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What’s New – ICONICS Suite
June 2017
Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
How to use this Document .................................................................................................................... 3
Recommendations.................................................................................................................................. 3
Platform Services ........................................................................................................................................ 4
BI Server ................................................................................................................................................... 4
ICONICS Suite Installation ..................................................................................................................... 5
IoTWorX ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Modbus Integration ............................................................................................................................. 18
Triggers and Schedules ........................................................................................................................ 20
Workbench PowerShell ........................................................................................................................ 23
Workflows .............................................................................................................................................. 24
AnalytiX ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
BridgeWorX64 ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Energy AnalytiX Asset Performance Charts ....................................................................................... 31
Energy AnalytiX Usability Improvements .......................................................................................... 35
ReportWorX64 ...................................................................................................................................... 36
GENESIS64 ................................................................................................................................................... 39
AlarmWorX64 ISA 18.2 Compliance ................................................................................................... 39
Asset Navigator Enhancements .......................................................................................................... 40
Data Diagram ........................................................................................................................................ 42
Event Bar ................................................................................................................................................ 43
Play Sound Command ......................................................................................................................... 43
TrendWorX64 Viewer Global Cursors ................................................................................................ 44
TrendWorX64 Viewer Time Zone Synchronization .......................................................................... 46
Hyper Historian ........................................................................................................................................... 47
Asynchronous Expressions Engine ..................................................................................................... 47
MobileHMI .................................................................................................................................................. 48
3D for Mobile ........................................................................................................................................ 48
HoloLens Support ................................................................................................................................. 49

KPIWorX BI............................................................................................................................................. 52
Mobile Facility AnalytiX Viewer........................................................................................................... 53
Mobile GridWorX Charts...................................................................................................................... 54
Mobile ScheduleWorX64 Viewer ........................................................................................................ 55
Push Notifications................................................................................................................................. 55

How to use this Document
Arranged so that users can see the features of each module or provider, all of the new
features listed are selected to give the best examples for what could be tested and used
in this release. Each feature includes a brief description, a list of benefits the user or
developer will receive, as well as use cases and examples.

ICONICS suggests that anyone viewing this document browse the Table of Contents
before diving into the text, as some features may or may not be applicable to all
projects. Once a feature that is of interest to the reader is found, read the description
and benefits before attempting to use the feature. If an ICONICS representative has
informed a user that a certain feature that should be available is not, please email
ICONICS as soon as possible so that we can verify the feature and timing.

Platform Services
BI Server

The BI Server is the configuration-side element of the Business Intelligence (BI)
visualization. It provides data ingestion and data modeling tools that to extract insight
and intelligence from raw data. Data ingestion is configured in terms of Data Flows. In
its simplest form, a Data Flow represents an act of reading data from a data source and
normalize it to a dataset. Data sources include historical data (raw and aggregated),
historical alarms, FDD, Quality AnalytiX, and generic datasets (GridWorX and web
services). As part of a Data Flow it is also possible to further process data by creating
filtering criteria for rows, removing unwanted columns or creating calculated columns
based on expressions. Once ingestion is configured, modeling tools allow the creation
of Data Models. A Data Model is akin to a SQL Database and is essentially a collection of
Tables, Relationships and Views. Tables are linked to Data Flows, which provide the
schema and data for the table itself. Once tables have been defined, Relationships can
be created between Tables in the Data Model. Views works like virtual tables, allowing
users to define and name frequently used custom queries. KPIWorX is the primary tool
that allows easy consumption and visualization of BI Server data. BI Server data can also
be queried directly using SQL language in advanced scenarios.

The BI Server allows the user to configure their BI data by importing data from multiple
sources into a Data Model. A Data Model sets up data as a logical collection of tables
(Datasets) with relationships. Data from different sources may be contained in the same
table with support for calculated columns and measures. This organization allows the
user to leverage BI visual elements, especially within KPIWorX.

In order to create a Data Model to use with BI visualization, the user must first create a
Data Flow.

1. Open the Workbench.

2. In the Project Explorer, navigate to Data Flows (AnalytiX > BI Server > Data
Flows). Right-click on Data Flows and select Add Data Flow.

Alternatively, select the Add Data Flow button from the edit section of the Home
3. This opens the Block Properties. On the left side, select a Data Source. This
populates the Block Properties. Within the Data Source option in Block
Properties, you can navigate to the specific Data Point you wish to use. Click OK
when the correct data point is selected.
4. Once you are satisfied with the configuration, select Apply to return to the
5. This populates the DataFlow Editor, allowing you to customize the data by
deleting, renaming, and reorganizing your columns.
Select Apply to confirm the changes.
6. In the Project Explorer, navigate to Data Models (AnalytiX > BI Server > Data
Models). Right-click on Data Models and select Add Data Model.
Alternatively, select the Add Data Model button from the edit section of the
Home ribbon.
7. To configure this Data Model, start by right-clicking on your new Data Model.
Select Add Data Table.
Alternatively, select the Add Data Table button from the edit section of the Home
8. In this new table, set the Data Source as the newly created Data Flow. Select Ok.
9. This opens the Data Table Schema window. Select which rows to be set as a
Primary Key, Nullable or ReadOnly. Select Apply when the Data Table is
10. This data can now be navigated to in KPIWorX and leveraged into visual BI

ICONICS Suite Installation

Installing ICONICS products can now be completed using a single, unified installation.

All ICONICS 64-bit products can now be installed from a single installation. This
significantly reduces installation time while retaining the ability to customize which
products and features are installed.

The ICONICS Suite Installation runs the same way as previous ICONICS product
installations with an additional option allowing users to select which products to install.
After initializing an installation, continue with the setup until reaching the Setup Type
window. In this window, select which products to install, then select Next. The following
window, Select Features, allows the user to select individual components and features
to install with the installation. Alternatively, users can toggle individual products in the
Suite Options section to collectively select or deselect independent components and
features associated with products.

IoTWorX bridges the gap between an on-premises communications networks and an
Azure cloud-based deployment platform. The IoT gateway, which can be considered an
“Edge Device”, provides data connectivity between on-premises end devices and the
cloud. Targeting process, factory, and building automation as well as other industries,
IoTWorX installs with on-premises communications includes BACnet, SNMP, Modbus,
and OPC. The cloud communication path is highly secure and is based on Advanced
Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and a publish/subscribe (“pub/sub”) mechanism.

IoTWorX provides manufacturers and facility managers with a flexible platform to create
Internet of Things applications. ICONICS offers several key IoT technologies, including
rich connectivity to things (OPC, OPC UA, BACnet, SNMP, Modbus), secure cloud
communications, and built-in real-time visualization and analytics. With simple setup
and configuration, users can easily create remote monitoring and analytics solutions
that meet their innovative business requirements for collaboration and shared insight
across widely dispersed assets.

The ICONICS IoT solution leverages the Azure cloud to provide global visibility,
scalability, and reliability. Connect to standard ICONICS applications in the cloud such as
GENESIS64™, Hyper Historian™, AnalytiX®, and more. Optionally integrate Microsoft
Azure services such as Power BI and Machine Learning to provide greater depth of

Before beginning IoTWorX setup, ensure that the necessary software has been procured
(ICONICS IoTWorX) as well as optional hardware (IoTWorX Gateway Device). Once these
prerequisites are prepared, you can begin provisioning and configuring your IoTWorX
solution. Use the instructions below to begin:

Initial Resource Setup

1. Create an IoT Hub in Azure Portal. Copy the iothubowner “Connection String—
primary key”. This will be used later.

2. Create a SQL server and SQL database in Azure Portal. Copy the connection string
(make sure to fill in username and password) and keep available. The string can
be found by clicking on the SQL database, and then clicking Show database
connection strings in the Essentials section of the Overview screen. Copy the
“ADO.NET” string.

3. Configure your SQL Azure firewall to allow client IP “”, as well as the
IP addresses of your IoT gateway device and Workbench server.
4. Install IoTWorX on the gateway device.
5. Install ICONICS Suite on a remote PC. This PC does not need to be on the same
network as the gateway device, though ICONICS does recommend installing on
an Azure VM within the same Azure resource group as the IoT Hub.

Device Provisioning

1. On either the gateway or a remote PC on the same network as the gateway, open
a web browser and go to http://<gateway>:1447/, replacing “<gateway>” with
the computer name or IP address of your gateway device.

2. Login with credentials (user: admin, password: iconics).

3. Upon logging in for the first time, make sure to change your password to a
secure password.
4. Click on the Provisioning link at the top of the page.
5. Select the option “I want to use my private IoT Hub” and click Next.

6. Select the option “I want to register this IoT Gateway as a new device in my
IoT Hub” and click Next.

7. Copy over the IoT Hub Connection String from the Azure Portal.
8. Name the gateway device in the Azure IoT Hub by providing a Device ID (an
alphanumeric name without spaces).
9. If the device has been previously provisioned, the device requires a unique name
(a name not previously used).
10. Copy over the Azure SQL connection string from the Azure Portal.
11. Click Test SQL button to test SQL connection. “SQL database connection test
succeeded” appears, indicating that you are ready to provision your device.

12. Click Provision Device. This step may take several minutes to complete. Do not
refresh the page during this time.

NOTE: If you are using B0 or S1 tier Azure SQL database, the provisioning may
take longer. Please wait up to 15 minutes while the necessary database tables
are created and the device finishes provisioning.

13. Once the device is provisioned, the message “IoT Gateway device is
provisioned. See the provisioning info below” appears. Click the Overview tab
to confirm that your device provisioned correctly.

14. Once provisioning is complete, restart the device by clicking on the Diagnostics
dropdown menu at the top of the interface. Select Maintenance and click
Restart IoT Gateway (Diagnostics > Maintenance > Restart IoT Gateway).

IoT Publish List Configuration

1. On the remote PC with the ICONICS Suite installed, open Workbench and select
the Project tab in the top ribbon. Create a new IoT project by clicking New
Project and selecting the IoT project from the dropdown.
2. Select Create a New Connection and fill out the required fields. Use the same
IoT Hub Connection String from the provisioning process. Provide a project name
and description and click OK.
3. Under the new IoT project added to the Project Explorer, you see the newly
provisioned device (alongside any other devices connected to the Azure IoT Hub).
If the device icon is red, or if the device does not appear, the device may not have
finished its restart. Right-click on the project name and select Update IoT
Devices to refresh the list.
4. Once the gateway is up and running, the device has a blue icon, indicating it is
online. Within “Subscriber Connections” under “MyProject” (not the IoT Project), a
subscription to the IoT Hub has been added.
5. Expand Internet of Things under your device in your IoT project. Right-click on
Publish Lists and select Add Publish List (Real Time). Name the publish list.
6. In the Published Points tab, add points to be exposed over the cloud by adding
items to the list and using the data browser to navigate to the appropriate points.
Give each point a short “Publish Name”, as this reduces messages, minimizing

Azure costs. Click Apply to save changes.

7. Open the “Publisher Connection” form. Ensure the connection is enabled by

checking the Enable this connection box, and, under “Real Time Publish List”,
select the Publish List you created in the previous step. Apply your changes.

8. Back on your remote PC, open GraphWorX64. In the Data Browser on the left,
expand My Computer and select Internet of Things. The IoT Subscription you
created appears. If you expand this further, your device TestTag becomes visible.

9. Open the Symbol Library in the left-hand pane by clicking Symbols and search
for “KPI Gauge”. Drag KPI Gauge 1 into the canvas and set the gauge’s
DataSource to your IoT tag using the Data Browser. Enter Runtime to activate
your tag.
10. You can also see the “All Available Data” folder within the Date Browser. This
folder exposes the entire address space and is referred to as the “Dynamic
Publish List”. If you go back to the Publish List we created in Workbench, you can
use tags from this dynamic publish list to add to the list we defined earlier
(known as the “Static Publish List”).

IoT Collector

IoTWorX can serve as a remote collector for a remote Hyper Historian server.

1. Switch to your Remote PC and create a new Publish List (Historical) and add tags
similar to the ones you created in real-time publish list.

2. Create a new Publisher Connection
a) Change the Connection Type to “Platform Services”.
b) Specify the name of the machine where Hyper Historian is running (Publish
Machine Name).

NOTE: In case Hyper Historian Logger is running on Cloud virtual machine you
need to specify the fully qualified domain name or public IP of that VM).

c) Select the Historical Publish List created in the previous step.

3. On your Hyper Historian server, go to the Hyper Historian configuration in
a) Expand Data Collections and create your configuration in root (under
folders). Tag name(s) needs to be equal to Historical Public List tag name(s).
The tag names are case sensitive.

b) Create a new tag. Uncheck the Is Collected checkbox and click Apply.

1. Confirm inbound traffic on Port 8778 on the firewall is allowed.

2. Start Hyper Historian service.
3. Restart the IoT Publisher on your gateway.
4. Historical data is now logged from the gateway. To confirm this, create a
TrendWorX64 Viewer in GraphWorX64 connected to the tag created in step 3.

Modbus Integration

Modbus connectivity is now a native part of the ICONICS 64-bit platform and is fully
integrated into the Platform Services architecture with a new Modbus Point Manager.

Modbus integration provides direct communication between FrameWorX64 and
Modbus, requiring no OPC layer in between. The new Modbus Point Manager provides
a number of additional features, including native Platform Services alarming, diagnostics
(including Modbus frame dump, runtime configuration and performance counters) and
support for multiple Modbus devices. Modbus Point Manager communications provide
a number of performance benefits, including: channels, configurable device types, and
asynchronous communications.

Use the instructions below to add and configure a new Modbus device:

1. Open the Workbench.

2. Navigate to Data Connectivity, then open Modbus. You have access to the
following sub-branches: Address Space, Channels and, Templates.
3. Begin by setting the Address Space. The Address Space settings configure the
properties and connection parameters for the Devices, Folders, and Data Items.
Data items can be organized hierarchically. The Configurator module uses the
terms “Folder” and “Data Item”. A folder can contain additional folders and also
data items. The data items are always the leaf nodes in the tree control hierarchy.
The hierarchical structure of the folders and data items helps to organize the
devices and tags.
4. Configure your Address Space and click on the Apply (or Apply & Close) button
to save your changes and return to the Workbench.
5. In the Modbus OPC Configurator, a device represents a piece of hardware that
communicates with the OPC server over TCP/IP. A device directly communicates
with its socket, so it is logically under the first level in the Address Space tree.
Also, its IP address in combination with the unit identifier value uniquely
identifies the device. Right-click on Address Bar and select Add Device.
Alternatively, you can select the Address Space node in the Project Explorer, then

click on the Add Device button in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the
6. This opens the New Device properties in the right side of the configurator. In the
Device Name field, specify a name for the new device.
7. Configure your device settings and click on the Apply (or Apply & Close) button
to save your changes and return to the Workbench.
8. While under Address Space, continue to configure additional Folders and Data
Items, as needed.
9. Next, navigate to the Channels option. The Channels node within the Modbus
OPC Server Configurator provider in the Workbench allows you to set a new
channel where you can set the Channel Type of Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet. The
selected Channel Type automatically changes the list of properties to “complete”.
Set Channels can then be selected from within Device properties.
10. To add a new channel, right-click on Channels and select Add Channel.
Note: You can also select the Channels node in the Project Explorer, then click on
the Add Channel button in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the
11. This opens the New Channel properties. Configure the New Channel properties
and click on the Apply (or Apply & Close) button to save your changes and
return to the Workbench.
12. Navigate to the Device Types option. Every device is identified by its unique
address. The devices registers are read as Input (1 bit long) or Input Register (16
bits), or written to as Coil (1 bit) or Holding Register (16 bits). Registers of each
type are addressed by using 16-bit numbers. The meaning of the values in the
custom device type properties is the maximum amount of data that can be
transferred in one message. Setting the value equal to 0 (zero) forces the server
to use single read/write messages only.
13. To add a new device type, right-click on Device Types and select Add Device
Note: You can also select the Device Type node in the Project Explorer, then click
on the Add Device Type button in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the
14. This opens the New Device Type properties. Once you have configured the New
Device Type properties, click on the Apply (or Apply & Close) button to save your

changes and return to the Workbench. Your newly created Device Type can now
be selected in the Types field within Device settings.
15. Once your Modbus configuration is complete, you can leverage this data
connection the same as other data connection types such as BACnet, SNMP, and
web services.

Triggers and Schedules

Version 10.95 now features new, unified “Actions”, which include Schedules, Triggers,
and Workflows. This is a core technology that is used to invoke actions throughout
ICONICS products. A schedule, trigger or workflow monitors the system for certain
conditions such as a schedule, file system changes, database changes or others. It then
responds to these changes by notifying other products to take an action. Such actions
include sending a report, merging historical data, refreshing a GridWorX data source or
starting a BridgeWorX transaction.

The new Triggers and Schedules for ICONICS products create an extensible triggering
system that produces an event when configurable conditions are met. Client or server
applications can subscribe to these events to take actions based on these triggers.
Triggered actions and events can be utilized in ReportWorX, BridgeWorX, Hyper
Historian, GridWorX, MergeWorX, and web services.

The new Triggers and Schedules enable better time management and synchronization
for automated actions. Enhanced trigger processing allows for a variety of new triggers
to be supported in v10.95. Schedules can now send an action, and real-time tag
schedules can control a tag without needing to set any values. Availability schedules for
tracking personnel are also now supported.

Support for new trigger types includes:

 Alarm Triggers (NEW) - Triggers based on alarm and events.

 Data Triggers - Triggers based on data tag changes.
 Database Triggers (NEW) - Triggers based on changes in a database.
 File Triggers (NEW) - Triggers based on file system or directory changes.
 NT Event Triggers (NEW) - Triggers based on Windows Event Log messages.

 Time Triggers - Triggers based on a specified date/time or time pattern.
 Trigger Event Groups (NEW) - A group of triggers that can be subscribed to in
order to receive a notification if any triggers in the group are triggered.
 Trigger Event Switches (NEW) - A group of triggers that includes an index tag.
The index tag specifies the active trigger in the group. The active trigger is able to
send notifications to clients subscribed to the switch.

New schedule enhancements have added to existing scheduling functionality. Benefits

include adding the ability to set a schedule for a single tag or set a single tag to read-
only on schedule. Additionally, users can now choose to send an alarm or event
message when the schedule state changes.

Triggers can be used in a variety of places across ICONICS products. Although there are
some differences in how each type of trigger is configured, the general setup and
function are the same. For this example, we will use a Time Trigger:

1. Open the Workbench.

2. In the Project Explorer, navigate to Time Triggers (Actions >Triggers > Time
Triggers). Right-click on Time Triggers and select Add Time Trigger.
Alternatively, select the Add Time Trigger button from the edit section of the
Home ribbon.
3. This opens New Time Trigger configuration options.

General Settings

 Description - Enter a description for the trigger.

 Time Zone - Select the time zone for the trigger.
 Stop On - Set a specific time and date for when the trigger no longer
 Shift Trigger By - Set an amount of time (in seconds) to shift the trigger.
 Enable on Tag - Select to enable the trigger on the specified tag.
 Is condition for - Set the amount of time (in seconds) for which the
condition is set.

Trigger Settings

 Recurrence Type - Select the time recurrence type for the trigger (One
time only, time interval or specific dates and times).
 Trigger at (One time only) - Select the specific time or the trigger to
 Starting at (Time interval and Specific dates and times) - Set the time and
date for the recurring trigger to start.
 Recur every (Time interval Specific dates and times) - Set the interval of
time for the trigger to recur.
 Pick Specific times (Specific dates and times) - Select the custom rate for
the trigger to recur.

4. Additional settings can also be set in the Related Values tab. When the Time
Trigger is fully configured, click on the Apply (or Apply & Close) button to save
your changes and return to the Workbench.
5. This trigger can now be found in the Data Browser (My Computer > Actions >
Triggers > Time Triggers) and used to configure events in various products and

The new schedule options can also be configured within the Workbench.

1. Open the Workbench.

2. In the Project Explorer, navigate to Schedules (Actions > Schedules > Schedules).
3. Within a new or existing schedule, select the General tab.
4. Under Schedule Output, use the Output Type to set the schedule to a single tag
(Data Tag) or to read-only (None).

5. Below, select the Generate Event Notifications to send an alarm or alert each
time a schedule state changes.

Workbench PowerShell

The Workbench PowerShell configurator is the replacement for the Command Line
feature previously in the Workbench. PowerShell provides users who wish to
programmatically configure their Workbench options with a Microsoft-based interface.

The Workbench PowerShell Configuration provides users with a way to
programmatically configure ICONICS products with a system-wide interface. PowerShell
users have the ability to add, remove, and update items in the configuration databases.
A PowerShell module for each provider allows users to create, read, update, and delete
entries. Local and remote configurations as well as ICONICS security are supported
when running commands. Commands to manipulate entities and their properties as well
as to retrieve the entities using either their keys or names supports wildcards. All
commands support pipelining. This interface minimizes deployment times with faster
onboarding for users who prefer this method of integration and it can be used to create
powerful scripts to configure the databases in one step.

Begin by launching Microsoft PowerShell. PowerShell launches the default interface and
can automatically communicate with any installed ICONICS products, because the
modules are installed will be automatically loaded once a command is executed. Use the
repositories implementation to manipulate the databases. For each provider, the
commands are generated using the T4 Text Template approach to preserve the
compatibility in case of API changes or creation of a new provider. Here are some
examples of commands that can be issued through the PowerShell interface:

To Create a new Language Alias

New-LasAlias <Name> [<Description>][<DefaultTranslation>]

To remove an existing Language Alias

Remove-LasAlias <Name>

To update an existing Language Alias

Set-LasAlias <Name> [<Description>][<DefaultTranslation>]

To get an existing Language Alias

Get-LasAlias <Name>

To get all the existing Language Aliases


To get all the Language Aliases under a specific folder

Get-LasAliasesByParent <Name>

The Workflows feature, found within ICONICS Workbench, allows users to leverage
customizable logic to execute complex actions. Workflows are an easy way to
manipulate data and make automated decisions in real time. Data is used to drive
actions (e.g., generating a report, archiving an historical table, etc.) under certain

Such conditions could be "If it's midnight and the historical server is online and no users
are logged into the system, then archive these tables." or "If in the last hour there were

10 alarms but none of them have been acknowledged, then send an SMS to the

All Workflow Sources come from the DataFlow engine. Real 'live' data sources (those
driven by subscription-based callbacks) are converted into data sets at the moment of

Single values (e.g., OPC DA, BACnet, SNMP, etc.) are represented as a simple data set
containing at least a value, quality, and timestamp. However, these may include any
additional properties requested by the user (e.g., engineering unit, high/low range, etc.).
Data sources that are not subscription-based, but require polling, make use of Reader
blocks to control exactly when the Read is executed, including datasets (e.g., web
services, Database Queries, custom point managers) and historical data (e.g., OPC HDA,
BACnet, custom point managers, etc.) are transformed into a dataset (table).

This feature enables users to create comprehensible, logical actions to occur in response
to certain catalysts or conditions. Countless actions can be set to occur from a ranging
variety of triggers, with fully customizable initiators and concluders. The intuitive

Workflows user interface empowers users to create an entire workflow with minimized
configuration time, leveraging a simple yet powerful interface.

Using Workflows in the Workbench is like building a puzzle. A full set of pieces is
referred to as a “diagram”, while each individual piece is called an “Activity”. Each activity

 Start and End

 Readers
 Conditions

The configurator is intuitive and helps to maximize available space. You can drag and
drop tags into the workflow itself. Each diagram has its own easy-to-use configuration
tools with no popups and an easily accessible library of activities. Users are also
provided with context-sensitive visual feedback regarding any errors within the diagram

1. Open the Workbench and expand the Actions node in the Project Explorer.
Right-click the Workflows node and then click on Add New Workflow, as
shown below.
Note: You can also select the Workflows node then click on the New Workflow
button in the Edit Section of the Home ribbon.

2. This opens the New Workflow properties in the Workbench. Enter a name for this
workflow in the Workflow Name text entry field.

The New Workflow Properties include the Workflow Diagram tab and the
Notifications and General Settings tab. You can then set various configurations using
the tabs.

Workflow Diagram Tab

When first opened, The Diagram Editor displays a Start Action. This is the
starting activity of the Workflow. It cannot be deleted and is a unique element
within the Workflow.

You can expand the Diagram Editor window in order to provide more room to
create your Workflow Diagram. You can also use the following tools from the
toolbar that first appears by default:

Turn the diagram legend information On or Off.

Display or hides the Activity Library.

Recenter the current Diagram within the editor


Zoom (magnify) the current Diagram within the editor


Unzoom (demagnify) the current Diagram within the

editor window.

The Activity Library allows you to drag listed elements into the Diagram Editor.
Each Activity brings up its own set of properties that appear to the right of the
Diagram Editor when the Activity is added.

Activities in the Activity Library include:

 Start
 End with Result
 DA Reader
 HDA Reader
 HAE Reader
 Data Set Reader
 Delay
 NT Event Generation
 Condition

3. Set each activity's individual properties.

4. Continue adding, configuring and positioning activities to build out your workflow.
5. Click on Apply to save your changes. Then click Close to return to the Workbench.
Your new Workflow is added to the Project Explorer beneath the Workflow node or
within a pre-existing Workflow Folder.


The BridgeWorX64 service provides the latest 64-bit data bridging technology for
v10.95. Graphical data bridging enables users to rapidly implement data orchestration
and integration tasks that adhere to business logic without requiring and programming.
BridgeWorX64 retains the benefits of BridgeWorX32 while enhancing capabilities and
creating a native 64-bit data bridging tool that integrates with ICONICS’ 64-bit platform.

BridgeWorX64 features transactional workflow execution with a diagram designer that
leverages drag-and-drop configuration to reduce engineering and deployment costs.
Transactions can be triggered from multiple events including On Alarm, On OPC Data
Value Change, On File/Directory Change, or On NT Event Posted. BridgeWorX64 is also
fully integrated with v10 Platform Services including the Workflow Engine, Data Flow
Library, GridWorX, AnalytiX-BI Server, and OData Connector.

1. Launch the Workbench.
2. Within the Project Explorer, navigate to Bridging.
3. Go to transactions, right-click, and select Add Configuration.
4. Name your configuration and check Active Configuration.
5. Within the Project Explorer, right-click on the new configuration and select Add
6. Name this transaction (in this example, we name it “TransactionA”) and within the
Workflow Diagram section of the Transaction Settings tab, select Create a New
A new Diagram is created.
7. Specify a name for the diagram in the Diagram Name field.
Select Apply. The diagram can now be edited.

8. Navigate to the new diagram in the Project Explorer (Bridging > Templates).
Select the new diagram. This may require a refresh of the Templates folder.
9. This diagram can now be edited using the Workflow interface.
10. Drag a Start Block and a Stop Block onto the Workflow canvas.
11. Drag a Data Set Reader onto the Workflow canvas.
12. Specify the settings within the Activity Editor. Under General Settings section,
name the activity (“ReadFromDatabase” for this example). The name should be
unique within the diagram.
13. Under the Data Source section, browse for any data set tag. For this example, the
“All Products” data source is used (Databases > SQL Server > Northwind > Data
Sources > All Products) [db:Northwind.AllProducts].
14. On the Workflow canvas, reroute the path to travel from Start Block to the Data
Set Reader Block.
15. Drag a Tag Writer Block onto the Workflow canvas (real-time output). Be sure
that the route travels from the Data Set Reader Block to the Tag Writer Block.
16. Specify the settings of the Tag Writer Block within the Activity Editor. Name the
Tag Writer Block (“WriteProductName” for this example) and select the data
source. For this example, a static data source is used (Data Connectivity > OPC
Data Access > Simulations > String > Static)
17. In the Value to Write Section, specify the expression using the expression editor.
For this example, use: x={{ActivityOutput:ReadFromDatabase.Row(0).Col(1)}}
The reference in this instance is the product name column.
18. Drag a second Tag Writer Block onto the Workflow canvas. Be sure that the route
travels from the first Tag Writer Block to the second Tag Writer Block.
19. Name the second Tag Writer Block (“WriteProductPrice” for this example) and
select the data source. For this example, use a static data source (Data
Connectivity > OPC Data Access > Simulations > String > Static)
20. In the Value to Write Section, specify the expression using the expression editor.
For this example, use: x={{ActivityOutput:ReadFromDatabase.Row(0).Col(6)}}
The reference in this instance is the product unit price column.
21. Right-click on the second Tag Writer Block and select Add <Completed> Link.
Attach the On Completed link to the End Block.
Select Apply.

22. Open GraphWorX64.
23. Add two process points to the canvas. Set one process point’s Data Source to
@sim64:String.Static(“ProductName”).Value and the other to
24. Add a Data Entry with the Data Source set to the transaction we created (in this
case, Bridging > TransactionA > @@Execute [bwx:TestA/@@Execute])
If you do not see the newly created transaction under Bridging, you may need to
restart the IcoBwxService in the Task Manager.
25. Put the display into Runtime. Set the Data Entry value to 1. The product name
and value should now appear in the process points.

Energy AnalytiX Asset Performance Charts

The new Energy AnalytiX Asset Performance Charts are an additional charting option
available to Energy AnalytiX users. These charts allows for single asset or multiple asset
comparisons of energy, cost, and weather data. This chart option also supports
drilldown capabilities for additional asset information.

This new charting option is especially useful for users who want to compare certain
aspects of a vast number of assets. It supports multiple time aggregate asset
comparisons including: today vs. last day, this week vs. last week, this month vs last
month, and this year vs. last year. Every asset inherently contains two time series (one

for current and one for previous data) allowing users to visualize past data as
benchmarks for their current interval.

1. Open GraphWorX64.
2. Add an Energy AnalytiX Viewer to the canvas.
3. Be sure the Energy AnalytiX Viewer is selected. Click on the Configure button in
the Energy AnalytiX Viewer Configuration tab. This opens the Energy AnalytiX
Viewer Configurator.
4. On the left side, right-click on the Viewer heading in the Asset Navigator and
select Add Energy Asset Performance Chart.
5. Select the Energy Asset Performance Chart.

6. Specify the General options.

 Name - Set a name for the chart.
 Inherited Asset - Selecting this option applies it to all assets passed
through commanding or custom drill-down action or configured in the
Viewer Tab to the current specialized chart.

 Specific Assets - Selecting this option gives the user access to the Assets
Selection window by clicking on the ellipsis. This window allows the user to
search by Asset Catalog Structure or Cost Centers. Selecting assets in this
window allows the user to specify exactly which assets is inherited from
the Viewer Tab. If multiple assets contain the same path, the user may
choose a Path Fragment to Exclude. Any path fragments entered into this
option is excluded from the asset title in the specialized chart. This option
is especially useful when the display contains many assets from the same
path or the path is exceptionally long.
 Include Children Assets - When selected, the assets children, not just the
asset itself are included. This may lead to plotting multiple data lines/bars,
each representing one of its children.

7. Select the Data Tab and set the Data options.

 Category - Select the type of category being used (Calculations, Financial
or Weather).
 Calculation (Calculations category only) - Select between Carbon and
Consumption calculations.
 Query (Calculations and Financial categories only) - Select the desired
type of query.
 Meter Type (Calculations and Financial categories only) - Select the type
of the desired meter.
 Time Aggregate - Select the interval of time at which the data is
 Day Aggregate - Select which days the data is aggregated.
 Day of the Week - Select specific days of the week where data is
aggregated. Option only applicable when "Specific Day" is selected for the
Day Aggregate option.
 Comparison Interval - Select which intervals you wish to compare.
Additionally, set whether or not you wish to Plot Running Totals and/or
Filter Available Selections on the chart.

8. Select the Appearance Tab and set the Appearance options.


 Title - Insert and format the text of the title.
 Subtitle - Insert and format the text of the subtitle.
 Border:
Color - Select the border color
Thickness - Select border thickness.
 Background:
Color - Select background color.
 Chart Settings:
Chart Type - Select the desired type of chart to represent the data.
Plot Type - Select the type of data plot (Line Plot, Bar Plot, Spline Plot,
Area Plot, Spline Area Plot).
Drill-Down Mode - Drill-down mode allows specialized charts to have
specific data values regrouped and refined by selecting the value visual.
Changing this option from “none” opens an additional option called
Configuration below Drill-Down Mode. This option specifies exactly which
data set is drilled-down in the display. Once the specialized chart has been
created, the user can then select a single value visual (such as a single bar
or line) to further expand into a separate specialized chart. Two drill-down
modes are available:

1. Asset Based Drill-down:

If this option is selected, the users clicks on a chart visual are placed
automatically in a drill-down mode where data for the immediate
children of the originating asset are displayed for the same time
2. Custom Drill-down:
If this option is selected, the user can select an existing chart
configuration to be displayed in drill-down mode. The originating chart
supplies the asset identifiers and the time range to the custom drill-
down chart. For example, an energy analysis chart can be configured to
display consumption data, and on custom drill-down mode to have it
display cost data for the specific asset and time range.

Grid Lines - Specify which grid lines are shown.

X Lines Color - Select the color of the X-axis lines.
Y Lines Color - Select the color of the Y-axis lines.

Series Palette - Select the auto-fill color series.

 Value Axis:
Axis Title - Select a title for the value axis.
Axis Color - Select the text color of the value axis.
Desired Tick Count - Select the number of total ticks present on the value
Label Interval - Interval at which each label is present.
Label Format - Formatting of the vertical axis title.
Label Fit Mode - Select the text fit style (None, Multiline, or Rotate).
Rotation Angle - Angle of rotation on the text label.
 Category Axis (Assets):
Axis Title - Select a title for the category axis.
Axis Color - Select the text color of the category axis.
Label Fit Mode - Select the text fit style (None, Multiline, or Rotate).
Rotation Angle - Angle of rotation on the text label.
 Miscellaneous:
Display runtime controls - Selecting this option gives the user the ability to
show or hide runtime control while viewing the chart.
9. When you are finished configuring, select Save As…
10. You are prompted to save your configuration to the database. Select Default
Configuration to set this as the default configuration. Click Save when finished.
11. To view the Energy Asset Performance Chart with live data, set the display to

Energy AnalytiX Usability Improvements

Various Energy AnalytiX functions and user experiences have been enhanced in version
10.95. These improvements include:

 Ability to disable drill-down when no children assets are present

 Ability to hide meter type selection from Energy AnalytiX meter charts
 Ability to add calculations without requiring selected units
 Multi-select meter tag selection

 Simplified energy utility asset configuration
 Calculation support for energy consumption, cost or carbon segmentation
 Additional equipment classes for common scenarios
 Additional sample Energy AnalytiX database creation scripts
 Quick-connect meter support enhancements
 Ability to define unit conversions and apply to energy calculations at various
asset levels
 Ability to automatically infer children meter tags in energy consumption
 Energy meter assets no longer require a dedicated utility and can now use any
utility type

These new usability improvements enhance Energy AnalytiX customizability, usability,
control, functionality, and user-friendliness.

Energy AnalytiX continues to function as it did in previous versions with faster, more
efficient calculations. You may notice additional options allowing for more
customization and additional visual tools.


ReportWorX64 is a powerful reporting tool that turns volumes of data into
manufacturing intelligence. ReportWorX64 empowers users to create reports using data
integrated from any source within a system. Process data from the plant floor, corporate
databases, and everywhere in between by connecting to data sources such as OPC, OPC
UA, BACnet, Modbus, and SNMP. ReportWorX64 can also retrieve data from Hyper
Historian, AlarmWorX, TrendWorX, and other ICONICS data sources.

Based on scalable Microsoft .NET technology, ReportWorX64 pushes data into report
spreadsheets and forms leveraging the power of Microsoft Excel. A key feature within
ReportWorX64 is its advanced scheduling engine, which allows for the orchestrated
execution of reports. These reports can be triggered for implementation over the web,
from an HMI screen or based on user-specified criteria.

ReportWorX64 is the full migration of the BizViz v9 ReportWorX to 64-bit and is fully
integrated with GENESIS64.

Users familiar with previous iterations of ReportWorX64 will be familiar with the
functionality of ReportWorX as a data compiling and reporting tool. Full integration with
GENESIS64 provides users with the functionality to which they are accustomed while
enhancing reporting capabilities. Reporting dashboards allow for flexible, interactive
visualizations with simple drag-and-drop operations with drill-down capabilities.
Reports support responsive design for accessibility from any device. Reports can be
generated manually or set up to be sent at a scheduled time or in response to an event.
ReportWorX64 templates allow the user to reuse the same criteria for multiple reports.

Reports can be used in a number of capacities and can be triggered and shared from
multiple sources. Before using ReportWorX64, you need to either have at the ready, or
create a v10.95 Excel Template.

1. Open Microsoft Excel.

2. On the ReportWorX ribbon, click on Layout and Parameter Configurator button.
3. In Data Browser, select a data source point. Drag and drop to the cell where the
mapping should be created.
4. If necessary, change the mapping by right-clicking on a cell with mapping and
select the option from the content menu. In the Properties panel, you can modify
time period, number of rows and other settings. Select the OK button to apply.
5. Save the Excel sheet.
For instructions on the basics of how to configure and issue a report, please see below.

1. Open the Workbench.

2. In the Project Explorer, navigate to Reports > Configurations.
3. Right-click on Configurations and select Add Configuration.
4. Set Working Files Directory and check Active Configuration option. Select Apply.
5. Right-click on Templates and select Add Template. Set the name and select
6. For the template Click to upload a new version of the template link and browse
to previously created Excel file with ReportWorX mapping.

7. Select Active Version for the template select Apply.
8. Right-click on Sample Configuration and select Add Report. Alternatively, select
the Add Report button from the Edit section of the Home Ribbon.
9. The report configuration settings appears. Fill in the fields with your desired

Report Template

 Selected Template - Choose a custom or sample template.

 Template Name - Set the name of the current template.
 Template Description - Provide a description of the current template.

General Properties

 The report is enabled - Set whether or not the current report is enabled.
 Generate reports as - Choose how the report is generated (Excel, PDF or
 Attach reports as - Select how the report is generated (Excel, PDF or
 GAS Themes - Select global themes and aliases.
 Language - Select the language for the report.
 Target Path - Set the location to which the report is saved.

10. When the Report is accurately configured, select Apply.

11. The report is now available within GraphWorX64 (My Computer > Reports). Now
that the report is configured, it can be set to be issued at a specific time or in
response to a specific event. Additionally, users can now leverage a specialized
GraphWorX64 display intended to provide a dashboard for reports. This display
can be found on the GENESIS64 Installation (Local Disk (C:) > Program Files >
ICONICS > GENESIS64 > Components > GwxReporting.gdfx).

AlarmWorX64 ISA 18.2 Compliance

AlarmWorX64 has been updated to support server feature for ISA 18.2 standard
Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries. New alarm states have been
added to support additional features that are required by ISA 18.2 specifications. New
features include:

 Shelving with Auto-unshelve

 Re-alarming
 GUI suppression of alarms without disabling the alarm
 Separate Delay for exiting alarm
 Latch support
 Associated GUI updates interact with new states
 Associated new data points in the Alarm Server

Users now have more control over what they can display within any alarming dashboard,
while also integrating additional options for other features such as reset support and
latches. Alarms now have increased filter capabilities which allow users to remove or
hide specific alarms due to maintenance.

Setting ISA Compliance to a configuration can be set using the following steps:

1. Launch the Workbench.

2. Navigate within the Project Explorer to Alarms and Notifications > AlarmWorX64
Server > Configurations.
3. Right-click on the configuration you want to modify and select Edit. The
configuration details appear below.
4. Within the Runtime Settings menu, check the ISA Compliance option.
5. All new alarms included with this configuration now have ISA default compliance
options selected.
6. Additionally, you can navigate to an individual alarm and examine the specific
settings. Under the General tab, the Enable Out of Service, Enable Suppressed by

Design and Shelve (seconds) checkboxes are automatically selected when the ISA
Compliance checkbox is selected. The optional ISA compliance settings Latch on
Acknowledge, Latch on unacknowledged, Re-Alarm (seconds), and Weight can be
set manually.

Asset Navigator Enhancements

The Asset Navigator is used to visualize a configured tree-like structure that provides a
functional hierarchy for navigation and for data roll-ups. The Asset Navigator has
become an integral of part of ICONICS products and has become the primary navigation
feature for GraphWorX64 displays. The latest iteration of the Asset Navigator includes
several feature enhancements:

 Asset Navigator Grid View
 Alarm Support
 Properties and Alarms
 Support for Parameters
 Dynamic Rule-based Styling of Assets
 Enhanced UI

The Asset Navigator enhancements provides the user with more configuration and
advanced visualization features. Alarm support, properties and parameters add to the
effectiveness and visualization capabilities of the Asset Navigator. Enhancements such as
grid support adds an additional layer of customizable visuals and organization.

The Asset Navigator enhancements consist of several features, all of which can be
configured from the Asset Navigator Configurator.

1. Open your GraphWorX64 display.

2. Add an Asset Navigator to the canvas.
3. Double-click to open the Configuration menu.
4. Depending on which of the new features you want to use, select from the various
options to activate the new features.
5. Within the Grid View, specify which grids you want to make visible in the Grid
section (Header, Horizontal Gridlines or Vertical Gridlines).
6. To activate the properties and alarms, go to the Columns section of the
Configuration menu and add a column by selecting the “+” symbol.
7. Edit the properties of the new column by selecting “>” or double clicking on the
column name.
8. From the column configuration menu, enter the equipment property name into
the Property Name field.
9. Set additional column configuration options (Width, Aliasing, and Text Style).
Click OK to set the configuration edits.

Data Diagram

The Data Diagram control is a cross-platform feature that functions with WPF, UWP, and
HTML5. It presents the user with visual data in the form of a colored component
(customized within GraphWorX64), which is configurable using the color scale. The Data
Diagram can be used in projects for AnalytiX, AnalytiX-BI, and KPIWorX.

The Data Diagram allows users to easily display two-dimensional visual data where
values are represented by colors. This can be used in projects across any ICONICS 64-bit
product and is applicable where

From the Data Diagram tab on the Configuration Ribbon, the user can select the Style
for their component.

Configuring the Data Diagram:

1. Open GraphWorX64.
2. Click the Controls tab.
3. Select the Data Diagram control.
Your cursor becomes a cross hair.
4. Click and drag the cross hair within your window to create a Data Diagram.
Ensure that your Data Diagram is large enough to display all of the boxes held
within it.
5. Double-click on the Data Diagram.
The Configuration window appears.
6. Here, you can input Data, configure Samples, customize the Color, Horizontal and
Vertical Axes, edit the Styles, and the Commanding options.
7. Once you have configured your Data Diagram, click OK.
8. Click on the Runtime tab at the top right of your window.
The values you see can be changed to an average, minimum, maximum, or sum.

Event Bar

The TrendWorX64 Event Bar serves as a simple method of visualizing events from start
to finish. It is a cross-platform feature, available in WPF, UWP, and HTML5. Event Bars
can be generated using various data sources including historical data and alarms.

Event Bars can now be made to visualize data within Smart Tiles, FDD Viewers or Asset
Navigators. Event Bars can visualize certain data sources with an intrinsic aspect of scale
while also illustrating the progress of the metric. The Event Bar is an additional tool
especially useful for visualizing progress of a data set.

To create an Event Bar within a Smart Tile, use the following instructions:

1. Open GraphWorX64 and click on the Controls tab. On this tab, select the Smart
Your cursor becomes a cross hair, allowing you to click and drag it within the
GraphWorX64 window to create a Smart Tile.
2. Double click on the Smart Tile to bring up the Smart Tile Configuration window.
3. From here, click on the Content tab.
4. Click on the Content drop-down label on the left hand side of the Smart Tile
Configuration window.
5. Change the selection from the Symbol to the Microchart option.
6. Click OK and refresh GraphWorX64.
7. Click the Runtime function at the top right of your GraphWorX64 window to
display the finished product.

Play Sound Command

The new Play Sound Command option allows users to associate a sound with certain

The Play Sound Command adds an additional option for alerting supervisors to specific
threshold and alarms while leveraging auditory customizability.

The Play Sound Command can be added to any object that can host a pick action.

1. Launch GraphWorX64.
2. Create or add a new object or select an object from an existing display.
3. With the object selected, select the Dynamics tab and add a Pick Action to the
4. Under Dynamic Behavior, select Play Sound from the Command options.
5. Select the SoundSource by either browsing from local files or via the Data
6. Optionally, you can configure to repeat the sound (LoopSound = True), stop the
sound when a mouse click is resolved (StopSoundOnUp = True), or to stop
playing the sound when the pointer is no longer over the object
(StopSoundOnMouseLeave = True).

TrendWorX64 Viewer Global Cursors

The TrendWorX64 Viewer Global Cursors feature allows for the sharing of cursor
positions by several charts, which is implemented with a local or global data source and
features one-click configuration. If connected to a global data source, you can connect
all the charts in a single network.

The Global Cursor feature is useful when demonstrating distinct trends at the same time
in different charts. This keeps track of varying information while using a single cursor to
track a specific increment of time.

1. Create a Master Chart in order to synchronize several charts in a single display.
2. Open GraphWorX64.
3. Click on the TrendWorX64 Viewer.
4. Click and drag to create a TrendWorX64 Viewer on the canvas.

5. Click on the Start Frozen tab.

6. Click on Cursor Tooltips to select it.

7. Click on Global Cursors to select it.

8. Click on Runtime at the top right of your window. The cursor now adjusts
simultaneously in both charts.

TrendWorX64 Viewer Time Zone Synchronization

The TrendWorX64 Viewer's Time Zone Synchronization feature allows the user to
visualize data from different time zones across the globe as long as they are aligned
with local source time. This lets the user compare their values based on the date, time,
and on the location in which the data was recorded. Time zones can be defined for each
pen in your TrendWorX64 Viewer.

This feature synchronizes the data of different time zones from around the world. An
enterprise with assets in various locations would benefit from this feature, as it would
keep track of specific data from sites within different time zones.

The TrendWorX64 Viewer Time Zone Synchronization can be set using the following

1. Open your GraphWorX64 display.

2. Open your TrendWorX64 Viewer.
3. Double-click on your TrendWorX64 Viewer to pull up the Configure your
Control window.
4. Select the Pen tab.
5. Find the Time Zone field on the General tab. If this is left empty, it automatically
uses the value that you will configure later within Hyper Historian.
6. Configure the Time Zone field by clicking the ellipsis to its right. Then select the
Configure option.
7. Select the appropriate time zone using the Time Zone bar or type it in manually
using the Time Zone ID. If these are left empty, the local time is used. If you want
to shift the time by a specific number of hours, you can type it in manually within
the Time Zone ID. You can also use the Data Source name by selecting Browse
instead of Configure from the Ellipses to the right of the Time Zone field.
8. Select Runtime at the top right of your GraphWorX64 window. The TrendWorX64
Viewer now reflects the new Time Zone.

Note: Enable alignment by clicking the Time Zone Alignment check-box at the bottom
right of your window. The data is now aligned for the whole chart.

Hyper Historian
Asynchronous Expressions Engine

The new asynchronous expressions engine increases processing speed for standard
expressions. In previous versions, processing of calculations or expressions would
happen in sequence or synchronously. The new engine allows calculations or
expressions to occur simultaneously or asynchronously. This creates faster processing
speeds by preventing blocking calculations and minimizes data retrieval latency.

Synchronous implementations are still supported. External functions need to be revised

to take full advantage of asynchronous processing

The main benefit of this feature is the significantly reduced processing time. Large sets
of calculated values in particular are the greatest reduction in processing time.
Asynchronous processing and advanced function caching also lead to improved tracing
for debugging.

To benefit from the new asynchronous expressions engine, you will not need any new
setup or make any changes to your current process. Continue to use expressions as you
normally would with the added benefit of significantly faster processing.

3D for Mobile

3D displays have been fully integrated into MobileHMI with multiple new features and
capabilities included. Users leveraging GENESIS64 3D visualization technologies can now
launch and interact with their 3D displays from any Windows 10 mobile device. User
interaction is maximized with intuitive user interactivity for Runtime and support for 3D

Access to 3D displays for mobile devices enhances cross-platform device capabilities for
GENESIS64 and MobileHMI. The new 3D engine offers faster three dimensional
performance and includes features such as layers, location animation, rotation
animation, material color animation, visibility animation, scale animation, and other
powerful tools. Mobile displays can integrate all 3D models, 3D primitives, materials, and
light source manipulation. Interacting with the 3D display in Runtime offers intuitive
zooming, panning, and rotating with options to set camera angles and patrol modes.

The new MobileHMI 3D capabilities are user-friendly and intuitive. Create your 3D
display in GraphWorX64 as you normally would for desktop. Save the display as a .gdfxp
and launch the display via MobileHMI from your mobile device. The 3D display is now
fully available and functional from any Windows 10 MobileHMI-enabled device. Runtime
interaction with 3D mobile displays is the same as interacting with touchscreens for
desktop: single finger movement to rotate, double finger scrolling to pan, pinch to
zoom in, and spread to zoom out. As a best practice, 3D MobileHMI displays should not
include elements of collision detection and should be designed for a single 3D Viewer.

HoloLens Support

Microsoft HoloLens streamlines user experience by increasing ease of access while also
minimizing intrusiveness and barriers to information. ICONICS is at the forefront of this
new and exciting technology which provides users with interactive mixed reality
holograms, hands-free operations, native gesture-based interactions, and enhanced
situational awareness.

Microsoft HoloLens provides users with a quick and easy way to pinpoint the location of
faults from an untethered headset. This increases maintenance efficiency, improves
collaboration and cooperation, as well as minimizes operational downtime. HoloLens
features gaze, gesture, and voice interaction as well as environmental understanding
and spatial sound recognition features which allow users to complete tasks using
motions, their voice, and their surroundings.

Before you begin, please be sure you have installed the MobileHMI application on your

1. From your HoloLens, visit the (Windows) Store.

2. Search for the MobileHMI application.
3. Install the application on your device.

You will not need to configure any advanced settings in GraphWorX64 or Workbench on
the server. You will need to have a .gdfxp display placed on the MobileHMI Server.

Controlling the displays and moving in augmented reality requires the use of two main
types of gestures:

a. “Click” gesture (confirm / select)

b. “Bloom” gesture (exit / suspend)

Once you have the app installed on your HoloLens, you can begin using the HoloLens
with a MobileHMI display.

1. In your HoloLens, select the MobileHMI app.

2. Use the “click” gesture to pin the application somewhere around you.
3. When the application loads, add a MobileHMI Server (as in the standard
Universal Windows Platform application).
4. When you connect to the server and the layout is opened, choose your tile to
load a GraphWorX64 display (.gdfxp). 2D displays will look flat, as in the standard
MobileHMI Universal Windows Platform application, but if your display contains a
3D Viewer, the 3D content it will be automatically shown in holographic view.
5. You can switch from 3D to 2D using the “Set View” command attached to a 3D
model with following command properties:
a. ZoomType = ZoomToNamed
b. ViewName = _2DView
6. To switch back from 2D to 3D the same “Set View” command can be used
(ViewName = _HolographicView).
7. The MobileHMI menu comes up after a long click gesture (hold the click gesture
for a few seconds) on a 3D object.

 Move Scene – Enable “click and drag” to change the model translation.
 Rotate Scene – Enable “click and drag” to change the model rotation.
 Scale Scene – Enable “click and drag” to change the model scale.
 Reset Scene – Remove all the custom (user created) transforms from the
 Snap to Ground – Align the bottom of the model with the floor.
 Snap to Ceiling – Align the top of the model with the ceiling.
 Toggle Occlusion – Toggle on/off the hologram-object occlusion (the
ability to see holograms through physical barriers such as walls, floors, or
 OK – Cancel the current transformation method and hide the menu.

Users should also consider the following points when creating a 3D scene for
Augmented Reality:

a. The [0,0,0] coordinate is position of the user’s head.

b. 1 grid unit during configuration equals 1 meter in the real-world.
c. The color black is transparent on a HoloLens and will not be visible in a scene.
d. Annotation of objects does not support the full set of control objects. As a
workaround, you can place controls in the 2D part of the display.

Additionally, there are several audio options available for HoloLens. Voice commands
can be used to execute standard Pick actions. Properties relating to Voice commands
can be found under “Execution Trigger – Natural UI” in the properties of a standard pick

When developing displays for HoloLens it’s recommended to work with the .gdfxp
display format. When the display has been saved as .gdfxp, the “Execution Trigger –
Natural UI” section is visible by default.

The VoiceCommand field is the command the user can say to execute this pick action.
It is not case sensitive. The VoiceFeedback field is what HoloLens’ synthesized voice will
answer as confirmation after action was executed.

If a single object has more than one pick action with the same voice command, all pick
actions will be executed for that command, and their voice feedbacks will be merged.
Pick actions are executed in order from the top-first to the last one.

If an object has a voice-enabled pick action, and you focus on that object for a couple
seconds a popup with the text of the voice command will appear. A pick action with a
“Play sound” command attached to a 3D model will produce sound coming from the
direction of that model’s location. Mono sound files must be used.


KPIWorX self-service dashboards continue to leverage the most intuitive, user-friendly
features to reduce time spent creating and configuring. In addition to enhanced user
experience and interface, an additional aspect of customization and analysis has been
added with new BI elements.

New elements include:

 Filters
 Maps
 Tables
 Treemap Charts
 Funnel Charts
 Pie Charts
 Donut Charts
 Categorical Charts

These new charting and visualization tools increase the customizability of KPIWorX.
KPIWorX BI tools create more specific charts and tools for various types of data allowing
users to better visualize data sets such as locations, queries, lists, and diverse groups.

Using a KPIWorX BI tool is the same as using any other element within KPIWorX.
Elements can be added either by dragging the element to a cell or by clicking on the
element once the cell is selected. Drag a data source into the correct field to activate the
element. In certain instances, BI elements may require multiple data sources. Since
KPIWorX has no separation between Runtime and Configuration modes, the element
initiates as soon as it has valid data.

Mobile Facility AnalytiX Viewer

The FDDWorX Viewer for MobileHMI allows users to leverage all of the FDDWorX and
Facility AnalytiX display functionality for mobile devices. The FDDWorX Viewer displays
diagnostic information about faults that occur within an ICONICS enabled system.

With the mobile FDDWorX Viewer, the user can detect and diagnose faults occurring in
assets, as well as identify strategies for reducing the chances of these faults occurring in
the future right from their mobile device. The FDDWorX Viewer for MobileHMI includes
the Fault Incidents View which supports sorting and grouping, as well as child asset
selection and time range customization. The FDDWorX Viewer also includes fault

incident details and incident interactivity which allows the user to set incidents as
Inactive, Acknowledged, and Resolved or add comments to an incident.

Creating a mobile FDDWorX Viewer is the same as creating an FDDWorX Viewer in
previous versions of the program for desktop. To ensure the FDDWorX Viewer is
available and interactive in MobileHMI, save the display as .gdfxp (GraphWorX64 mobile
file extension). As with all MobileHMI displays, consider responsive UI elements when
creating displays containing FDDWorX Viewers.

Mobile GridWorX Charts

MobileHMI GridWorX64 consists of a server and client component which allows the user
to access database information through the FrameWorX server, empowering GENESIS64
users to read and write data from or going to a supported database (SQL, ODBC,
OLEDB, SAP, ORACLE, etc.). Users can see database data in the form of OPC-DA tags or
through GridWorX Viewer Control once they configure a Connection String. GridWorX
also allows for basic read actions as well as stored procedures for connected databases.
GridWorX also has integrated Pack and Go support so that configurations can be
packed up, transferred, and unpacked on another machine exactly as it was configured.
This feature is ideal for companies with many employees using the same data, and saves
time since each user can share files that have already been configured. The viewable,
client-side functionality of GridWorX is now available to MobileHMI users.

Certain features of GridWorX (tooltips, printing, export, zoom, polar plots, and SPC
Charts) are not supported in MobileHMI. GridWorX charts are not supported in UWP.

GridWorX Viewer for MobileHMI empowers users to visualize database data from
anywhere on any device. The additional benefits of GridWorX charts allows users to
completely leverage the visual power of GridWorX visuals for mobile displays.

Creating a mobile GridWorX Viewer is the same as creating a GridWorX Viewer in
previous versions for desktop. To ensure the GridWorX Viewer is available and
interactive in MobileHMI, save your display as .gdfxp (GraphWorX64 mobile file

extension). As with all MobileHMI displays, consider responsive UI elements when
creating displays containing GridWorX Viewers. Additionally, GridWorX charts are
completely compatible with mobile displays.

Mobile ScheduleWorX64 Viewer

The ScheduleWorX64 Viewer for MobileHMI brings scheduling configuration and
integration to mobile clients. Support for viewing calendar schedules, monitoring,
configuration, and runtime schedule management can now be leveraged via MobileHMI.

Integration of the ScheduleWorX64 Viewer enables MobileHMI users to integrate
schedules and schedule monitoring into MobileHMI displays.

Creating a mobile ScheduleWorX64 Viewer is the same as creating a ScheduleWorX64
Viewer in previous versions for desktop. To ensure the ScheduleWorX64 Viewer is
available and interactive in MobileHMI, save your display as .gdfxp (GraphWorX64
mobile file extension). As with all MobileHMI displays, please consider responsive UI
elements when creating displays containing ScheduleWorX64 Viewers.

Push Notifications

Push (or toast) notifications are a function in which a mobile device can be set to send
notifications in response to any development within an application.

Important notifications regarding an application are sent directly to the user’s screen as
soon as the application receives them, without needing to be prompted by the user.
These real-time notifications keep personnel informed and notified without disrupting
the user’s current activity.

As a note before you begin, please ensure that port 40405 is opened on the firewall.
Also, only alarm fields that return a non-null value are supported for push notifications.

1. Launch the Workbench.
2. Navigate to Alarm Subscriptions within the Project Explorer (Platform Services >
Unified Data Manager > Alarm Subscriptions).
3. Right-click on Alarm Subscriptions and select Add Alarm Subscription.
4. Name the new Alarm Subscription and check Enable Toast Notifications.
5. Set both the Toast Title Format and the Toast Message Format.
6. You can also set optional settings such as Toast Count Tag, Normal Tile Title,
Error Tile Title, and Zero Value Tile Title. Once configured, select Apply.
7. Launch and connect to your MobileHMI application, and click on the Alarm
subscriptions button.
8. Find the new alarm subscription from those available and select it to subscribe.
The new alarm subscription should now appear under the Subscribed list. This
push notification now appears on your mobile device when the set threshold is

Founded in 1986, ICONICS is an award-winning independent software provider offering
real-time visualization, HMI/SCADA, energy management, fault detection, manufacturing
intelligence, MES, and a suite of analytics solutions for operational excellence. ICONICS
solutions are installed in 70 percent of the Fortune 500 companies around the world,
helping customers to be more profitable, agile and efficient, to improve quality, and
to be more sustainable.

ICONICS is leading the way in cloud-based solutions with its HMI/SCADA, analytics, mobile
and data historian to help its customers embrace the Internet of Things (IoT). ICONICS
products are used in manufacturing, building automation, oil and gas, renewable energy,
utilities, water and wastewater, pharmaceuticals, automotive, and many other industries.
ICONICS’ advanced visualization, productivity, and sustainability solutions are built on its
flagship products: GENESIS64™ HMI/SCADA, Hyper Historian™ plant historian, AnalytiX®
solution suite, and MobileHMI™ mobile apps. Delivering information anytime, anywhere,
ICONICS’ solutions scale from the smallest standalone embedded projects to the largest
enterprise applications.
ICONICS promotes an international culture of innovation, creativity, and excellence in
product design, development, technical support, training, sales, and consulting services
for end users, systems integrators, OEMs, and channel partners. ICONICS has over

350,000 applications installed in multiple industries worldwide.





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© 2017 ICONICS, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. AnalytiX and
its respective modules are registered trademarks of ICONICS, Inc. GENESIS64, GENESIS32, Hyper Historian,
BizViz, PortalWorX, MobileHMI and their respective modules, OPC-to-the-Core, and Visualize Your Enterprise
are trademarks of ICONICS, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks
of their respective owners.

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