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Manzoor Ahmed

28 October 2009

Workplace mentor review - performance objectives sign-off

Performance Objective 5- Communicate effectively

Describe situations where you have effectively demonstrated each of the forms
of communication mentioned

During the audit I needed to communicate to the different level of staff at the
client office, I always try to communicate effectively as I was representing my
firm, and So I always try to communicate in a professional way.

What did you do to help communicate effectively?

I always try to adopt the suitable method to communicate whenever I feel any
difficulty my senior was always there to help me.

How have your communication skills helped you to improve your performance

Yes my communication skills have helped me in my job as well as my routine

life, it helped me at other clients.

Workplace mentor
Job title:
Professional qualifications:
Email address:
Phone number:

I confirm that this performance objective has been reviewed and signed off as
achieved by the trainee above.

Signature Date:
Countersigning training supervisor
Job title:
Professional qualifications:
Email address:
Phone number:

I confirm that this performance objective has been reviewed and signed off as
achieved by the trainee above.

Signature Date:

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