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P.O BOX 229 – 50241, Tel: 0718120187 EMAIL:



DATE OF NOTICE…………01/06/2021
CLOSING DATE…………….15/06/2021
AT 10.00AM

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The College invites sealed tenders and prequalification from eligible and competent bidders for
the Financial Year 2021/2022 in the following categories:-
LDTTC/01/2021/2022 Supply and Delivery of food stuffs and bakery ingredients Reserved
e.g. sugar, rice, cooking fat, salt ,baking flour, yeast, etc.
LDTTC/02/2021/2022 Supply and delivery of fresh milk Reserved
LDTTC/03/2021/2022 Supply and delivery of fresh (sukumawiki /cabbages, Open
LDTTC/04/202 Supply and delivery of fruits(bananas)/onions and Reserved
1/2022 tomatoes
LDTTC/05/2021/2022 Supply and delivery of human drugs Reserved
LDTTC/06/2021/2022 Supply and delivery of fresh beef Open
LDTTC/07/2021/2022 Supply and delivery of chicken and eggs Open
LDTTC/08/2021/2022 Supply and delivery of dry firewood and charcoal Reserved
LDTTC/9/2021/2022 Supply and delivery of general office stationery Reserved
LDTTC/10/2021/2022 Supply, delivery, servicing, refilling of firefighting Open
LDTTC/11/2021/2022 Supply and delivery of office machines and machine Reserved
accessories (e.g. computers, cartridge etc.)
LDTTC/12/2021/2022 Provision of maize milling services Reserved
LDTTC/13/2021/2022 Provision of security services Open
LDTTC/14/2021/2022 Provision of fumigation services Reserved
LDTTC/15/2021/2022 Provision of toilet emptying services Reserved
LDTTC/16/2021/2022 Provision for repair and maintenance of office machines Reserved
LDTTC/17/2021/2022 Provision of comprehensive insurance cover for college Open
LDTTC/18/2021/2022 Supply and delivery of cleaning materials (detergents, Reserved
disinfectants, moppers etc.)
LDTTC/19/2021/2022 Supply and delivery of beans Reserved
LDTTC/20/2021/2022 Supply and delivery of maize Open
LDTTC/21/2021/2022 Prequalification for supply and delivery of hardware Open
,plumbing and building materials
LDTTC/22/2021/2022 Prequalification for supply and delivery of electrical Open
LDTTC/23/2021/2022 Prequalification for supply and delivery of text books Open
LDTTC/24/2021/2022 Prequalification for supply and delivery of games uniform Reserved
,equipment, workers uniform, drama/music costumes
LDTTC/25/2021/2022 Prequalification for printing services Reserved

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LDTTC/26/2021/2022 Provision of electrical repairs and maintenance Open
LDTTC/27/2021/2022 Prequalification for repair of furniture (beds, lecture Open
chairs, staff desk, etc.)
LDTTC/28/2021/2022 Prequalification for repair and maintenance of energy Open
saving jikos
LDTTC/29/2021/2022 Prequalification for supply and delivery of utensils Open
LDTTC/30/2021/2022 Prequalification for supply and delivery of general Open
furniture (plastic chairs, staff desk, staff chairs, metallic
LDTTC/31/2021/2022 Provision of small works and general repairs Open
LDTTC/32/2021/2022 Provision of college vehicle servicing and repair Open
LDTTC/33/2021/2022 Prequalification for supply and delivery of motor fuel, Open
lubricants &oils
LDTTC/34/2021/2022 Prequalification for supply and delivery of science and Open
Agriculture equipment and reagents.
LDTTC Prequalification for building and construction works Open
LDTTC/36/2021/2022 Prequalification for supply and delivery of college vehicle Open
Reserved means only Women, Youth, and persons with disability registered by National
Treasury are eligible to apply. Open means any bidder may apply.

Tender documents (category A) can be obtained by interested candidates from the accounts office
at Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College upon payment of non-refundable fee of Ksh. 1000.
Prequalification document may be downloaded from the College website by
interested bidders free of charge or be obtained by interested candidates from the accounts office
at Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College free of charge. Bidders who choose to download
must register with the procurement office or notify us using the college email giving the following
details, name of tender, tendering firm, address, telephone number before closing date. Prices
quoted should be net inclusive of all the taxes and deliveries and be expressed in Kenya Shillings.
Duly completed registration documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with Tender
Number and Tender Name should be deposited in the tender box located at the entrance of the
College Administration block addressed to.
Secretary B.O.M/Chief Principal
Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College
Email: Telephone: 0718120187
To be received on or before 15/06/2021 at 10.00am. Tender Opening will be done on the same
day immediately after closing the tender box. Tenderers or witnesses are free to attend. Late bids
will not be accepted.

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This Tender Document has been prepared for use by interested Tenderers for Lugari Diploma
Teachers Training College.
Information contained in the invitation to Tender shall conform to the data and information in the
tender documents to enable potential tenderers to decide whether or not to participate and shall
indicate any important requirements.
The invitation to Tender shall be issued as an advertisement in accordance with the regulations.

Instructions to tenderers
Eligible Tenderers
This invitation for tenderers is open to all Tenderers eligible as described in the invitation to
The procurement entity’s employees, committee members, Board members and their relatives
are not eligible to participate in the tender.
Tenderers shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices.
Eligible Goods
All goods to be supplied under the contract shall have their origin in eligible source countries.
“Origin” means the place where the goods are mined, grown, or produced when, through
manufacturing, processing or substantial and major assembly of components, a commercially-
recognized product results that is substantially different in basic characteristics or in purposes of
utility from its components.
Cost of Tendering
The Tenderer shall bear all the costs associated with the preparation and submission of its tender,
and the procuring entity, will in no case be responsible for those costs, regardless of the outcome
of the tendering process.
Tender Prices
The tenderer shall indicate on the appropriate price schedule the unit prices of goods and services
it proposes to supply under the contract.
Prices indicated on the price schedule shall include all costs including taxes, insurances and
delivery to the premises of the college.
Tender Currencies
Prices shall be quoted in Kenya Shillings.

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Opening of Tenders
The procuring entity will open all tenders in the presence of tenderers representatives who
choose to attend at 10.00am on 15/06/2021 in the college compound.
The tenderers representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance.
The tenderer’s names, tender prices, discounts and other details as the procuring entity, at its
discretion, may consider appropriate, will be announced at the opening.
Procuring entity will prepare minutes of the tender opening.
Preliminary Examination and Responsiveness
The procurement entity will examine the tenders to determine whether they are complete and the
documents have been properly signed and whether the documents are generally in order.
Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders
The Ad hoc evaluation committee shall evaluate tenders within 30 days of the validity period
from the date of opening the tender.
Attender who gives false information in the tender document about its qualification or who
refuses to enter into a contract after notification of award shall be considered for debarment from
participating in future procurement.
Contacting the Procurement Entity
No tenderer shall contact the procuring entity on any matter relating to its tender from the time of
tender opening to the time the contract is awarded.
Any effort by the tenderer to influence the procuring entity in its decisions on tender evaluation,
tender comparison, on contract award may result in rejection of the tenderer’s tender.
Award Criteria
The procuring entity will award the contract to the successful tenderer whose tender has been
determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined to be the lowest evaluated
tender, provide that the tenderer is determined to be qualified to perform the contract
Procurement entity’s right to accept or reject any or all tenders
The procurement entity reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, and to annul the
tendering process and reject all tenders at any time prior to contract award, without thereby
incurring any liability to the affected tenderer or tender’s or any obligation to inform the affected
tenderers of the grounds the procuring entity’s action.
Notification of Award

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Prior to the expiration of the period of tender validity, the procuring entity will notify the
successful tenderer in writing that its tender has been accepted.
Subsequently, all the unsuccessful tenderers will be notified that their tenderers were not
successful giving reasons there unto.

Signing of the Contract

The contract shall be signed between the procuring entity and the successful tenderer within 30
days from the date of notification and not early than 14days from the date of notification.

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Mandatory Requirements (MR)
The following requirements must be met by the tenderer
MR1 Must submit a copy of Business Certificate
/Incorporation(where applicable)
MR2 Must submit a copy of valid Tax Compliance
MR3 Must fill the price schedule in the format provided
for open tenders
MR4 Must submit a duly filled up Confidential
Business Questionnaire in the format provided
(signed and rubber stamped)
MR5 Must dully fill the form of tender in the format
provided(signed and rubber stamped)
MR6 Must submit Pin Certificate
MR7 Must submit identification card /Kenyan passport
(where applicable)
MR8 Other relevant documents to the tender
MR9 NCA Number for building works
MR10 Financial capacity(bank statements for the last 3
MR11 Audited financial report for the last financial year.

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Notes on the sample Forms

1. Form of Tender – the form of tender must be completed by the tenderer and submitted with
the tender documents. It must also be duly signed by authorized representatives of the tenderer.


Tender No………………….
(Name and address of procuring entity)
Gentlemen and/or ladies:
1. Having examined the tender documents
. The receipts of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, undersigned, offer to supply deliver,
install and commission (……………………………………………………..(insert equipment
description) in conformity with the said tender documents for the sum of
……………………………………………(total tender amount in words and figures) or such
other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the Schedule of Prices attached and made
part of this Tender.
2. We undertake, if or Tender is accepted, to deliver install and commission the equipment
in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the Schedule of Requirements.

3. We agree to abide by this tender for a period of…………..(number) days from the date
fixed for tender opening of the Instructions to tenderer, and it shall remain binding upon us
and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.
4. This tender, together with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of award
shall constitute a contract, between us. Subject to signing of the Contract by the parties.
5. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may

Dated this……………………………………… of……………20………….........

………………………………………………… …………………………………….
(Signature) (In the capacity of)
Duly authorized to sign tender for an on behalf of…………………………………………

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You are requested to give the particulars indicated in part1 and either part 2 (a), 2(c) whichever
applied to your type of business. You are advised that it is a serious offence to give false
information on this form.

Part 1. General
Business Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Location of business premises……………………………….plot No……………street/Road………….

Postal Address………………………………..Tel. No………………………………..Email…………………….

Nature of Business……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Registration Certificate No…………………………………………………………………………………………..

Maximum Value of business which you can handle at any one time Kshs…………………………

Name of your bankers………………………………………..Branch……………………………………………..

Part 2(a) Sole proprietor
Your name in full…………………………………………………..Age………
Nationality………………………………… of origin……………….
Citizenship details…………………………………………………………….

Part 2(b) Partnership

Give details if partners as follows:
Name Nationality Citizenship Details Shares
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Part 2(c) Registered Company
Private or Public
State the nominal and issued capital of company-
Nominal Kshs………………………………………………….
Issued Kshs……………………………………………………
Given details of all directors as follows
Name Nationality Citizenship Details Shares
1. …………………………………………………………………………………….
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
3. …………………………………………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………………………….signature of Candidate …………………………..

If a Kenyan Citizen, indicate under “Citizenship Details “whether by Birth, Naturalization or


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Please fill in block letters

1. Full name of the tenderer…………………………………………………………

Full address of the tenderer to which tender correspondence is to be send(unless agent has
appointed below)…………………………………………………….Telephone number of
Name of tenderer’s representative to be conducted on matters of the tender during the
tender period………………………… Tel:....................................................

2. Details of tenderers’ or nominated agent (if any) to receive tender notices. This is
essential if the tenderer does not have his registered address in Kenya (Name, address,


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Indicate the details of organizations in the Private/Public Sector where you have undertaken /are
undertaking services of similar works if any.

No. Contact Information Details

1 Name of company
Name of contact person
Telephone number
e-mail address
Contract amount(kshs/month)
2. Name of company
Name of contact person
Telephone number
Email address
Contract amount(kshs/month)
3. Name of company
Name of contact person
Telephone number
Email address
Contract amount(kshs/month)
4. Name of company
Name of contact person
Telephone number
Email address
Contract amount(kshs/month)
5. Name of company
Name of contact person
Email address
Telephone number
Contract amount(kshs/month)

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THIS AGREEMENT made the ………………day………………….of
20………..Between…………………………… (name of procurement entity)
of……………………………………………..(country of procurement entity) (hereinafter called
“the procuring entity) of the one part and…………………………………..(name of tenderer”) of
………………………………………(city and country of tenderer) hereinafter called” the
tenderer” ) of the other part:

WHEREAS the Procuring entity invited tenders for certain goods) and has accepted tender by
the tenderer for the supply of those good in the sum
of………………………………………(Contract Price in words and figures) Herein called “the
Contract Price)


1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to:
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement visa:
a) The Tenderer Form and the Price Schedule submitted by the tenderer
b) The Schedule of Requirement
c) The Technical Conditions of Contract
d) The General Conditions of Contract
e) The Special Conditions of Contract; and
f) The procuring entity’s Notification of Award.
3. In consideration of the payment to be made by the procuring entity to the tender as
hereinafter mentioned, the tender hereby covenants with the procuring entity to provide
the goods and to remedy defects therein in all respects with the provisions of the
4. The Procuring entity hereby covenants to pay the tenderer in consideration of the
provisions of the goods and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract price or such
other sum as may become payable under the provision of the contract at the tikes and in
the manner prescribed by the contract. INWITNESS whereof the parties hereto have
caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with their respective laws the day
and year first above written.

Signed, sealed, delivered by…………………………..the ………………………(for the

Procuring entity)
Signed, sealed delivered by…………………………..the ……………………….(for the
tenderer in the presence of…………………………………………………………..
(Amend accordingly if provided by Insurance Company)

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Address of Procuring Entity






RE: TENDER NO. …………………………….

Tender Name …………………………………………

This is to notify that the contract/s stated below under the above mentioned tender have been
awarded to you.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter of notification signifying your acceptance.

1. The contract/contracts shall be signed by the parties within 30 days of the date of this
letter but not earlier than 14 days from the date of the letter.
2. You may contact the officer(s) whose particulars appear below on the subject matter of
this letter of notification of award.



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