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Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD

1 Due to the magnetic influence of the earth, the true bearing dip local attraction magnetic
magnetic needle of the prismatic compass will be declination
inclined downward towards the pole. This inclination
of the needle with the horizontal is known as

2 The image formed by the objective in the plane of real and straight real and inverted virtual and straight virtual and
cross hairs is inverted

3 When the whole circle bearing of a traverse line is The latitude is the departure is both the latitude and both the latitude
between 90° and 180°, then positive and positive and latitude departure are and departure are
departure is negative is negative positive negative

4 The latitude and departure of a traverse line are both first quadrant second quadrant third quadrant fourth quadrant
positive when the whole circle bearing of the line lie

5 When the latitudes and departures are so adjusted that balancing the balancing the balancing the none of these
the algebraic sum of the latitudes and departures are latitude departure traverse

equal to zero, the operation is called
6 When the angular and linear measurements are equally transit rule empirical rule Bowditch's rule anyone of these
precise in traversing, the balancing of a traverse is
done by

7 In a simply supported reinforced concrete beam, the below the neutral above the neutral at the neutral axis anyone of these
reinforcement is placed axis axis

8 The object of surveying is to prepare a -- Map Cross-section Drawing Model.


9 The maximum spacing of contraction joints in rigid 2.5 m 3.5 m 4.5 m 5.5m
pavements is

10 The minimum design speed for hairpin bends in hill 20 kmph 30 kmph 40 kmph 50 kmph
roads is taken as

11 The working principle of optical square is based on Reflection double reflection Refraction Reaction

12 In surveyor’s compass the ring is graduated from 0° to 60° 0° to 180° In quadrants of 0° to Any way

Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD
13 Open traverse is suitable for survey of Ponds Rivers Lake Estates

14 Find no of bricks with Indian standard for 1 m3 570 490 500 510
quantity of BB masonry

15 During, field test, the cement is said to be pure and of the colour of cement a handful of cement, hand is thrusted into all of the above
good quality when is uniformly thrown into a bucket a bag of cement, it
greenish grey of water, floats, feels cool

16 Dry Rubble masonry means ordinary masonry With mortar Without mortar With dry cement None of these
constructed -

17 A frog is place on raw bricks for To form key with To prevent sliding of To reduce weight of All of these
mortar bricks brick

18 Bitumen felt is used as water used as damp made from bitumen all of the above
proofing material proofing material and Hessian fiber

19 For internal doors of residential building the size 900 x 2000 mm 750 x 1800 mm 800 x 2000 mm None of these
adopted is ___
20 Cement is tested for parameters _____ Fineness Soundness setting time All of these

21 Volume of 1 bag of cement is— 35 liter 20 liter 50 liter 40 liter


22 Cooling of magma at considerable depth the type of Plutonic Hypabyssal Igneous Volcanic
rock formed is _____

23 Quartzite is ___ type of rock Metamorphic Argillaceous Siliceous Calcareous


24 Wrought iron contains ___ % carbon 1.5 to 5.5 0.5 to 1.75 0.1 to 0.25 None

25 The main constituent of fly ash is ____ Aluminium oxide Silica Ferrous oxide All above

26 The compound in cement which is quickest react with Tri-calcium Tri-calcium silicate Tri-calcium Di-calcium silicate
water is_____ aluminate alumino-ferite

27 Initial setting time of lime pozzolona is _____minutes 30 60 90 120

28 Task work for BB masonry is ____ m3 per day less than 1 1 to 1.25 2 more than 2

29 FSI means Flight Step Index Floor Space Index Both a & b None of these

30 MSA stands for Maximum Size of Mild Steel Angle Minimum Size of Master Sieve
Aggregate Aggregates Analysis

31 The number of cement bags stored in godown with 10 15 20 25

heap of ___ bags
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD
32 The most powerful explosive used in blasting is blasting power dynamite gun cotton cordite

33 Proper Form No. for indent for demanding material is 26 24 33 22


34 CBR stands for ------ California Board of California Bearing Central Boars of Central Board of
Research Ratio Roads Research

35 Father of Soil Mechanics is ----- Dr Terzagi Dr B.C.Punmia Dr Khosla Pavlovsky

36 Water present below the water table in soil strata is Free water Ground water Surface water None
known as –

37 Soil having swelling and shrinking property is -- BC soil Yellow soil Soft murum All

38 OMC is achieved at _____ Optimum water Minimum water Maximum water Optimum density
content content content

39 Type of foundation for heavy load and soil with poor Grillage Raft Isolated Combined
bearing capacity

40 Material used for filling plinth is --- Hard murum Boulders Sand Clay
41 Shallow foundation is used when depth is about – meter 5 10 7 3 to 4

42 The term density index is used for ___ Silty clay Cohesive soil Granular soil Cohesionles soil

43 Shearing resistance can be determined by _____ Tri axial shear test Direct shear test Vane shear test All of these
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD
44 Earth pressure types are _______ Active Passive both a & b None

45 Angle of repose of loose soil is ______ 33 27 40 20

46 Permeable material is ______ Gravel Stiff clay Silt None

47 D10 in particle size distribution represent ____ % of 25 10 15 0

fine particles are finer than this size
48 Workability of concrete is inversely proportional to time of transit water-cement ratio the air in the mix all of above

49 Approximate value of shrinkage strain in concrete, is 0.003 0.0003 0.00003 0.03

50 Air entrainment in the concrete increases workability strength the effects of the unit weight

51 The most commonly used admixture which prolongs gypsum calcium chloride sodium silicate all of the above
the setting and hardening time is

52 As compared to ordinary Portland cement, high
alumina cement has
higher initial setting lower initial setting
time but lower final time but higher final
higher initial and
final setting times
lower initial and
final setting times
setting time setting time

53 Bulking of sand is maximum if moisture content is 2% 4% 6% 10%



54 Poisson's ratio for concrete remains constant increases with richer decreases with none of the above

mixes richer mixes

55 For concreting of heavily reinforced sections without 0.75-0.80 0.80-0.85 0.85 - 0.92 above 0.92

vibration, the workability of concrete expressed as

compacting factor should be

56 For walls, columns and vertical faces of all structural 24 to 48 hours 3 days 7 days 14 days
members, the form
work is generally removed after

57 The design yield stress of steel according to IS: 456- 0.37 fy 0.57 fy 0.67 fy 0.87 fy where fy is
2000 is the characteristic
yield strength of

58 Most common method of prestressing used for factory Long line method Freyssinet system Magnel-Blaton Lee-Macall system
production is system

59 In the virtual work method, the virtual quantity is displacement load slope moment

60 High pressure grouting is generally restored for highly fissured poor likely to get seepage All of the above.
concreting in the lining if the rock strata is: of water
61 Maximum super-elevation on hill roads should not 5% 7% 8% 10%
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD
62 Planimeter is used for measuring volume area contour gradient slope angle
63 The included angles of a theodolite traverse, are clockwise from the anti-clockwise from anti-clockwise from clockwise from the
generally measured forward station the back station the forward station back station.

64 The sewer that unloads the sewage at the point of main sewer outfall sewer branch sewer house sewer.
treatment is called
65 The hardening is the phenomenon by virtue of which the cement does not the plastic cement the cement paste none of the above
undergo large paste changes into sets and develops
change in volume hard mass strength
when treated with
water ...
66 The shape the bending with self weight is ___ Circular Parabolic Elliptical None of these

67 Unit weight of RCC in Kg/ m3 is ____ 2400 1440 1920 2300

68 Purpose of mix design for concrete is _____ Durability Workability Strength All of these

69 What length of 1 link of a 20 m chain 10 cm 20 cm 40 cm 30 cm

70 Irrigation canals are generally aligned along ridge line contour line valley line straight line
71 Closed contours of decreasing values towards their a hill a depression a saddle or pass a river bed.
centre, represent
72 The most dangerous pollutant in vehicular emissions is CO 2 2 3

73 Rate of flow of sewage is generally assumed more than the rate equal to the rate of less than the rate of at 150 litres per

of water supply
The digested sludge from septic tanks, is removed after 3 years
em water supply
3.5 years
water supply
4 years
5 years.
a maximum period of
75 The consistency of a saturated cohesive soil is affected water content particle size density index coefficient of
by distribution permeability
76 Critical factors for the activated sludge treatment maximum hourly maximum and maximum hourly minimum hourly
process are flow rate. minimum flow rate. flow rate and flow rate and

maximum daily minimum daily

organic load. organic load.
77 Work may be defined as force x distance force x velocity force x acceleration none of these.

78 When a body in equilibrium undergoes an infinitely imaginary work negative work virtual work none of these.
small displacement, work imagined to be done, is
known as

79 he surface where two successive placements of Contraction joint Expansion joint Construction joint both (a) and (b)
concrete meet, is known as
80 Permissible compersive strength of M300 concrete 2 2 2 2
100kg/cm 300kg/cm 200kg/cm 250kg/cm

grade is
81 ‘मऱा नाषक ततप्ऩट व्याज भराळे ऱागेऱ.’ या गणनाळाळक काऱळाचक आळत्त
ृ ीळाचक नामशाधधत
ळाक्यातीऱ अधोरे खित ऴब्दाची जात ओळ्िा.
82 िाऱीऱऩैकी ‘शमाषार द्ळंद्ळ’ शमाशाचे उदाषरण नास्ततक नळरात्र मीठभाकर ऩीतांबर
83 ‘दारोदार’ या ऴब्दाचा शमाश ओलिा. कममधारय शमाश उऩऩद तत्ऩुरुव शमाश अव्ययीभाळ शमाश नत्र तत्ऩुरुव शमाश

84 ‘ऩाष’ धातूचे भूतकाली, तत

ृ ीयऩुरुवी रुऩ ओलिा. ऩाहषऱे ऩाषीऱ ऩाषा ऩाषू
85 ऩुढीऱ ळाक्यातीऱ प्रयोग ओलिा. ’ऩाररजात बषरऱा.’ शकममक कतमरी प्रयोग शकममक भाळे प्रयोग कममणी प्रयोग अकममक कतमरी
86 ऩनळेऱ नगरऩालऱकेचा शमाळेऴ मषाऩालऱकेत करण्यात 25 26 27 28
आल्याने राज्यातीऱ मषाऩालऱकांची एकूण शंख्या ककती
87 ______ षे अणकु ें द्रकात अशणारे मऱ
ू कण आषे त. प्रोटॉन आखण न्यट्र
ू ॉन प्रोटॉन आखण इऱेक्ट्रॉन इऱेक्ट्रॉन आखण याऩैकी नाषी
88 भारतात ‘मध्यळती ऴेली ळ ऱोकर शंऴोधन शंतथा’ हदल्ऱी अवळकानगर आनंद लशमऱा
कोठे आषे?
89 भारतीय घटनेचे ऩुढीऱऩैकी कोणते एक ळैलऴष्ट्य नाषी? एकेरी न्यायव्यळतथा धमम तनरऩेसता कल्याणकारी राज्य दषु े री न्यायव्यळतथा
Q. No. Question EnglishA EnglishB EnglishC EnglishD
90 7 शप्टें बर 2016 रोजी शळोच्च न्यायाऱयाने दे ऴातीऱ 12 ताश 24 ताश 36 ताश 48 ताश
शळम राज्यातीऱ ऩोऱीश तथानकांमध्ये दािऱ केऱेल्या
गन्ु ्याची नोंद ककती ताशाच्या आत शंकेततथलाळर
प्रलशद्ध करण्याचे आदे ऴ ऩोलऱशांना हदऱे आषे त?

91 Choose the word /group of words which is most laughable happy worth-riding sad
nearly the same in meaning as: RIDICULOUS

92 Choose the word /group of words which is most made from marble hidden wonderful doubtful
nearly the same in meaning as: MARVELLOUS

93 Choose the word /group of words which is most unfavourable favourable kidnapped kidnapper
nearly the same in meaning as: HOSTILE

94 Choose the word /group of words which most had hardly left had left hardly hardly left just left hardly
suitably completes the sentense meaningfully:
He ____ the room when the ceiling fell down

95 Choose the word /group of words which most plough harvest scratch turn
suitably completes the sentense meaningfully:
Before sowing seeds, farmers usually ____ their
96 Choose the word /group of words which is most valuable cheap rare huge
opposite in meaning to: PRECIOUS
97 Choose the word /group of words which is most defective faulty forgiving imperfect

opposite in meaning to: VINDICTIVE
98 Options a, b, c and d, in that order, together form
a sentence, but with a gramatical error. Find out
Bolt ran the
em so fastly that he
the race in just 9.58 seconds

the part containing the error. (Ignore punctuation

errors, if any):
99 Options a, b, c and d, in that order, together form You are request to report at 9.00 am tomorrow at the Chief Engineer's
a sentence, but with a gramatical error. Find out office
the part containing the error. (Ignore punctuation
errors, if any):

100 Options a, b, c and d, in that order, together form The teacher was busy and asked three of we to do the work.
a sentence, but with a gramatical error. Find out
the part containing the error. (Ignore punctuation
errors, if any):

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