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Niken Pandanrini

Phone : +6282340500077
Université de Lausanne
UNIL International Master of Law

Dear Selection Committee,

I am writing to express my deep interest in becoming a part of the UNIL Grants program. It
would be both an honor and a privilege to participate in this program, as it offers a unique
opportunity to interact with students from various countries, sharing knowledge and
experiences. I am genuinely excited about the possibilities this program presents, as it
represents a significant step towards shaping my future and life.

My aspiration for pursuing this study is deeply rooted in my personal experiences as a woman
who has been raised in a patriarchal society and has faced numerous unfortunate events. I am
determined to become a lawyer to defend not only myself but also others who have been
victims of societal injustices.

From a young age, my passion has been clear—I aspire to bring about positive change and
empower women and children. I am committed to addressing the disparities in our legal system,
regardless of one's wealth or social standing. I firmly believe that everyone should have equal
rights and opportunities to pursue their dreams, irrespective of factors such as race, age,
gender, economic status, or religious beliefs.

While I may not have had direct experience working within the legal system during my
academic career, my personal journey has exposed me to the harsh realities of injustice. This
has fueled my dedication to the goals I have set for myself and has reinforced my
understanding of my own value. My experiences have provided me with a unique perspective
on the law, particularly in the context of human rights, combating sexual abuse, protecting
children, and addressing financial crimes.

Upon completion of my postgraduate education, I am committed to working with non-

governmental organizations to contribute to the betterment of society. Additionally, I aspire to
establish my own practice to support women and children who have been marginalized and are
in need of legal assistance.

Thank you for considering my application for the UNIL Grants program. I am eager to embark
on this journey of academic and personal growth, and I look forward to the opportunity to
make a meaningful impact on the lives of others through the pursuit of justice and equality.


Niken Pandanrini

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