Intermetallics - Anomalous Yielding

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Intermetallics: Anomalous Yielding properties referred to hereafter as ‘‘strength anom-

alies,’’ and discuss in more detail the examples of L1 ,

L1 , and B2 intermetallics. #
Some materials exhibit a positive temperature de- !
pendence of the flow stress in a finite temperature
domain, which results in a stress maximum (‘‘peak’’)
at the upper bound of this ‘‘anomalous’’ temperature 1. Velocity- and Density-type Mechanisms
range. This counterintuitive behavior is known as a
‘‘stress anomaly,’’ and is systematically associated Orowan’s equation:
with a large work-hardening rate, a very small strain-
rate sensitivity, and serrated flow under specific εc l ρmbV (1)
loading conditions. It is mainly observed in various
ordered intermetallic compounds, i.e., long-range relates the strain rate, ε0 l dε\dt, to the mobile dis-
ordered alloys made of two different metallic elements location density, ρm, the dislocation velocity V, and the
located on different sublattices, but also in some magnitude of the Burgers vector, b. It can be seen from
hexagonal or bcc metals and alloys, and in a few this equation that in mechanical tests conducted at
ceramics (Louchet 1999). constant strain rate, the flow stress anomaly can stem
The magnitude of the anomaly in single crystals from an anomalous temperature dependence of either
depends on stress orientation, suggesting that cross the individual dislocation velocity or the steady-state
slip should play an important role. The stress peak mobile dislocation density. Many of the models
corresponds to a change in the predominant slip proposed so far, though accounting for the positive
system. The observed increase of the stress-peak temperature dependence of the flow stresses, do not
temperature with strain rate suggests a transition from explain the other different and concomitant associated
a mechanism with a small strain-rate sensitivity in the features (low strain rate sensitivity, large work hard-
anomalous region to an alternative thermally acti- ening rate, serrated flow). A possible reason for this is
vated one at higher temperatures, as shown schem- that they assume that the behavior of each individual
atically in Fig. 1. We shall critically review the different dislocation reflects that of the whole population. This
models proposed so far to account for this set of assumption is not unreasonable in many situations,
but can be misleading in others, particularly if the
steady-state mobile dislocation density varies signi-
ficantly upon changes in the temperature or strain
rate (Kocks and Mecking 1980).

1.1 ‘‘Velocity-type’’ or ‘‘V-type’’ Models

In these models, the mobile dislocation density is
implicitly taken as independent of temperature, and
the anomaly stems from a negative temperature
dependence of the average dislocation velocity V,
which is generally ascribed to thermally actiŠated
pinning of mobile dislocations followed by some stress-
driven unpinning process. An increase of temperature
has thus to be balanced by an increase of stress in
order to maintain the velocity constant. Owing to the
variety of dislocation microstructures, specific models
are proposed for each type of material.
The so-called locking–unlocking model, though
belonging to this family, aims at a wider generality,
since it refers to the behavior of screw dislocations that
Figure 1 are often observed in many materials exhibiting the
Schematic representation of a typical yield stress anomaly strength anomaly. It is based on in situ TEM obser-
at different strain rates ε0 (solid line) and ε0 ε0 (dotted vations of the jerky motion of screw dislocations,
line). The strain-rate sensitivity #
is close to zero "in the
analyzed as a series of thermally activated locking and
anomalous domain, where both curves nearly coincide. It subsequent unlocking events, and related to the
is positive outside this domain, leading to a shift of the
stress peak towards high temperatures at larger strain
possible existence of two different metastable core
rates. The intermediate mechanism (strain-rate sensitivity structures, one glissile and the other sessile. The
l 0) and the high-temperature one (strain-rate locking and unlocking frequencies both increase with
sensitivity  0) are represented schematically separated by temperature and are defined through their corre-
dashed lines. sponding activation energies, ∆GL and ∆GUL. In situ

Anomalous Yielding in Intermetallic Alloys

observations and theoretical estimates suggest tical solution is found for σ(T,ε0 ), which goes through
∆GUL  ∆GL (Caillard et al. 1993, Caillard and Couret a maximum as the temperature is raised. This means
1996), and the resulting average dislocation velocity, that the temperature dependence of the flow stress is
given by the equation positive in a finite temperature range, but no conc-
lusion is drawn about the strain-rate sensitivity.
∆GULk∆GL The exhaustion–multiplication models (Louchet
V(σ, T ) ` exp k (2) 1995a) are again based on equations similar to Eqns.
kT H
(3) and (4), but the basic assumption is that steady-
(where σ is the effective stress) has a normal temp- state flow essentially results from a balance between
erature dependence, unless some additional ingredient the multiplication of mobile dislocations and their
is introduced (see Sect. 2). This is a typical ‘‘v-type’’ thermally activated exhaustion, the other terms being
model in which there is no intrinsic provision for a negligible in the domain of the flow-stress anomaly.
small strain-rate sensitivity. Equation (1) then becomes
ρc m l (MkL)ρmV(σ, T ) l (MkL) εc . (5)
1.2 ‘‘Density-type’’ or ‘‘ρ-type’’ Models b
In contrast to the previous case, V(σ, T ) is now Under steady-state conditions, the mobile dislocation
supposed to have a normal temperature dependence density is constant, i.e., ρ0 m l 0, so that:
(bV\bT  0), even in the domain of anomalous beha-
vior. But since the flow stress is observed to increase MkL l 0 (6)
with temperature, the anomaly has to be associated which is independent of strain rate, and depends only
with a strong decrease of the lifetime of mobile on stress and temperature.
dislocations, compensated for by an increase of both If exhaustion L is thermally activated, then its
velocity and multiplication rate in order to maintain a increase with temperature has to be balanced by an
constant strain rate. Considering the different possible increase of M, i.e., an increase of stress, to fulfill Eqn.
processes responsible for generation and elimination (6). This yields a positive temperature dependence of
of dislocations, the evolution equations that govern the flow stress. The increase of stress is, in turn,
the mobile and sessile dislocation densities can be responsible for an increase of individual dislocation
written as: velocities. The anomaly is thence expected to be
ρc m l (MkL)ρmV(σ, T ) associated, at constant strain rate, with a drop in the
mobile dislocation density. In addition, since Eqn. (6)
kAρm # V #(σ, T )kAhρ ρ V(σ, T )jUρ (3) is independent of ε0 , a strain-rate jump at constant
s m s
ρc s l LρmV(σ, T )kAhρs ρm V(σ, T )kAdρs#kUρs (4) temperature does not change the steady-state stress,
i.e., the steady-state strain rate sensitiŠity is zero. The
where σ is the effective stress, ρm and ρS are the mobile continuous dislocation storage due to the exhaustion
and stored dislocation densities, and L and M are of mobile dislocations ( ρ0 s  0) yields an increased
proportionality factors (in m−") which account for the work hardening rate. Finally, the small strain-rate
exhaustion (self-locking) and multiplication of in- sensitivity and the low mobile-dislocation density are
dividual dislocations, respectively. The factors A, Ah, likely to favor serrated flow. Thus, exhaustion–
and Ad, which have different dimensionalities, stand multiplication models account for the main features of
for the annihilation of different kinds of dislocation strength anomalies. However, they probably could be
pairs (mobile\mobile, mobile\sessile, and sessile\ improved by considering exhaustion and multipli-
sessile), while U is related to the unlocking (or cation of dislocation groups instead of single dis-
unpinning) of sessile dislocations. Under steady-state locations in order to better describe work hardening
deformation, the mobile dislocation density at con- and plastic instabilities.
stant applied strain rate satisfies the condition ρ0 m l 0. Actually, the above-mentioned models can all be
The normal or anomalous stress response of the system described in the framework of Eqns. (3) and (4). They
to a change in temperature results from the relative differ in the choice of the mechanisms responsible for
stress and temperature dependencies of the different creation and destruction of mobile dislocations. The
dislocation generation and annihilation factors in- locking\unlocking approach is a particular limiting
volved in Eqn. (3). case, in that the choice is made of locking and
The early approach of Greenberg and Ivanov (1992) unlocking the same dislocation. This choice reduces
was roughly based on these ideas, but considered a the problem to a V-type one, and precludes any
unique multiplication rate for the total dislocation possibility of accounting for a zero strain-rate sen-
density. Assuming that the locking rate exceeds the sitivity through a self-adjustment of the mobile dis-
unlocking rate, and provided some other (and more location density. The exhaustion–multiplication and
questionable) assumptions are made (as, for instance, Greenberg and Ivanov models, though based on
a stress-independent dislocation velocity), an analy- roughly the same ideas, differ in two respects: (i)

Anomalous Yielding in Intermetallic Alloys

mobile and sessile dislocations are treated as a whole this in turn requires an increase of stress. Since
in the Greenberg and Ivanov model, but separately in unpinning (or unlocking) and multiplication rates are
the exhaustion–multiplication model, (ii) the latter not governed by the same power of ρm (see Eqns.
model considers that exhaustion and multiplication (3,4)), these models do not, in principle, systematically
are the two dominant mechanisms. This last choice account for a zero strain-rate sensitivity.
seems to be the only one so far able to account in a The locking\unlocking model considers, in its L1
general manner (i.e., independently of the details version, that the two metastable states for super-#
of each material) for both a zero strain rate sensiti- dislocations are the glissile dissociation in the octa-
vity and a positive temperature dependence of flow hedral plane, and long Kear-Wilsdorf locks formed
stress. through cross slip from the octahedral towards the
cube plane (Couret and Caillard 1991, Farenc et al.
1995, Caillard and Paidar 1996). In its latest develop-
ments, the authors consider that the unlocking mech-
2. L12 Intermetallics
anism requires a stress that increases with the amount
From the very beginning the idea arose that locking of of cross slip into the cube plane, i.e., with temperature,
screw superdislocations could take place through cross which is responsible for the anomaly. The predictions
slip from the octahedral onto the cube plane (Flinn are as stated above.
1960). This is still a key point in the most recent In contrast, the possible importance of superkinks
approaches, but the models differ in both the exact in multiplication and transport of superdislocations
geometry of pinning and in the way in which the was first pointed out in 1988 (Sun and Hazzledine
obstacles are overcome. 1988) (Fig. 2a). The views of Hirsch (1992) are based
The early approach of Takeuchi and Kuramoto on a sophisticated analysis of superdislocation, jog,
(1973), further improved by Paidar et al. (1984), was and superkink geometries, and suggest different mech-
based on the dynamical motion of screw dislocations anisms depending on the relative velocities of jogs and
creating and breaking away small sessile portions superkinks on which some of the following superlink
formed by thermally activated cross slip into the cube models are founded. The anomaly is supposed to arise
plane. Due to its thermally activated character, the here from the competition between thermally activated
pinning rate is an increasing function of temperature, formation and stress-assisted unzipping or (and)
leading to a decreased separation between pinning bypassing of Kear-Wilsdorf locks.
points. Since the mobile dislocation density is assumed In the simulation by Mills and Chrzan (1992) of
constant (V-type model), the resulting steady charac- dislocation dynamics, superdislocations are repre-
ter of individual dislocation motion demands that the sented as an array of points, in a similar way to local
unpinning rate also has to increase with temperature; pinning models. Pinning is treated by assigning to each

Figure 2
Schematic dislocation behavior: (a) In a L1 alloy. Kear-Wilsdorf locks (double lines) are connected to mobile superkinks
(AB, EF, CD, GH) by jogs located at A, B,# E, F, …). The dislocation propagates through lateral motion of these
superkinks. Multiplication can also occur at large superkinks like GH. Part of the new loop (dotted line), produced at GH,
locks again as a Kear-Wilsdorf segment IJ. (b) In a L1 alloy. The cusped ordinary dislocation can move through jog
dragging (A), dipole dragging (C), or unzipping (B). !

Anomalous Yielding in Intermetallic Alloys

point a temperature-dependent pinning probability. and the part of the Kear-Wilsdorf lock extended on
Unpinning is deterministic, and takes place if the the cube plane; τj is assumed to be independent of
bowing angle at the pinning point exceeds a critical temperature, and is obviously independent of the
value. As a result, near-screw superdislocations move length of the superkink. The stress τj in the Devincre et
by the rapid lateral motion of superkinks; the dis- al. simulation has the same physical meaning as the
tribution of their heights is exponential for small force Fo in Lauchet’s model.
superkinks, in agreement with measurements (Couret This simulation confirms the two basic assumptions
et al. 1993). The distribution of larger superkinks of Lauchet’s model. (i) In order to obtain a yield stress
strongly departs from that of the smaller ones but anomaly, unlocking has to be very difficult. (ii) Super-
remains exponential, though with a different average kink glide has to be controlled by a strong frictional
value. The simulation suggests that the smallest stress, independent of the length of the superkink, in
superkinks are immobile, and thus that only the largest order to allow significant exhaustion to occur. The
ones are responsible for dislocation motion. Fur- possible consequences on strain-rate sensitivity and
thermore, owing to fluctuations in the superkink work-hardening rate, though not developed by the
distribution, the motion of superdislocations can authors, are the same as for Lauchet’s model.
become completely exhausted.
Another model (Louchet 1995b) is a statistical
exhaustion–multiplication type approach, based i) on
3. L10 Intermetallics
the fact that superdislocations gliding in the octahedral
plane can occasionally lock by cross slip to the cube Except for some specific orientations, the stress
plane, and ii) on the idea developed in superkink anomaly in TiAl is observed when ordinary a\2f110g
models that the resulting Kear-Wilsdorf locks can be dislocations are activated (in this structure, the Burg-
unzipped (CD in Fig. 2a) or bypassed (GH in Fig. 2a) ers vectors of a\2f110g type that connect two atoms
by superkinks. This mechanism continuously gener- of the same chemical nature (in pure o001q Ti planes
ates new superkink configurations on super- or Al planes) are referred to using Hug’s notation
dislocations. Since dislocation locking is thermally a\2f110], which means that equivalent directions are
activated, the resulting superkink height distribution obtained by permutation of only the two first indices).
scales as exp (k∆GL\kT ). Though elongated along the screw direction, they
Superkink mobility is assumed to be controlled by exhibit a number of cusps with apexes that are aligned
a dragging force Fo on ‘‘jogs’’ (i.e., junctions between amazingly well along the screw direction (Viguier et al.
superkink and Kear-Wilsdorf locks (Fig. 2a)). As a 1995, Sriram et al. 1997) (Fig. 2(b)).
result, a superkink is mobile only if its height h exceeds The locking\unlocking approach is again based
a stress-dependent critical value hc l 2Fo\σb. A super- here on in situ observations that dislocations move in
dislocation evolving through superkink motion ex- a jerky way (Farenc and Couret 1992), the anomaly
plores a variety of configurations characterized by a arising from the variations with temperature of the
specific distribution of superkink heights. A dislo- transformation rates between these states. The con-
cation that falls into a configuration in which no clusions of the model are qualitatively the same as for
superkink is larger than hc becomes sessile (exhaus- stress anomalies in other materials.
tion). The balance between exhaustion and multi- The exhaustion–multiplication model of Louchet
plication leads to the usual consequences of and Viguier (1994, 1995) assumes that screws ex-
exhaustion–multiplication models (see Sects. 1–2). Re- perience a bcc-like Peierls friction that promotes kink
cent Monte Carlo simulations based on the assump- pair nucleation on various planes containing the slip
tions of this model (Louchet and Lebyodkine 1998) direction. Kinks propagating on these different planes
also reproduced experimental results on the occur- combine into obstacles (‘‘cross kinks’’ or jogs) on
rence of serrated flow at large strains or upon a sudden which cusps are readily formed through the accumu-
decrease in strain rate (Demura and Hirano 1997), and lation of kinks. The cusps can glide conservatively
on the variations of the work-hardening rate with along the screw direction, but nevertheless experience
strain rate, provided a small amount of unlocking is some friction (Sriram et al. 1997, Simmons et al. 1994),
introduced. and can be swept out only if they are asymmetrical
More recently, a 2D simulation of dislocation enough (Fig. 2b), restoring the initial screw orientation
dynamics was proposed (Devincre et al. 1997), based (this is the ‘‘local pinning unzipping’’ mechanism).
on the mesoscale models developed by Le! pinoux and The density of cusps increases with temperature
Kubin (1987). It is assumed that: (i) the formation of (Louchet and Viguier 1995), and a statistical analysis
Kear-Wilsdorf locks is controlled by the cross-slip shows that the probability of finding such an unzipping
probability into the cube plane of the leading partial; configuration (which ensures that the dislocations are
(ii) the unlocking probability is stress-controlled; and mobile) at constant stress decreases rapidly as the
(iii) the superkink mobility is controlled by a drag temperature is raised. The resulting exhaustion of
force, related to the frictional stress τj opposing the mobile dislocations is responsible for the observed
movement along the screw direction of both the jog stress anomaly. This model is an exhaustion–

Anomalous Yielding in Intermetallic Alloys

multiplication one, and, therefore, also accounts for whether the anomaly reported in hydrogen-doped
the small strain-rate sensitivity measured in the anom- niobium, vanadium, and tantalum (Chen and
alous temperature range of γ-TiAl. Arsenault 1975) could be described by a similar
Sriram et al. (1997) recently proposed the outlines of mechanism associated with a possible slowing down of
a model which is not an exhaustion–multiplication kinks due to hydrogen addition.
model, but could be an alternative process to move
heavily cusped dislocations: instead of unzipping jogs,
screw dislocations are supposed to propagate through
4. B2 Intermetallics
either jog dragging or dipole dragging (Fig. 2(b)). The
anomalous character of this dipole-dragging or jog- Since the ordered B2 structure is based on the bcc
dragging mechanism relies on an increasing density of lattice, superdislocations consisting of two 1\2f111g
pinning points, and a supposed increasing height of dislocation superpartials separated by an antiphase
jogs as the temperature is raised. This last assumption boundary are usually active below the temperature of
still awaits justification. the stress peak in most of these materials, the case of
In a recent paper based on in situ observations of NiAl being somewhat particular.
dislocation motion, Ha$ ussler et al. (1999) proposed a A number of models have been proposed to account
normal dependence of the flow stress on temperature, for stress anomalies, mostly in β-CuZn. For the sake of
similar to that for precipitation hardening at low brevity, we shall only present here the outlines of the
temperatures (T 850 K), and related the yield- main models, and refer the reader to a couple of recent
strength anomaly to strain-aging effects above 850 K. papers (Caillard and Couret 1996, Morris and Morris
However, the shapes and behavior that the dis- 1997) for more details.
locations should have in support of this idea were The first idea (Brown 1959) was that of a gradual
found in specimens deformed above the peak tem- relaxation of the degree of long-range order of the
perature, which is usually around 900 K (Viguier et al. antiphase boundary associated with super-
1995). dislocations, as evidenced in FeAl by in situ annealing
The locking\unlocking model incorporates the ob- (Morris and Leboeuf 1994). In this case, the trailing
served jerky motion of screw dislocations, but ignores superpartial cannot totally restore the order as it
the cusps that seem to be an essential feature in the sweeps out the antiphase boundary created by the
domain of the flow-stress anomaly. In contrast, the leading one, resulting in a ‘‘chemical’’ friction force.
role of cusps is essential in both the Louchet and The diffusion-assisted relaxation rate increases with
Sriram models, which are based on similar dislocation temperature and produces a stress anomaly. However,
structures, but on totally different mechanisms. It has extended antiphase boundaries that are expected in
been shown very recently (Louchet and Viguier 2000) this case are not commonly observed.
that dipole dragging and local-pinning-unzipping A second type of model assumes that f111g super-
mechanisms produce a flow-stress anomaly, but dipole dislocations can achieve a sessile configuration, either
dragging operates for stresses between two and four through cross slip of screws between o110q and o112q
times larger than those for local-pinning-unzip- planes (Umakoshi et al. 1976) or through climb of
ping, and is thus probably irrelevant. In contrast, superpartials in opposite directions via an exchange of
jog dragging has a normal stress–temperature point defects. As for the antiphase boundary relax-
dependence. ation, the climb dissociation version requires dif-
The strength anomaly in TiAl can thus reasonably fusion and should produce a negative strain-rate
be described by the local-pinning-unzipping mech- sensitivity.
anism (Louchet Viguier model), but the jog-dragging Another possible mechanism proposed for FeAl
model probably controls plastic flow above the peak (Carleton et al. 1995, George and Baker 1998) invokes
temperature, the stress peak being the transition vacancy hardening. This mechanism for the stress
between them. anomaly is not totally satisfactory because it does not
The Louchet–Viguier model could also probably be account for several of its associated features, as, for
applied to stress anomalies in materials in which its instance, a small strain-rate sensitivity and the
three basic ingredients (lattice friction on screw dis- orientation-dependence of the flow stress.
locations, profuse cross slip, and some friction on Finally, in agreement with the observation that the
edges) are found. This is the case for magnesium and stress peak corresponds to a change from f111g
titanium, where the necessary friction on cusps of dislocations below it to f001g ones above, the last
mixed character could arise from solute\dislocation approach (Saka and Kawase 1984, Yoshimi and
interactions (the anomoly in Ti is only observed in the Hanada 1993, Morris and Morris 1997) is based on the
impure material), and for beryllium, in which similar decomposition of f111g superdislocations into ordi-
dislocation behavior has been observed (Beuers et al. nary ones of the type f001g and f110g. There is
1987). In the same way, the two first ingredients of the circumstantial evidence that both f001g and f110g
Louchet–Viguier model, but not the third one, are dislocations have poor mobility, and this decom-
found in pure bcc metals. One can therefore wonder position reaction, which is supposed to be thermally

Anomalous Yielding in Intermetallic Alloys

activated, should be responsible for locking of super- Future progress in modeling strength anomalies
dislocations until the reaction products become should take into account the variations of both
mobile at high temperatures. This model is supported dislocation mobilities and mobile dislocation densities.
by careful characterizations of dislocations over a This can be done in two different ways: (i) make the
range of temperatures. The decomposition process situation much simpler through a choice of a few
might be dependent on orientation, and the exhaustion carefully chosen parameters to describe both the
of mobile dislocations produced by locking could be kinetics of single dislocation motion and the evolution
consistent with a small strain-rate sensitivity, as of the dislocation density in an analytical manner
predicted by exhaustion–multiplication models. through evolution equations, (ii) incorporate most
All these models provide different microscopic of the ingredients that rule the kinetics of a single
mechanisms which can be directly used as a V-type dislocation, and extend the calculation to a large
description of flow-stress anomalies. In contrast, only number of interacting dislocations. Since this task is
the second one (cross slip of f111g dislocations) and impossible to carry out analytically, this approach
the fourth one (decomposition of f111g dislocations) requires the use of mesoscale simulations.
can provide for the exhaustion of dislocations instead
of a gradual decrease in their mobility, and can thus be
incorporated into a ρ-type exhaustion–multiplication
approach. The small strain-rate sensitivity observed in Acknowledgements
FeAl favors of this possibility.
The author thanks Dr M. Lebyodkine for carefully
reading the manuscript.

5. Conclusions See also: Intermetallics: Mechanical Properties; Inter-

The long-lasting problem of strength anomalies in metallics: Crystal Structures
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