Lesson 2 & 3

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NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: ___________ SCORE: ________


Direction. Read the following statements and answer/explain.

1. Why is there a need to consider the simplicity and appropriateness of language in

creative writing?

The simplicity of good writing is one of its secrets. Even the most complex message
may be communicated with just a few short, well-chosen words. Additionally, a larger
audience will be able to understand your writing and find it more enjoyable to read.
For both the writer and the reader, simple language is easier to understand. Simple
structures reduce complexity and misunderstanding. Use the simplest way possible
when it seems tough to begin or continue a piece of writing. Start by stating the main
idea you wish to convey in your essay.

2. What does “show don’t tell” mean in creative writing?

A creative writing strategy known as "show, don't tell" enables the reader to feel the
story through actions, senses, and other vivid aspects.
In other words, "show, don't tell" urges authors to draw readers into the narrative rather
than just summarizing what is happening. The maxim "Show, don't tell" is one of the
most straightforward and effective writing advice. In other words, it promotes authors to
share experiences with readers as opposed to only imparting knowledge.

WORKSHEET 1.3. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

The poet Maya Angelou depicts oppression and the dread of freedom in her thought-
provoking work "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" by contrasting the birds. The vivid
descriptions of the carefree bird lend credence to this. To highlight the differences between the
two birds, Angelou makes use of strong verbs. The liberated being "leaps," "floats," "dips,"
"claims," and "dares." These terms, which are in the active tense, better convey the freedom that
the outgoing animal possesses. The bird in a cage, however, is only able to "stalk," "shout," and
"long." Only if he "opens his throat to sing" would he be able to voice his opinion. By using the
verb "are" to place the small bird in the present, the poet continues to demonstrate how
oppression, exploitation, and lack of freedom exist today.
NAME: ________________________________ DATE: __________ SCORE: _________

Worksheet 1.4 : Activity 1. Explain why feelings, thoughts, and observations are
important in creative writing. In writing your answers, observe the use of correct grammar
and substantive ideas. Cite examples if necessary.

As authors, we want readers to relate to our characters and become fully immersed in our
fictional worlds in order to grab them and keep them reading. We achieve that by leveraging
emotion. In addition to giving readers a chance to temporarily escape from the "real world,"
emotion also aids in comprehending and perspective from various angles. The most talented
authors are astute observers of their surroundings. You'll find it simpler to identify the unspoken
hints, ignored details, and subtle messages you may use to give your writing more authenticity if
you are attentive and in the moment.

POST ASSESSMENT: Worksheet 1.5: “A Window on the World”

A beautiful scene that captures the basic pleasures of daily living is watching dogs and
cats play outside the window as mom washes clothes. In addition to showing the joy and
innocence of animals, this scenario also demonstrates how hardworking our mothers are as they
go about their daily tasks. It is a lovely scene that perfectly captures the coexistence of people,
environment, and our devoted animal companions. We can't help but smile when we see dogs
and cats playing in the backyard. They inspire us to enjoy the present and find delight in the
little things by their carefree attitude and unlimited energy. We are reminded of the inherent joy
that can be found in the straightforward act of playing as we watch them play and run. This is
an important lesson that we frequently overlook as we struggle to manage the complexity of our
adult lives.
Further evidence of our mothers' unwavering commitment to and affection for the family
comes from watching them tirelessly wash clothes. The laundry's regular cycle serves as a
metaphor for life's cycles, which consist of constant repetition of tasks that keep our
surroundings tidy and comfortable for us. We pick up incredibly significant lessons about
accountability, tenacity, and altruism as we watch our mothers go about their work. Playful
animals and diligent mothers coexist to form a lovely landscape that illustrates the underlying
beauty in everyday experiences. It serves as a reminder of the significance of striking a balance
between responsibilities and downtime as well as between work and recreation. The small
pleasures that are all around us, such as the dogs and cats playing outside, must be appreciated
even though our everyday lives may be busy with duties and tasks. When we look out the
window and view this scene, it serves as a reminder of how well humans and animals get along
in the natural world. Cats and dogs have long been regarded as our devoted companions,
providing us with unwavering affection and company. They provide consolation and comfort,
which reduces stress and helps us feel at ease. The innocent simplicity of Mother Nature's
creations is reflected in the playful interactions amongst animals.
Finally, seeing cats and dogs frolic while our mothers carefully wash laundry is a simple
yet significant image of daily life. It serves as a subtle reminder to enjoy the harmony between
people, animals, and the natural world, find joy in the everyday, and pay tribute to our mothers'
tireless efforts and selfless sacrifices. This seemingly unremarkable image perfectly captures the
joy, harmony, and beauty of the present. Let us always remember the value of having fun and
the unwavering love that our mothers and our furry friends have shown us as we travel through
Activity 2. Write 15 words describing any challenges that came up during the writing process.
Explain why you consider them as challenges.
a. Similarity - Everyday looking at the window, I look at the similar scene so it is quite
challenging to write down words as I observe.
b. Plain – There was a time where the scene outside the window is just plain.
c. Long – I had to sit for a long time just to observe
d. Short – Sometimes I had to sit for a short period of time because I had classes to attend
e. Uninteresting – Sometimes the scene was just uninteresting
f. Vast – The scene is just vast sometimes that I didn’t know how to breakdown the words to
g. Thoughtless – I just write down words without thinking.
h. Worry – I was worried that I would write something that is wrong or difficult to write
i. Straight – Straight scenes everyday, the same.
j. Loud – Sometimes the noise is just too much and I couldn’t concentrate
k. Quick – Sometimes the scenes happen too quickly and change every now and then.
l. Disgusting – A scene where the dogs and cats poo is just disgusting
m. Awkward – Some things are just awkward to write down
n. Busy – Sometimes I am busy so I tend to just take a quick look.
o. Repetition – The words I wrote are sometimes repeated-

Activity 3. Write concrete descriptions of the following:

Abstract Words Concrete Descriptions

1. beautiful flowers Freshly picked

2. tall trees Shady

3. cold weather Chilly

4. handsome man Defined cheekbones

5. scary adventure Terrible

6. delicious food Rich and savory

7. tragic experience Frightening

8. difficult problems Burdensome

9. complicated relationship Unsatisfactory love life

10. broken heart Despair

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