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Student Name: Olleta, Jhaneenah Mae B. Student Number : 202111482 Semester: 2nd School Year: 2022-2023
Program: BSBA -
Name of Faculty-in-Charge: Maria Christina P. Concepcion Section: 14012 Marketing Management

As part of our continuous efforts to improve the program, we would like you to answer this form correctly and honestly. This form is a survey on attainment of course
outcomes (CO). COs specify what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation.
Please rate and be guided for the following descriptors that best describe your level of attainment. You may use the space below to share your comments and suggestions
relating to COs.


Unacceptable Minimally Expected Expectations Summation
(1) Acceptable (2) (3) (4) 
CO1- Demonstrate knowledge of 1. The student was able to comprehend the importance of Integrated
business concepts and terminologies and Marketing communications (IMC), the differences of traditional
use it to improve current practices in media and digital media.
marketing /management.
2. The student was able to classify the different segmentation
categories involve in the audience profiling and target market
audiences applicable for an IMC plan.

CO2- Illustrate appropriate mechanics and 1. The student was able to differentiate the roles and structures
grammar both in oral and written involved in advertising and promotions.
communications or presentations.
2. The student was able to develop different marketing strategies
applicable for an IMC plan.
C04- Formulate strategic business 1. The student was able present to present a strategic IMC plan/
strategies that will help achieve portfolio.
economic sustainability

Scor Equivalent Scor Equivalent Scor Equivalent Scor Equivalen
e Grade e Grade e Grade e t Grade
1.00 25 2.10 49 3.15 75 3.60 88
1.20 28 2.25 53 3.20 76 3.65 89
1.35 32 2.40 56 3.25 78 3.70 91
1.50 35 2.55 60 3.30 79 3.75 92
1.65 39 2.70 63 3.35 81 3.80 94
1.80 42 2.85 67 3.40 82 3.85 95
1.65 39 3.00 70 3.45 84 3.90 97
1.80 42 3.05 72 3.50 85 3.95 98

1.95 46 3.10 73 3.55 86 4.00 100

Jhaneenah Mae B. Olleta

Name and Signature of Student

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