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Newspaper Editorial and Opinion Vocabulary & Translation

9 October 2023
1. The boons promised by the Third Terminal. Existing inefficiencies and
irregularities must not re-emerge.
2. The world cannot afford another war.
3. Taming the inflation monster in Bangladesh.

The boons promised by the Third 4) Exponential (adjective): র্যাখ্যামূ লক; র্যাখ্যাপূ র্ব;
Terminal. Existing inefficiencies and relating to or expressed as an exponent -

irregularities must not re-emerge. Synonyms: rapid, explosive, accelerating Antonyms: gradual, linear, steady
5) Bottlenecks (noun): র্াধা, প্রনত্র্ন্ধকত্া,
1) Boons (noun): আশীর্বাদ; প্রার্বনা; অনু গ্রহ; অসু নর্ধা - points of congestion or traffic in a
অনু র াধ; blessings or benefits - system -
Synonyms: advantages, benefits, gifts Synonyms: blockages, obstructions,
Antonyms: curses, misfortunes, setbacks hindrances
Antonyms: smooth flow, open passage, free
2) Grand (adjective): র্ৃ হৎ, মহৎ, প্রধান, চমৎকা - movement
impressive in size, appearance, or general
effect - 6) Alleged (adjective): অনির াগ - said, without
Synonyms: magnificent, majestic, splendid proof, to have taken place or to have a
Antonyms: modest, humble, simple specified illegal or undesirable quality -
Synonyms: supposed, claimed, purported
3) State-of-the-art (adjective): অত্যাধুননক- Antonyms: proven, confirmed, verified
using the latest and most advanced
techniques or technology - 7) Lackadaisical (adjective): অর্রহলাকা ী,
Synonyms: cutting-edge, advanced, অসত্কব, উদাসীন- lacking enthusiasm and
innovative determination; carelessly lazy -
Antonyms: outdated, obsolete, old-fashioned Synonyms: indifferent, apathetic, lazy
Antonyms: diligent, enthusiastic, motivated

8) Anomalies (noun): অসঙ্গনত্- deviating from The world cannot afford another war.
the normal, usual, or expected - The international community must call for
Synonyms: irregularities, abnormalities, ceasefire between Israel and Palestine
Antonyms: conformities, regularities, typical ws/the-world-cannot-afford-another-war-3437876
1) Spiralling (adjective): ক্রমাগত্ র্ৃ নি র্া অর্ননত্
9) The opening of Dhaka airport's much - continually increasing or worsening -
awaited Third Terminal is indeed exciting Synonyms: escalating, mounting, increasing
news for Bangladeshis. ঢাকা নর্মানর্ন্দর র্হুল Antonyms: decreasing, declining, stabilizing
প্রত্ীনিত্ ত্ৃত্ীয় টানমবনাল উরবাধন র্াাংলারদনশরদ জনয Retaliation (noun): the act of responding to
সনত্যই র ামাঞ্চক খ্র্ । নপ্রনর্নি িটকম an attack or injury with a similar action -
Although travellers will have to wait till the Synonyms: reprisal, revenge, counterattack
end of next year to enjoy its facilities, this Antonyms: forgiveness, pardon,
grand, state-of-the-art structure promises to reconciliation
offer exponential improvement in the
2) Escalation (noun): উরেজনা - an increase in
quality of services and hopefully an end to
the intensity or seriousness of something,
the numerous miseries they face at the
especially a conflict or struggle -
existing international terminal of the
Synonyms: escalation, intensification, rise
airport. নদও ভ্রমর্কা ীরদ এ সু নর্ধাগুনল উপরিাগ
Antonyms: de-escalation, reduction,
ক া জনয আগামী র্ছর রশষ প বন্ত অরপিা ক রত্
হরর্, ত্রর্ এই নর্শাল, অত্যাধুননক কাঠারমানট রসর্া
মারন উরেখ্র াগয উন্ননত্ এর্াং আশা কন
3) Unprovoked (adjective): নর্না প্রর াচনায় -
নর্মানর্ন্দর নর্দযমান আন্তজবানত্ক টানমবনারল ত্ারদ
occurring without apparent reason or cause.
মুরখ্ামুনখ্ হওয়া অসাংখ্য দুরিবারগ অর্সান ঘটারর্।
Synonyms: unwarranted, unjustified,
Foreign trade, especially, will be greatly
facilitated, which is welcome news for the
Antonyms: provoked, justified, warranted
business community. বর্রদনশক র্ানর্জয, নর্রশষত্,
র্যাপকিারর্ সহজত্ হরর্, া র্যর্সায়ী সম্প্রদারয় জনয 4) Bias (noun): পিপানত্ত্ব - inclination or
স্বাগত্ সাংর্াদ। prejudice for or against one person or
group, especially in a way considered to be
unfair -
Synonyms: prejudice, partiality, favoritism
Antonyms: fairness, impartiality, neutrality

5) Obliterated (verb): মুরছ রেলা হরয়রছ - 10) Engulfed (verb): নঘর রেলা; আচ্ছানদত্
destroyed utterly; wiped out - completely surrounded or covered by
Synonyms: annihilated, eradicated, something, especially a harmful or
demolished dangerous substance; overwhelmed or
Antonyms: preserved, protected, saved strongly affected emotionally.
Synonyms: consumed, immersed, enveloped
6) Besieged (adjective): সাংরূি; ননরূি; রঘ াে; Antonyms: uncovered, revealed, unaffected
surrounded and attacked by armed forces -
Synonyms: beleaguered, besieged, 11) Echoed (verb): প্রনত্ধ্বননত্ ক া; অনু নর্ত্;
surrounded অনু নানদত্; repeated or reflected sound;
Antonyms: free, liberated, unencumbered repeated or imitated someone else's words
or opinions.
Synonyms: reverberated, reflected, imitated
7) Disproportionate (adjective): অসামঞ্জসযপূ র্ব -
too large or too small in comparison to Antonyms: originated, initiated,
something else, especially in a way that is contradicted
unfair -
Synonyms: unequal, imbalanced, excessive Taming the inflation monster in
Antonyms: proportionate, balanced, equal Bangladesh.
8) Ceasefire (noun): ু িনর্ নত্ - a temporary
suspension of fighting, typically in order to
1) Deficit (noun): ঘাটনত্ - the amount by
negotiate a peace -
which something, especially a sum of
Synonyms: truce, armistice, peace
money, falls short of what is required.
Synonyms: shortfall, shortage, insufficiency
Antonyms: conflict, war, hostility
Antonyms: surplus, excess, abundance

9) Yardstick (noun): মাপকানঠ, মানদন্ড - a

2) Prudently (adverb): নর্চির্ত্া- in a way
standard used for comparison; a means of
that shows care and thought for the future;
evaluating or measuring something against
a standard.
Synonyms: wisely, judiciously, sensibly
Synonyms: benchmark, criterion, measure
Antonyms: recklessly, thoughtlessly,
Antonyms: anomaly, exception, irregularity

3) Devaluation (noun): অর্মূ লযায়ন- the অধযর্সায়ী; continuing to exist or endure over
reduction or underestimation of the worth a prolonged period; not easily eradicated or
or importance of something. overcome.
Synonyms: depreciation, undervaluation, Synonyms: enduring, tenacious, relentless,
reduction in value steadfast
Antonyms: appreciation, increase in value, Antonyms: temporary, fleeting, transient,
enhancement sporadic

4) Manipulation (noun): দিত্া সহকার 8) Curb (verb): দমন- to restrain or control;

হস্তচালন; হারত্ রকৌশল; দিত্াসহকার র্যর্হা ; to limit or suppress something.
দিত্াসহকার হস্তচালন; the action of Synonyms: control, restrain, check, limit,
controlling or influencing something in a restrict
clever or unscrupulous way. Antonyms: unleash, encourage, promote,
Synonyms: control, influence, maneuvering indulge
Antonyms: honesty, straightforwardness,
sincerity 9) Pegged (verb): নননদবষ্ট ক া - fixed or set at
a specific level or rate.
5) Autonomously (adverb): স্বায়েশানসত্িারর্ - Synonyms: fixed, established, determined,
in a way that is independent and self- set
governing. Antonyms: variable, fluctuating, unfixed,
Synonyms: independently, self-sufficiently, flexible
Antonyms: dependently, submissively, 10) Unscrupulous (adjective): অসৎ, ননলবজ্জ -
obediently behaving in a way that is dishonest or
morally wrong, often to achieve a goal
6) Credible (adjective): নর্শ্বাসর াগয- able to be without regard for fairness or ethics.
believed; convincing. Synonyms: unethical, immoral, dishonest,
Synonyms: believable, trustworthy, reliable deceitful, corrupt
Antonyms: unbelievable, implausible, Antonyms: ethical, moral, honest,
unconvincing principled, scrupulous
আর্টিকেকের সম্পূ র্ি অনু বাদ (PDF) আমাকদর ফেসবুে
7) Persistent (adjective): অধযর্সায়ী; অটল; নি ; গ্রুপ অথবা Telegram ফথকে ডাউনকোড েরকে
অটলিারর্ ত্; নারছাড়র্ান্দািারর্ ত্; অটলিারর্; পারকবন।

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