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Alumni Batch 2013 Financial Report

43 paid for all access 1000 = 43 000

60 paid for shirt 500 = 30 000
1 paid for food and id = 650
1st Total: 73 650


Arwafa = 12 500
Celeste = 2000
Wilmer = 2000
Regie = 5200
2nd Total = 21 700

1st Total = 73 650

2nd Total = 21 700
Grand Total = 95 350

Expenses and others

1. Catering = 18 500
2. Groceries = 10 844
3. Shirt print of 103 persons= 44 290
4. Ya abona si Clang during presentation del Mr Lampara = 1000
5. Tent = 1000
6. Decoration Macky = 1000
7. Monte Verde including karaoke = 7500
8. Cake = 700
9. Long sleeves = 200
10.Id = 650
11.Memorabilla = 1900
12.Gas = 150
13.Water na Dancers del Alumni kay nuay ya drinks = 100
14.Karbon = 100
15.Sandok = 270
16.Paga 1k kun Clang kay ya bona le during na Monte Verte = 1000
17.Meryenda yan send kun amado = 600
18.Utang Jayson = 500
19.Pelin = 430
20.Camile= 430
21.Roseller = 430
22.Plates = 400

Total: 91 944
Minus Grand Total: 95 350

Money On hand: 3 356 Pesos

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