Establishment of Security Force in Counter Insurgency Area

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1. Security of property and personnel
2. Dominance of area by Patrolling
3. Command centre
4. To eradicate insurgency
5. For conducting operation
6. To restore peace and order
7. To provide temporary relief camp
8. To secure militant infested areas
Selection Of Site
1. High ground
Why ?
 For clear view
 For dominating fight

2. Road connectivity
 For easy & quick access of Rations.
 For quick back ups.
 For easy & quick transportation of artillery and weapons.

3. Village outskirt
 To avoid disturbance of villagers.
 No casualty of civilian in case of Camp attack.
 More secrecy.
3. Avoid skyline
 To avoid silhouette in the middle of the mountain

4. Clear field of fire

 Avoid heavy bushes and trees
 Avoid unnecessary walls
 avoid establishing of camp in near by villages to avoid casualty of
Materials Required To Establish Police Post
1. Tent & Tarpaulin
2. Generator
3. Water and food
4. Digging tools
5. Barbed and wire
6. Radio telecommunication set
7. Arms and ammunition.
8. Bullet proof
9. First aid
10. Bedding
11. Map, GPS/compass, binocular, Vision Devices.
12. Rope, sand bags, net etc.
Things To Keep In Mind During Camp Layout
I. Sentry (all round defence)
II. Camouflaged materials to be used.
III. Bobby traps.
IV. Inner and outer barbed wires.
V. Digging of trenches.
VI. Alarm post(temporary post set up to alarm the personnel if any danger arises while digging).
VII. Common entry and exit gate.
VIII. Mortar by digging mortar pit.(middle of the camp).
IX. Quarter guard.
X. Medical post
XI. Commander post.
XII. Setting base for Quick Response Team
Task/Duties To Be Done After Establishing COB (Police Post)
I. Patrolling
II. Recce
III. Sentry
IV. Briefing of the day to day operation
V. Observation post/ Listening post -observation post is called in the day and
listening post is called during the night. It is a permanent post to secure the
by alarming the camp
VI. Contingency plan
VII. Stand-to
VIII.Early warning system.
IX. Fixed LMG post

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