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Discovery Investment Questionnaire

Please find below the 8 questions contained in the Discovery Investment Questionnaire. This document is
meant to be used a reference guide only and does not contain any scoring or investment recommendations.

1. If you invested $10,000, which of the following scenarios would you be most comfortable with?

2. Achieving a higher return from investments means accepting greater risk. Based on that guideline,
which pattern of investment returns do you prefer?

3. When do you expect to need to withdraw a significant portion (1/3 or more) of this investment?
(Between 0 to 99 years)

4. How long do you need your withdrawals to last? (Between 0 to 99 years)

5. What would you do if the markets were performing poorly and the value of your portfolio declined 25%
over a three-month period?

o Sell it all
o Sell some
o Wait 6 months then decide
o Do nothing
o Invest more

6. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? “I tend to prefer investments with few dramatic ups and
downs in value, and I am willing to accept lower returns in order to have lower volatility.”

o I strongly agree
o I agree
o I somewhat agree
o I disagree
o I strongly disagree

7. For this portfolio, you are generally looking for investments to provide:

o Capital Preservation
o Income
o A combination of income and growth
o Growth
o Maximum Growth

8. Would you like to invest in a way that is designed to grow your financial wealth and have a positive
impact on society and the environment?

o Yes
o No

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Credential Asset Management

Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund 2 01/2021

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