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Mathematics Homework

Date M
given: Wed 19th May Date due in: Wed 26th May
Decimal Places and Significant Figures

1. Round the following answers to the stated number of decimal

places (dp).
a. 4.763 (1 dp) = ……………………………………….

b. 0.543 (2 dp) = ……………………………………….

c. 12.89 (1 dp) = ……………………………………….

d. 2.956 (2 dp) = ……………………………………….

e. 7.895 (2 dp) = ……………………………………….

f. 1.998 (2 dp) = ……………………………………….

g. 1.005 (2 dp) = ……………………………………….

h. 1.9996 (3 dp) = ……………………………………….

2. Approximate the following answers to the stated number of

significant figures (sf).
a. 36.937 (3 sf) = ……………………………………….

b. 2.643 (2 sf) = ……………………………………….

c. 19.6754 (4 sf) = ……………………………………….

d. 23139 (3 sf) = ……………………………………….

e. 258 (2 sf) = ……………………………………….

f. 0.04319 (2 sf) = ……………………………………….

g. 0.00348 (2 sf) = ……………………………………….

h. 7999032 (1 sf) = ……………………………………….

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