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1. The Earth as a Unique Planet.
2. Physical Properties of the Earth.
3. The Earth’s four subsystems.
4. The Geosphere.

Engr. Johnmar M. Fotes

Subject Teacher

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to define and
describe the Earth's four subsystems (geosphere, atmosphere,
hydrosphere, and biosphere) and identify their key characteristics and
Earth as a Closed System

It is a set of interconnected components that are

interacting to form a unified whole. Each
component serves a specific function which
contributes to the normal operation and balance.

One of the key characteristics of a system is its

boundary, which defines what is included within
the system and what lies outside of it
(surroundings). The components within the system
interact with each other and are interconnected
through relationships and interactions, ultimately
working in harmony to fulfill the intended purpose
of the system.
Examples of systems.

An example of a system is an ecosystem wherein

organisms are interrelated and interacting with A communication system comprises devices,
each other. The presence of one entity in the networks, protocols, and software that allow the
ecosystem complements the other components in transmission and reception of information between
such a way that the absence of one will cause an individuals or entities.
An operating system (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux) The human respiratory system is a biological
is a software system that manages computer system consisting of the nose, trachea, lungs, and
hardware and software resources, enabling other associated structures. It works to facilitate
various applications and users to interact with the the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon
computer. dioxide) between the body and the environment.
Surroundings of the Earth.

The Earth itself is a system. It is a part of the universe in

which observations are made, and the remaining
universe constitutes the surroundings. The
surroundings contain everything other than the system.
The system and the surroundings together make up the

The universe = The system + The surroundings.

Beyond the immediate boundaries of the Earth system,

there are broader influences and interactions that
impact it. These include interactions with the solar
system, cosmic rays, solar radiation, and potential
influences from astronomical phenomena. The Sun, for
instance, is a significant external factor that influences
Earth's climate and energy balance.
Types of Thermodynamic systems.

The Earth is a type of thermodynamic system

wherein the transfer of matter and energy are the
concern of scientific observations. A
thermodynamic system may be an isolated system,
a closed system, or an open system.
Open Systems.
An open system interacts with its environment, exchanging matter and
energy across its boundary. It receives inputs, processes them
internally, and produces outputs that influence the environment.
Open System Examples:

2. Compressor.
The compressor sucks normal air with normal
temperature and pressure, delivers hot and pressurized
air. Hence, it is an example of mass interaction.
Rotation of the compressor impeller i.e. mechanical
energy is transferred to the air and converts its
mechanical energy into its kinetic energy as well as
pressure energy. Hence, energy and mass transfer
happen between system and surrounding.

1. Boling of water.
During heating or boiling, water vapour is coming out
from the container or the system. Hence, mass transfers
out from the system.
Adding heat energy which converts water to vapour
means energy interaction in the system.
Hence, energy and mass transfer happen between
container and surrounding.
Closed Systems.
A closed system is a type of system which is separated by a physical
boundary from its surroundings. Closed system means the system is
closed from its surroundings. In this system, energy can transfer across
the system boundary in the form of work or heat but there will not be
mass flow across the boundary.
Closed System Examples:

1. Piston – Cylinder
The piston keeps some amount of fluid in the cylinder and
close all the valves. The mass of fluid is fixed, and it cannot
go out from the system or any mass cannot be added into
the system.
If we put some energy into the piston, it will start to
compress the fluid, and as a result, the temperature of the
fluid will gradually increase, and that heat will be emitted

2. Vehicle Air Conditioning System:

The refrigerant in the air conditioning system
circulates between the compressor, condenser,
expansion valve, and evaporator.
Although the refrigerant undergoes phase changes
and transfers heat, it remains within a closed loop and
doesn't escape the system.
Isolated System.
An isolated system does not exchange matter, energy, or information
with its environment. It is a completely self-contained entity with no
interaction with the external surroundings. In reality, a truly isolated
system is difficult to achieve, but it serves as a useful theoretical
Isolated System Examples:

1. Themo flask
If the insulation is perfect, that means heat will
not allow across the boundary, keeping the
temperature constant over a given period of
time. Hence no energy transfer.
There will not be any mass transfer as well
because the liquid inside will not undergo any
physical change that may result in a decrease in
the amount of substance.
The Earth system is essentially a CLOSED SYSTEM.

A closed system is a system in which there is only an

exchange of heat or energy and no exchange of matter.
The Earth fits this description in the sense that energy
can enter or leave the Earth's system, primarily in the
form of solar radiation, but the matter within the Earth
system remains constant (excluding meteoritic matter,
which is a negligible input).

The Earth receives energy from the Sun in the form of

solar radiation. This incoming solar energy interacts with
the Earth's atmosphere, surface, and oceans, driving
various processes like weather, ocean currents, and
photosynthesis. Some of this energy is absorbed and
re-radiated as thermal infrared radiation back into
While the Earth interacts with space and receives
energy from the Sun, the amount of matter coming
into or leaving the Earth is relatively small and
negligible on a global scale. Although some particles
(e.g., meteorites) enter the Earth's atmosphere,
these quantities are insignificant compared to the
vastness and mass of the Earth.

Matter cannot escape Earth's gravitational pull

primarily because of the strong gravitational force
exerted by our planet. This force, a fundamental
concept in physics, keeps objects with mass, such
as the Earth, in mutual attraction. This phenomenon
is governed by Isaac Newton's law of universal
Gravitational Attraction.

Every object with mass has a gravitational force

associated with it. The strength of this gravitational
force depends on the mass of the object and the
distance between objects. Earth has a substantial
mass, which means it generates a significant
gravitational force.
Escape Velocity.

To escape Earth's gravitational pull and reach space

or another celestial body, an object must reach a
certain minimum speed known as the escape
velocity. This velocity is calculated based on Earth's
mass and radius and is approximately 11.2
kilometers per second (about 25,000 miles per hour)
near the surface.
It's theoretically possible for matter to escape
Earth, but it requires extraordinary energy and
precise engineering. Everyday objects and natural
processes on Earth's surface do not possess the
energy or conditions needed to break free from
Earth's gravity, which is why matter remains bound
to our planet.
Convection Currents.

Convection currents within the Earth's mantle also play a critical

Heat Transfer.
role in preventing materials from escaping the surface. These
Convection currents are driven by heat transfer within the
currents are a fundamental mechanism driving the movement of
Earth's mantle. Heat from the Earth's core and radioactive
molten rock (magma) beneath the Earth's surface, and they
decay of elements in the mantle create a temperature
operate on a massive scale, shaping the structure and dynamics
gradient. Hotter material becomes less dense and rises,
of the planet.
while cooler, denser material sinks. This movement forms
the convective flow, similar to the way water boils and
circulates in a pot.

Upwelling and Downwelling.

Within the mantle, upwelling regions (upward movement of
hot, less dense material) and downwelling regions (sinking
of cooled, denser material) form. The upwelling areas, often
associated with mid-ocean ridges, are where new material
rises from deeper in the mantle. Downwelling occurs in
subduction zones, where old and colder oceanic plates sink
into the mantle.
Convection currents maintain a
dynamic equilibrium within the
Earth, constantly redistributing
matter and heat. They allow for
recycling of materials from the
surface into the Earth's interior
and back again, but in a
controlled and organized

Without these convection

currents, materials might not
circulate effectively, and the
stability of the Earth's surface,
as well as the recycling of
essential elements, would be
greatly compromised.
The Earth’s Subsystem
The four subsystems.

The earth system is an integrated system, but it

can be subdivided into four main components,
sub-systems or spheres: the geosphere,
atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. These
components are also systems in their own right
and they are tightly interconnected.

Planet Earth is composed of four overlapping

systems that contain all of the world’s land
masses, water sources, living organisms and
gases. These four systems are known as spheres.
Three of these spheres are abiotic and one sphere
is biotic. Abiotic describes substances that are
made of non-living materials. Biotic relates to
living things such as bacteria, birds, mammals,
insects and plants.

Biotic and abiotic factors affect an ecosystem and

serves as contact point among spheres.
matter moves through ecosystems via the carbon,
water, and nitrogen cycles;
energy flow is represented by food webs and
energy pyramids; and
relationships exist among producers, consumers,
and decomposers.
Atmosphere (abiotic).

The atmosphere is the gaseous envelope

surrounding the Earth. Its name rooted from the
Greek words “atmos” which means gas and
“sphaira” which means globe.

It consists of a mixture of gases, including

nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor and
other trace gases.

The atmosphere is divided into distinct layers, each

with unique properties and characteristics. It plays
a crucial role in climate, weather patterns, and
supporting life by providing oxygen and regulating
temperature through processes like green house.

The geosphere, also known as the lithosphere,

comprises the solid part of the Earth. The name
geosphere originated from the Greek word “geos”
meaning ground and “sphaira” which means globe.

This sphere includes the Earth's crust, mantle, and


The top most layer supports billions of plants,

animals, and microorganisms, it filters water, and it
facilitates the decomposition of wastes. This holds
air, water, heat, and nutrients and is the medium in
which we grow food and fiber. It is responsible for
the formation of many landforms through its
endogenic activities.
Hydrosphere (abiotic).

The term hydrosphere came from the Greek word

“hydro” which means water and “sphaira” which
means globe.

The hydrosphere encompasses all of Earth's water,

including oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, groundwater,
glaciers, and even water vapor in the atmosphere.

It plays a vital role in regulating Earth's climate,

transporting heat, and shaping the landscape
through erosion and deposition. Water is constantly
moving and cycling through processes like
evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff,
and groundwater flow.
Biosphere (biotic).

The term biosphere is derived from the Greek word

“bios” which means life and “sphaira” which means

The biosphere is the part of the Earth where life

exists—it encompasses all living organisms, their
interactions with each other, and their interactions
with the non-living components of the Earth.

It's the global sum of ecosystems and includes all

ecosystems, from the deepest oceans to the
highest mountains, encompassing the air, land, and
While the other spheres, the hydrosphere
(water), atmosphere (air), and biosphere (life)
are vital and interconnected components of the
Earth system, they occupy less volume
compared to the geosphere. The geosphere,
being the outermost layer of the Earth, has a
substantial volume and area, making it the
largest subsystem among the four.
Matter and
Energy flow
In the Earth's complex systems, including its
various subsystems like the biosphere, matter
and energy flow in and out through
interconnected processes. These flows are
fundamental for the functioning, sustainability,
and balance of the Earth's natural systems.

These processes occur within ecosystem

systems wherein biotic and abiotic factors are
likely to interact. As matter and energy flow
through different organizational levels of living
systems, many important elements and
compounds cycle through the living (biotic) and
nonliving (abiotic) components of the
The carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles serve to
Matter and Energy Flow. transfer matter through all levels of the ecosystem
to support life processes.

Biogeochemical Cycles.
Matter, such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus,
and other elements, flows through the
biosphere in biogeochemical cycles. These
cycles involve the movement of matter between
living organisms, the atmosphere, the
geosphere (Earth's solid parts), and the
hydrosphere (water bodies). For example,
carbon moves through processes like
photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition,
and fossil fuel combustion.
1. Nitrogen Cycle.
The nitrogen cycle encompasses the conversion
of nitrogen gas in the atmosphere into forms
that can be utilized by living organisms.
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria play a crucial role in
converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia,
which is then used by plants. This cycle involves
processes like nitrification, denitrification, and
ammonification. Human activities, particularly
the use of fertilizers, have altered this cycle,
leading to issues like water pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions.
2. Carbon Cycle.
The carbon cycle involves the movement of
carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, soil,
and living organisms. Carbon dioxide is
exchanged between the atmosphere and
oceans through processes like photosynthesis
by plants and algae and respiration by
organisms. Human activities, such as burning
fossil fuels and deforestation, have disrupted
this cycle, leading to increased atmospheric
carbon dioxide and contributing to global
3. Water Cycle.
The water cycle is the continuous movement of
water between the atmosphere, land, and
oceans. It involves processes such as
evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and
runoff. Water is vital for life and ecosystem
functioning. Human activities can affect this
cycle through activities like deforestation,
urbanization, and pollution, altering local and
global hydrological patterns.
4. Phosphorus Cycle.
The phosphorus cycle involves the movement of
phosphorus through the lithosphere,
hydrosphere, and biosphere. Phosphorus is an
essential component of DNA, RNA, and ATP in
living organisms. Geological processes release
phosphorus from rocks and minerals, and it
enters the soil and water through weathering.
Human activities, especially agricultural runoff
and improper waste disposal, can disrupt this
cycle and lead to nutrient imbalances and
5. Sulfur Cycle.
The sulfur cycle involves the movement of
sulfur through the atmosphere, lithosphere,
and biosphere. Sulfur compounds are released
into the atmosphere through volcanic eruptions
and human activities like burning fossil fuels.
Sulfur is an essential component of amino acids
and vitamins in living organisms. Human
activities can alter this cycle, leading to
environmental issues like acid rain and air
Food Chains and Webs.
The life processes of plants and animals are
interdependent and contribute to the flow of energy
and cycles of matter within an ecosystem.

Producers are consumed (eaten) by consumers. When

either producers or consumers die, they are broken
down and consumed by decomposers. Decomposers
return nutrients to the environment where they can be
used by producers.

Human actions can positively and negatively affect

the populations of producers, consumers, and
decomposers in an ecosystem.
Matter and energy moves through ecosystems
via food chains and webs. Producers (plants)
convert energy from the sun into organic
matter (e.g., glucose), which is then consumed
by herbivores and subsequently by carnivores.
As organisms feed on each other, matter is
transferred through trophic levels.

Food chains and webs illustrate how energy is

transferred from producers to different levels
The amount of energy available decreases from
of consumers in an ecosystem.
producer to first-order, second-order, and
third-order consumers.
This concept can be modeled through an
energy pyramid.

No energy conversion is perfectly efficient.

Each level of the energy pyramid has less

energy to pass on to the next with roughly one-
tenth of the energy in one level available for the

Energy is given off to the environment as

thermal energy through metabolism.
It is a fundamental biological process that occurs
in plants, algae, and some bacteria, where light
energy from the sun is converted into chemical
energy in the form of glucose and oxygen. This
process takes place in specialized cellular
structures called chloroplasts, primarily in the
cells of leaves.
Greenhouse Effect.
The greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is
trapped close to Earth's surface by “greenhouse
gases.” These heat-trapping gases can be
thought of as a blanket wrapped around Earth,
keeping the planet toastier than it would be
without them.

This absorption and re-emission of energy

contribute to the greenhouse effect, maintaining
Earth's temperature conducive to life.

Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide,

methane, nitrous oxides, and water vapor.
Hydrosphere and Atmosphere.

The evaporation that occurs in the hydrosphere

forms the medium for cloud and rain formation in
the atmosphere. The atmosphere brings back this
water to the hydrosphere in the form of rain.
Hydrosphere and Geosphere.

Hydrosphere provides the necessary moisture

required to weather and erode rocks in the
geosphere. The geosphere, in turn, allows the ice
to melt and the water bodies to flow back into the
Atmosphere and Geosphere.

The atmosphere provides the required heat and

energy for the breakdown and erosion of rock in
the geosphere. The geosphere, in turn, reflects
the sun’s energy to the atmosphere.
Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Geosphere.

Weather happens in the atmosphere, but without

the hydrosphere, there would be no water to
evaporate and so no cloud or rain could form.
Without oceans and land (hydrosphere and
geosphere), there would be no wind (as winds
are produced by differences of air temperature
between the land and oceans).
Biosphere and Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Geosphere.

The biosphere receives sunlight and gases from

the atmosphere. It collects water from the
hydrosphere and a living medium from the

All four spheres can often be found in a single

location. For example, the soil may contain
minerals from the geosphere, moisture within the
soil from the hydrosphere, insects and plants
from the biosphere inhabiting the soil and
pockets of air present between the soil pieces.
From this, we can conclude that the complete
system is what makes life as we know it.
Thank you!

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