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2916/2020 FATSA 20/09/1994


78/1012010 U501O355
(To be Filled by Parents/Guardian/rI-f0dr/3firg T T TU)

S/o, D/o, W/o.


hereby solemnly affim and declare as under: /,)g1/2J old<

1 That Iam a citizen of independent India and a Christian by birth/faith. / f adI Md

That Iam years old (Date of Birth )and mature enough to take
firm decisions for the betterment of my personal / spiritual life. /f

3 That i have been a pasior/preaciher/niissionary/beicver for the past years.

That it is my personal decision to enroll my child in Sunday Schooi. Further, Iaffirm that, I have not
been persuaded by any person or organization, by inducement, coercion, force, threat or fraudulent

That in future, any debate, discussion and legal action what so ever, by any person or competent
authorities in connection to the said matter, I willbe fully responsible and answerable for the same.

6 Further, I solemnly affirm that, my child will abide by all the rules and regulations of the Sunday
School with honesty, seriousness and complete devotion. Iam fully aware that if mychild fails to do
so, the organizers shall have the right to take necessary and appropriate action. /* AATAI, HUAI À

That, the content of this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. /f

Signature of the Student /fari TAT

Signature of the Declarant IA

Date /trT:
Place / RIH:

Page No 2 of 2
Declaration /EYU| 4E
H1I-fyaT /3TfYTA RI 4T GTT)
(To be Filled by Parents/Guardian /

S/o, D/o, W/o.

R/o. old<
solemnly affirm and declare as under: /4, 2/1g l/2

birth/faith. /f az IA AI Pfr
independent India anda Christian by
1. That Iam acitizen of
and mature enough to take
That Iam years old (Date of Birth
my personal / spiritual life. / f
firm decisions for the betterment of
pasior/preacher/n1issionary/beicver for thepast
3 That i have beena
decision to enrollmy child in Sunday Schooi. Further, Iaffirm that, I have
That it is my personal threat or fraudulent
organization, by inducement, coercion, force,

been persuaded by any person or

what so ever, by any person or competent

That in future, any debate, discussion and legal actionfully responsible and answerable for the samne.
authorities in connection to the said matter, I willbe

rules and regulations of the Sunday

Further, Isolemnly affirm that, my child will abide by all the

Schoolwith honesty,seriousness and complete devotion. I am fully aware that if my child fails to do
appropriate action. /ze* 34GIAI, ÀHfBI
so, the organizers shall have the right to take necessary and

knowledge and belief. / fa A AA

That, the content of this arplication is true and correct to the best of my

Signature of the Student / faanef ATAT

Signature of the Declarant qG TART

Date /artg:
Place / PR:

Page No 2 of 2

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