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Air Conditioning

Note Book for Marine Engineer AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM: The air conditioning system on the ship has a refrigeration cycle, which is same as the refrigeration system. The compressors, condensers, expansion valves, filters, dryers etc. are exactly same as any other refrigeration unit. However, the evaporator system for the air conditioning system is called an air-handling unit or AHU for short. An AHU controls temperature, humidity, dampers sound, cleans the air, mixes fresh air in controlled amount and provides for the circulation of air through the accommodation. Re-circulation air from accommodation

Fresh Air M F C H Hu




M = C = H = Hu =

Mixing of fresh air and return air. Cooling coil [evaporator coil after expansion. valve] Steam heating coil [for winter application] Steam spray for humidification [for winter application]

F = Filter element Fa = Circulating fan or damper S = Soundtrap to reduce noise level

Objective of a Ship-board Air Conditioning Plant: Main objectives are to maintain a suitable indoor temperature and humidity at the expected outdoor conditions and internal air conditioning loads. Additionally, we need to supply enough fresh air for the well being of the crew (and passengers when applicable). Air conditioning provides comfort conditions by controlling: a) Temperature of air (heating and cooling application), b) Humidity of air (humidifying or de-humidifying), c) Noise and fumes and d) Movement of air through the accommodation. These parameters are controlled in AHU, which is operated differently for cooling and heating applications. Air Conditioning Process: Most air conditioning processes are steady-flow processes and these are illustrated on the psychrometric chart. Air is commonly heated & humidified in winter and cooled & dehumidified in summer. Cooling in AHU: For cooling, as the air passes over the cooling coils in the AHU, the temperature of air drops to the desired level. At the same time some moisture is condensed and humidity is thus reduced. The air at this point, just leaves the cooler is called saturated. This is not a comfortable state, and if we perspiring the saturated air will not remove the moisture from skin to feel comfortable. However, as the chilled saturated air leaves the cooler and goes through the various distributions ducting it picks up heat and its ability to accept more moisture increases. The condition of air at this point should be more acceptable for human comfort. Heating in AHU: For heating, air passes over steam heating coils in AHU; the temperature of air is raised to desired level. Relative humidity is reduced. Air after heater is too dry. So, some moisture is added at the humidifier to make it more comfortable before supply to the rooms. Cooling Process in Chart 1. Environment condition outside. 2. Cooling to saturation temperature. 3. Cooling and dehumidifying. 4. Heating to comfort zone. Engineer M. A. Hamid 1 Heating Process in Chart 1' Environment condition outside. 2' Heating. 3' Heating and humidifying to comfort zone. 5 Design point.

Air Conditioning
Note Book for Marine Engineer 5. Design point. 70% Wet bulb temp. Cooling with dehumidification Heating without humidification Heating with humidification 2 3 4 3' 1" 12C 18C 2' 22C 27 C 30C Dry bulb temperature Constant entropy Line 5 1 60% 50% 40% 30 % Relative humidity Specific humidity

Psychrometric Chart: The relation in air between the temperatures (dry bulb and wet bulb temp), the absolute humidity, the relative humidity, the saturation and other items explained in a chart. Such chart is called a psychrometric chart. The vertical lines represent air temperature in oC. The horizontal lines represent absolute humidity in kg of water/kg of dry air. The top most curves is 100% relative humidity curve or the saturation curve. The bottom-line gives the condition of bone dry air i.e. absolute and relative humidity are zero at all temperatures. Comfort Zone: Dry bulb temp. : 22 ~ 27 C Relative humidity : 40 ~ 60 % Air motion : 15 m / min. Wet bulb temp. Cooling with dehumidification Heating without humidification Heating with humidification 2 PSYCHROMETRIC CHART 3 4 3' 1" 2' 22C 27 C 30C Dry bulb temperature Constant entropy Line 5 1 Comfort Zone Specific humidity

70% 60% 50% 40%

Relative humidity % 30 %

Comfortable environment for most people: Most people feel comfort when environment temperature: 22 ~ 27 C. Most people feel comfort when relative humidity : 40 ~ 60 %. Most people feel comfort when air speed : 15 m / min. Specific Humidity or Absolute Humidity: The amount of the mass of water vapour contained in one kg (or unit mass) of air is called the moisture content or specific humidity or absolute humidity. This refers to the amount of water vapour in dry air and it is a measure of the mass of water vapour present in a unit mass of dry air. This ratio is called either specific or absolute humidity . = mv / ma (kg water vapour / kg dry air) 2

Engineer M. A. Hamid

Air Conditioning
Note Book for Marine Engineer Dry air contains no water vapour, and thus its specific humidity is zero. As water vapour or moisture is added to dry air, its specific humidity increases. However, if the temperature is kept constant, there will be a stage when no further water vapour can be added to the air. At this point the air is said to be saturated. Relative Humidity: Relative humidity is the ratio of moisture content in air (m v) to the maximum amount of moisture in air (m g) at the same temperature in a comfort level. The amount of moisture in the air has a definite effect on how comfortable we feel in an environment. However, the comfort level depends more on the amount of moisture the air holds (m v) relative to the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold at the same temperature (mg). The ratio of these two quantities is called the relative humidity . = mv /mg = {PvV / (RvT)} / {PgV / (RvT)} = Pv / Pg, where Pg = Psat@T. With increase in temperature the ability of air to accept moisture increases. Conversely, with decrease of temperature the ability of air to accept moisture decreases. When air is saturated relative humidity is 100%.

Explain with reasons why relative humidity should not be too high or too low. The amount of humidity in the air affects the rate of evaporation of perspiration from the body. Normal humidity 40 ~ 60% gives rapid evaporation of perspiration making people to feel comfort. Too high humidity prevents the evaporation of perspiration from the body. So, body does not cool first and people feel uncomfortable. Too low humidity causes rapid evaporation of perspiration. So, people feel uncomfortable. In extreme cases, it leads skin cracking. As the air is dry it acts like blotting paper absorbs all moisture of the room causing skin to dry and rough. Saturated Air: Saturated air is defined as air that holds the maximum possible weight of water vapour at a particular temperature. It is said to be of 100% relative moisture or 100% relative humidity. The most reliable way to measure relative humidity in air contained space is to use a wet and dry bulb thermometer. Dry Air: Air with relative humidity of less than 60% is called dry air. Moist Air: Air with relative humidity at 60% and over is called moist air. Air in refrigerated chamber is cold and moist. Air in winter is cold and dry. Air in desert is warm and dry. Air in tropics is warm and moist.

Dew-Point Temperature: This is defined as the temperature at which condensation begins if the air is cooled at constant pressure. Dew-point temperature Tdp is the saturation temperature of water corresponding to the vapour pressure. Tdp = T sat@pv. Dry-Bulb Temperature: This refers to the ordinary temperature of atmospheric air. Wet-Bulb Temperature: Wet-bulb temperature refers to the temperature measured when the thermometer bulb is covered with a cotton wick saturated with water and air is blown over it. When unsaturated air passes over the wet wick, some of the water in the wick evaporates. As a result, temperature of the water drops, creating a temperature difference between the air and water. After a while, the heat loss from the water by evaporation equals the heat gain from the air, and the water temperature stabilizes. The thermometer reading at this point is called the wet-bulb temperature. Describe how the temperatures of relative humidity of individual rooms are measured using a hand held instrument. A sling psychrometer is used to get the dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature. The instrument consists of two thermometers, a wet bulb and a dry bulb. The wick on the sling psychrometer must be of cotton or fabric preferably white. Sample air is blown over the wet and dry bulb thermometer by turning the psychrometer with handle. By using the two temperatures in table or psychrometric chart relative humidity of individual rooms are measured. Describe how humidity is controlled within prescribed comfort level. When air leaves the cooler it becomes saturated. When this air passes through various distribution lines it gains in temperature and increases the acceptance of moisture so increases humidity. Engineer M. A. Hamid 3

Air Conditioning
Note Book for Marine Engineer In case of heating, a controlled water spray controls the humidity before leaving the unit. If the moisture is more in the fresh air after cooling in AHU is condensed and the humidity level is received.

What do you mean by comfort zone? Most people feel comfortable when environment temperature is between 22 ~ 27C and relative humidity 40 ~ 60%. This area of psychrometric chart is known as comfort zone in air conditioning system. Compare 3 different methods of humidifying the circulating air. Following systems are used to humidify circulating air in the air conditioning system. 1. Water spray: Water is added into the air at constant enthalpy, no heat is added. We have control over the humidity. 2. Water drop on rotating disc: As above. 3. Steam spray system: Water as well as steam is added into the air, no control over humidity of the air. Explain how accommodation air temperature is controlled. AHU provides comfort condition by controlling temperature of air by heating or cooling application. For cooling, air passes over the cooling coils in the AHU, the temperature of air, drops to the desired level. For heating, steam coils, using steam from engine room is used. Also air temperature can be increased by passing cooling grid (shut down) and only blower will run. Itemize the preventive maintenance which necessary to an automatic control of an a/c plant. A number of automatic controllers are provided in the air conditioning system to maintain automatic controls. 1. Thermostats: A thermostat contains an operating control, which starts and stops the system in the required temperature. 2. Humidistats: A humidistat is the control device in a humidity control system. 3. Air flow control: Air flow control and regulator regulates the volume of air and temperature. 4. Refrigerant control: This comprises the thermostatic expansion valve, solenoid valve, high and low pressure cut out device of compressor. 5. Maintenance: a) Controllers should be calibrated and contractor should be checked regularly. b) Any dame of sensor cable should be checked. Describe the precaution should be taken to ensure the system is free of infection: Bacteria and micro-organism are responsible for infection. To keep the system free of infection air must be cleaned. Air can be kept free of infection by following means: 1. Keep the air filter clean and replace when necessary. 2. Keep the ducting, duct bends, elbows clean. 3. Periodically inspect and clean the AHU coils. 4. Preventive action should be taken during cleaning of deck with sea water, when arrives the ship in populated and industrial area. 5. Keep the drain of AHU clear and clean. 6. Water must be checked, renewed periodically and remove deposits & sludge. 7. Proper air change should be maintained by damper. Suggest how individual room temperature may be adjusted and what effect on humidity. Single duct: Single duct has an electric or steam heating coil locally in the air terminal unit. The adjustment is done on this heater to maintain the individual room temperature. Double duct: The double duct system has hot and cold air supply, so adjustment is done by mixing air to obtain required temperature. Temperature has direct effect on humidity, with the rise in temperature degree of humidity decreases and viceversa. How the quantity of air supplied to each compartment is determined and controlled. Quantity of air supplied to each compartment is determined by the size or volume of compartment. Usage of space like smoke room, galley etc. is controlled by circulating the volume of space. Also, the quantity is determined by the number of change per hour and vary with the usage of conditioned space. Volume = velocity x area Engineer M. A. Hamid 4

Air Conditioning
Note Book for Marine Engineer Velocity of air supply for a given duct size or vice-versa can be determined.

How air change and compensation for air loss is achieved? In the air conditioning system ventilation is provided for changing the air in a work place. Air changes and compensation of air loss is achieved by proper adjustment of damper. Amount of air change should be according to accommodation rules. Identify 4 conditions, which require to be controlled indicating why control is necessary. 1. Air temperature: Cool air reduces the temperature of surrounding surfaces and increases the rate of radiation. An atmospheric temperature below 20oC and above 30oC give a feeling ranging from slight discomfort to serious injury. 2. Humidity: Humidity is controlled because the rate of heat transfer by evaporation depends on the relative humidity. Air with low humidity can readily absorb the moisture from the body, this increases heat dissipation. When humidity is high, the moisture is not so easily evaporated and cooling effect of body is reduced. 3. Air movement: Movement of surrounding air greatly influences heat dissipation by the body. Proper circulation of air indoors is necessary for ensuring comfort. Cold air draughts are unpleasant. Comfort air velocity should be 15 m /min. 4. Ventilation: To ensure comfort, the spaces should be adequately ventilated and the air should be clean, odorless and free of bacteria. Explain how relative humidity can be determined using a sling hygrometer and psychrometric chart. Sling hygrometer is an instrument of dry bulb thermometer and wet bulb thermometer. This gives the reading of dry bulb temperature (dbt) and wet bulb temperature (wbt). The difference between dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures gives an indication of humidity. Now, using the psychrometric chart and interpreting the value of dbt and wbt, we can get the relative humidity. From the chart, the intersection point of constant dry bulb temperature line and constant wet bulb temperature line gives relative humidity of air. Relative humidity 70% 30 Wet bulb temp (wbt) 20 15 10 0 -5 Constant entropy Line 5 10 15 22 27 C Dry bulb temperature (dbt) 5 25 60% 50% 40% 30 % Specific humidity

What maintenance is required to control noise and heat loss/gain in the a/c system ducting? The following measures are taken to control noise levels and heat loss or gain in ducting. a) Obstructions in ductwork upstream and downstream of fans must be removed. High velocity air striking sharp metal objects inside ducts and metal edges on gills are a major source of noise. b) Some ducting work incorporate ductwork flexible inlet and outlet connections to the fan housing for maintaining and isolating fan housing. c) Electrical motors should be oiled before startup and during routine maintenance. d) Noise level can be eliminated by insulating the duct work. e) Ensure that belts tension is correct and the driven pulleys are fitted as close to the fan and motor bearings as possible. How humidity is controlled? Control of humidity means the control of moisture content in air. Humidity is controlled by: Engineer M. A. Hamid 5

Air Conditioning
Note Book for Marine Engineer a) Humidifying process: in humidifying process moisture content is increased. In marine practice, humidification is done by addition of low pressure steam. It increases the moisture content, this increases the relative humidity. b) Dehumidifying process: Dehumidification of air is accomplished by contact with initially dry cold surface i.e. an air cooler. The surface temperature must be lower than the dew point of the air so that moisture may precipitate.

Engineer M. A. Hamid

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