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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.

Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)

Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
Which of the following is an example of impact of the
1 1 development activities on hydrosphere? D 1 Air pollution Soil pollution Noise pollution water pollution

2 1 Earth Day is celebrated on ____. C 1 5th June 12th May 22nd April 22nd May
3 1 When is world environment day celebrated ____. C 1 4th June 12th May 5th June 22nd May
The study of interrelationship between living organisms and
4 1 their physical and biological environment is called____. C 1 ecosystem foodweb Ecology Biology

The biggest pollutant receptor or sink of the earth is____.

5 1 C 1 biosphere lithosphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere

6 1 The least pollutant receptor or sink on the earth is____. B 1 biosphere Atmosphere Lithosphere Hydrosphere
percentage of total water found as fresh water is____.
7 1 B 1 0.875 0.025 0.975 0.75

8 The layer of atmosphere in which ozone is found is---

1 A 1 Stratosphere Troposphere Ionosphere Exosphere
which is not true lithosphere
includes the crust lithosphere is lithosphere is
9 1 B 1 and the underlain by the broken into
provides timber
uppermost stratosphere tectonic plates
Which of the following is said to be a biodegradable waste?
10 1 C 1 Plastic Glasses Eggshell polythene

Short term properties of the atmosphere at a given place

11 1 and time is referred as D 1 Climate microclimate season weather

A zone consisting of land,water,and air which supports life

12 1 on earth A 1 biosphere Atmosphere Lithosphere Hydrosphere

Which of the following is the cause of soil pollution None of the

13 1 B 1 Ozone Acid rain Aerosal
Wildlife week is celebrated from _______ 15th October 14th June to None of the 2nd October to
14 1 D 1
to21st October 20th June above 8th October
15 1 Which of the following is not a layer of atmosphere? D 1 Troposhere Mesosphere Thermosphere Biosphere

16 1 The outer soil crust of the earth is known as____. C 1 Hydrosphere Exosphere Lithosphere Mesosphere
Environmental degradation is due to
Rapid Population Unplanned
17 1 D 1 All of these
industrialization Growth Urbanization

which of the following is the cause of soil pollution ______

18 1 C 1 ozone aerosol acid rain Global warming

Arrange the layers of atmosphere based on distance from

the earth surface. (Nearest First). 1. Thermosphere 2.
19 1 Mesosphere 3. Troposphere 4. Exosphere 5. Stratosphere A 1 3->5->2->1->4 3->1->2->5->4 3->5->1->2->4 3->2->5->4->1

Increased biological oxygen demand is an indication of

A. Low microbial contamination.
20 1 B. Absence of microbial pollution. C 1 A only B ONLY C only A,B
C. High level of microbial contamination.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Which is the agency that specifying norms for effluents to be
21 1 discharged in water bodies_____ D 1 WHO ISI USPHS All of these

Which layer of atmosphere has the highest temperature?

22 1 D 1 Stratosphere Troposphere Mesosphere Thermosphere

Nitrate pollution causes

23 2 C 1 Skin disease Typhoid Bluebabydisease None of these

Which of the following is not the physical quantity parameter

24 2 of water C 1 Turbidity odour Hardness Temperature

25 2 Indian standard for drinking water is D 1 IS 11500 : 1991 IS 12500 :1991 IS 10200 :1991 IS 10500 :1991
Desirable range of fluoride concentration in drinking water is
26 2 C 1 0.5 -1.5 1.0 -2.0 1.0-1.5 0.7-1.5

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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
Eutrophication is ________
The result of
An improved
accumulation of A process in the
27 2 B 1 water quality None of the these
plant nutrients in carbon cycle
status of lakes
water bodies

BOD stands for

Biological Oxygen Basic Oxygen Biological Oxygen Biological Organic
28 2 A 1
Demand Demand Decomposition Demand

29 2 Lakes which are rich in nutrients are A 1 Eutrophic Oligotrophic Mesotrophic None of these

30 2 PH of drinking water as per Indian standards should be B 1 5.5-7.5 6.5-8.5 6.0-7.0 6.5-7.5
Non point source of water pollution is Runoff from
31 2 A 1 Power plants Outfall sewer Industrial effluent
Minimum dissolved Oxygen concentration required in water
32 2 body for survival of majority of aquatic organism is _______. B 1 5 mg/lit 4 mg/lit 3 mg/lit 6 mg/lit

33 2 Desirable limit of nitrate in drinking water is C 1 35 mg/lit 55 mg/lit 45 mg/lit 40 mg/lit

Which disease is not a water borne disease Amoebic
34 2 D 1 Typhoid Cholera Malaria

35 2 Lakes which are poor in nutrients are B 1 Mesotrophic oligotrophic Eutrophic All of these
Hardness in water is due to presence of
36 2 C 1 Calcium ions Magnesium ions Both of the these None of these

37 2 Major sink or receptor of all the pollutant A 1 Ocean River lake Pond
oil in water affects fish by affecting
38 2 A 1 Gills Scales Eyes None of the these

BOD is the measure of organic content

39 2 A 1 Inorganic matter Pathogens None of the these
in waste water
Discharge of organic wastewater into river will
40 2 A 1 Reduce PH Increase TDS Toxic to humans
dissolved oxygen

Eutrophication is caused due to the nutrients like calcium and phosphorous and carbon and
41 2 B 1 None of the these
sodium nitrogen oxygen
Itai-itai disease in japan was caused by consumption of rice
42 2 contaminated with C 1 Mercury Iron cadmium Zinc

43 2 Major source of marine pollution D 1 Organic waste Oil Heat All of the above

44 2 Effect of fluoride is on B 1 skin Teeth Eyes Liver

45 which of the following is a biodegradable

2 D 1 Plastic Oil pesticide Garbage
Disease caused by the excess methyl mercury concentrartion
46 2 in water B 1 Blue baby disease Minamata Fluorosis Dysentery

Disease caused by the excess fluoride concentrartion in

47 2 drinking water C 1 Blue baby disease Minamata Fluorosis Dysentery

Limit of BOD for industrial effluent to be discharge in inland

48 2 surface water is B 1 20mg/lit 30mg/lit 25mg/lit 40mg/lit

Which of the following are the primary causes of water

49 2 pollution? C 1 Plants Animals Human activities None of these

Which of the following is mainly responsible for the causes

50 2 of water pollution? C 1 Afforestation Animals Paper factories plants

According to the Geological survey, water with less than

51 2 1000 ml/litre of total dissolved solids is __________. B 1 Brine water Freshwater Slightly saline Moderately saline

Which of the following diseases or infections is caused due

52 2 to poor water hygiene? D 1 Leprosy Trachoma Conjunctivitis All of the these

53 2 Safe drinking water is also called B 1 Rain water Potable water Well water Distilled water

54 2 Which of the following is not a waterborne disease? A 1 Measles Typhoid Cholera Hepatitis
The ____________ is an important requirement of the Dissolved Dissolved Dissolved
55 2 aquatic life. C 1 Dissolved oxygen
nitrogen chlorine methane
The disappearance of the plants and animals is due to the Nitrogen Chlorine Oxygen
56 2 _________ in water. C 1 Ozone depletion
depletion depletion depletion
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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
Bacteria in water causes ________
57 2 B 1 Malaria Typhoid Dengue Chicken guinea

Which of the following is major cause of biomagnification. Detergent Pesticide Industrial

58 2 C 1 Eutrophication
pollution pollution pollution
Identify the correct group of disease caused by polluted cholera,Acute
water cholera,AcuteDiar cholera,Enteritis, cholera,Enteritis,
59 2 A 1 rhoea,Typhoid Typhoid and Typhoid and
d and
and polio Tuberculosis Tuberculosis
Eutrophication by sewage pollution refers to nutrient toxic chemical Heavy metal
enrichment of accumulation in accumulation in
60 2 A 1 depletion of fresh
fresh fresh water fresh water
waterbodies bodies bodies
Which is not true? Saturated DO in Saturated DO in Optimum DO in If DO <4 mg/L
61 2 B 1 water is 8 to 15 water is 8 to 25 water is 5 to 8 then fish will
mg/L mg/L mg/L killed
Find the correct sentence. Mesotrophic has
Oligotrophic has Eutrophic has
62 2 D 1 moderate All of these
poor nutrients rich nutrients
Non point source of water pollution is Runoff from
63 2 A 1 Outfall sewer Power plants Industrial effluent
Match disease caused with pollutant of water.

1→B, 2→A, 1→C, 2→A, 1→D, 2→C, 1→D, 2→A,

64 2 C 1
3→D, 4→C 3→D, 4→B 3→A, 4→B 3→C, 4→B

Match water pollutants with their sources.

1→B, 2→C, 1→D, 2→B, 1→C, 2→A, 1→A, 2→C,

65 2 B 1
3→A, 4→D 3→A, 4→C 3→D, 4→B 3→D, 4→B

Soot particles come in air by _______. Photochemical

66 3 D 1 Volcanic eruption Acid rain Fuel combustion
67 3 Asthma, bronchitis and silicosis disease are A 1 Air borne Water borne Both of these None of these
Which air pollutant reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of
68 3 the blood by combining with hemoglobin forming carboxy B 1 SO2 CO CO2 N2 O
Approximately how many times a average human being
69 3 breathe in a day B 1 21000 22000 20000 21500

70 3 The most important indoor air pollutant is C 1 CO SO2 CO2 NO2

71 3 Damaging effect on Taj mahal (Marble) is due to B 1 CO SO2 CO2 N2 O

72 3 Least polluting fuel used in automobiles is D 1 Petrol Diesel LPG CNG

In the atmosphere the layer above troposphere is_______.
73 3 A 1 stratosphere Exosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere

Automobile Exhaust consist of

bon monoxide
74 3 A 1 Leadvapour Sulphur dioxide Carbon dioxide
and nitric oxide,
CO2, SO2
Bhopal gas tragedy occoured due to leakage of_______. Methyl
75 3 C 1 Chlorobenzene Carbon monoxide Dioxins

76 3 which of the following is not a primary pollutant C 1 SO2 CO2 PAN Hydrocarbon
Chemical reaction of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons in
77 3 the presence of sunlight forms C 1 SO2 CO2 PAN Hydrocarbon

78 3 Sources of air pollution can be classified as __. D 1 Point source Line source Area Source All of these

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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
The Taj Mahal, Lotus Temple, Golden Temple, India Gate and
79 3 other famous heritage monuments are being affected by A 1 Air pollution Water pollution Noise pollution All of these
Increased levels of air pollution results in _______. Respiratory
80 3 C 1 Soil erosion Global warming All of these
DDT and Aluminium cans are examples of ________. Non-
Primary Secondary Biodegradable
81 3 D 1 Biodegradable
Pollutants pollutants Pollutants
Which of the following diseases are caused by smog? Breathing
82 3 D 1 Rickets Bronchitis All of these
Which of the following particles is called the particulate
83 3 pollutants? C 1 Ozone Radon Fly Ash Ethylene

Which of the following pollutants are responsible for the

Both incinerators
cause of SMOG? Emissions from
84 3 C 1 From incinerators and emissions None of these
from vehicles

Which of the following statements is true about the Air

Quality Index? It determines the It estimates air
It predicts ozone
It indicates the intensity of sound pollution mainly
85 3 A 1 levels in your
colour of the air. and sound sulphur content
pollution. in the air.

Which of the following is the contributor of air pollution in Dust and Agricultural
86 3 iIndia as per the Indian Government? D 1 Transport All of these
Construction burning
Find incorrect sentence
a) CO reduces the c) Damaging
b) Nercosis in d) Deterioration
oxygen carrying effect on Taj
plant leaf is of leather and
87 3 C 1 capacity of blood Mahal (Marble) is
caused mainly paper is due to
by combining mainly due to
due to SO2 H2SO4 deposition.
with hemoglobin CO2

88 3 Particulate air pollutants ranges from _______ microns. B 1 0.01-500 0.02-500 0.1-50 0.2-50
Transportation sources contribute about ____ percentage
89 3 of ____in air. B 1 62, CO 64, CO 62,CO2 62, CO2

Blindness , inactivation of proteins, RNA and DNA caused Thinning of ozone Thinning of Thinning of Thinning of
90 3 by_____ A 1
layer atmosphere mesosphere thermosphere
91 3 Asthmatic attacks can initiate by _____. C 1 SOx NOx Pollens CO
Carbon monoxide is how many times faster than oxygen in
92 3 reacting with hemoglobin. D 1 50-70 times 70-100 times 110-120 times 200-300 times

93 3 Natural source of air pollution is…. C 1 Industry Mining pollen grains Fertilizers
Which is an line or mobile source of air pollution. Burning of solid
94 3 A 1 Automobiles Industry Mining
Dust is which type of pollutant? particulate secondary
95 3 C 1 gaseous toxic
matter pollutant
Which of the following pollutants is the major contributor to
96 3 photochemical smog? C 1 Peroxynitrates Hydroperoxides Nitrogen dioxide Ozone

Which is the major source for sulphur dioxide? Sewage

Volcanic Coal and crude oil
97 3 B 1 Burning of petrol treatment
eruptions combustion
Noise is: Sound of high
98 4 C 1 Loud sound Unwanted sound Constant sound
99 4 Noise is expressed in B 1 lux db Pascal km
Acceptable outdoor noise level in urban residential areas as
100 4 per IS D 1 50-60 dB(A) 45-55 dB(A) 30-40 dB(A) 35-45 dB(A)

Major effects of noise pollution includes

Interference in
101 4 D 1 Annoyance Loss of Hearing All of these
Amount of air pressure Fluctuation create by the source of Sound pressure Sound power
102 4 sound is called B 1 Sound power Sound pressure
level level
103 4 Level of noise recommended in most countries is C 1 30-40 dB 95-100dB 85-90 dB 75-80dB
Noise pollution can cause
104 4 D 1 hypertension hearing loss Sleep disturbance All of these

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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber

105 4 What is the dB of a threshold of hearing B 1 0 10 50 100

106 4 What is dB of a threshold of pain? D 1 100 110 120 146

Which pollution cause hearing loss in organisms?
107 4 B 1 Air pollution Noise pollution Water pollution Soil pollution

At what decibel instantaneous rapture of membrane

108 4 happens? D 1 100 120 146 150

109 4 what is permissible noise limit of 120dB? D 1 30 minutes 2 minutes 1 minutes 30 seconds
which of the following sound is pleasure to our ears Transport
110 4 D 1 Heavy Machinery Loud noise Music
Wild life faces more problems than humans due to noise
111 4 pollution,because animals dependents on _______. B 1 Noise Sound Actions Behaviour

Noise pollution effect marine animals… DNA

112 4 D 1 blood circulation genepool behaviour
Following is used for measuring intensity of sound
Sound level
Sound level
113 4 A 1 Frequency meter meter and All of these
frequency matter

A safe level of noise depends on level of noise

114 4 A 1 and exposure to area pitch frequency
115 4 Sound which has Jarring effect on ears is A 1 Noise Music pleasant sound Soul music
What should be standard reference pressure value
116 4 D 1 1.2*10-5 Pa 2.2*10-5 Pa 3.2*10-5 Pa 2.0*10-5 Pa
Permitted noise levels (in decibels) for silence zones in day
117 4 time and night time are______ and _______ respectively. C 1 65 dB, 55 dB 40 dB, 35 dB 50 dB, 40 dB 55 dB, 45 dB

Loss of hearing for _______ for more than _______ a day for 80-90 dB, 8 hour 60-90 dB, 8 hour 50-90 dB, 6 hour 40-90 dB, 6 hour
118 4 humans but _____for animals. A 1
,85 dB ,45 ,55 dB ,65 dB
Which is not a noise measuring instrument? Sound level Frequency
119 4 D 1 Microphones PIDs
meter analyzer
Match the following: Impact of Noise on Human Activities.
Noise Level Human Activities
1. 100 db A. Sleep Interference
120 4 2. 40 db B. Loss of Working Efficiency D 1 1-C, 2-A, 3-B, 4-D 1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B
3. 70 db C. Permanent Loss of hearing
4. 90 db D. Speech Interference

A safe level of noise depends on _____ A level of noise

121 4 D 1 Frequency Sound Pressure Sound Power and exposure to
Which of the following statements are true about noise
i. It can cause Cardiovascular issues like high blood pressure,
122 4 heart failure, etc. D 1 i and iii b) c) i,ii and iii ii, iii and iv All of these
ii. It can cause sleeping disorders.
iii. It can cause permanent loss of hearing
iv. It can cause behavioral disorders
Permitted noise levels (in decibels) for silence zones in day
123 4 time and C 1 65 dB, 55 dB 40 dB, 35 dB 50 dB, 40 dB 55 dB, 45 dB
night time are______ and _______respectively.
Exposure to excessive noise pollution can cause
(A) Hearing impairment (B) Insomnia (C) Rise in blood
pressure (D) Respiratory disease (E) Reduced work efficiency (A), (C), (E) only (B), (C) and (E) (A), (B), (C) and
124 4 D 1 (A), (C), (D) only
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given only (E) only

Which of the following statements are true about noise

i. It can cause Cardiovascular issues like high blood pressure,
125 4 heart failure, etc. D 1 i and iii i,ii and iii ii, iii and iv All of these
ii. It can cause sleeping disorders.
iii. It can cause permanent loss of hearing
iv. It can cause behavioral disorders

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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
Intensity of Sound is expressed in ______.
126 4 D 1 N/m2 dynes/cm2 Pa Watt/m2
Which of the following is not the part of muncipal solid
127 5 waste? D 1 Garbage Ashes Rubbish Human excreta

Which of the following is the component of solid waste

128 5 management? D 1 Collection Processing Disposal All of the above

The average generation rate of solidwaste for indian cities is

129 5 C 1 0.2-0.3 kg/day 0.3-0.4 kg/day 0.5-0.8 kg/day 1-1.5 kg/day

which of the following is not the method of sanitary land

130 5 filling C 1 Area method Trench method Open dumping Pit method

Pyrolysis is a method of solid waste disposal in which waste

131 5 is burned in a control Environment B 1 With oxygen Without oxygen None of these Both of these

Which of the following method of solid waste disposal cause Sanitary land
132 5 maximum problem of air pollution C 1 Composting Incineration Pyrolysis
Which of the following method of solid waste disposal
133 5 requires large land area: A 1 Land filling Composting Incineration Pyrolysis

The method of disposal which produces end product which Sanitary land
134 5 could be used as fertlizers A 1 Composting Incineration Pyrolysis
Which of the following method is used for collection of solid Kerbside Community
135 5 waste D 1 Block collection All of the above
collection storage point
Which of the following solid wastes describes the term
136 5 ‘Municipal Solid Waste’? D 1 Toxic Hazardous Non-toxic Non-hazardous

Why is it difficult to recycle plastics?

It contains
It comes in
137 5 D 1 It is very hard It is adhesive different types of
different sizes
polymer resins

Which of the following is done on an individual level?

138 5 D 1 Burning Disposal Recycling Source reduction

Why is recycled paper banned for use in food containers?

Because paper is
Because paper
Because it creates Because it creates very thick and
139 5 B 1 can be used only
a lot of spaces contamination can’t cover the
one time
food containers
The organic material of the solid waste will decompose By the flow of By the soil By the action of
140 5 C 1 By oxidation
water particles microorganisms
Which of the following wastes is called the Municipal Solid
141 5 Waste (MSW)? D 1 Food wastes Wood pieces Plastic cans All of these

The process of burning municipal solid wastes under suitable

142 5 temperature and conditions in a specific furnace is called B 1 Landfill Incineration Recycling Vermicomposting
The burning of solid waste is not recommended because
It requires It causes several
It requires a lot of
143 5 D 1 It is very costly modern environmental
technologies issues

Which of the following is the oldest and the most common

144 5 method used to dump solid wastes? C 1 River Ocean Landfill None of these

When the organic matter present in the sanitary landfill

145 5 decomposes, it generates A 1 Methane Nitrogen Hydrogen All of these

Which of the following statements is incorrect for plastic It lasts for a Toxic fumes are
wastes? It is used to make
146 5 A 1 longer period of produced when All of these
time burnt
Which of the following methods is better for the solid waste Both recycling
147 5 problem? A 1 Recycling Landfilling None of these
and landfilling
Which of the following statements is true about zero waste
management? Separate Segregation of
148 5 D 1 collection of each garbage at the All of these
kind of waste source

Which of the following gas is produced from landfill wastes? Liquified

149 5 A 1 Biogas Natural gas All of these
petroleum gas
The organic material of the solid waste will decompose_____ By the flow of By the soil By the action of
150 5 C 1 By oxidation
water particles microorganisms

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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
Match the following terms with their properties.
Type of Solid waste Source
1. Industrial A. Dead plants manure, animal
151 5 waste D 1 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D 1-C, 2-A, 3-B, 4-D 1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B
2. Hazardous B. Refrigerator, mobile
3. Agriculture C. Industries, Research institutes
4. E-waste D. Paints, Sandpaper

Which of the following is not the method of sanitary land

152 5 filling? C 1 Area method Trench method Open dumping Pit method

The process of burning municipal solid wastes under suitable

153 5 temperature and conditions in a specific furnace is called B 1 Landfill Incineration Recycling Vermicomposting
_________ is the crushing and grinding of municipal solid
154 5 waste. B 1 Landfills shredding Pulverization Composting

Solid waste treatment by pyrolysis refers to Treating with

Heating in Heating in
155 5 D 1 chemicals before No Heating
presence of air absence of air
Liquid that has travelled through solid waste or other
156 5 medium and has extracted, dissolved or suspended materials D 1 Garbage Rubbish Ashes leachate
from it is called as _____.
Find incorrect sentence
Pyrolysis method
Land filling Pyrolysis method
Open dumping is of solid waste
method of solid of solid waste
not the method disposal cause
157 5 B 1 waste disposal disposal operates
of sanitary land maximum
requires large in oxygen free
filling. problem of air
land area environment

Match the following terms with their properties.

158 5 D 1 1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C

what is the percentage contribution of non infectious waste

159 6 towards the total biomedical waste? C 1 15 25 85 35

Average generation rate of solid waste in developing

160 6 countries is: C 1 2-3 kg/bed/day 1-5 kg/bed/day 1-2 kg/bed/day 0.5-1 kg/bed/day

Syringes without needles should be stored in which coloured

161 6 bag? A 1 Red Black Yellow White

162 6 Medical waste should not be stored for more than C 1 12 hours 24 hours 72 hours 48 hours
The method of thermal processing of biomedical waste Microwave
163 6 which uses steam for decontamination of waste. D 1 Incineration Plasma system Autoclaving
As per the biomedical (Management and Handling) Rules
164 6 2016, the stack height of the incinerator should be. C 1 15 m 20 m 30 m 10 m

Combustion efficiency of an incinerator used for treating the

165 6 medical waste should be. D 1 0.8 0.9 0.95 0.99

Which of the following area has the lowest chance of

166 6 producing a biomedical waste? D 1 Hospitals Clinics Laboratories Agricultural lands

Which of the following is not a Biomedical waste? Microbiological

167 6 D 1 Animal waste Chemical waste Domestic waste
Which of the following is categorized as an incineration
168 6 waste? A 1 Incineration ash Animal waste Solid waste Cytotoxic drugs

Which of the following should not be mixed with other

169 6 wastes to avoid contamination? C 1 Tarry residue Oily sludge Animal waste Vegetable oil

Which of the following is not a waste treatment method for Chemical

170 6 biomedical wastes? D 1 Incineration Autoclaving Sieving
Which of the following requires special treatment of Packaging of Transport of Degradation of
171 6 bacteria? D 1 Labelling of waste
waste waste waste
What does PPE stand for? Protective Personal Personal People’s
172 6 C 1 Preventative Preventative Protective Protective
Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment

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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
What are the steps to take if you are exposed to blood or
other infectious materials? Needle sticks or Report the
sharps injuries incident to your
Irrigate eyes with
should be supervisor and
173 6 D 1 an eyewash for
immediately seek immediate All of these
10 to 15 minutes.
washed with soap medical
and water. treatment.

Autoclaving and microwaving are done for which of the recyclable

following types of medical waste human microbiological
174 6 B 1 contaminated cytotoxic drugs
anatomical waste waste
The color code of plastic bag for disposing of microbial
175 6 laboratory culture waste B 1 black red blue white

176 6 The placenta is disposed of in a _______ color bag C 1 red blue yellow black
All the following waste can be incinerated except reactive chemical
177 6 A 1 vaccine mutilated parts discarded drugs
what is biomedical waste?
178 6 B 1 Industrial waste Infectious waste Natural waste All of these

179 6 Blood bag is disposed of in B 1 red bag yellow bag green bag black bag
which of these is not biomedical waste. Amputed body
180 6 A 1 fumes syringe sharp

181 6 Can syringes be recycled C 1 No Sometime only the plastic None of these
Which is true about biomedical waste management.
182 6 D 1 Hazardous waste Infectious waste Biowaste All of these

All non-bio-medical waste in a hospital discarded in _____ Cardboard box

183 6 bag. B 1 Yellow Black Green with blue
Waste types to be incinerated______ Large amount of
Pressurized gas Halogenated None of the
184 6 D 1 reactive chemical
container plastic above
Waste sharps can be treated by ___________ at a Microwave dry heat
185 6 temperature not less than 1850 C. C 1 Incineration Plasma
Treatment sterilization
Which of the following technique is carried out at super high Plasma Chemical
186 6 temperature for disposal of bio medical waste? A 1 Autoclaving Microwaving
Pulverization Disinfection
Match the following type of containers with their allowable

187 6 B 1 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-B 1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B 1-C, 2-A, 3-B, 4-D

When bio-medical waste is disposed in pit, ground water

188 6 table shall be minimum of ____ m below the lower level of D 1 2 4 5 6

189 7 which state rank first in generation of E-waste in India. B 1 Gujarat Maharashtra Uttar Pradesh Karnataka

190 7 Which city ranks first in generation of E-waate in india A 1 Mumbai Chennai Delhi Banglore
Which is the rank of India for generation of E-waste among
191 7 the different countries of world C 1 Second Fifth Fourth Sixth

E-waste Management rules in India has been last amended

192 7 in the year C 1 2016 2017 2018 2014

EPR an Environmental policy approach used for E-waste Extended

management is called Extra producer Extra Primary Extended
193 7 C 1 Producer
Responsibility Responsibility Producer Rules
Which of the following element/s is/are cause of e-waste?
Beryllium, or
194 7 D 1 Lead Cadmium Brominates flame All of these

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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
Which of the following are the main contributors of the e-
waste in the world? Personal
Small household computers,
appliances telephones,
ezers, washing
195 7 D 1 (toasters, coffee mobile phones, All of these
makers, irons, laptops, printers,
hairdryers) scanners,

196 7 Which toxic compound is not found in e-waste? C 1 Mercury Cadmium Neon Lead
What are the health hazards which can be caused by E-
197 7 Waste? D 1 Lung cancer DNA damage Brain All of these

198 7 Which country produces the most e-waste per year? B 1 India China USA France
Which of the following element make e-waste hazardous in
199 7 nature? A 1 Lead Glass Plastic Iron

200 7 Which of the hazardous pollutant occurs in plastic? B 1 Lithium PCBs Lead Copper
What is the hazardous pollutant released from inductive
201 7 coils? D 1 Arsenic Barium Cobalt Copper

The most valuable part of a PC or TV is the circuit boards

copper in the none of the
202 7 C 1 lead in the CRT that contain silver
cathode yoke above
and gold
203 7 What's the average life span of a computer? B 1 10 years 5 years 2.5 years 1 year
204 7 What is the iron and steel constitutes of E-Waste? C 1 20 30 50 40
205 7 What is the hazardous pollutant released from LED’s? A 1 Arsenic Copper Cobalt Lead
The component beryllium mostly released from the E-waste Cathode Ray
206 7 of ____ B 1 Computer plat Switch board Circuit Boar
What is the most widely used method for e-waste disposal?
207 7 D 1 Burning Recycling Composting Incineration

Which pollutant can causes damage to the nervous system in

208 7 electrical and electronic equipment? D 1 Arsenic Copper Cobalt Lead

209 7 Attero is _____ based e-waste management company. A 1 Roorkee Banglore Delhi Chennai
E-Parisaraa Pvt Ltd is _____ based e-waste management
210 7 company. B 1 Roorkee Banglore Delhi Chennai

Karma Recycling is _____ based e-waste management

211 7 company. C 1 Roorkee Banglore Delhi Chennai

Arrange the step by step sequence of E-waste recycling

1. Over-band Magnet 2. Second size reduction process 3.
212 7 Picking Shed 4. Non-metallic & metallic components B 1 3->5->1->2->4->6 3->5->2->1->4->6 3->4->1->2->5->6 3->5->2->4->1->6
separation 5. Disassembly 6. Water Separation

India generates how much of electronic waste in millions

213 7 D 1 4 million 3 million 5 million 2 million

214 7 Which is the form of plastics available in E-waste? D 1 PC HIPS ABS All of these
Medical equipments generate how much electronic waste.
215 7 A 1 8% 4% 7% 3%

216 7 Electronic waste generates revenue out of____ D 1 recycle reuse regenerate All of these
Arrange the following steps for recovery of byproducts from
A. Recovery of metals
217 7 B. Disassembly A 1 B->D->C->A B->C->D->A A->C->D->B B->A->C->D
C. Separation by different techniques
D. Segregation

Which of the following is not the source of E-waste? Refrigerators,

Coffee makers, Automatic
218 7 D 1 washing None of this
hairdryers dispensers
According to ASSOCHAM, The compound annual growth rate
219 7 (CAGR) of electronic waste in India is _______%. C 1 28 25 30 32

__________ certified recyclers are preferred for recycling of Central Pollution Basel Action Basel Pollution World Pollution
220 7 E-waste internationally. B 1
Board Network Board Board
As per report by UNEP, close to ____ % of world’s electronic
221 7 waste is illegally traded or dumped each year. B 1 70 90 60 80

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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
India's first e-waste clinic was inaugurated in ______.
222 7 C 1 Tamil Nadu Delhi Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh

"World Comission on Environment and Development" made

sustainable development on the theam of its report______ our common
223 8 A 1 our bright future our better future our best future

Over the period of ______ global sea level rose by 8 inch.

224 8 C 1 1901 to 2011 1911 to 2011 1901 to 2010 1900 to 2010

225 8 The GWP of CO2 is _____ D 1 100 120 5 1

226 8 C Cl3 F is _______ A 1 Feron-11 Feron-12 Feron-13 Feron-14
227 8 C Cl2 F2is _______ B 1 Feron-11 Feron-12 Feron-13 Feron-14
Fair people can't produce enough ______ will be at high risk photosynthetic
228 8 of immuno-suppression. C 1 halon melanin methyle bromine
It is estimated that acid rain contributes of HNO3 is _____
229 8 C 1 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50%

Global warming could affect, Melting of

230 8 D 1 Climate Food production All of these
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) used as coolants in refrigerators Chlorine and
231 8 contains D 1 Carbon Hydrogen All of these
How does climate change (global warming) affect human By increasing
By increasing
health? illnesses such as By increasing
heat stress , insect borne
232 8 D 1 illnesses such as All of these
cardiovascular infections such as
asthma and
disease and dengue fever
kidney disease
233 8 ____________________ is a greenhouse gas D 1 Nitrogen Oxygen Argon Water vapour
Without the Earth’s atmosphere, the Earth’s average
None of the
234 8 temperature would be well below the ______ temperature B 1 Boiling Freezing Vaporization
of water
Which of the following types of sources of energy do not Geothermal Hydroelectric
235 8 produce carbon di-oxide? D 1 Wind energy All of these
energy energy
Which of the following is (are) the anticipated effect(s) of Changing Expansion of
236 8 Global warming? D 1 Rising sea levels All of these
precipitation deserts
CFCs have a continuing effect on the ozone layer as
Cl atoms formed Cl atoms formed
they are they are being
by them are used by them only act
efficiently produced in
up in reactions as catalysts in
237 8 D 1 absorbed by increasing
causing reactions causing
atmospheric amounts all over
degradation of degradation of
water vapours the world
the ozone the ozone

This process is functional in removing carbon dioxide from burning of fossil

238 8 the atmosphere D 1 lightning deforestation photosynthesis
This is not a possible adverse effect of global warming
an increase of extraordinary
239 8 B 1 sea level rise retreat of glaciers
UVB radiation weather patterns
Global warming also refers to as Atmosphere
240 8 A 1 Climate change Ecological change None of these
Ultraviolet radiations from sunlight cause a reaction
241 8 producing B 1 carbon monoxide ozone fluorides sulphur dioxide

Acid rain contains

242 8 A 1 Sulphuric acid Hydrochloric acid Oxalic acid carbon monoxide

The layer in which presence of ozone is treated as pollutant

243 8 is______ B 1 Stratosphere Troposphere Mesosphere Thermosphere

Which of the following gases has the maximum contribution

244 8 to enhanced greenhouse effect C 1 CFC CH4 CO2 N2 O

Rise in the sea level is due to______________

245 8 C 1 Ozone depletion Smog Global warming Acid rain

246 8 Damaging of Taj Mahal is due to D 1 CFC Hydrogen CO SO2

247 8 Which one is not green house gas B 1 CO2 Ozone CH4 CFC
Ozone present in stratosphere protect us by
248 8 C 1 Visible Radiations IR Radiations UV Radiations None of these

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Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
249 8 Ozone destruction is mainly caused by ________ A 1 CFC Methane CO2 HCFC
Over the period 1901 to 2010, global sea level rose by
250 8 ______ m. C 1 0.16 0.15 0.19 0.1

______ is the ratio of the impact on ozone caused by a

251 8 chemical compared to the impact of a similar mass of CFC- B 1 GHG ODP DU CTC
252 8 Montreal protocol was organized in which year. A 1 1987 1990 1991 1993
Kyoto protocol includes which mechanism to control Green cleaner
house effect chromatic Surface
253 8 B 1 development green mechanism
mechanism mechanism
Match the following.
Protocols Year
1.Paris Agreement A. 1997
2. Earth Summit B. 1985 1->D, 2->C, 3->A, 1->D, 2->C, 3->A, 1->B, 2->C, 3->A, 1->D, 2->E, 3->A,
254 8 3. Kyoto Protocol C. 1992 B 1
4->B , 5->E 4->E , 5->B 4->E , 5->D 4->C , 5->B
4. Copenhagen Internationa D. 2015
Conference E.2009
5. Vienna Convention
Kg carbon dioxide can be converted into Kg carbon by
255 8 multiplying with a factor_____. C 1 0.37 0.22 0.27 0.17

256 8 ________ is also known as laughing gas. D 1 SO2 CH4 Nox N2 O

Match the following
257 8 B 1 1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B 1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B 1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C

Identify the correct sequence of countries in decreasing

order of their contribution to global carbon dioxide
258 8 emissions A 1 B, A, D, C, E A, B, D, C, E B, D, A, C, E B, C, D, A, E
A. USA B. China C. Russia D. India E. Japan
Choose the correct answer from the option given
Which of the following greenhouse gases is not considered
259 8 as per Kyoto protocol? C 1 N2 O HFC CO CH4

In montreal protocol, participating countries agreed to

260 8 freeze production of CFC at _______ levels & reduce B 1 1987, 50 1986, 50 1987, 60 1986, 60
production by ______% by 1999.
In calculation of carbon foot print, kg carbon dioxide can be
261 8 converted in kg of carbon by multiplying with a factor D 1 0.17 0.2 0.23 0.27
Based on Kyoto protocol, participate countries have to take
appropriate measures to reduce their overall greenhouse
262 8 A 1 5 10 15 20
emission to a level of at least _____% below the 1990 level.

What is CER in clean development mechanism? Certified Certified Central

Cleaner Emissions
263 8 B 1 Environment Emissions Environment
Regulator Reductions Regulation
264 8 Global Warming Potential of CO2 is ____. C 1 2 100 1 230

265 8 Ozone depleting potential (ODP) of CFC-11 is _____. A 1 1 0.8 0.7 0.4

266 8 International Summit was organized in which year B 1 1998 1992 1993 1990
Which material is utilized for artificial Green House effect
267 8 C 1 gold magnesium polycarbon Glass

____________________ is a greenhouse gas.

268 8 A 1 CO2 Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen

269 9 India’s wind energy potential is _____________ MW A 1 45000 25000 35000 30000
What is the world's largest potential source of biomass Fibrous waste of Fibrous waste of
270 9 energy? D 1 Animal waste Industrial waste the paper the sugar
industry industry
The 3R principle is in which of the following order: Reduce, Reuse, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, None of the
271 9 A 1
Recycle Recycle Reduce above
What type of energy is derived from heated groundwater? geothermal hydroelectric
272 9 B 1 solar energy nuclear energy
energy energy

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Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
How can we achieve the prevention of environmental
degradation? By creating public
By relying on the By killing all awareness among By causing more
273 9 C 1 government to animals in the people about the and more
do all the jobs forest importance of pollution

Renwable energy often displaces conventional fuel in which electricity

274 9 of the following area D 1 space heating transportation all of these
275 9 Biomass can be converted to D 1 methane gas ethanol biodiesel all of these
Which of the following is a nonrenewable energy resource?
276 9 D 1 solar methane hydroelectric coal

In which of the following region winds are stronger and

277 9 constant B 1 deserts offshore low altitudes sites all of the above

Photovoltaic cell converts solar energy into mechanical

278 9 B 1 heat energy electric energy chemical energy
The following is indirect method of Solar energy utilization
279 9 D 1 Wind energy Biomass energy Wave energy All of these

Solar radiation which reaches the surface without scattering Infrared Ultraviolet
280 9 or absorbed is called _____________ A 1 Beam Radiation Diffuse radiation
radiation radiation
The scattered solar radiation is called ____________ Infrared Ultraviolet
281 9 D 1 Beam Radiation Diffuse radiation
radiation radiation
In what form is solar energy is radiated from the sun? Ultraviolet Electromagnetic
282 9 C 1 Infrared radiation Transverse waves
Radiation waves

283 9 Direct Solar energy is used for D 1 Water heating Distillation Drying All of these
At what range of speed is the electricity from the wind
284 9 turbine is generated? D 1 100 – 125 mph 450 – 650 mph 250 – 450 mph 30-35 mph

285 9 What is the main source for the formation of wind? B 1 Uneven land Sun Vegetation Seasons

286 9 What is hot molten rock called? B 1 Lava Magma Igneous rocks Volcano

287 9 Which kind geothermal plant is most common type? B 1 Dry steam Flash Binary Wet steam
The hole on earth’s surface from where the steam from the
288 9 earth comes out is called as ________ D 1 Gash Mud pot Void Fumarole

289 9 The efficiency of geothermal plant is about B 1 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35
What principle pulls Water in penstock force of volume
290 9 A 1 Gravity pressure Turbine
of water
What is a main power of the plant of a hydroelectric energy?
291 9 A 1 Dams Canals Rivers Lakes

Componet of the plant that is powering and making the

292 9 energy. C 1 Penstock Shafting Turbines Generator

Hydroelectric energy converts gravitational potential energy

293 9 of water into A 1 Kinetic energy Power energy Pressure energy Velocity energy

294 9 Hydroelectric power plant is mainly located in _______ C 1 Flat areas Deserts Hilly areas Deltas
What is tidal power? Energy from Energy from
295 9 A 1 Energy from tides Energy from sun
water moon
Which of the following categories does tidal power fall into?
296 9 B 1 Hydrothermal Hydropower Solar Wind

What is/are the cause(s) of tides?

Gravitational pull
of sun and moon Gravitational pull Gravitational pull Gravitational pull
297 9 A 1
and rotation of of moon of moon and sun of sun
Which of the following best describes the working of a tidal Incoming tides →
barrage for an incoming tide? Incoming tides → Incoming tides → Generator →
basin →
298 9 C 1 generator → barrage → basin barrage → basin
generator →
barrage → basin → generator → incoming tides

299 9 Tidal barrage is similar to ______ B 1 wind plant dam wind turbines coal plant
What is the minimum height of tides required for harnessing
300 9 tidal energy economically? D 1 1 foot 5 feet 8 feet 10 feet

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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
What happens when the land near the earth’s equator is
Small wind Large
heated? All the oceans
301 9 D 1 currents are Rise in tides atmospheric
gets heated up
formed winds are created

The first tidal power station was the _________ built over a Rance tidal power Rance tidal power Trance tidal France tidal
302 9 period of ____ years. B 1
plant, 5 plant, 6 power plant, 9 power plant, 4
303 9 The first solar car was invented in ______. B 1 1975 1955 1985 1965
First model of solar car was invented by ________. William
304 9 C 1 William John William Josh William Cobb
Wind Energy contributes only ____ % of global electricity.
305 9 A 1 1 2 3 4

Which country unveiled the world’s first solar bike path?

306 9 C 1 Luxembourg Austria Netherland Finland

The first tidal power station was ________ which is situated Kislaya Guba Rance Tidal Jiangxia Tidal
307 9 in ______ country. B 1 Tidal Power Power Station, Power Station, MeyGen, UK
Station, Russia France China
Where is India's first green building located? CII – Sohrabji Rajiv Gandhi
ITC Green Centre, Green Business International
308 9 B 1 Technologies,
Gurgaon Centre, Airport,
Hyderabad Hyderabad
What is the meaning of GREEK words “Geo” & “Therm”?
309 9 C 1 Earth, Pressure Water, Heat Earth, Heat Earth, Movement

Renewable energy often displaces conventional fuel in which Electricity

310 9 of the following area D 1 Space heating Transportation All of these
Biomass is useful to produce __________ Transportation
311 9 B 1 Chemicals Fibres Metal articles
From below Which is not the types of solar energy? Non-
Photovoltaic Active solar Passive solar
312 9 A 1 concentrated
power energy energy
The bio ethanol obtained in the fermentation process has
313 9 __________ purity. C 1 99.50% 99.80% 99.70% 99.30%

Which of the following is conventional way of generating

314 9 electrical energy? B 1 Tidal Power Thermal Power Solar Power Potential Power

315 9 Which country created wind mills? C 1 Egypt Mongolia Iran Iraq
Bioethanol is mixed with ________ to prepare transport fuel.
316 9 A 1 Petrol Oil Kerosene Diesel

317 9 How many layers do solar cells consist of? B 1 1 2 5 6

_________ radiation is called as a diffuse radiation. Scattered solar Ultraviolet
318 9 A 1 Beam radiation Infrared radiation
radiation radiation
The solar heater function is to convert the solar energy in to
319 9 ________. C 1 Electrical Energy Wave Energy Thermal Energy Chemical Energy

In which year the term ‘Sustainable Development’ came into

320 10 existence? B 1 1987 1980 1978 1992

Chipko movement was first led by Sunderlal

321 10 A 1 Rajiv Gandhi Ramdev Mishra Indira Gandhi
Which element is considered the largest source of world's
322 10 commercial energy consumption? B 1 Coal Oil Natural gas Nuclear
meeting present balance between
Sustainable development means
needs without progress of human needs and
323 10 C 1 all of the above
compromising on human beings the ability of
future needs earth to provide

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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
Sustainable development will not aim at

Social economic
that meets the
which optimizes Reasonable and
needs of the Maximising the
the economic and equally
present without present day
social benefits distributed level
compromising benefits through
324 10 C 1 available in the of economic well
the needs of increased
present, without being that can be
future resource
spoiling the likely perpetuated
generations to consumption
potential for continually
meet their own
similar benefits in
the future

If in a population, natality is balanced by mortality, then Decrease in Increase in

there will be Zero population
325 10 C 1 population population Over population
growth growth
Number of births per 1000 is Reproduction
326 10 A 1 Crude birth rate Conception rate Growth rate
In India, human population has higher number of younger Short life span
age group because of Long life span and Short life span Birth rate is equal
327 10 B 1 and high birth
low birth rate and low birth rate to death rate
If the rate of addition of new member’s increases with
respect to the individual lost of the same population, then Exponential
328 10 C 1 Decline growth Zero growth None of these
the graph obtained has growth

Today, the world’s number one problem is: Population Nuclear Natural
329 10 B 1 Pollution
explosion proliferation calamities
The world faces an energy crisis because _________
shortages and the
world oil resulting
world demand for
production will escalation of
330 10 D 1 energy will all of these
peak and begin to prices can shock
decline the economic and
political order

In which of the following way we can create awareness By the help of

among people about environment efficiently? By forcefully
mass media By making
By spreading insisting people
331 10 A 1 shows the treaties with
through mouths to protecting
importance of other countries
Which one of the following is the best way to protect
environment by individuals? By joining NGOs
By simply talking By killing and involve
By simply sitting
332 10 C 1 about organisms and themselves in
in a home
environment cutting trees environmental
protection works

333 10 When we will celebrate World Forestry Day? A 1 21 March 23 March 21 April 23 April
What are the Primary Goals of Sustainability?
Better standards
of education and
The end of healthcare -
To achieve
334 10 D 1 poverty and particularly as it All of these
gender equality
hunger pertains to water
quality and better

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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.
Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
Which of the following is/are not an objective (s) of
sustainable development? Maintain a
dynamic balance
Maintain a
of water
dynamic balance
resources by To bring about a
of arable land
Continue to reducing water gradual and
(not less than 123
implement the consumption for sometimes
335 10 D 1 million hectares)
family planning every unit of catastrophic
and implement
program gross transformation of
an agricultural
development the environment
product growth
and agricultural

What is full form of ENVIS? Environmental

Ecological info ecosystem info Easy information
336 10 D 1 Information
system system system
337 10 Where is the headquater of ENVIS in India? B 1 Mumbai Delhi Banglore Indore
What is full form of GIS? geological gradual Geographical
Graphic info
338 10 D 1 information information Information
system system System
July 11 is
World World World Education
339 10 B 1 World AIDS Day
Environment Day Population Day Day

GIS can measure ________ . Atmospheric

340 10 D 1 Forest lands Water logging All of these
The complete set of DNA in an organism is known as
341 10 _______. A 1 Genome GIS PHR RS

342 10 When we will celebrate World Water Day? B 1 21-Feb 22-Mar 09-Dec 19-May
Arrange the countries by population in correct order from
highest to lowest in 2022.
343 10 1. India 2. China 3. USA 4. Brazil 5. Pakistan 6. Indonesia C 1 2->1->6->3->4->5 2->1->6->3->5->4 2->1->3->6->5->4 2->1->4->3->5->6

The Ministry of Environment and Forests initiated the

344 10 Environmental Information System (ENVIS) in _____ D 1 1981 1985 1983 1982
assuming the importance of the environment.

DNA of a body is ______. Deoxyribonucleic Deoxynitric Deoxyribonucleic

345 10 A 1 Deoxynitric Acid
acid Antibody Antibody
DNA Preservations extremely useful for ________. Genetic Vaccines
346 10 D 1 forensics All of the above
engineering manufacturing
Which among the following is not related to GIS software’s?
347 10 B 1 GeoDa Stadd Pro uDig Arc View

Crop irrigation accounts for ______ of the world's fresh

348 10 water use. C 1 50% 80% 70% 45%

Which among the following is/are the major causes of

urbanization? only 2 & 3 (g) All
349 10 1.Industrial revolution 2. Migration 3. Growth of Private D 1 only 1 & 4 only 2 & 3 None of these
of above
sector 4. Availability of transportation
In India when we will celebrate wildlife week?
Between April 2 Between October Between Between Aug 2 &
350 10 B 1
&8 2&8 November 2 & 8 8
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize that all
countries must stimulate action in the following key areas. people, planet, people, planet, people, planet, people, planet,
351 10 A 1 prosperity, peace prosperity, plants prosperity, peace prosperity, peace
and partnership and partnership and population and plantation

The Chipko movement was initiated from which place? Garhwal

352 10 C 1 Trishur Pune Jammu
Sustainable development can be thought of in terms of three environment, environment, environment, environment,
353 10 spheres i.e. B 1 economy and economy and ecology and economy and
ecosystem society society planning
354 10 When we will celebrate Van Mahotsav Week? C 1 19-26 May 1-7 Mar 1-7 July 1-7 Dec
What is the rank of India in the Sustainable Development
355 10 Report 2020? D 1 125th 112th 115th 117th

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Environmental Science (ES) Question Bank (SEM-I-2023 CE,IT,CSD,AIML,AIDS,CS&IT,CSE,CST,CEA,RAI Engineering)
Note : This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Num Question_Text Marks Option A Option B Option C Option D
No ber
The zero population growth due to equal birth and death Demographic
356 10 rates is called: A 1 Natural increase Fertility rate Infertility Rate
357 10 The GRIHA V 2015 rating system consists of ____ criteria. D 1 11 21 31 41
GRIHA is a ____ point system, minimum required points
358 10 are_____. B 1.00 200, 55 100, 25 200,25 100, 60

359 10 LEED was developed by _________. A 1.00 USGBC GRIHA NBC ECBC
Green buildings are around _____ % more energy efficient,
360 10 with gold-rated buildings as much as ____ % efficient. A 1.00 25-30 , 37 20-30 , 35 20-40 , 40 20-70 , 35

The full form of GRIHA is __________.

Green Rating for Green Rating for Green Rating for
Green Rating for
Information International Integrated
361 10 D 1.00 Indian Habitat
Habitat Habitat Habitat
Assessment Assessment Assessment

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