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Quarter 3
Module 1 Argumentative Essay

How to write an argumentative essay

Argumentative – having or showing a tendency to disagree or agree

Essay – a short piece of writing on a particular subject
Argumentative essay -a writing that aims to make the reader agree with the writer’s opinion about a
controversial or a debatable issue.

STEP 1: Formulate your claim on the issue.

STEP 2: Look for evidence to support your claim.
STEP 3 : Write your argumentative essay ff this format
 Introduction
 Body
 Conclusion


 Introduce the issue
 Give background information
 State claim/thesis statement
BODY – Present your argument + supporting details
 Each paragraph must contain one reason and a supporting detail
 The supporting details may include examples, statistics, personal experiences or quotations.
 Do not invent an idea
 3 evidence, 3 paragraph
 Give general statement that supports your claim or thesis statement
 A quotation or call to action


ISSUE: Public display industry keeps many species or marine mammals’ captive in concrete tasks,
especially whales and dolphins.

There is no doubt that marine mammals should not be held on captivity. (Introduce the issue)
They are a part of nature and should not be bought, sold, or thrown in an aquarium. (Give
background information) Marine mammals have the right to be kept in their natural environment.
(State claim/thesis statement
Supporting details/Evidence
Captivity causes many health problems in marine mammals. (argument1/reason1) Many
tanks have water full of chemicals and bacteria. This results the blindness and may skin problems in
dolphins and other marine mammals. Marine mammals in captivity are from pneumonia, ulcers, and other
stress – related diseases. Mos of these helpless creatures suffers from boredom. Dolphins in the wild can
swim up to 40-100 miles per day, but in pools they go round swimming repetitive patterns. Due to limited
space, many of them abuse themselves. They often bang their head against tank and aquarium walls.
(Supporting details/evidence)

Supporting details/Evidence
In addition, some of these poor innocent creatures face abusive treatment by their caretakers,
thus shortening their life span. (argument2/reason2) In fact, Keiko , the killer whale star of free Willy, was a
victim of this type of abuse. It was known to be said that he was 1000 pounds underweight and developed
a wartlike disease. His teeth were ground down chewing the sides of the pool due to boredom and he also
had a problem with his dorsal fin. (Supporting details/evidence)

Supporting details/Evidence
Marine mammals also breed very poorly in captivity with very high infant death rates. (argument2/reason2)
For this reason,when a baby dolphin is born into captivity , its birth is usually kept a secret from its mother
until it shows of survival. (Supporting details/evidence)

On the Contrary, some people think that holding mammals in Captivity helps study and
research. But the truth is, scientist prefer to learn about animals in their natural environment as they get
firsthand knowledge.


In conclusion, marine mammals should not be in captivity.(writers claim) Mahatma Ghandi once
said, the greatness of a nation and its moral process can be measured by its animals are treated.
(quotations) In a world where much of nature and the wild has already been lost, it is up to us to let this
beautiful marine mammal free.( call of action)
Quarter 3 -Module 2
Informative, Persuasive, and Argumentative Writing Techniques

Writing Techniques – the style an author uses to convey his/her message in a matter that is
effective and meaningful to the audience.
Writing Techniques
1. Informative
2. Persuasive
3. Argumentative
Informative Essay- explains a certain issue or a topic
- Provides information and explanation in a straightforward manner
- The writers is like a reporter at a newspaper: only there to state the facts , not to offer any sort of

Argumentative Essay Informative Essay

Present the topic
Introduction Introduction
HAS HAS NO - Description
Evidence - Comparison/
counterclaim+Rebuttal counterclaim+Rebuttal
Reasons+Supporting contrast
details conclusion conclusion - Problem/
- Cause-effect
- sequence

- Summary of the ideas presented in the body

- Restatement of the thesis statement/topic
- A statement that will encourage the
readers to learn more about the topi
- call to action/Quotation

In an informative essay or text , you can present your topic through….

Description Comparison Problem and Cause and Sequence

and contrast solution effect
Explain a topic Describe Present a problem Explain and Describe a series of
in detail similarities or and propose possible analyze why events or a process in
differences solutions something some sort of order
between two happened or
subjects how
Education in Lifestyle before How to prevent the Global affect Proper Hand Washing
the time of and during spread of covid-19? covid-19 Techniques
covid-19 covid-a9 pandemic?
pandemic pandemic

You may use these TRANSITION SIGNALS in writing informative text/essay.

Description Comparison and Problem and Cause and effect Sequence

contrast solution
Another Alike A solution As a result After
Described as Also As result Because of Before
For example As well as Because Consequently Finally
For instance Although Consequently Due to First,second,third
In addition But However For this reason Following
In particular Just as Consequently If……..then In conclusion
To illustrate Different from Since Not only Last
In the same way So that But Next
In comparison therefore So that Preceding
However Therefore Previously
Likewise This led to then
Nevertheless thus

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