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Labour Welfare

Made By:
Shilpa & Vinod
MBA- 2nd
Origin Of The Concept
 First world War 1914-18.
 India being one of the founder member.
 India followed International Labour

organization (ILO) since 1919.

 Many labour legislations have been

introduced by central & state Govt.

 Various agents & mediators also appointed

for this task.

Labour welfare
 Welfare basically means- wellness, health,
happiness, cordial relations.
 Welfare includes anything that is done for

the comfort & improvement of employees &

is provided over & above the wages.
 Welfare helps in keeping the morale &

motivation of the employees high so as to

retain the employees for longer duration.
 The welfare measures need not be in

monetary terms only but in any kind/forms.

Objectives of labour
 To provide Better life health to the workers.
 To make the workers happy & satisfied.
 To relieve workers from industrial fatigue &

to improve the living of workers.

 Encourages Healthy & cordial relationships.
Principles of labour
 Carried at all levels in the organization.
 Proper co-ordination & cooperation.
 Is handled by Administration.
 Believes in Mental, Physical,emotional &

moral wellbeing of the employees.

 Welfare of not only employees but his

Statutory Welfare
 Drinking Water
 Facilities for sitting
 First aid appliances
 Canteen Facilities
 Spittoons
 Lightening
 Washing Places
 Changing Rooms
 Rest rooms
Non Statutory Schemes
 Personal Health care Facility.
 Flexi-time
 Employee Assistance Programs
 Harassment Policy
 Maternity benefits
 Medi-claim Insurance scheme
 Employee Referral scheme
Approaches to Labour
 The Policing theory of labour welfare
 The religion theory
 Philanthropic theory
 Paternalistic Theory
 Public Relation
 Functional Theory
 Social Theory
The Policing Theory
 This theory is basically meant for making the
employees & the workers availed with the basic
facilities needed. E.g.- Drinking water, enough
rest & lunch intervals etc.
 In this approach the govt. introduced the

practices to control the exploitation of workers by

their management/employer. E.g.- Heavy work
load & less payments, very small time intervals
 In case of non completion of the above, the

management is liable to get a serve punishment.

The religion Theory
The theory believes in two key approches:
 The investment &

 The Atonement (punishment)

 The investment theory explains the welfare

benefits provided to the workers is the current

investment made for future progress.
 The atonement approach says:

 If the employees/workers are not getting

availed with the benefits, it is a part of there

sins in the past. They need to be atone for that
Philanthropic approach
 This is a benevolent approach which has a
keen interest in “giving strategy”.
 Provisions for good conditions of work,

daycare facilities for children, washing

facilities. (In regard to the employees)
 Working boys/girls hostel facilities,

donations to NGO’s.
 Rewards to the educational institutions etc.
 This theory is only encouraged for the well

being of internal & external environment.

Paternalistic Approach
 This theory the owner, occupier or the
employer, holds the funds of the industry in
a trust.
 The trust consist of board or trust members,

& any amount to be spent in favour of the

employees & the society is first being taken
in discussion.
 It creates a good moral for internal &

external environment.
 Also known as trusteeship theory.
Functional theory
 This theory believes that high
productivity/outcome of employees, by
providing them the welfare benefits.
 Approach expects the results in the

employees/workers efficiency &

effectiveness on work.
 Also known as efficiency theory of labour

Social Theory

 This theory believes in well being of the

society in well being of the society with the
 This theory is enhancing the condition/state

of the society.
Limitations of labour
 Available in statutory & non- statutory
 Separate investments to be done for giving

welfare benefits.
 Needs to be very well studied & analyzed.
 Should be flexible & not rigid.
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