SDG Award

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Nomination “Pioneer Sustainable Development Action

1) Kindly provide a brief write up or description on the pioneer sustainability related actions/
products/ services/ impact by your organization which has been recognized as "first in the
market". (150 words)*

Hornbill Networks Consortium has been harnessing the abundant renewable energy
resources as investments in Sarawak. They implemented Solar Photovoltaic (PV) system with
Net Energy Metering (NEM) scheme which a collaboration with Sarawak Energy Berhad for
the project Samariang Avenue and upcoming Samariang Avenue Phase 2, which will
generate clean and sustainable energy.

Besides, Hornbill Networks Consortium has undertaken various initiatives to preserve and
conserve the region's unique biodiversity and natural ecosystems. They have implemented
comprehensive environmental impact assessments, including GreenRE certification and
mitigation measures to protect environment during housing and infrastructure construction
and development.

Furthermore, Hornbill Networks Consortium has actively engaged with local authorities,
emphasizing sustainable development opportunities through joining programs that focus on
sustainability of education, healthcare, and economic empowerment.

Next by implementing smart home system through the housing project, Hornbill Networks
Consortium have improved the living standards of local communities, creating a positive
social impact and enhancing the technologies advancement as well as perpetuating the
sustainability goals.

Hornbill Networks Consortium Sdn Bhd stands as one of the remarkable organizations that
has not only recognized the importance of sustainability but has been a pioneering force in
driving sustainable practices, products, services, and impactful change in the Sarawak region.
Their holistic approach to sustainability serves as an inspiration for others looking to make a
positive difference in the world.

2) Please elaborate further on how does this specific pioneer sustainable development
action or campaign contribute to drive the sustainability agenda and how is it aligned to the
UN Sustainable Development Goals (500 words)*

The application of a smart home system, implementation of a rainwater harvesting system,

and installation of solar panels are all exemplary actions by Hornbill Networks Consortium
Sdn Bhd that contribute to driving the sustainability agenda and align with the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

First and foremost, a smart home system allows for the efficient management of energy
consumption. It can automatically adjust lighting, heating, and cooling systems based on
occupancy and environmental conditions. This reduces energy wastage and aligns with SDG
7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) by promoting energy efficiency. By optimizing energy use,
smart home systems help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to SDG 13 (Climate
Action). The system also can monitor and regulate water and electricity usage, promoting
the responsible consumption of resources, which supports SDG 12 (Responsible
Consumption and Production). For a broader implication, smart home systems enhance
convenience, comfort, and safety, indirectly contributing to SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-
being) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).

Furthermore, rainwater harvesting reduces reliance on traditional water sources, helping

conserve freshwater resources, and supporting SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). It also
can lead to cost savings for homeowners and reduce the strain on municipal water supply
systems, aligning with SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). By reducing storm-water
runoff and erosion, it can have positive impacts on local ecosystems and biodiversity,
contributing to SDG 15 (Life on Land). In a bigger concept, implementing these technologies
often involves learning and innovation, aligning with SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 9
(Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure).

Moreover, solar panels generate electricity from sunlight without emitting greenhouse
gases. This directly addresses SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy). Solar panel installation
can create jobs in the renewable energy sector, contributing to SDG 8 (Decent Work and
Economic Growth). It also reduces energy costs for homeowners, indirectly improving living
standards and aligning with SDG 1 (No Poverty). By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, solar
panels help combat climate change, which is a key aspect of SDG 13 (Climate Action).
Initiatives like solar panel installations can encourage partnerships between local
governments, businesses, and homeowners, aligning with SDG 17 (Partnerships for the

In conclusion, it's essential to remember that sustainability is a multifaceted concept, and

actions in one area often have ripple effects across various SDGs. These specific
sustainability measures demonstrate how everyday actions can significantly contribute to
the global sustainability agenda outlined by the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

3) What are the key results to date? Please be as specific as possible and supply available
data, if any. (500 words)*

The key results to date for this sustainable development action such as application of a
smart home system, implementation of a rainwater harvesting system, and installation of
solar panels are as follows.

First and foremost, smart home systems can significantly improve energy efficiency by
automating the control of lighting, heating, and cooling systems. This can result in reduced
energy consumption and lower utility bills. Besides, residents can monitor and control
various aspects of their homes remotely through smartphones or computers. This enhances
convenience and allows for better management of energy use. By optimizing energy usage,
smart home systems can also contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, making
homes more environmentally friendly. These systems often include security features such as
smart locks, cameras, and alarms, which can improve safety and reduce the risk of break-ins.

Furthermore, rainwater harvesting systems collect and store rainwater for various non-
potable uses like irrigation, flushing toilets, and washing cars. This reduces the demand on
potable water sources and conserves freshwater. Next, implementing rainwater harvesting
can lead to reduced water bills, especially in regions with water scarcity. It can also lead to
lower sewage and storm-water management costs. By capturing rainwater, these systems
can help manage storm-water runoff, reducing the risk of local flooding. The widespread
implementation of rainwater harvesting systems in a community can alleviate pressure on
municipal water supplies and contribute to overall water resource management.

Last but not least, solar panels generate electricity from sunlight, providing a clean and
renewable energy source. This can significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease
greenhouse gas emissions. Solar panels also can lead to reduced electricity bills, and in some
cases, excess energy can be sold back to the grid, providing a source of income. Besides,
solar power can increase energy independence, as homeowners and businesses generate
their own electricity, reducing vulnerability to power outages and price fluctuations.
Additionally, solar panels have a positive impact on the environment by reducing the carbon
footprint of a household or business. The use of solar energy contributes to a lower carbon
emission footprint.
Nomination for “Sustainability Awareness and Employee
Engagement Recognition”
1) Kindly explain briefly on the employee engagement programme(s)/ initiative(s) that are
currently in place to promote and drive the sustainability awareness internally (150 words).*

Employee engagement programs and initiatives that promote and drive sustainability
awareness internally are essential for fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and
social consciousness within an organization. These initiatives help employees of Hornbill
Networks Consortium Sdn Bhd (HNC) to understand and embrace the company's
sustainability goals, reduce their environmental impact, and contribute to the broader
sustainability agenda. First and foremost, HNC employees join training sessions, workshops,
and webinars to educate themselves about sustainability, environmental issues, and the
company's sustainability goals. This ensures that employees are well-informed and engaged
in the sustainability agenda. Besides, the management of HNC runs internal sustainability
challenges and competitions that can encourage employees to come up with innovative
ways to reduce waste, save energy, and promote sustainable practices. These challenges
involve recycling, energy conservation, or reducing carbon footprints. Furthermore, HNC
implementing eco-friendly office practices, such as reducing single-use plastics, energy-
efficient lighting, and waste reduction, can engage employees in environmentally
responsible behaviors. HNC also use software and tools to help employees track their carbon
footprint or monitor their sustainable behaviors. These tools can provide real-time feedback
and suggestions for improvement. Additionally, a regular communication through
newsletters, posters, emails, and intranet platforms can help keep employees informed
about the organization's sustainability initiatives and success stories. HNC also seek
initiatives for external certifications for their environmentally friendly practices and involve
employees in the process. Achieving certifications like GreenRE can be a source of pride for
employees. In conclusion, these initiatives not only help raise sustainability awareness
among employees but also empower them to actively participate in the organization's
efforts to reduce its environmental footprint and contribute to broader sustainability goals.
Employee engagement in sustainability is crucial for making meaningful and lasting changes
within an organization.

2) Please elaborate further on how does this programme(s)/ initiative(s) has helped to drive
behavioural change within the organisation' and how is it aligning to the organisation's
sustainability strategy. (500 words)*

The initiatives and programs of sustainability play a crucial role in driving behavioral change
within organizations and aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). First and foremost, environmental education and training programs educate
employees about sustainability issues and equip them with the knowledge and skills needed
to make more sustainable choices. This often results in changed behaviors, such as reducing
waste, conserving energy, and making eco-friendly choices in their personal and professional
lives. This initiative aligns with several SDGs, including Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 11
(Sustainable Cities and Communities), and Goal 13 (Climate Action).

Besides that, competitions and challenges can motivate employees to actively participate in
sustainability efforts. These events foster a sense of competition, encouraging individuals
and teams to come up with innovative and sustainable solutions to common workplace
challenges. This aligns with Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and Goal 14
(Life Below Water) when addressing issues like waste reduction and sustainable

Furthermore, initiatives such as waste reduction programs, energy-efficient practices, and

sustainable commuting options encourage employees to adopt greener habits in their daily
work routines. This contributes to Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), Goal 11 (Sustainable
Cities and Communities), and Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). By using
sustainability software and tools can help employees track their environmental impact and
make informed choices, such as reducing energy consumption or choosing sustainable
suppliers which aligns with Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) and Goal 17
(Partnerships for the Goals) when used for collaboration and data sharing.

Moreover, sustainability challenges, when integrated into an organization's culture, promote

awareness and competition among employees, which can lead to more sustainable
behaviors. It contributes to various SDGs, including Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and
Production) and Goal 13 (Climate Action). Next, effective communication and awareness
campaigns inform and engage employees about the organization's sustainability goals,
inspiring them to take actions aligned with those objectives. These campaigns can address a
range of SDGs by raising awareness and encouraging actions related to responsible
consumption (Goal 12), climate action (Goal 13), and more. Last but not least, certification
programs set clear benchmarks and standards for sustainability. The pursuit of certification
encourages employees to adopt practices and behaviors that meet these standards where it
aligns with Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and Goal 12 (Responsible
Consumption and Production).

In summary, these initiatives and programs are vital tools for driving behavioral change
within an organization. They align with various Sustainable Development Goals by promoting
responsible consumption, environmental stewardship, climate action, and sustainable
practices in line with the broader global agenda for sustainability. By nurturing a culture of
sustainability within the organization, these initiatives contribute to a more sustainable and
responsible future.

3) What are the key results to date? Please be as specific as possible and supply available
data, if any. (500 words)*

The initiatives and programs of sustainability give crucial impacts of various sustainability
programs and initiatives within an organization and their alignment with the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). First and foremost, environmental education and
training can raise awareness and knowledge about sustainability issues among employees.
Key results would include the number of employees trained, the increase in knowledge
about environmental topics, and the incorporation of sustainable practices into daily work
routines. This aligns with SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 13 (Climate Action) by
promoting education on environmental issues and climate change. These initiatives can also
encourage employees to come up with innovative sustainability solutions. Key results would
include the number of ideas generated, projects implemented, and the impact on resource
conservation. Encouraging sustainable practices aligns with various SDGs, such as SDG 12
(Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and

Furthermore, this can involve changes in office infrastructure and operations, such as
energy-efficient lighting, waste reduction, and water conservation. Key results might include
reduced energy consumption, waste diversion rates, and water usage reduction. It aligns
with SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and
SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). By implementing sustainability software
can help track and manage environmental data and metrics. Key results might include
improved data accuracy, more informed decision-making, and better resource allocation
which aligns with several SDGs, particularly SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and
Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).

Moreover, organizing sustainability challenges, such as reducing waste or conserving energy,

can result in tangible reductions in environmental impact. Key results would include
measurable decreases in resource consumption or emissions. These initiatives align with
SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).
Additionally, effective communication can improve employees' understanding of the
organization's sustainability efforts. Key results might include increased employee
engagement, participation, and a higher degree of support for sustainability goals and
improved communication supports SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for
the Goals). Lastly, by achieving a green office certification demonstrates a commitment to
sustainability. Key results include the certification level achieved, the number of certified
offices, and the associated reductions in environmental impact. It aligns with SDG 12
(Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).

In summary, these sustainability initiatives can drive behavioral change within the
organization by fostering a culture of environmental responsibility. Their alignment with the
SDGs demonstrates a commitment to addressing global challenges, such as climate change,
responsible consumption, and quality education, while promoting sustainable practices
within the organization. The key results, when positively influenced by these initiatives, can
contribute to a more sustainable and responsible corporate environment.

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