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Describe someone you know from another culture
You should say:
What he/she is

Where is he/she from

How you knew him/her

Explain how you feel about him/her

Well, in my impression, I barely know many people from other

countries, but I did enjoy spending time with ?, I met her at the

beginning of this school year, and she’s originally from Korea, and

she’s studying in China in the past years.

Even though we both from Asian countries, I believe our culture are

in different demission, like our eating habits and cultural history, ?

always bring Korean food to school, the food are always vibrant.

And she would share her stories about Korean family and tradition,

those stories can be very impressive.? has taught me useful Korean

phrases, I always find its helpful and interesting. But mainly, we

would communicate by English, which benefits me a lot since she

always correct my oral English.

Actually, I first met her was in our school science project, we were
assigned to the same group, she impressed me on her knowledge and

skills, so we started talking more often and since then, we became

great friends.

? is an intelligent and studious person, whenever we work together

on some academic projects, she constantly contributes great ideas

and she’s a wonderful listener and executer.

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