take the supply voltage as the reference) (3.65/-89. 7,69. 607-109. 7 02-000. 4) €) the total real pover taken by the sachine, (28.82k¥) 4) the pover factor of the 36 sachine. (0.832iag) If the 36 machine 1s reconnected as a Delta load, calculate all parts above. (a2. 11/609.78, 121. 1/-183.7°,111.11/86.3°A, 192. 44/-69.7°, 192.44/°163.7°, 192. 44/56.3°A, 110.99kW, 0.8221ag) to a 400, ch winding 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 ‘A 20kW 0.8 power factor (lagging) 3 wye-connected load is supplied from delta-connected generator through transmission cables having negligible impedance. The Line-to-line voltage of the load 1s 380V, 50Hz. Sketch the labelled circuit diagram and compute : (a) the phase voltage at the load, (219.4V) (b) the Line-to-line voltage at the generator, (380V) (ce) the load current, (37.89A) (d) the current in each phase of the generator. (21.94A) * A factory draws a balanced 34 load of 100kW at @ 0.81ag power factor: The line voltage 1s 6.6kV, 50Hz. Calculate the line ‘and phase currents if the factory load is (a) Wye connected, (b) Delta connected. 2 Also, determine the phase angle, the apparent power and the reactive power of the, load. (20.934, 10.93A, 36,9°, 125kVA, 75. O5kVAr, 10.93, 6.31A, 36.9°, 125KVA, 75. OSkVAr) A 3@ star-connected generator produces a phase voltage of 22kV at 50lz, and supplies a balanced load of 17.32HVA at a lagging power factor of 0.9. Calculate (a) the, line voltage, (b) the real power consumed by the load, and (c) the line current. (38. 1kV, 15.588MW, 262.474) \ 1) A mechanical pump consumes 20kW of power in lifting water from a well. If the 34 delta~connected motor driving the pump takes 52A from a 415V, 39, SOHz supply, find (a) the power factor of the motor, and (b) the resistance and reactance of each motor winding. (0.5351ag, 7.49/¢, 11.689/4) 1i)Calculate the same if the motor is star-connected. (0.535lag, 2.47974, 3.899/¢) A 15k motor 1s rated to operate at 480V, 3$, 60Rz. It has an efficiency of 80% and a power factor of 0.6 when delivering half of its rated output. Calculate the input over in kW, the phase voltage and current if the windings are connected in (a) Wye, (b) Delta. In each connection, construct the phase voltage and current phasor diagram. (Take the supply voltage as the reference). (9.37kW, 277, 18.794, 9.37kW, 480V, 10.85A) CHAPTER 1 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY SYSTEM GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY Electricity is generated at various power stations in the country. As these power stations are located far from the load centres and the users, electricity must be transmitted at Extra High Voltage (EHV, e.g. 300 kV,110 kV) from the power stations to various transmission stations near the load centres. Electricity is then distributed to various buildings and end users by the TNB's distribution networks at 33 kV, 11 kV and 415/240Vv. 25 _ THE SYSTEM ‘ 2.1 Voltage, Frequency and Fault Levels The primary transmission voltages in Malaysia are 300,000 valts and 110,000volts which cater for bulk transfer of power from the power stations to the load centres. The distribution voltages are 33,000 volts and 11,000 volts. The reticulation voltage is 415/240 volts. The high voltage is 3-phase, 3 wire and the high voltage system neutrals are resistance or solidly earthed, depending on the voltage. The low voltage reticulation system is 3-phase, 4 wire with the neutral point solidly earthed. The voltage variation or fluctuation at the supply, point is maintained, as far as practicable, to within +6% of the normal voltage. The supply frequency is 50 Hz and the variation is maintained to +1%. GENERATION , TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY HIGH -RISE COMMERICAL BUILDINGS FACTORIES AND ‘COMMERICAL BUILDINGS WITH LOWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS — POWER PLANT SUBSTATION Bgl step wp te B2lW to ut I | +o xa0bv, | ! | a | Ic a clue oI | SUBSTATION | SUBSTATION | — ' | [ine [| | Ee | Es i RESIDENTIAL ‘BUILDING ENERATION—|— PRIMARY |-— sEconDary ——|— PRIMARY ++ secéNBaRy TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION ¢ © g - GENERATION -{¢———— TRANSMISSION —# DISTRIBUTION STEP- UP__ _ STEP-DOWN TRANSFORMER TRANSFORMER * -REPEAT F- FEEDER PILLAR POWER STATION * ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Bs. @rs. r, 230/66KV : oe Ct TRANSFORMER TRANSMISSION ei sci ORIROER eM) Ae 4 ‘ : | INCINERATOR, : | PLANT | ee aaeed Pac 2) 6GKW, NETWORK 66/22KV 8 een " _ PRIMARY DISTRIBUTION 22K, S.6KV | INGINER | INCINERATOR PLANT a HCV O0N, 6.6KV/400V ‘SECONDARY | a ne ELECTRICITY GENERATION, TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN SINGAPORE a METERING SCHEMES Basically,’ the TRB supplies electricity to 2 types of . Premises: : (a) premises occupied by a single consumer, e€.9- private dwelling house, workshop, factory, et (b) multi-tenanted premises, eg high-rise flats and commercial office complexes, flatted factories, etc. 3a. Single Consumer Sa For premises occupied by a single consumer, the + electricity supply is metered at one point and the appropriate tariff in accordance with the use of electricity is charged. 30A_ ae Co Sowa Sensitviry —$fex] Earth lealege. Relay 2 2000 dumt Ip MccB CS-~--- TP&N ¢ © ee AIS FIG 3¢a) 20. V SINGLE PHASE SUPPLY FIG 3 tb) tools -PHASE SUPPLY (OT EXCEEDING 100; ic A EXCEEDING 1008 Meh. fur Short crest wr wrdond poechion. Ince, « : CR - Oly Roy cant lanka protection Gettin), > 20mh 40 SA) gun, «hur lle lenluape, eobre tlady prrteehor (uh wh 40 MA - ‘20x lo? A) ¥ wma Ut come heart leat Hypa wv rn ( z) Aavure ge " . DOMESTIC [}—= EX] constiters 230V. | SINGLE PHAS& \ INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL CONSUMERS THREE-PHASE SUB - STATION 3 PHASE HY, WINDING ‘SOLIDLY EARTHED NEUTRAL + : FIGI.3 : A TYPICAL 400V /230V DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SMALE Le Dingtans | a Alto called, Oe -LWE DIAGRAM. GEUERAL + Stent 0m Je conned of a af 4,3 0 4 conductors and Herefore can nee 1 become they conphiatd. St it eunbetone | wal yale te havi. to work’ mid, he comple wieurt, 7 ih avder to unaeritand he sythi. eign, , 45 im abbeishd tm it iettally if St) used, — te findle-line diagram, — a bye fo it dung el une a hgh bie | tepterert al) He conduelors'¢ other dlematt of He Yih arash He we of aprapriete sale aeiphic symbele Sint the diagram - a didgran, Kat ‘adialee dy meant of single linet + singlitied bpmbolt He. inbreonnectin, 4 camponeal, partt of an. electric attuit or yitene of eateuits ElG 1) 3-LWE Day SWGtE Lue DeH, © ® eis ais a a -@ z load weanr all need op spose pomer’» ve WA Leste tt at ell Peweh A 1 Whe corent Ye Hone] : =| twoox 107VAs fF x Aisv x tA) [> lox 10? PEP w VME GL SESE £727 £2 TORT RT AT ET FY - BAA \ * (cisote node yor) y ; Beat me | | Pree 6 seamnts, 5 Sule ——-plection “WRI te eee a | elect ‘hor as ep is | Ay wile Sadi gute ® bpealor a See: a ext ney ot nt cena t-te Sop tellects cctael | | | "poler # DUeKan, oe gee | rat tyson (s) pd fone yeh | ke} Connedled vind } > ~ THPICAL SMALE _LWE DUGRAK | Cy SN ert bo phe Beak ponent) | ae ope v sage : 1 F (om) oT vanding CLV) . bods : “6 3 N80.» seca oR Hel foour. ne x Mo em )> 260 bw 3.2 wulti-tenanted Prenicos ‘mhe janagenent corporation. pays for neumption Egviptered ae'the master neters after deducting the units PLiled ae we) 3P % 3h ae e|¢ ah a GF a8 aa i i. Pe wasrer( ands vbaL soa) WV | ME ME a a dlr ai | Sas . 33 TenanTs—|]—LaNoLORD SUPPLY LANDLORD CONSUMPTION. = | MASTER KWH METER READING oR a SIB“METERS” REKONG FIG 32:METERED & UNMETERED SYSTEM FOR MUI = pover Apved In the 275 Repahive eb ta wapushie “fold Guide nyttan) FENANTED PREMISES fey F dard Pibd Gpabve syaen > oa low be) (tensive powor te s le apt 42 leva ta pore : Aes power J» (hal poner a (tach awe) Maer ee Es aaee ie er me bens he Feet WA x Fin gp 4 ‘LECTRICITY TARIFFS aa ‘Yew Tension tarice The low tension tariff applies to all supplies received at 400/230 Volts. It bases solely on the energy consumption. 42 ‘igh tension rarice This tarife applies to all high tension supplies. There are four components, viz naxinun demand charge, energy charge, power factor surcharge and declared desand charge @ Maximum_Deand charge - The maximum demand charge i $8.00 per kW per month. The waximum demand for Billing purpose Fefers to the peak of the average denand recorded over J0°ainate periods during the month. The maximum denand meter records’ the energy consumed during the 30-minute period to derive the denand values, “As averaging over a. period is used instead of instantaneous value, a HT custouer ‘nay exercise load management fo achieve @ saving in this charge. This includes’ proper Scheduling of the startup and running of various machineries snd equipment’ and shedding non-ecsential loads selectively “If necessary at appropriate tine of the 30-minute periods. ro) mnerdy charge - The energy ‘consuaption is billed at a flat rate for peak period and off-peak period respectively. Peak Period is from 7.00 a.n. to 11.00 p-m. and off-peak period refers fo the remaining hours of the day. (2) Power_Pactor Surcharge - This surcharge which is imposed on poor power factor is necessary to promote better utilisation of supply capacity. If the average lagging power factor in any month is less than ast, an additional payment of 18 of his naximun denarid charge becones payable for each 1%, oF g fraction thereof, by which the average lagging power factor is jess than 85%. The total units of ki and RVARH recorded by the Beters are used to derive the average power factor. For customers presently paying this surcharge, it may be workthwhile fo consider installing power factor correction capacitors to improve the average pover factor. (a) Declared Denand charge - This charge becones applicable only if the custoner’s load level. is unacceptably low in comparison with the requested supply capacity. this represents a minimum ‘safeguard for the capital investnent. in’ supply infrastructure ‘necessary to provide the supply capacity Fequested. A high tension customer is required to enter into & supply agreenent for a contract supply capacity, known as his jeclared denand for a period of 5 years. As long as the maximus lenand exceeds 50% of the declared denand, the declared demand harge is not applicable. If in any Honth the maximum denand is ‘ess than 50t of the declared demand, the chargeable declared kW 5 billed at $2.66 per ki per nonth.’ The chargeable declared kW S the difference by which the maximum denand in the nonth is low 50% of the declared demand. a Sail LE. there | * | nT ns dariga93 Seer seen 4 seh ELECT (TOTAL FoR.» neveRs) eo 2 we | connencrae Feamme NOV @) wutcovmanerenoe werent [Foe councr Ram 6-10-93 TO det1-43"~ oS pate a. Byeaszocce 20% 041353 a rose. a 1320 ca] ESTimared 1266 cect ESTIMATED 896201353 ELECT (oral FoR 3 METERS) Saoz 011383, a * gsrimareo 1053, > Tinaren 14a, e egrimated 2108 Pus carces TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS MONTH THES IS an EsrtMates att. ELC 3E EDJUSTED aHEN ME PLEASE Pay ruts anounT 3 DRIER Se ses jdgemeemeneese coe 2yers38 Tue estemeren cnaaces RS ARE NEAT 9640 FY 2eeLL93e NUM Demana cHaaGe + SURCHARGE (9-35 - 0.791 Pua cHarces Disk NOTE TAL CHARGES FOR THES ctONTH 2000 1800 1000 500 2000 1800 1000 500 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 uM 16 18 20 2 2% CHRS) FIG 4.11) — HV. CONSUMER WITH HIGH MAXIMUM DEMAND 0 2 4 6 8 1 2 % WW ww 20 2 2% CHRS) FIG 6.1 (b) ~ HV. CONSUMER WHO EXERCISE LOAD MANAGEMENT JO_ACHIEVE SAVING IN MAXIMUM DEMAND CHARGE ' EXERCISE 1 METERING © TARIFP OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLY ABLE 4 = ELECTRICITY TARIEES Sr Ruth the, aid of a diagram, danceibe the Low voltage Fadial “aisteibution system and explain’ the ‘mals disadvantages of auch a system. 7? (2) Low Tension rarise Running Charge = No. of Units consumed x 92. give Rate of Electricity exanenite: Feasons to explain why high voltage is used for sing electrical pover over long distance, ee See eee Under the #.7. tariff, a customer is billed for fixed charges and running charges. Identify the componeats (a) Running charge = No. of Units consuned x of the fixed charges and describe briefly, how these (Normal Hours) Rate of Electricity for Normal Hours Charges are determined. (®) Running charge = No. of Units consuned x eer Bottom isonsube of vce aeeetog fhe soe latey Stagg 400 V from the supply authority. Your diagram should include the authority's equipment. (c) Max. Denand charge = Max. Demand for that Nonth x Max. Demand Rate supply we Wh = @) | @ 04. With the aid of a single Line diagram, show the (€) Power Factor surcharge = (0.88 ~ pt.) x een 4 of fue master and subseters for a/muiti-cenanted higeeae Max. Denard charge luv Building based on the assumption that electricity to the Pf cosy. PH 2 Dullding is supplied vin aiugle 22 RV incosing fkedex' ond Ta Sil tenants are provised with 400/250v supply wal? whe Discuss che gain advantage of the easter and mineters (e) bectared Denan charge = Rate 2f peclared Demand pine arrangenent for a multi-cenanted high-rise mullaiey een (508 of Deciared Demand - compared to the separate metering arrangement. Actual Max. Demand) 05. A multi-tenanted high-rise comercial bullding obtains sts pover Gupply at 22 KV under the sastar ana sub-setering schene. The 2 declared denand {2 2200 KH. ‘the real and reactive energy consumed for a particular month is 987,400 KWH and 016,900 KVARH respectively as recorded by the ler meters. The maximin denand recorded by the master neter i2"S050 dv and the tenants in the building consume a total 315,000 RW. " ~ me following H.7. taris# applies = 32.82 cents per xm 38:00 per aw $2.86 per chargeable declared KW Real enersy Maximus Demand > Declared demand > Determine the landlord's total electricity cost. The folloving assumptions are to be taken when calculating the various charges veal energy. consumption is 4) tia tandtoct's ‘ : determined by subtracting 102.5% of the tenant's SSSP*Eiclay Zadhaption ‘eon the ouster mt eter Fading. ii) Power factor surtharge = (0.85 - actual power factor) X ‘sais demand charges iii) Declared danand charge is applicable if the maximum denand is less than 50% of the declared denand. basher mater rand wig ) fe asi) « & aa C (mt cnseton = hen fe yn Ae ae Iss camer she ce Real Energy Cost = 664,525 x $9.1281 lity "585,125.65 Vossen Ne Ya 654,525 Arran ferns (®) Maximum demand = 2050 x 387,400 = 2,082.7 1H e SMD chaye = 20527 X BEo0 e =A [ebt2b0 Bie the Md iy not fern 3 this Han sez op te declared demend | thes i re decimal demand naar elb.900 (c) Power Factor angle = tai = 39.5" BLE. = cos 39.5 = 0.77 PLP. Surcharge = (0185 - 0.77) X $26,642.60 e@ = $203-008-66— #1931 61 (@) Total Electricity cost = $85,123.65 + $16,642.60 + $1,222.42 = $103,099.66 € 26. A multi-ato: ce complex obtains supply at 2257 ttivstory office complex obtains its pover supply. of dager die *ibeSh and Sebtnetering arcangesane, ie S2efaeed demand: ie" sraee"mhs ane Toot and renctive power SScutapcicte for the sonth are 2,002,000 fu and 947,000 RVAR Feapectively. the dla Waccted te 3050 BH. fa) Te totai Kit consumed by the tenants is, 362,000 unite. ‘ calculate the total electricity cost to be paid by the SSndtora: me folloving H.7. tarist applies cost tor alt units = 9.51 cents per Ht Natinss Demand’ charge 7 $9.00°per ™ Declared Geaund chasge 7 $2-06 per chargeable declared mm xs + -3ea0ds ) (®) For the above , the landlord yould 2ike to avoid paying power “factor ‘surcharge by. installing P.F correction ESpacitors at the 400V main svitchboard. calculate the_ total EVAR rating of capacitors required to Improve the p-f to 0.9 lagging. 44) “the pay-back period for the capacitors if the cobt of Installing capacitors is §40/KVAR. (ans + 1,739 KVAR, 2.4 Years) Fn e souurrox @ Landlord's real energy coneumption 1,025 x (total submeter = Master meter = ‘kwt-consunpt ion) Wit consumption) = 1,041,000 ~ 2.025 x 362,000 = 669,950 KW Running charge = 669,950 X $0.0951 = $63,712.25, Lots ME consumption EL's 4.D = Master meter M.D X --eereer==s Master meter K¥i Consumption 669,950 vennnn= = 2,478 KH M.D charge = 2,478 x $8 = $19,826 Li's D.D charge= (0.5 X D.D ~ Li's M.D) x $2.66 = (015 X 5,500 = 2,478) x $2.66 = 2 9733.52 974,000 1,041,000, Pit angle = tan P.f = cos 43 6! = 0.73 (0.85 ~ actual p.f) X Li's M.D charge = (0.85 = 0.73) X $19,824 = $2,378.88, LL's p.f surcharge Total fixed charges = $(19,824 + 723.52 + 2,378.98) $22,926.40 =" 962,712.25 + $22,926.40 Total LL's electricity cost = $86,638.65 oy Existing p-t = 0.73 KVAR, = KW X tan8 = 3580 x'0.9462 = 3,604 VAR New p.f = 0.9, i.0 cosO, = 0.9 ory = 25 50! tan@, = 0.443, VAR, = HW X tan, = 3850 x 0.4843 = 1,865 KVAR KVAR required = 2,604 = 1,865 = 2,739 va 44) Total cost of capacitor = 1,739 x $40 = $69,560 Let ¥ be no. of yrs required to recover cost of capacitor. For breakeven, investment = $69,560 yo 22d Yes’ Job pf oop nov pf. > 64 sa py oyse 5980 ved Loom pmciton Geshe 08 (in) py 2 $YS0 F OUS2 sei J¥o, a. A factory obtains its supply at 22 KV and the declared Jeasnd "Ye "52000 Kw. “The “Teal and reactive power as ~Ala7 3) pf. wugler fxn"! bot - He hang rary 2 fw! 482,50 22H, 0 (a) Running charge = 1,224,000 kw x $0-0952 "= sii6, 453.40 () M.b. charge = 2,550 KW x $8.00 = $20,400 D.D charge= (0.5 x 6,000 ~ 2,550) x $2.66 "= 61,197.06) 982,500 © PsP angle = tat PLP angle = cos 30°45! = 0.78 P.F surcharge = (0 2a 5 = 0.78) x $20,400 otal fixed charges = 1.0 charge + .D charge TPM = babloat © ‘Total electricity cost = munning cost + fixed charges = S(aie, 402.40 + 23,025) } = $139,427. 08. For the planning of the electrical installation for a factory, "ehe estimates. for th iy real energy Sonsumption and maximum demand are 1,264,000 KWH end 2,600 KW respectively. ‘The folloving alternative tariffs are offered to thé factory? ‘La¥._supply i6-cte per KWE for the first 500,000 units 38 Ges per KWH for all units above 300,000 Kit i.V._supply. id cts per KWH for ali units 59.00 per KW of Maximum Demand a) Determine the monthly electricity cost if the supply is obtained at 4) Lev. supply iy Hiv! supply Hib the’ monthly saving in electricity cost in chtaining Supply at HV. b) If the cost of the transformers, H.V. switchgears and gables needed to obtain the pover supply at H.V. is $1,880,000, determine how long it will take to recover the addiesonal cost (ans + §217,520, $187,720, $29,800, 5.2yrs) souorrox () Lv.-suppiy Ast 500,000 KH at $0.26 = 500,000 x $0.16 = 380/000 Remaining units at $0.20 = (1,264,000 = $00,000) X $0.18 = $157,520 Total electricity cost (L.¥. supply) = $217,520 .Y._supply Running charge = 1,264,000 x 0,13 = $164,320 M.D. charge = 2600 x $9 = $23,400 Total electricity cost (H.v supply) = $187,720 Montnty savings in taking at HY. 5 2°5(207, 530 2407 730) =7¢a9,800 (b) tet the no. of years to recover cost be ¥, For breakeven, investuent = savin: '{,850/000" = 29/800 x 12 x ¥ ¥ 25S yee 09. A 425 MSD. tighels Seal Pover eupplying the folloving type of loeds :~ ing: 20'RW (Power Factor = 0.8) About {00 points of socket outlets (Pover Factory = 0.8) Motor Loads : @ Nos 25 KW Hotor a ay Athy 20 Nos 7.5 XW Motor 20 Nos 15 KW Motor (Zeticiency of each motor = e5¢ ‘Denend factory = 708 Power Factor = 0.7) whet is the overall pover factory? Detersine the required KVA, of power factor < Capsciter to correct the pif. to 0.9, assuming {ePifstaived at the 415 main svitcnboard. if the NSB is supplied by a fava 22xv/4i5v Exansforners, and the pover factor correction is to be Ynetalled on the H.¥. svitenboard, determine the Foguired HVA, of the capacitor bank at the H.V. side. jorrection that i SOLUTION a) ii) iii) Overall power factory at L.v. side 705 KW pf = = /705* + 6737 KVA : for initial p.f From the table : 0.72 &p.f 0.9 after correction The required KVAR, of the capacitors bank 0.479 X 705 = 340 KVA, If the power factor correction is to be installed at H.V. side Total KVA of the load = 705? + 673? = 975 KVA Allowed for compensation of KVA, to the transformer = 975 KVA x 5% = 48.75 KVA, 673 KVA, + 48.75 KVA, = 722 KVA, Therefore overall Kva, 705 Therefore overall power factor = 0.7 [7057 + 722? From table : Initial p.f = 0.7 Final p.f after correction = 0.9 705 X 0.536 Therefore required KVA, of capacitor bank = = 380 KVA, TABULATION Load Totat Diversity ssfe, 2 Power | KVAy Factor | Max.Demand_ Factor (ADMD, KW) cos Lighting | 20 kw 100% 20kw X 100% 0.8 | 20% tan(cosb.s) = 20kw = 20X 0.75 = 15, smal}Power | 100point *1.5kw - 150kw 0.8 | 150x tan(cosb.8) /points = 112 = 150kw MotorLoads | 8X25+20X7.5+20x15f 164. 7kw X708 0.7 | 535x tan(cosb.7) efficiency 650kw f ~ 2 z z 70% 535kw = 535X 1.02 = 546 Total heal power, =705kw Total Reactive Puritr 5673 CHAPTER 2 POWE! ISTRIBUTION. {UILDINGS. ao HIGH VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ae POR 2a When the consumer’s electrical demand exceeds 2,000 kVA (2 mva), electricity supply would most probably be taken from PUB at high’ voltage, ie 22 kV. The consumer will therefore have to isntall his own high tension distribution system. 2B ovlllw A typical 22 kvjdistribution system is applicable to the following types of buildings:- (a) A multi-storey shopping/office complex (b) A multi-storey Hotel (c) An industrial Complex, e.g. multi-storey flatted factory, etc. It is common practice to use two incoming cables because in the event of a a failure of one cable, the other service cable can still provide at least part of the electricity required. = 1.2 Arrangement of 22 kV and LV Switchboards The system will include: (a) A 22 kV switchboard which is comprising of the 22 kV Incoming feeder switchgears, Bus-coupler switchgear and the transformer feeder switchgears. (b) A no. of 22 kV/LV distribution transformers depending on the load requirement (Each transformer may have capacity ranging from 1000 KVA to 2000 kVA). (c) A 400V main-switchboard which include the incoming main circuit breakers (they are usually air circuit breakers) the bus-coupler breakers and a number of ACBs, or MCCBs for the outgoing circuits. 1.3 Protective system __... Overcurrent and earth fault relays of the Inverse Definite Mean Time Lay (IDMTL) type are usually required for protection of all incoming and outgoing feeders and transformers. Pilot wires differential protection relays (SOLKOR R Relays) provided on both end at PUB’s switchgear and consumer H.V. incomign switchgear to provide speedy detection of service cable fault. ‘CONSUMER'S HT SWI x. cae 400V MSB sate Dio ous x Lae ee ELIA / stAR DELIA / stAR, STEP DOWN, STEP DOWN {TRANSPORMER TRANSFORMER METERING CTs/PIs To PUB REQUIREMENTS CLASS 5P10 INTERLOCKED DELIA / stan STEP. DOWN {TRANSFORMER wok 3 z pat ee x 2K BUSEAR CUSTOMER'S HV MAIN_INCOMING ‘SWITCHBOARD 2 (O/C ~ OVERCURRENT RELAY TYPE IOMTL WITH 3/10 CHARACTERISTIC. E/F ~ EARTH FAULT RELAY TYPE IOMTL WITH 3/10 CHARACTERISTIC. P/W- PILOT WIRE PROTECTION RELAY A. = AMMETER CB ~ CIRCUIT BREAKER Tp CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIP CIRCUIT fi12 PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR CUSTOMER HV MAIN INCOMING SWITCHGEAR Bits dl cas se el, ares te major components of a building's electrical power system can therefore be arranged in 3 najor categories!~ ty PHS. scunet (a) 22,000 Vo! voltage switchboard which } ear ee (*) Zacaives slacteielty supply trom Public Uesiities 1 rae EACH FLOOR Bee | a7 suB-swrcvnoano 10 HRSSUEALE Bren (®) pisteinution transforaer which, steps dow fron SRR eure Pasehenaston, crametormes ohtched ee ucttization 7 SOA woitage’ de" See ats. I f (6) 400 voits main svitcnpoard (18) which receives i sept flan the Dessay tesnetorsee via busbar eee eer a, ne enta i a o (4) outgoing risers waicn pring electricity supply £9 rte Various toad centres such as = or \ J i © Distribution Board (08) at various floors Pot"Tlgutiog and Suall pousr for electrical t sBpulaatee” | ® Air-conditioning switchboard for condenser 1 = SESS a SSS, Staats | Soe oe etse : ay ii ltr un ha Reng © Lite Notor noon for fee nctor supply. : iil Seg wien iL SS ‘cov bette |— soy man sussan om ole Sie Mesh TRANSFORMERS AV CAGLE TERMINATION zi caste 1 ETMBUTON TRANSFORMER "ak swTEHBOARO DKV CABLE FROM PUB FIG. 1.3 - A BUILDING'S ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SHOWN PICTORTALLY (©) Protection Devices: 2. Mow VoLEAGE DISmIBUTION sYSTEKE | 4 Low Voltage Main Switchboard For incoming supply exceeding 300A per a pha: ‘External overcurrent relays. — The LY Hain Suitenboara j= the necting, point. of Bene” caultTelay are required wie re Ga" wien telboing cermineis wired fo ctr the shunt trip coil of the main circuit Ereaters: ‘of incoming and outgoing feeders. It is an assembly, i breakers, busbars, protective relays and instrumentation meters. (2) Incoming circuit Breaker 8) Air circuit breaker (ACB) is used normally (IST Sitchboard where total load capacity aay ‘exceed 800A per’ phage and at switchboard Anconing Feeders Ghere high prospective fault current is The electricity supply to the LV main expected.” Suitchboard can be taken directly from the | | supply authority or fron the consumer's For switchboard of lower current capacity,» eee see orssvigctonra ox lower current pene St es " eo ee a ee eg ke ea ocr selon toatl Peer | (a) sumains are installed to provide (>) Except in the cases of single-phase intake electricity to. sub-boards’ and or the maximin denand is low, it is always equipment. They include PVC cables. Gavisable to have two incoming cables to | : flcdbue cable. Nice’ cabless Fire? - _Eiprove on both the security and reliability | Fesistant cables, busducts, etc. ofthe supp: sc . (b) Electricity is also tapped-off at regular intervals to. supply OUTGOING CIRCUTT TOLOAD Gistribution boards (08). for. seal pa Ee ) power and Lightings at various floors. Le ope 11 ae (a) A busbar is the conductor constructed in the switchboard for distributing electricity from a supply source to mm of @ es : X—aiee KU cm era, muna sua of ger | prema phase, four-wire arrangement, 1 Br ona seen busbar should be marked red, yellow, blue and black for R, ¥, B phases and neutral. (>) Ba : are aust be designed to eanzy xa the two incoming circuit breakers and the Goneliious guarantee current us-soupler ae interlocked so thet omy to j capacity of She. copper,munbar can be of em can closed at any one time. } eS S et SES Git oes clones St ay one ie: j Stheleysenidn is Sppronanteny S004 avoid the flow of circulating current in wey ooor ea Sasa. the, too sotrese "are Hos pomiaet Retwork transformers ‘connected aletetiy ot Sndivectly at the peinory side, “hea him? oy oo eISoh = TRA BPD ea sronant mre wast dumgbng Sputor 6) wloaut S66 0.65 ies ea Fae x 08S: 668A vet a na + B24 wooon Be ue vont Ths “ . TAMe vy AS SAMAR SN Te, oh 70318 Seer ytye, We S¥bmmn® os 623 #1 bigger typ, be Seam 5 £08 We Soh ovr uun srzes rou aban Be auG5 eH jane sarspoup, smctow « orsrarmrton sano | fx ure | (ec) Busbars should also be certified to | Confirm that the design will withstand the system fault level, including the neutral busbar, which’ under certain Efpoumstances can be subjected to a fall short-circuit current, for at least the period of tine. ‘he busbars themselves should be physically spaced with respect to each Sther such “that the short-cirewit se ans & Me : 2 me Sate Ponte, “len exist’ during” fault j ry exkaltiond are nininiaeds dtm 35 ‘me abinity of the bustars to witnetana 140 es Bhs Aeehanlcai steeae during a fault ie Stgetdent “on ‘the serengen’ ‘of the 200k + on = Sepecet™™ the Spun ‘andthe spacing : 2 SIREN nelamstaving Nbasbare "in 6 Tasks ane Ereesphase Bus aysten. 7 30m as = : () Ap instrumentation panel with inatcator tot ets me Mantl"Goapiete with Fuses, vottaeter (wien z 7 Sections selector sviech), am amseter a se iam with tS poeitione sevector auiten). the SSeSte! refuteea's sot of ¢ Noe, of current wm naw UeeAforeefo the supply Capacity Se 200K, 3 piace orrabov i 00k at = 12 TODOR or 27 © * is, t2008 + tos tom tos 15. Ok gS we IT ae Neraably, lene kenaity Aor cepqee bude she fag fone te tbo For w als Mish weceiving any Uisv_ loro (WA Avawsfornaey : = lore xle” , Koh 7a Beals r j * Sour? Feehan © ET mH ™ hs Tea fo fle) | bbe gy BY meen FO on af : 2 1) fy FIG 2.2 Me [um ). A fo W)) vourMETER - RY B ICATING LIGHTS I~ my OUTGOING ) 2A & Y yokes i = yeh Gt % KWH Beli .at of cee be Pwileb. cr. hre| wy ow, « ' ; YN 4004 oe ' Ww pea s oy bar tae ip INDICATING LIGHTS INCOMING ) PUB INCOMING 400V_MAIN SWITCHBOARD WITH PROTECTIVE DEVICES PUB INCOMING SUPPLY cass se10 15VA 08 CTTER rowoeo 6¥ Pua eee LV MAIN INCOMING SWITCHBOARD FIG 2.3 PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR CUSTOMER'S LV MAIN ae ce ore Note: PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR CUSTOMER'S LV MAIN INCOMING SWITCHGEAR = Tocircuit breaker trip circuit = CIRCUIT-BREAKER WITH ADEQUATE BREAKING CAPACITY. Circuit breaker using shunt trip shall be provided with series wip (Direct acting tip) device that operates with no time lag under short-circuitcondition, or with HRC fuses in series. = Current transformer Class SPIO, 1SVA or better. ~~ IDMTL Relay with 3/10 characteristic or DTL relay. DTL Relay shall be set at 100% of approved load with a time lag of not more than 0.5 second. ~ Earth fault retay operating at primary fault current of 20% of approved load subject to ‘a maximum of 120 Amp with time lag of not more than 0.5 second, ‘The overall ohmic resistance of earthing system should not exceed one ohm, ‘Where there are miore than one incoming service, a 4-pole bus-section breaker shall be Provided and be mechanically interlocked against parallel operation of the incoming, services. INCOMING SWITCHGEAR i AOOAF) 4OOAF 4, 4 SOOAF 4 GO0AF! | o)eaear ‘ge ie oh sips etna | 1600ATP&N FAULT CAPACITY SOKA 3 SEC { 16004 EK X Tyo Te (Por tee law ) wotor >) INCOMING ‘SUPPLY Ss a SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM OF 1600A_LV SWITCHGEAR ASSEMBLY FIG.2.4 ARRANGEMENT OF BUSBARS & CIRCUIT [a 4X2// 63 X10 mm TINNED CU BUSBAR INCOMING 1 Fer civ bwerleg oprory U0 MBN Cphase) ie 4x 2778%10mm TINNED CU BUSBAR (HORIZONTAL? 1600A OKA 3SEC ‘800A 8004 TO 600AF/600AT GOOAF/600AT TP MCCB TP MCCB S>— 400AF/300AT TP MCCB ‘4OOAF/ 250AT TP MCB 4X 2/730 X10 mm TINNED CU BUSBAR ( VERT.) 4X2/30 X10 mm TINNED CU BUSBAR( VERT. SINGLE LINE BUSBAR ARRANGEMENT BREAKERS IN A 400V_MAIN SWITCHBOARD 700 mm 50 2.5mm rs Nos comm X00 oJ Era: ¢ soiemm : soon sono} sian —somm__4_ ssn i = Toa ye OP mNOHONNG, py a taal CALA | £fae eee) f ame | |S 5 o 0 © : BEES 4 | BREST donc 600A TPN. 600A TPN (EERE | o}] MAIN MCCB MAIN MCCB EE] El gay, SILL Hi A 150A I5QA1504 3} [OJ]! {1 |frs0a 1308 4 ae ‘off _ 25mm x63mm i eat ea FRONT VIEW FIG 2.5 : A TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF 400V_ MAIN SWITCHBOARD Fey 2.2 ‘Bmergency Switchboard (ESB) Essential loads which cannot tolerate interruption of electricity supply. shall be connected | to. "Buergency Svitchboarde". uch loads include risers/submains for energency Ugneinge, ilfts, sprinkler pumps, ete. he emergency switchboard -has two sources, of electricity supply: (4) Normaliy it receives electricity supply from the hain switchboard which takes it supply directly fron PUS or from the consumer's own transforners. (44) inthe event of failure, the sensing tailed in the normal Supply section the "starting of the standby Generator. As coon as the generator supply Voltage stabilized (1e approximately 8 to 10 secs After” the power failure), the motorised Cireuitries will start and automatically evitoh the ATS (Automatic Transfer switch) to. the generator supply incoming, the change over time {2"fess than 15 seconds. fhe io vp ota i TU 1% EMERGENCY T MAIN (emeb) two ampenen “Sou “CONTACTOR Loo) 1 $) 1 seer : wonmad sure ile be ORY G 2.6: ARRANGEMENT OF AUTO CHANGE-OVER MSB & ESB SELECTION OF LOW VOLTAGE SHITCHGEARS Lo VOLTAGE SHITCHBOARDS one important criterion for the classification of L.V switchboard ie the degree of segregation of its functional units. If a fault develops within a switchboard, the fault will move away from the power source along the "power connections until a restriction is reached. Hence segregation between units is essential if the fault on one circuit is to be restrained from spreading to other healthy circuits Four forms of segregation are classified in accordance with $5 293. LOW VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKERS Lv circuit breakers are characterised by its rated Voltage, rated Current, rated short Circuit Making and Breaking Current and rated Short Time Current (if applicable). Cireult breakers fall into three classes: 1. Air cizeutt Breaker (Acs) 2. Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MccB) 3. Miniature circuit Breaker (HCB) Besides the physical characteristics, the three classes of eiéeult breakers differs in their nominal current ratings and short-circuit handling capacities. Typical values are shown below Types Current Rating —short-cirewit Breaking capacity. ace 800 A - 6,300. A 30 KA - 150 KA wees, 35.A-1,250N 10 KA 70 KA cB SR 63K LSKA D9 RA : Short circuit Outgoing Busbars protective device Busbar unit Incoming cnr shot cxeuit } Terminal proecine | Somes 1 ‘Outgoing feriehat eee ons incomng —t_____\ aut Conductors connecting tne ‘Shon circuit busbars to the oulgoing circuits protective device FORM 1 Ouigoing units Busbars Short circum protective device Incoming unt (iwore Commvonw) FORM 3 Outgoing Shon circuit Buse Unil\"? Busbars protective device Incoming : circuit c ---t----f4 f } a Shon circuit | teh Temes Srotective ——t 1 Gevice Outgoing units ; rein — |_| ; tacoming tf unit Shon circuit Conductors connecting the : Protective devices busbars 10 the oulgoing circuits FORM 2 Shon circu Shon circuit Busbar protective device Gusbars protecive devices Incoming iF zie creel ier a sron cveur }E- ]11 0) PE protective —t | Ab Outgoing Sevice iy ir ‘units ! 1 i 1 H 1 ft 1 Incoming——L— _ a So pies Ay unt Outgoing unit Conductors connecting the Dusbars 10 the outgoing circuits. FORM 4 (ware sty - fw pepe aud note non FORMS OF SEGREGATION FOR LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHBOARD Seatac In accordance with IEC 157 and BS 4752, there are two categories of short-circuit performance : Category, Test sequence Condition after test Pl o-t- co Required © to perform reduced service P2 o-t-co-t-co Required to perform normal service ° a breaking operation CO : a making operation followed by-a breaking operation t a specified time interval : The user should understand the differing aspects and should stipulate clearly in any specification which category of performance is required. Basically, a Pl circuit breaker is required: to be inspected and possibly replaced after a short circuit operation. 2 MCCB (ivinedly ued us Ww ) . Standard MCCBs have instantaneous magnetic tripping time in the region of 0.025 seconds, this means'that, the unit will let through the full peak of the first cycle of the fault current. Hence, the risk of serious damage and fire cannot be ignored. A special type of MCCB, known as Current Limiting circuit breakers, restrict the peak current and let through energy, thereby reducing the risk of fire. Typical operating times for such breakers are less than 0.01 second. @ Current limiting circuit breakers are normally used in cascade arrangement to take advantage of substantial savings on equipment, enclosure and design by using lower rated devices downstream. t Breakers of re Selec When selecting L.V circuit breakers, one should note the following: 1. Thermal and. enclosed ratings 2. Frame size 3. Tripping characteristics ~ 4. Mounting positions (horizontal and vertical) fading > SA, 6A : 8 se (of IG WA Or/32A masimum permite cle W048? cana Pep ESS EE eimai ees 2 RE EE eae eee thermal stress limitation curves at 380/415 V ee Sireeinactereteee teensy a a current limitation curves at 280/615 V EXERCISE 2 ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION IN BUILDINGS Qi, The single-line diagram of an electrical main ‘Switehboard (MSB) is shown in Figs 1° aK se enor nazear BS O-@—So_| FH Son WCOMING No 2 pa sauwe eve re Fig. 1 MRET Be We Explain briefly the meanings of the following abbreviated descriptions and the function of each of ‘these components :~ a 1200 AF/1000 AT 4P ACB 50 kA (it) sr. (it) too0/sa cxs Pio crs proves he 10:3 209 be /founr np neg go kA ny sr cere ae shan hip cis, the Shout hip exit te 8 ealh whic Bale a vets sppty oben Hk Prketine “antag s gate je em 4 Gai ian arty OE neasase “iment He Hine fot tipaing “attaaline eo) aides fo pen petihien Cott demipe Ca ET ed ee ee ahi al Raper Honk tog niin Cine) been bins 6 famt ge ot Jawa hte oe ie rating mw teaey Py fawn oh Te fica hip. bess OpAN mote Pe D Phot out nauk wl Tee Pe anti Cancily oP a alata Gratin ey encany fo arte ian OE Tail gt Pea ph Ne cial Ga fan [rn cesdm ers Cpesifint Grn taal op fash he MS napep ae gine ote et path ee Th end he seat Pinel fasthsenant “tea Stee LCT eae ie ie a2. ‘The single-1ine diagram of an electrical main switchboard (Se) aiiown in Fig. 2 contains a number of errors. Eyplain briefly what are these errors and redraw the jingle-Line diagram to correct the errors. Fig. 2 Arswe fy ar Wyte ene faued Pe pea single IE diagent ace Ree OIitwrnty clan ep Pmclnn exh Pampers is mpeg fb sheet be clr stro S Pa eunat deoeprnts rae Bde me Hat Accoaty Glnmy op metus eve 1 reg, ie Shuai nos a ele fo, 3 Pee turds J CL Hx ol mek Fobicabel! 8) probe: Misa aden gutta ee het te Haale tpt rte Te aE tg Cp tenn it SNe pote gete bie, cue, fever Bag tae He mates Ct BH Title 15hbe Uirtriden with seecke swith sh be fetllest fn dean ete fle BOE ten cinuite oda) ES sete Cte wei ea Se Shunt be” DP Adverts yids Th sAudients edo ladagen, Tek ete sie ae tl A RAE @ 03. «rn the single Line diagran shown in Figure 3, what does the following vefer to: @ >) te io00A Ten ACB, 36 KA" written next to the symbol of the Chrewit breaker. cu Sp5 30 VA, 1000/SA" written next to the protection current transformers. a ct 1.0 15 VA, 1000/SA" written next to the netering Gaerent transformers. E CIRCUIT poet ; Z : he ‘INTRODUCTION (ie oui b owailordans pacton) ia over An overcurrent is a current greater than the rated current of a circuit. It may occur in two ways:- (a) As an overload current, or (b). As a short-circuit or fault current. These conditions need to be protected against in order to avoid damage to circuit conductors and equipment. In practice, fuses and circuit breakers are used to protect against overloading or short-circuit. 1.2 Qverload Current overload currents occur in circuits which have no faults but are carrying a higher current than the design value due to (a) overloaded machines (b) an error in the assessment of the’ loads in the circuit, or (c) under-design of the circuit conductors. I£ overload current is allowed to persist, it will result in an increase in conductor temperature. If the conductor becomes too hot the insulation of the cable or conductor may be deteriorated and eventually failed. 1.3 I it short circuit current is an overcurrent resulting from a fault of negligible impedance between ‘live’ conductors or between ‘live’ and earthed conductors. A short circuit may occur due to a direct contact or connection between (a) a ‘phase’ conductor to ‘neutral’ conductor, (b) a ‘phase’ conductor to ‘earth’ conductor or earthed metal frame, (c) a ‘phase’ to short circuit. phase’ short circuit or 3-phase Prospective short-circuit current is the tern usually lused to signify the possible value of snort-cirewit current at the point where the protective device such as fuse or circuit breaker is installed. aa Protection Against Overload and Short circuit It is often possible to use the sane device to protect, against overload and short circuit, but before doing so it is Recessary to determine the design current of the circuit and also to ascertain the prospective shore circuit current which is Likely to arise. FIG.13(a) Short circuit between ' Lye ‘and Neutral! Wire of a." Single-Phase * System Tt is used as an alternative to fuse as it can be easily reset and reclosed when the fault in the circuit is Slearea. Tt will trip on a small sustained overcurrent, but not on a harmless ‘transient overcurrent such as ewitehing surge (For example, on a fluorescent lamp circuit). Hen tips ; tothon er 01s0a Magnetic Core _-happchi J ZA Wognatic cot) te FIG.1.3(b) Short Circuit between 'Live' Wire and the 7" a Short Earthed Metal Frame of Equipment Red Fe Qn Cire: @le heat ffane | pene uae SHORT CIRCUIT ; ori can oe dow weber |) (BS 3871) FIG.13(C) A 2-Phase or 3 Phase Short Circuit on a 3 Phase Sytem [ooo A “¢ oud A Ce both 6A SMG {om A UIA stags oS Miniature circuit breakers (MCB) wAce | (Bs 3871) Cut-away section of a typical miniature circuit breaker. Under overload conditions a bi-metal blade operates the trip lever (A) which releases the contacts (B). Under short circuit conditions, the solenoid (C) is: energized which opens the contacts (B) rapidly by means of plunger (D). The arc which occurs between the parting contacts is moved magnetically along the arc runners (E) and is split up and extinguished by the arc splitter pack (F) 22 unctions_of me cirouit Breaker As circuit breaker is a protective device, its basic functions ar (a) 70 permit the electrical installations | or appliances it protects to be used up to its full rated current capacity. () To detect and to protect equipnent against dangerous conditions. (©) To perform the duties as local circuit control switches and fault-naking isolation switche: 23 Brinciples of Operation Miniature circuit bre sLlowing principles of operation:= (2) ‘tMhermal operation Thermal tripping uses a heat-sensitive bi-netal @lenent. ‘The heat produced by the sustained high “current warns the bi-netal strips, which Send eo trip the operating contacts. srs use one or both of the Bi~metalic strips, Contacts of the MCB FIG.23(a) Operation of Thermal element (b) Magnetic operation (Instantaneous Trip) Magnetic operation is due to the magnetic field set up by a coil carrying the fault current, which attracts an iron core to trip the breaker when the fault current becomes large enough, Contacts of the MCB FIG. 23(b) Magnetic Operation ‘Thermal operation is slow, so it is not suitable for the speedy disconnection required’ to clear ‘fault currente However, it is ideal for operation in the event of small but Prolonged overload current. Magnetic operation can be very fast and so it is used for breaking fault currents; in many cases, both thermal and magnetic operation are conbined to make the circuit breaker more Suitable for both overload and fault protection. ‘The nechanical operation of opening the contacts takes a definite minimum tine, typically 20 me, so there can never be the possibility of truly, instantaneous cperation. 3 ‘SELECTION OF MCB (BS 3872), ‘There are three important paraneters to consider when selecting an HC! the current rating, the instantaneous trip current + the short-circuit capacity. 322, Nominal current Rating (a) Te is the current for which the McB can carry Continuously without causing the McB to trip oF to deteriorate. (>) The nominal rating is easily identitiea as the nearest available current rating I, in amperes equal to, or more than, the design current I,. (c) Miniature circuit Breakers (McBs) are manufactured in fixed ratings ranging from 5A, 10A, 15A, 20A, 30A, 40A, SCA, SOA. Example 1: For a final circuit feeding six (6) twin sS-watt fluorescent Example a: Determine the appropriate current rating of MCB for a 3-phase, 400v, 50 Hz 4-5 kW Motor with an efficiency 85% and power factor Lightings, determine the appropriate current rating of the NCB. 4000, 80 ns 4.3 Ki Wotor with an efficiency 858 and Power eee Assuming power factor of 0.05 and efficiency of the fluorescent starter (0.0.04). err amp be 858, ee Total load for 6 twin ss-watt fluorescent seticiency Hgnts 26 02 asi = vas eos = uae 26x 2x ase x TL i 5.3 Ke nase es] = 6x2 x es therefore, Designed circuit Current I, = Ty, =p ___ Settee els . Taawop-F- = som ifned ciieate Geerainnta anes @ Taina 2300 s = 9.560 5. 2 20n. As the motor is started by D.O.L. starter, to allow for the vaecefore, monssge'ued Ghcseitsrta bla! Sank SSSLPEA, HW Sensheiaclng kee RSE ES ‘Therefore, a 10A MCB is selected. next available MCB current rating is t= 30a ‘Therefore, th Example 2: For a final circuit feeding a 230V, single-phase 3 kW innersion heater, determine the. appropriate current rating of the NCB. A 20, Triple-pole (TP) MCB is selected. Designed circuit current = 1, = 2000H = 134 ‘using Factor of HEC Fuse and MCB Fusing factor o! use = Minimun fusing current aretore, se the nearest avatLante HB e |e ntechee of he ese’ tate Poel ee current rating, f= 158 Fusing factor of McB = ‘Current Rating of NCB (a) ‘Te mininun fusing current or mininun tripping current of Zifuse or MCB is the current which will cause the fuse or | MCB to operate. | (b) The current rating of a fuse or a NCB is the current which {twill carry continuously without deteriorating. A lo-anp NCB which operates when. a 14.5 amp current. Gontinuously flowing in the circuit will’ have a fusing factor = 14a = 1-45 100 te 3.2 ‘ype No, (Related to Instantaneous Trip setting) Based on the British standards BS 2671, NCES are Classified into three types, namely Type 1, Type 2 ‘and Type 3 according to their instantaneous trip setting. Miniature Circuit Breaker types Will Nor trip will trip in 100 ms in 100 ne 7 Type = atcurrent at current Typical application a 27x t > 4x1, low inrush currents (donestic installations) 2 eax t > 7x1, general purpose use 2 U<7eq, %,>10%1, high inrush currents (notor circuits) where I, is the current rating of the MCB. ult current 4s more than 10 x I,. - Pees °. 6A 10a 15a, 204 250 32a boa 508 10,000 10 Time (s) 04 02 oa © e™ 02 001 Ve Par pepeeerer a, 100 1000 v ob Prospective current, r.m.s. (A) ‘TIME /CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS FOR SOME MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS TYPE GA Tye | UR © a ain Gurrek ‘wiring Swe - Th Wee the a tte ee Ga BEING peo ste. BG New Jyh NF 38 3 £555 0.06 oz oor ’ 2 6 6 wo 100 08 Prospective current, r.m.s. (A) TIME /CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS FOR SOME MINIATURE CIRCUIT (cur 44444884 S$ SeRxesss 10, 000 4000 2000! 400 200 o 20 Timets) 40 20 10 04 02 on 0.06 0.02 0.01 1 2 # 6 Wm 0020000 Prospective current, r.m.s. (A) TIME/ CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS FOR SOME MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS TYPE 3. . 5 TABLE 3.2 SELECTING AN. MCB -TYPE1,2,3 OR 4 ? SELECTING AN Mtb Four Magnetic tripping levels are defined in BS3671 ‘and . the following bands apply TYPE 1 > 2,7 In and < 4 In- TYPE 2 > 4 In and < on TYPE 3 > 7 In and < 10 In TYPE 4 > 10 In and < 50 In Where In = rated current of the MCB For example, a type 3 MCB must start to trip magnetically ‘at a current between seven and ten times its rated current Prospective current, r.m.s. (A) TIME / CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS FOR SOME MINIATURE CIRCUIT For a 10AMCB, In= 10A Magnetic trip setting of a 10008 FIG. 3.2_ TYPE No. OF MCB & MAGNETIC TRIP SETTING TYPE 1 (Az4) 10AX 4 = 40A (4X IN) TYPE 2( Az7 10AX7= 70A(7XIn) TYPE3 (A=1010AX10 = 100A(10XIn) (or instantaneous operation of 0.1sec) (respective Short eireut current) 3.3 Short circuit capacity ‘the MCB must be able to withstand the prospective short cireuit current at the point of installation without causing any Ganege, its shore cireuit capacity, narked on the device (as Ml, Ma, WG, M0, Me, M9) most not be less than the m2, 1B, Me Prospective fault current. Short circuit capacity of MCB (BS 3871). category of short circuit a 0008 Hs 15008 M2 ‘2000 et 30008 Me ‘400A xs 50008 ome 000A a8 ‘S000, TENN JO SWUSL SHI NI SYBNWSYE LINDUID JO NOWVOISINSO! (qve€ Old ‘S310d 30 &: avainan avy snod-unoa -vwainawanvsvog-sraiul—_ayod-aton_—_sNoU-TreNOG STO FIONS_F10d- STONE e-E- e- €-G-E-( GE &¢ ‘ dy N8d1 dL da Neds dS @ uv as ang gag 2x z ann ov an 37 valvaH aavm, Osis vet ovsis vet € oNHONT ZONHON 1 onHoN Hava st + and pn suxz nav aus? + and uMs'2x2 Te: | ‘Soma SENSITIVITY soa Deena » £08, OP MCB TYPE2 M6 R | a FIG. 3.3 (a) A TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOARD ( DB) USING MCBs AS PROTECTIVE DEVICES a 34 Motor Starting current 3.4.1 Motor loads presant the most complex type of in-rush Carsent. Pig. 3.4 shows that there are two stages of the in-rush (2) an initial peak in-rush current of up to 15 tines x Fic lasting for less than two main cycles (0.04 sec.)+ (>) ‘Te second stage where the motor starting current decays to about € tines of FIC. fb svenns seeoes 20ms & S0H2 FIG 3.4 MOTOR INRUSH CURRENT ‘Te first stage of incrush current is due to initi surge of current into a stationary motor sts nell the surge of current! ineo\a ‘stationary motor which laste until he The second stage of starting current laste whi hotobie ng current lasts vnile the eter, spend piltde dp. "tn. practice, this second stage ot Starting ‘current is ‘not constant as ‘show but ts genes assuned eo be so since It simplifies the probien and assunes the as 3.4.2 Amount of Starting Current Motor manufacturers are sometimes unable to provide data of actual atarting currents for their products. As a guide, the following categories can be used:- category 1: 6 x FEC, 5 seconds for Direct online starting (DOL) Applies to motors started with no-load of a very Light load. category 2: 6 x FLC, 15 seconds for Direct on-line starting (DOL) Applies to motors with the load connected. 3.5 x FLC, 20 seconds category 3: Assisted start. Assumes that the changeover does not cause @ Significant in-rush. As ‘the motor starting current can last for a much donger period of tine (up to 20 seconds) than other types of oad, this means that the overload, region of the Hcb can be atrected. ‘Therefore, for notor protection using MCB, both the type number and overload characteristics must be considered. Motor running About B-15Sec \ Motor starting and Jacceleratingl to rated spec 0.04 Sec 0.02 Sec |—___. ee ere, ! = ——— 1 (Current ) . \ YY Guapral peak dant wry day mathe Aut rate eres ane Initial peak motor starting current . curren FIG 3.4.1 CHARACTERISTIC OF MOTOR STARTING CURRENT WITH RESPECT TO TIME f @) 17 Example 1 (a) (b) (c) For a type 2 MCB rated current I, what is the tolerance or allowance for instantaneous trip of the MCB? For a 30A type 2 MCB, at what current level will the instantaneous trip element definitely not trip? For a 30A type 2 MCB, at what current level will the instantaneous trip element definitely trip? w sample 1 (a) For a type 2 MCB rated current I, what is the tolerance or Ellowanée for instantaneous trip of the MCB? (b) For a 20A type 2 MCB, at what current level will the Instantaneous trip element definitely not trip? (c) Fora 0A type 2 McB, at what current level will the instantaneous ‘trip elenent definitely trip? solution (2) The band of tolerance and allovance for instantaneous trip for type 2 NCB is between 4 Z, and 7 Iq, if current is less than 4 x T,, MCB definitely ‘ip on magnetic trip and if current ie nore than 7 x T,, MCB will definitely trip on magnetic trip and for current between 4 I, and 7 I,, the magnetic trip Glenent say or may not trip. (This is the range of tolerance given to the manufacturer because the magnetic trip element cannot be made to trip exactly at 7 I,). ‘The lower limit of current which will definitely not trip @) the magnetic trip of 30A type 2 MCB is = 4x I, = 4 x 30 = 20a. (c) The amount of current which will definitely trip the Instantaneous trip of 30A type 2 MCB = 7x I, = 7 x 30 = 20a. ae Example 2 7.5 hip. (5.5 KA) 3-phase motor has an efficiency of 87%. The notor is started by B.-L. starter and started with mechanical Toad. “Assuming that che initial starting current has its peak value ot IS 1Fe for 0n04 sec and then decay £0 about 6 iq for (4). the current rating of the Hci (id) whether type 2 of type 3 McB is to be used. \upe ayo >You sme dectnl fore a woe WE 1S “AS a sc5 ps NE ws ortd ae Example 2 of 978. the 7.5 hep. (5.5 KW) 3-phase motor has an efficienc’ motor is Started by D.O.L. starter and started vith mechanical {oad. “Assuming that the initial startii B value at 15% Ij, for 0.08 sec and then decay to about YSieecs. Determine (4) the current rating of the NCB: (i) whether eype 2 or type 3 MCB is to be used. solution ‘To determine the current rating of cB (consider the thermal w@ trip element). LHP. = 7460 Tne = 2.5 x 7468 BEE. x (V3 x 400% Pf.) oe a a7 w (1.733 % 400 0-85) = 10.94, i therefore, second stage of the starting current = 6 x Ine = 6 x 10.9A = 65,44 for 15 secs. Plot this point on the time/current characteristic of @ type 2 MCB. As observed from the graph, this point is too close to the thermal characteristic of @ 20A MCB but quite below the curve for the 30A MCB. ‘therefore, a 30A MCB seens to be satisfactory. (ii) Determine the type No. (consider the magnetic trip setting) ype 2 MCB definitely will not trip if current is smaller than 4x1, = 4x 30A = 1208 ‘type 3 McB definitely will not trip if current is smaller than 7 x I, = 7 x 30A = 210A Since initial peak current = 15 x Ine. 15 x 10-58 = 163.54 ‘Therefore, A type 3, 30A MCB is recommended. as (411) conclusion: Xt is noted that the MCB current rating (20A) is very much higher than the full load current (FLC) of the motor, the Cifcult breaker (MCB) therefore cannot provide effective Sverload protection for the motor. Overload protection Gust be Provided by the overload relays in the motor controller (starter) = (b) Type 3 Moa is selected so that the initial transient peak Ckbrent will not cause the nagnetic trip to trip- @ Characteristic of 30A MCB ( TYPE 2) 10" 10° 10 ‘ai 2 £ = 10° 10" 1.04 Sec. ——| 1.02 Sec a t 0° 10" 10? 0 Motor starting current Prospective current» FB times amperes FIG.3.3(b) Time /current characteristic of type 2 MCB & the motor starting current in example 2 0 O 21 3.4 New standards for MCB - BS EN 60898 In July 1994, BS 3871 specifications for MCB ceased to exist. It is replaced by the New Standards BS EN 60898. Though products certified as complying with the old British Standards (BS 3871) may continue to be produced until ist July 1999, the Old Standards BS 3871 had been withdrawn. The Main Differey et wee! 1 The main difference is the way the New Standards specify ” instantaneous tripping (magnetic trip) characteristics. The former types 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been replaced by Types B, C and D. The equivalents are as follows:~- Table 1: Type Comparisons L BS (3871) BS EN 60898 Magnetic Trip Setting Magnetic Trip Setting Type 1 2.7 I, to 4.0 1, | Type B 3.0 I, to 5.0 I, Type 2 4.0 I, to 7.01, | Type c 5.0 I, to 10.0 I, Type 3 7.0.I, to 10 I, Type D 10 I, to 20-1, Type 4 10.1, to 50 I, - - I,: Current Rating of MCB (b) Another change is the marking of rated short circuit capacity on MCB. The ‘M’ numbers no longer used, the actual short circuit capacity is marked in terms of short circuit current in amperes, as shown in Table 2:~ 22 (c) mere is also a new classification systen for discrimination divided into two categories !~ category A: Category A circuit breakers are not intended for discrimination with devices on the load side category B: category B circuit breakers are specifically intended for selectivity with load~side Gevices and normally incorporates a tine delay feature. TABLE 3.4 SELECTING AN MCB -TYPE B,C OR D Three Magnetic Tripping Levels are defined in BS EN 60898 and the following bands apply. Type B > 3 In and <€ 5 In Type C > 5 Inand < 10 In Type D > 10 Inand < 201n Where In = rated current of the MCB For example ; a type c MCB must start to trip magnetically at a current between 5 and 10 time its rated current . Time MCB Types B,Cand D MCB Types 1,2,3 and 4 (to BS 3871) (to BS EN60898) E 27 4 7 10 50 3 5 10 20 Multiples of nominal rated current, In Multiples of nominal rated current, In FIG. 3.4 : COMPARISON OF MAGNETIC TRIP CHARACTERISTIC OF MCBs SPECIFIED UNDER BS 3871 (OLD STANDARD) AND BS EN 60898 ( NEW STANDARD ) Tutorial 5b Ql. For the following Type 2 MCB, determine how soon will it trip for a current of 50A flowing in the circuit. 5A type 2 MCB 40K type 2 MCB 20A type 2 MCB 30A ‘type 2 MCB Q2. For the following MCB, determine the current level that definitely will not trip the MCB and the current level that will definitely trip the MCB. 20A type 2 MCB 20A type 3 MCB 15A type 2 MCB 15A type 3 MCB SOA type 2 MCB - 50A type 3 MCB 03. A 10 H.P. 34 400V motor has an efficiency A = 81%. The motor is started by D.0.L. starter. Assuming that the starting current has its peak value at 10 x Igy for 0.04 sec and then decay to about 6 x Ipc for 15 secs. Determine the rating and type No. of the 3-phase TPN MC3- 04. A 1.5 kW single-phase 230V motor, efficiency = 90%, started by D.O.L. starter. Starting current characteristic as follows: Initial peak 11 x Ipp¢ for 0.04 sec. After the initial peak, starting current = 6 x Ipye for 5 sec (i.e. initially start . without mechanical load) petermine the rating and type No. of the DP (double poles) MCB| Q5. Explain the meaning of the following types of MCB and draw its electrical symbols. (i) SPN (ii) DP (iti) TREN (iv) 4P A ho 15 20 0 60, 10" i 1 10) prospective current, .m.s. amperes, gost $49 Fi 14 Talore shat ry? nat eben 3071 0A 504, ctigiag e961? § 29 10° 10° amperes. 10 prospective current,tm.s, i18 Thnaeurt sno r9p4 3 mae ce broker to 8 3879 10,000 Time(s) 6A 10A 154, 204A 125A 324, 10a 50A 4000 2000 1000 400 200 100 40 20 10 4.0 2.0 1.0 04 0.2 O14 0.04 0.02 0.01 1 2 & 6 10 100 1000 Prospective current, r.m.s. (A) TIME/CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS FOR SOME MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS TYPE 2 10” 10° prospective current, r.m.s. amperes MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER (MCCB) 1. INTRODUCTION A moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) is a low voltage switching and automatic protective device assembled in a moulded plastic housing. The nature of the sealed enclousre makes it a non-maintainable device. Since inspection of contacts cannot be made, replacement is recommended after breaking high fault current. MOLDED (FRAME ) OPERATING MECHANISM LOAD y : TERMINAL ARC EXTINGUISHERS CONNECTORS CONTACTS TRIP BAR MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER ( MCCB ) CUTAWAY VIEW OF A LOW=VOLTAGE , MOLDED - CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER 0 ele FIGN0 toa eS EEE {oor - [ew0A bop — 3A * Aha to nbot Soll Per ee ee LINE SIDE SWITCHING MECHANISM EXTINGUISHING DEVICE CONTACT BASE HANDLE (ON, OFF, TRIP) TRIPPING DEVKE | | TEST TRIP BUTTON LOAD SIDE FIG. 1: CUTAWAY VIEW OF A MCCB fined as low voltage air-break sed for installation which ff 900A or 9 KA) and for ing (100A or more). MccBs are basically de: circuit breakers. MCCBs are normally u: have higher fault level (in excess 0} protecting circuit of higher current rat in ratings from 100A to about MccBs are available , ‘the type of trip units 2500A. ‘They are broadly classified by fitted:- (a) at the lower end of the range, MCCBs usually have fixed (non-adjustable) thermal trip element and magnetic trip element. (b) on breakers above 225A rating, thermal magnetic trip units are generally interchangeable within any given breaker frame size. In such cases, the magnetic trip settings are adjustable. 2. ‘THERMAL-MAGNETIC TRIP UNITS The standard molded-case circuit breaker has a thermal- magnetic trip unit with detection elements connected in series with each pole, as shown in Fig. 2. The thermal action provides inverse time-delayed tripping on overloads, and the magnetic action provides instantaneous tripping on short cirucits. SOURCE Mae leas ELEMENT ---- e221 (B1—- METALIC ) MAGNETIC ELEMENT | CINSTANTANEOUS TRIP COIL) LOAD FIG. 2, BREAKER WITH SERIES TRIPS (EACH SERIES TRIP CONSIST OF A THERMAL ELEMENT AND A MAGNETIC ELEMENT ) 2.2 Thermal Tripping The thermal tripping achieved through the use of a bimetal element that is heated directly by the passage of the circuit current, as shown in Fig. 2.1. The bimetal element has two bonded strips of metal with different rates of thermal expansion. The heat from an overload current causes the element to bend, the rate being dependent on the amount of current. Ultimately, the element deflects far enough to physically push the trip bar and unlatch the breaker contacts. ——TRIP BAR LATCH CONTACTS = 0 INVERSE — BIMETAL ELEMENT oun TIME~CURRENT i RESPONSE 2 -- TRIP BAR a "= LATCH oo -—CONTACTS ——_—_ 135% 500% BIMETAL ELEMENT CURRENT IN PERCENT OF BREAKER TRIP RATING Fig. 2.1 - Thermal Action Fig. 2.1 shows a typical inverse time-current response curve indicating that, with an overload current of 135%, the tripping time is on the order of 30 minutes (1800 seconds), whereas with a current of 500% the time is down to 10 seconds. The thermal elements are calibrated in the factory and are not adjustable after the breaker has been assembled. A specific thermal element must be supplied for each trip rating. CONTACTS = BIMETAL ELEMENT TRIP BAR LATCH -—CONTACTS. ty ee BIMETAL ELEMENT 58 TIME Sec 135% 500% CURRENT IN PERCENT OF BREAKER TRIP RATING FIG. 2. 1 THERMAL ACTION INVERSE TIME-CURRENT RESPONSE (7 MAGNETIC COIL TRIP BAR 4 LATCH BIMETAL— Corer ELEMENT MAGNETIC COIL BIMETAL a ELEMENT TRIP BAR wa -— CONTACTS OPEN LATCH a 60 2 MAGNETIC ELEMENT isrs8 OVERRIDES a ns BIMETAL ELEMENT 2 ~ 2 0.016 250% 4000% CURRENT IN PERCENT OF BREAKER TRIP RATING 2.3 COMBINED THERMAL MAGNETIC ACTION For example, a 250% overload current takes 60 seconds to deflect the bimetal element far enough to trip the breaker. On the other hand, a short-circuit current of 4000 (40 times the breaker trip rating) attracts the magnetic armature and trips the breaker instantaneously (0.016 second).

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