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Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD

1 "Dead Slow" is a regulatory sign warning sign informatory sign none of the above

2 The maximum thickness of 0 mm 25 mm 50 mm 100 mm

expansion joint in rigid pavements

3 The nominal size of ballast used 25 mm 40 mm 50 mm 10 mm

for points and crossings is ___

4 The method of measuring distance reconnaissance surveys preliminary surveys location surveys all of these
by pacing is chiefly used in

5 The instrument attached to the passometer pedometer odometer speedometer
wheel of a vehicle in order to em
measure the distance travelled, is
6 The angle between the reflecting 30° 45° 60° 75°
surfaces of a prism square is

7 An axis about which the telescope horizontal axis vertical axis axis of the level line of collimation

can be rotated in a horizontal tube

plane, is cal1ed

8 In order to measure a horizontal method of repetition is method of method of method of double

angle more accurately than a used reiteration is used deflection angles observations is used

vernier, a _______ is used

9 The height of instrument is equal reduced level of reduced level of reduced level of Back sight + fore sight
to bench mark + back bench mark + fore bench mark +
sight sight intermediate sight

10 The vertical distance between any vertical equivalent horizontal contour interval contour gradient
two consecutive contours is called equivalent

11 Reaction time of a driver increases with increase decreases with is same for all none of the above
in speed increase in speed speeds
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD

12 Bottom most layer of pavement is wearing course base course sub-base course sub-grade
known as

13 Flexible pavement distribute the directly to sub-grade through structural through a set of none of the above
wheel load action layers to the sub-

14 The main constituent of cement dicalcium silicate tricalcium silicate tricalcium all of the above
which is responsible for initial aluminate
setting of cement is ___

15 Which of the following should be headers stretchers brick bats queen closer
used for hearting of thicker walls

16 The vertical distance between the intrados rise spandrel extrados
springing line and highest point of em
the inner curve of an arch is
known as ___

17 Which of the following sand stone lime stone shale gypsum

sedimentary rocks changes into

quartzite by metamorphic action ?


18 Quartzite is a _______ siliceous rock argillaceous rock calcareous rock aqueous rock

19 Excess of alumina in brick earth impermeable brittle and weak to lose cohesion to crack and warp on
makes the brick ______ drying

20 The normal consistency of 10% 20% 30% 40%

ordinary Portland cement is about

21 Early attainment of strength in gypsum finer grinding tricalcium silicate tricalcium aluminate
rapid hardening cement is mainly
due to ____

22 The amount of water used for one 0.2 liter 0.4 liter 0.6 liter 0.8 liter
kg of distemper is ___

23 The vehicle used in case of linseed oil water varnish none of the above
enamel paints is usually ___
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD

24 The number of steps in a flight 2 3 5 no limit

generally should not be less than

25 Minimum thickness of load 50 mm 100 mm 150 mm 200 mm

bearing RCC wall should be ____

26 Which of the following gradients iron carbon manganese sulphur

exerts maximum influence on
properties of steel?

27 Which of the following is a basalt granite quartz syenite

mineral ?

28 The predominant constituent quartz feldspar mica none of the above
which is responsible for strength em
in granite is
29 Spalling hammer is used for driving wooden rough dressing of carving of stones breaking small projection
headed chisels stones of stones

30 Sapwood consists of innermost annular portion of timber thin layers below thin fiber which extends

rings around the pith between heartwood the bark from the pith outwards and
and cambium layer holds the annular rings

31 The age of a tree can be known by cambium layer annular rings medullary rays heart wood

32 Plywood is made by bonding 0° 30° 45° 90°

together thin layers of wood in
such a way that the angle between
grains of any layer to grains of
adjacent layers is

33 The practical limit of moisture 5% 15% 25% 35%

content achieved in air drying of
timber is
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD

34 The bearing capacity of a water compacting the soil draining the soil increasing the grouting
logged soil can be improved by depth of
___ foundation

35 The process of calculating the scheduling co-coordinating resource all of these

resource requirement of a project aggregation
is known as _______

36 PERT stands for _____ Programme Estimation Process. Estimation Programme Planning Estimation and
and Reporting and Review Evaluation and Resulting Technique
technique Technique Review

37 Coefficient of friction is the angle between normal ratio of limiting the friction force the friction force acting
reaction and the friction and normal acting when the when the body is in motion
resultant of normal reaction body is just about

reaction and the to move
limiting friction em
38 Stoke's law is valid only if the less than 0.0002 mm greater than 0.2 mm between 0.2 mm all of the above
size of particle is and 0.0002 mm

39 If the plasticity index of a soil sand silt clay clayey silt

mass is zero, the soil is

40 Rise of water table in cohesion 25% 50% 75% 90%

less soils up to ground surface
reduces the net ultimate bearing

capacity approximately by

41 Sinking fund is ___ the fund for rebuilding raised to meet the total sum to a part of the money kept in
a structure when its maintenance costs be paid to the reserve for providing
economic life is over municipal additional structures and
authorities by the structural modifications

42 The center of gravity of the center of gravity center of pressure met centre center of buoyancy
volume of the liquid displaced by
an immersed body is called __
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD

43 Which of the following methods oven drying method sand bath method calcium carbide pycnometer method
is most accurate for the method
determination of the water content
of soil ____ ?

44 Actual performance of a task is an event an activity duration any one of these

called _____

45 PERT requires single time estimate, double time triple time none of-these
,estimate estimate

46 Coarse grained soils are best drum roller rubber tyred roller sheep's foot roller vibratory roller
compacted by a ____

47 Density of water is maximum at 0°C 20°C 4°C 100°C


48 Modulus of rupture of concrete is flexural tensile strength direct tensile compressive split tensile strength
a measure of ___ strength
em strength

49 Strain energy is the ____ energy stored in a body energy stored in a maximum strain proof resilience per unit
when strained within body when strained energy which can volume of a material
elastic limits up to the breaking be stored in a
of a specimen body

50 The joint action of steel and bond between absence of practically equal all of the above
concrete, in a reinforced concrete concrete and steel bars corrosion of steel thermal
section, depends upon the . bars embedded in expansion of both

the concrete concrete and steel


51 The effective depth of a T - beam centre of the flange top of the flange bottom of the centre of the flange and
is the distance between the , and the top of the and the centre of flange and the the bottom of the tensile
tensile reinforcement the tensile centre of the reinforcement
reinforcement tensile

52 Le Chatelier's device is used for setting time of cement soundness of cement tensile strength compressive strength of
determining the ____ of cement cement

53 With increase in moisture content, increases decreases first increases to a first decreases to a certain
the bulking of sand ___ certain maximum minimum value and then
value and then increases
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD

54 Which of the following cements is ordinary Portland low heat cement rapid hardening sulphate resisting cement
suitable for use in massive cement cement
structures such as large dams ___?

55 Bernoulli equation deals with the mass momentum energy work

law of conservation of ---
56 Pick up the incorrect statement The C.G. of a circle is The C.G. of a The C.G. of a The C.G. of a semicircle is
from the following : at its center triangle is at the rectangle is at the at a distance of r/2 from the
intersection of its inter-section of its center
medians diagonals

57 The maximum allowable Los 10% 20% 30% 45 %

Angeles abrasion value for high
quality surface course is ____

58 The property of fresh concrete, in segregation
bleeding bulking creep
which the water in the mix tends
to rise to the surface while placing
and compacting, is called _____

59 Select the incorrect statement--- Lean mixes bleed Bleeding can be Bleeding can be none of the above
more as compared to minimized by increased by

rich ones. adding pozzuolana addition 'of

finer aggregate. calcium chloride.

60 Forepoling method is generally soft ground firm ground running ground None of these
adopted for tunnelling in :
61 In the wooded bulk-head, used for one opening is provided two openings are three openings no opening is provided.
mucking in steep grade tunnels provided are provided

62 According to ISI method of Length, breadth, height Breadth, length, Height, length, None of these.
measurement, the order of the height breadth
sequence is
63 Under-reamed piles are generally driven piles bored piles precast piles all the above.

64 Pick up the method of surveying chain surveying compass surveying plan table tacheometric surveying.
in which field observations and surveying
plotting proceed simultaneously
from the following

65 Increase in the moisture content reduces the strength increases the does not change all of the above
in concrete ____ strength the strength
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD

66 Admixtures which cause early workability accelerators retarders air entraining agents
setting, and hardening of concrete admixtures
are called ___

67 The fineness modulus of fine 2.0 to 3.5 3.5 to 5.0 5.0 to 7.0 6.0 to 8.5
aggregate is in the range of ____

68 If the depth of actual neutral axis balanced beam under-reinforced over-reinforced none of the above
in a beam is more than the depth beam beam
of critical neutral axis, then the
beam is called ____
69 The representative fraction 1 cm=0.25 m 1 cm=2.5 m 1 cm= 25 m 1 cm = 250 m
1/2500 means that the scale is

70 Super-elevation on roads in snow 15% 12% 10% 7%

bound areas, should generally not
71 If cross slope of a country is upto plain rolling mountainous steep.

10% the terain is classified as

72 For treating the sewage of a large a sedimentation tank

a plant consisting of sedimentation none of these
city, you will recommend and an activated Imhoff tanks with tanks with high
sludge treatment plant low rate trickling rate trickling
filters filters

73 The screens are fixed perpendicular to the parallel to the at an angle 30° to none of these

direction of flow direction of flow 60° to the

direction of flow

74 Clogging of sewers, is caused due silting low discharge greasy and oily all the above.
to matters
75 The unit kg/m3 is used for force density volume pressure.

76 The S.I. unit of Modulus of Newton/m2 Newton/cm2 Newton/mm2 all the above.
elasticity is

77 Energy may be defined as power of doing work capacity of doing rate of doing work all the above.
78 The centre of gravity of a volume of the body is area of the surface weight of the all the above.
homogenous body is the point at assumed to be of the body is body is assumed
which the whole concentrated assumed to be to be concentrated

79 Cavitation is caused by high velocity low pressure high pressure high temperature

80 Biochemical oxygen demand total concentration of a total concentration concentration of concentration of chemically
(BOD) of waste water is a biochemicals of organic matter biodegradable oxidisable matter
measure of organic matter

81 ‘भी जशाजाने प्रलाव केरा.’ मा अधधकयण कयण वंप्रदान अऩादान

लाक्मातीर ‘जशाजाने’ मा
ळब्दाच्मा वलबक्तीचा कायकाथथ
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD

82 ऩुढीर लाक्प्रचायाचा अचक

ू अथथ आलडणे प्रेभबंग शोणे ऩश्चात्ताऩ शोणे वाषात्काय शोणे
ददरेल्मा ऩमाथमातून ननलडा.
‘उऩयती शोणे’
83 ‘फपकट गुराफी पूर भरा पूर गुराफी पूर फपकट गुराफी पूर भरा आलडते
आलड्ते.’ मा लाक्मातीर वलळेऴण
84 ‘आम्शा म्शाता-मांना कोण दळथक वलळेऴण वंफंधी वलळेऴण वालथनामभक माऩैकी नाशी
वलचायतो?’ मा लाक्मातीर वलळेऴण
अधोये खखत ळब्दाची जात ओऱखा.

85 ‘वलाांनी वकाऱी रलकय उठाले.’ शी वंकेताथथ स्लाथथ आसाथथ वलध्मथथ

लाक्मयचना कोणत्मा प्रकायची
आशे ?
86 दव ु -मा ऩंचलावऴथक मोजनेचे अॅरन ल रूद्र शे यॉल्ड डोभय डॉ. धनंजम ऩी. वी. भशारनोबफव
प्रनतभान कोणी तमाय केरे शोते? गाडगीऱ

87 4 आखण 5 वप्टें फय 2016 दयम्मान अभेरयका बायत चीन ब्राझीर

झारेरी 'जी-20' ऩरयऴद कोणत्मा
दे ळात ऩाय ऩडरी?

88 भोदी वयकायच्मा भशत्त्लाकांषी यत्नाधगयी मवंधद
ु ग
ु थem वाताया कोल्शाऩूय
'स्लच्छ बायत' अमबमानांतगथत
ग्राभीण बागातीर स्लच्छतेफाफत
भशायाष्ट्रातीर कोणत्मा जजल््माने
दे ळात ऩदशरा क्रभांक ऩटकालरा

आशे ?

89 ‘मळषक ददनाननमभत्त’ 5 वप्टें फय 20 25 29 37

2016 योजी याष्ट्रऩती प्रणफ भुखजी
मांच्मा शस्ते भशायाष्ट्रातीर फकती
मळषकांना 'याष्ट्रीम मळषक

ऩुयस्काय' प्रदान कयण्मात आरा?


90 ‘ळेतक-मांचा आवूड’ शा ग्रंथ न्मा. भ.गो. यानडे स्लाभी वललेकानंद जगन्नाथ ळंकयळेठ भशात्भा जोनतफा पुरे
______ मांनी मरदशरा.

91 Choose the word /group of odd wanderer bright servant

words which is most nearly the
same in meaning as: NOMAD

92 Choose the word /group of writing and other motionless stable unstable
words which is most nearly the office materials
same in meaning as:
93 Choose the word /group of prudent ambitious good loyal
words which is most nearly the
same in meaning as: WISE

94 Choose the word /group of nevertheless consequently and so

words which most suitably
completes the sentense
meaningfully: The problem was
very difficult, ___ he solved it
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD

95 Choose the word /group of asleep thoughtless unknown unconscious

words which most suitably
completes the sentense
meaningfully: After the car
knocked her down, she lay ___
for half an hour
96 Choose the word /group of beautiful smooth honour display
words which is most opposite
in meaning to: DISGRACE

97 Choose the word /group of rough strong wild hard

words which is most opposite
in meaning to: SOFT

98 Options a, b, c and d, in that Due to heavy rains he could not able visit his friend last Sunday.
order, together form a to
sentence, but with a gramatical
error. Find out the part
containing the error. (Ignore
99 Options a, b, c and d, in that Manisha was to tell her teacher the truth when her friend interruptrd her.
order, together form a about

sentence, but with a gramatical em
error. Find out the part
containing the error. (Ignore
punctuation errors, if any):

100 Options a, b, c and d, in that Mr. Kamble has driven almost so far as Mr. Bansode has.
order, together form a twice

sentence, but with a gramatical

error. Find out the part
containing the error. (Ignore
punctuation errors, if any):

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