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========2 marks========

01. What is Software Engineering?

02. What is functional independence?

03.Define interface design.

04. Explain "Software doesn't wear out" software characteristic.

05. Define Layered architecture

06. Define Temporal Cohesion

07. Define fan in and fan out

08. What is problem analysis?

09. What is real time software?

10. Define control coupling?

11. What is effort distribution?

12. What is Horizontal Partitioning?

13. What is backward traceability?

14. What is Perfective Maintenance?

15. What is Integration testing?

16. What is Software?

17. Define prototype.

18.What is Pareto principle?


========7 marks========

01. Explain generic view of software engineering.

02. Explain different software applications.

03. Explain prototype model with its advantages and disadvantages.

04 Explain different types of software.

05 Define software process model. Compare and contrast Waterfall and prototype mode.

06 Explain Spiral model with figure

07 Explain the need of SRS.

08 Discuss software characteristics with diagram.

09 Explain the Waterfall model. Also write its advantages and limitations.

10 Explain Incremental model with figure.


========7 marks========

01. Explain Need of SRS in detail.

02.Explain characteristics of SRS.

03. Explain Structure of SRS.

04. Explain the components of SRS.

05. Explain QFD in detail.

06. Explain any 2 analysis principles.

07. Explain testing principles.

08. Explain different types of black box testing techniques.

09. Explain Use Case diagram with example.

10.Explain the elements of analysis model with figure.

11.Explain class diagram with example.

12.Explain different requirement gathering techniques.


========7 marks========

01. Explain good design characteristics and design principles.

02. Explain different types of Coupling.

03. Design Concepts.

04. Explain Modularity in detail.

05. Explain design heuristics.

06. Explain different types of cohesion.

07. Explain design principles.

08. Explain different types of change over.

09. Explain different types of white box testing techniques.


========5 marks========

[A] Draw Data Flow Diagram for Hotel Management System.

[B] Write Data Dictionary for Above DFD.

[C] Write process specification for the above DFD.

a) Draw a DFD for Online Shopping System.

(a) Draw a DFD for Inventory management System. 10

(b) Write Data Dictionary for above DFD. 2

(c) Write Process Specification for above DFD. 2

(a) Draw a DFD for Hospital Management system. 10

(a) Draw a DFD for Library management System. 10

(b) Write Data Dictionary for above DFD. 2

(c) Write Process Specification for above DFD. 2

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