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3. To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find its figure of


To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find its figure of

A weston type galvanometer, a voltmeter, a battery or battery eliminator, two (10,000 Ω and
200 Ω) resistance boxes, two one-way keys, a rheostat, a screw gauge, a metre scale, an
ammeter of given range, connecting wires and a piece of sand paper.

Circuit diagram

Procedure :
(a) Resistance of galvanometer by half deflection method

1. Make the connections accordingly as shown in circuit diagram.

2. See that all plugs of the resistance boxes are tight.
3. Take out the high resistance (say 2000 Ω) from the resistance box R and insert the
key K1 only.
4. Adjust the value of R so that deflection is maximum, even in number and within the
5. Note the deflection. Let it be θ.
6. Insert the key also and without changing the value of R, adjust the value of S, such
that deflection in the galvanometer reduces to exactly half the value obtained in step 5
i.e., θ/2.
7. Note the value of resistance S.
8. Repeat steps 4 to 7 three times taking out different values of R and adjusting S every
time. (b) Figure of merit
9. Take one cell of the battery (battery eliminator) and find its E.M.F. by a voltmeter by
connecting +ve of the voltmeter with +ve of the cell and -ve of voltmeter with -ve of the
cell. Let it be E.
10. Make connections as in circuit diagram.
11. Adjust the value of R to obtain a certain deflection 0 (say 30 divisions) when the circuit
is closed.
12. Note the values of resistance R and deflection θ.
13. Now change the value of R and note the galvanometer deflection again.
14. Repeat the steps 9 to 13 with both cells of the battery with different voltages like 2, 4,
6, 8, volts from battery eliminator.
15. Find the figure of merit k using the formula.

Resistance of galvanometer using half deflection method:
Sl High resistance box Deflection in Shunt Half Galvanometer
No (ohm) galvanometer Resistance deflection resistance
Mean ohm

Figure of Merit:
Sl Emf of cell or reading of the Resistance of Deflection Figure of merit
no battery eliminator (E) the high
resistance box ( + )
(R) A/div
Mean A/div

1. Resistance of given galvanometer = Ω

2. Figure of merit of given galvanometer = A/div.


1. All the connections should be neat, clean and tight.

2. All the plugs in resistance boxes should be tight.
3. The e.m.f. of cell or battery should be constant.
4. Initially a high resistance from the resistance box (R) should be introduced in the circuit
(otherwise for small resistance an excessive current will flow through the galvanometer
or ammeter can be damaged).

Sources of error

1. The screws of the instruments may be loose.

2. The plugs of resistance boxes may not be clean.
3. The e.m.f. of battery may not be constant.
4. The galvanometer divisions may not be of equal size.

4. To convert the given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure of merit) into a
voltmeter of desired range and to verify the same.

To convert the given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure of merit) into a voltmeter
of desired range and to verify the same.
A weston type galvanometer, a voltmeter of 0-3 volts range, range a battery of two cells or
battery eliminator, two (10,000 Ω and 200 Ω) resistance boxes, two one way keys, a
rheostat, connecting wires and a piece of sand paper.
Circuit diagram


1. Calculate the value of series resistance R to be connected in series with the

galvanometer for the given range V (say 3 volts).
2. Connect a resistance box in series with the galvanometer and take out the plugs of
resistance R. Now the given galvanometer is ready for use as a voltmeter of range V
3. For verification make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram. Here AB is a
rheostat being used as a potential divider. A and B are the fixed terminals and C is the
variable terminal of the rheostat.
4. Take out the plugs of calculated resistance R from the resistance box. Insert the key K
and adjust the movable contact of the rheostat so that deflection in the galvanometer
becomes maximum.
5. Note the readings of voltmeter and galvanometer. Convert the galvanometer reading
into volts.
6. Find the difference, if any, between the readings of voltmeter and galvanometer. The
difference gives the error.
7. Move the variable contact C of the rheostat and take at least five observations
covering the whole range of the voltmeter i.e., 0-3 volts.
8. Record your observations.

The Range of the voltmeter is=0 to 3 Volts

One small div of the galvanometer= 0.1 V
Sl Reading of converted galvanometer to Standard voltmeter Difference (error)
No voltmeter reading (V2) (V2- V1)
Deflection V1= × .

1 5 div 0.5 0.5 0

2 10 div 1 1.01 0.01
3 15 div 1.5 1.52 0.02
4 20 div 2 1.92 -0.02
5 30 div 3 2.87 -0.13
As the difference in actual and measured value of potential difference (as recorded, in
column 5) is very small, the conversion is perfect.


1. All the connections should be neat, clean and tight.

2. The e.m.f. of the cell or battery should be constant.
3. The ammeter used for verification should preferably be of the same range, as the
range of conversion.
4. The diameter of the wire to be used for shunt resistance should be measured
5. Length of shunt wire used should be neither too small nor too large.
6. The resistance box should be a high resistance one.
7. The voltmeter used for verification should preferably be of the same range, as the
range of conversion.
8. Value of required series resistance should be calculated accurately.
5 To determine angle of minimum deviation for a given prism by plotting a graph
between angle of incidence and angle of deviation

To determine angle of minimum deviation for a given prism by plotting a graph between angle of
incidence and the angle of deviation.

Drawing board, a white sheet of paper, prism, drawing pins, pencil, half-metre scale, office pins,
graph paper and a protractor.

The refractive index in) of the material of the prism is given by

where, Dm angle of minimum deviation and A angle of the prism.

Angle of prism ‘A’ = 60°

Angle of incidence (i) Angle of deviation( )

1 300 480
2 400 390
3 450 370
4 550 390
5 600 420

Plot a graph between angle of incidence ∠i and angle of deviation ∠D by taking ∠i along X-axis
and ∠D along Y-axis. From this graph, find the value of single of minimum deviation
Dm corresponding to the lowest point of the graph.

(Plot the graph according to the Observation Table:


1. i-D graph indicates that as the angle of incidence (i) increases, the angle of deviation (D)
first decreases, attains a minimum value (Dm ) and then starts increasing for further increase
in angle of incidence.
Angle of minimum deviation, Dm = 370
3. Refractive index of the material of the prism, n = 1.5


1. The angle of incidence should lie between 35°-60°.

2. The pins should be fixed vertical.
3. The distance between the two pins should not be less than 10 mm
4. Arrow heads should be marked to represent the incident and emergent rays.
5. The same angle of prism should be used for all the observations.

Sources of error

1. Pin pricks may be thick.

2. Measurement of angles may be wrong.

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