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Date due: ___________________________ Pages _________ to _________

Book Club Role


Your job: Illustrate an engaging/important scene from the section of the book you’re reading. Your picture
should be as detailed as possible, and preferably colorful.

When you meet your group: Don’t explain your picture to your group. Have each member of the group
describe what’s happening in your picture. Then tell your group why you chose this scene.

Date due: ___________________________ Pages _________ to _________

Book Club
Discussion Briefing

Your job: Fill this out each week after your discussion.

How did today’s discussion go for you and your group? (Topics, participation, progress, etc..)




I participated by




I could improve by




Circle/Underline thing(s) you did today

Supported a point with evidence Contradicted or disagreed

Praised someone else’s ideas Refocused or clarified Added to what a peer said

What did you like best about the discussion?





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