0ptometrist CV

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​Name​: ​Allam widad

Cell : +35699124586

Email : ​widadallam@gmail.com


Date of Birth : 24/01/1989

Citizenship : Moroccan

Sex : Female

Adress : Malta

Marital Status : Single


✓ ​October 2018- February 2019: course on makeup artist in Mcast /Malta

✓ ​February 2018 : english courses in london school of commerce in malta

✓ ​2013-2017:start the School of Applied Optics and Paramedic (ESOA)

✓ ​2009-2012: Orthoptics Vocational training in the Training Institute of Health Careers

(IFCS), Rabat.
✓ ​2008-2009: 1st year at the faculty of law and economics, University Med 5,Economy,

✓ ​2007-2008: Baccalaureate, Sciences Experimentalist.


✓ mars 2019/april 2020 : saleswoman in optical shop / Sliema

✓ august 2018/february 2019: casher in minimarket / Msida

✓ ​October 2014/ December 2018: work in the ​prefecture hosp ital LALA MERIEM

✓ ​May 2014 / September2014: manager in an optical shop: Optic Al Fateh Sale/ Morocco

✓ ​May-July2013: optometrist in paramedical center of optics in Rabat/Morocco

✓ ​Mars 2012 / May2014: manager in an optical shop as a saleswoman Ms. Nawal cheikiri

✓ ​2009/2012: different internships; in ophthalmology departments and units


✓ ​July 2010: internship in a private orthoptic practice: Ms DRISSI Hind Since 2009

✓ ​participation in medica Mars 2012 / May2015 caravans and screening campaigns in the
different regions of the kingdom.
✓ ​2009-2012: Internship at various services in ophthalmology and orthoptics units during
the period of training at the IFCS CHU hospital specialties, CHP My Youssef, Military
Hospital Med V and at diagnostic centers in Bab Lbiba ,Bab Lakhmiss ... in Rabat/Morocco

Personal qualities and languages :

✓ ​French: good ++ English : good ++ Arabic : Mother tongue

✓ ​Hard worker and easy adaptation to other and the environment

✓ ​Sense of responsibility​, A
​ ppreciation of teamwork

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