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Ron Clynard Uranza


03 eLMS Activity 3
Great Books

 Why does Charlotte Lucas marry Mr. Collins?

Charlotte's decision can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, she values financial
security and stability over romantic love. Mr. Collins offers her a comfortable home and
income as the rector of Hunsford, which would provide her with a secure future.
Secondly, Charlotte recognizes that she may never have another opportunity for
marriage and children. She understands that society places great importance on women
being married and having children, and sees this as her only chance to fulfill these
 Why is Lizzy Mr. Bennet’s favorite daughter?
Firstly, Lizzy is intelligent and witty, which Mr. Bennet appreciates. He enjoys engaging in
intellectual conversations with her and values her opinions. Secondly, Lizzy is
independent and strong-willed. She does not conform to societal expectations of women
at the time and stands up for herself when necessary. This quality may remind Mr.
Bennet of himself and he admires her for it. Lastly, Lizzy has a kind heart and a good
sense of humor. She cares deeply for her family and friends and can always find a way to
make them laugh.
 Why does Darcy dislike Wickham?
Mr. Wickham was a soldier in the regiment where Mr. Darcy's father was a colonel, and
he was also close to Mr. Darcy's family. However, when Mr. Darcy's father passed away,
he left behind a large sum of money for both his sons - Mr. Darcy and his younger
brother George Wickham. Mr. Darcy took care of George after their father died but soon
discovered that George had squandered all his inheritance on gambling and other vices
instead of using it to better himself as he had promised their father before dying.
Furthermore, when George tried to elope with Mr. Darcy's sister Georgiana, it became
clear that he only wanted her fortune and did not truly love her.
 Why does Lizzy form a negative first impression of Darcy?
Elizabeth Bennet forms a negative first impression of Mr. Darcy due to his aloof and
arrogant demeanor. When they first meet at a ball, Darcy refuses to dance with Elizabeth
and makes derogatory comments about her appearance to his friend, Mr. Bingley.
Furthermore, Elizabeth overhears Darcy insulting her family's social status and financial
situation. This only reinforces her initial belief that he is proud and snobbish.
 Why does Lizzy reject Darcy’s first proposal to her?
Elizabeth Bennet rejects Mr. Darcy’s first proposal to her for several reasons. Firstly, she
is offended by his condescending attitude towards her family and social status. Darcy
insults Elizabeth’s mother and sisters, which causes her to feel insulted and angry.
Secondly, Elizabeth is hurt by Darcy’s interference in her sister Jane’s relationship with
Mr. Bingley. She believes that Darcy has wrongly influenced Bingley to break off his
relationship with Jane.
 What is the significance of the novel’s opening line?
Ron Clynard Uranza

The opening line of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, "It is a truth universally
acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a
wife," sets the tone for the entire novel. This line highlights the societal expectations and
pressures placed on women during the Regency era to marry well and secure their
financial future.
 According to Mr. Darcy, what qualities make a woman “accomplished”?
Mr. Darcy believes that a woman must possess certain qualities to be considered
"accomplished." According to him, an accomplished woman should have a thorough
knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and modern languages. However, he also
emphasizes the importance of possessing good manners and a refined taste in literature.
 What role do letters play in the novel?
Through letters, characters communicate their thoughts, feelings, and intentions to each
other, revealing their true selves and motivations.
 What is revealed about the characters after Elizabeth rejects Mr. Collins’s Proposal?
Firstly, it shows Elizabeth's strong-willed nature and her refusal to settle for a marriage
based solely on financial security. Her rejection also highlights her disdain for societal
expectations and her desire for genuine love and companionship. Mr. Collins's reaction
to the rejection exposes his shallow personality and his inability to comprehend
Elizabeth's reasoning. He is more concerned with his own social status than with finding
a suitable partner who shares his values. Furthermore, the rejection brings out the true
colors of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who is revealed as an overbearing and entitled
aristocrat who believes she has the power to control others' lives.
 How is the novel a critique of the social norms of its time?
The novel is set in the early 19th century, where the society was governed by strict social
norms that dictated how people should behave and interact with each other. Austen
uses her characters to highlight the absurdity of these norms and their impact on
 Who is Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and how does she influence the plot?
Lady Catherine De Bourgh is a prominent character in Jane Austen's novel, Pride and
Prejudice. She is the aunt of Mr. Darcy and a wealthy aristocrat who holds great
influence over the lives of those around her. Lady Catherine is portrayed as an arrogant
and domineering woman who believes that her social status gives her the right to
control others.
 Why does Wickham lie to Elizabeth?
Firstly, he wants to gain her sympathy and affection by portraying himself as a victim of
Mr. Darcy's cruelty. Secondly, he wants to tarnish Mr. Darcy's reputation in Elizabeth's
eyes so that she would not consider him as a suitable match for herself or her sister
Jane. Furthermore, Wickham is aware of Elizabeth's dislike towards Mr. Darcy and uses
this opportunity to manipulate her emotions in his favor. He knows that if Elizabeth
believes his lies, she would be more inclined towards him than towards Mr. Darcy.
 What role does prejudice play in the novel?
Prejudice is a central theme in Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice. The novel
explores the impact of prejudice on individuals and society, highlighting how it can lead
to misunderstandings, conflict, and missed opportunities for happiness. The most
Ron Clynard Uranza

obvious example of prejudice in the novel is Elizabeth Bennet's initial dislike of Mr.
Darcy. She judges him based on his aloof demeanor and perceived arrogance, without
taking the time to get to know him. Similarly, Mr. Darcy's initial disdain for Elizabeth is
based on her family's social status and lack of wealth.

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