Processing of Apple Pomace For Bioactive Molecules

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Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 28:285–296, 2008

Copyright c Informa UK Ltd.

ISSN: 0738-8551 print / 1549-7801 online
DOI: 10.1080/07388550802368895

Processing of Apple Pomace for Bioactive Molecules

Shashi Bhushan, Kalpana Kalia, Madhu Sharma, Bikram Singh,
and P. S. Ahuja
Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR), Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India
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The growth of horticulture industries worldwide has generated huge quantities of fruit wastes
(25%–40% of the total fruits processed). These residues are generally a good source of carbohy-
drates, especially cell wall polysaccharides and other functionally important bioactive molecules
such as proteins, vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants. “Apple pomace” is a left-over
solid biomass with a high moisture content, obtained as a by-product during the processing of
apple fruits for juice, cider or wine preparation. Owing to the high carbohydrate content, apple
pomace is used as a substrate in a number of microbial processes for the production of organic
acids, enzymes, single cell protein, ethanol, low alcoholic drinks and pigments. Recent research
trends reveal that there is an increase in the utilization of apple pomace as a food processing
residue for the extraction of value added products such as dietary fibre, protein, natural an-
tioxidants, biopolymers, pigments and compounds with unique properties. However, the central
dogma is still the stability, safety and economic feasibility of the process(s)/product(s) developed.
This review is mainly focused on assessing recent research developments in extraction, isolation
and characterization of bioactive molecules from apple pomace, along with their commercial
utilization, in food fortification.
For personal use only.

Keywords apple pomace, biocatalyst, dietary fibre, natural antioxidant, pectin, pigment

INTRODUCTION worldwide (Table 1). It has high moisture content (70%–75%)

The research and development efforts on value addition and and biodegradable organic load (high BOD and COD values).
efficient utilization of nutritionally rich agro-industrial residues High moisture content makes apple pomace bulky and suscep-
such as whey, sugar beet pulp, cassava bagasse, apple po- tible to microbial decomposition. Huge piles of apple pomace,
mace, citrus waste, coffee pulp/husk, etc are gaining momen- outside or near the industrial unit, not only violate the pollution
tum around the world. The overall strategy for the utilization control norms and industrial safety issues, but also lead to public
of such food processing residues is generally built around fer- health hazards. Owing to high transportation costs (being bulky)
mentative or non-fermentative product development. In the case and the generation of foul smells (fast biodegradation by natural
of fermentative utilization, the residues are used as microbial flora), direct dumping is also a problem. Earlier, sun energy was
substrates for the development of a variety of value added prod- used for drying apple pomace in the open to reduce the bulk.
ucts (Kennedy, 1994; Joshi and Pandey, 1999; Pandey et al., This method makes apple pomace darker (enzymatic or oxida-
2000; Lynd et al., 2005; Venus and Richter, 2007; Vendrus- tive browning) and unfit for value addition, especially for human
colo et al., 2008). In non-fermentative concepts, agro-industrial food fortification. In addition to sun drying, a number of meth-
residues are processed for the extraction of bioactive molecules ods have been reported for reducing the bulk of apple pomace
(Larrauri, 1999; Laufenberg et al., 2003; Schieber et al., 2003; and to preserve it for further utilization (Fenton and Kennedy,
Nawirska and Kwaúniewska, 2005). 1998; Constenla et al., 2002; Sun et al., 2007). The selection of
“Apple pomace” is a left-over solid residue (25%–30% of a particular method for pomace drying depends upon its energy
the total processed fruits) obtained after the extraction of ap- cost, change in nutritional profile and intended purpose.
ple juice. Several million tonnes of apple pomace are generated Intrinsic to apple fruit nutrients, pomace also contains numer-
ous phytochemicals in the form of simple sugars, pectin, dietary
fibres and natural antioxidants. In the past, apple pomace dried
for use as animal feed, fuel for boilers or added to soil as a con-
Address correspondence to Shashi Bhushan, Institute of Himalayan
Bioresource Technology (CSIR), Post Bag-6, Palampur-176 061, ditioner (Singh and Narang, 1992; Takahashi and Mori, 2006).
Himachal Pradesh, India. Tel.: +911 894233339387; Fax: +911 Since 1980, it has been extensively studied as a substrate for
894230433; E-mail: microbial growth and used in the production of value added


TABLE 1 Joshi, 2006; Attri and Joshi, 2006; Gullón et al., 2007). Ven-
World apple pomace generation druscolo et al. (2008) recently reviewed in detail the research
and development efforts currently underway on apple pomace
Quantity throughout the world for fermentative product development.
Country (thousands of tonnes) Reference Since 1985, a continuous increase was observed in the num-
Spain 20 Gullón et al., 2007 ber of publications in peer reviewed journals per year (Figure 1a)
Germany 250 Endreß, 2000 dealing with apple pomace utilization. In this period, R & D ini-
New Zealand 20 Lu and Foo, 1998 tiatives were more focused, on apple pomace conversion into
India 3–5 HPMC, 2007 value added product development (Joshi et al., 1996; Masoodi
Brazil 13.75 Villas-Bôas et al., 2003 et al., 2002; Sudha et al., 2007), or on extracting the bioactive
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Iran 97 Pirmohammadi et al., 2006 constituents for food fortification or food enrichment (Fig. 1b).
Japan 160 Takahashi and Mori, 2006 Efforts were also made to understand the addition of apple po-
United States 27 Roberts et al., 2004 mace on the nutritional profile of prepared food products and
on regulatory mechanisms, as evident from the percentage of
publications in the area of nutrition and dietetics as well as bio-
chemistry and molecular biology (Masoodi et al., 2002; Zhang
products such as organic acids, enzymes, single cell proteins, et al., 2003; Sembries et al., 2003; Devarajan et al., 2004;
low alcoholic drinks, ethanol, biogas, pigment and baker’s yeast Lantto et al., 2006; Sehm et al., 2006; Fridrich et al., 2007;
(Hang et al., 1982; Sharma, 1983; Kalia et al., 1992; Wiacek- Gutzwiller et al., 2007). The fact is also supported by the utiliza-
Zychlinska, et al. 1994; Hang and Woodams, 1995; Shojaosadati tion and disposal hierarchy of food processing residuals (Brandt
and Babaeipour, 2002; Seyis and Aksoz, 2005; Bhushan and and Martin, 1994), according to which recovery of human
For personal use only.

FIG. 1. R & D publications on apple pomace: in relation to (a) year-wise and (b) subject-wise percentage (Source: Web of Sciences,

consumption products from agricultural residues has been pri- apple products) and is prepared either from specific processing
oritized at the second position of the management strategies. varieties or low grade and culled fruits that are otherwise un-
Besides fermentative product development, since the 1920s, ef- suitable for the fresh market. Global apple juice production was
forts have continuously focused on the isolation of bioactive estimated at 1.4 million metric tonnes during 2004–2005, with
molecules from apple pomace, with the execution of a pectin China’s contribution alone being 600,000 tonnes. India produces
extraction industrial unit in the USA and Europe. In addition 4500 tonnes per annum of AJC and this is equivalent to about
to pectin, apple pomace is also used for extraction of dietary 0.64% of the total world production. The total recovery of the
fibre, xyloglucan, natural antioxidant and aromatic compounds juice in industrial production process (Figure 3) is about 70%–
(Carson et al., 1994; Almosnino et al., 1996; Barwal and Kalia, 75%, generating 25%–30% apple pomace and 5%–11% sludge
1997; Watt et al., 1999; Lu and Foo, 1997; Schieber et al., 2003; (liquid waste obtained after clarification and sedimentation with
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology Downloaded from by North Carolina State University on 03/11/13

Canteri-Schemin et al., 2005; Figuerola et al., 2005; Royer et al., bentonite). Apple pomace consists mainly of apple skin/flesh
2006; Guyot et al., 2007). Apple pomace has also been consid- (95%), seeds (2%–4%) and stems (1%). In India, around 3000–
ered for new applications such as textile dye removal (Robinson 5000 tonnes of apple pomace are generated annually, with 2000–
et al., 2002), press aid (Roberts et al., 2004), as a heavy metal 3000 tonnes in Himachal Pradesh alone. Sludge contains apple
absorbent (Nawirska, 2005) and as a protein stabilizer (Lantto juice (5–6◦ Brix TSS) and bentonite particles (added during clar-
et al., 2006). Thus, value addition of such residues will not only ification of the juice), and there seems to be a direct loss of about
provide the means to industrial economic stability but will also 10% juice, which can be recovered easily by adoption of efficient
help in reduction of environmental pollution, judicious man- processing techniques.
agement of natural bioresources and availability of nutrition-
ally enriched food products, as well as industrially important NUTRITIONAL PROFILE OF APPLE POMACE
biomolecules. The apple fruit is highly nutritious and contains carbohy-
drates, proteins, minerals and natural antioxidants. These fruits
are invaluable in terms of:
The world production of apples in 2006–2007 was 46.1 mil-
For personal use only.

• Elimination of certain harmful substances from the

lion tonnes, with more than a 50% (24.5 million tonnes) con- body.
tribution from China, followed by the USA. China is slowly • Prevention of decomposition of protein matter in the
capturing the world apple market in fresh, as well as pro- alimentary canal.
cessed, products. India is far behind and holds ninth posi- • The malic acid being beneficial to the bowels, liver and
tion but is among the top 25 apple producing countries in the brain.
world with a total production of 1.3 million tonnes, (MFPI, • Help in prevention of anemia, constipation, stomach
2006). Out of the total production, about 71% of the fruit is disorders, hypertension, rheumatic afflictions, etc.
marketed as being fresh, while 25%–30% of the fruit is pro-
cessed into juice, cider, and frozen and dried processed products As a fresh fruit, apple pomace contains significant amounts
(Figure 2). of phytochemicals such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and
Apple juice concentrate (AJC) is the major processed product minerals. The nutritional profile (Table 2) of dried apple pomace
throughout the entire world (64% of the total of all processed reveals a high content of carbohydrates with a fermentable sugar

FIG. 2. World apple production and processing status.

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FIG. 3. Industrial processing of apple juice concentrate (AJC).

content of up to 50% (Hang and Walter, 1989; Bhushan, 2002; content are generally associated with constipation, diverticu-
Gullón et al., 2007). The apple pomace carbohydrates mainly losis, cardiovascular disease and cancer (Trowell, 1985). Di-
consist of galacturonic acid (49%–64%), arabinose (14%–23%) etary fibres are known to exert a number of protective effects
and galactose (6%–15%), with minor amounts of rhamnose, xy- on cardiovascular diseases, colorectal cancer, obesity and di-
lose and glucose (Mehrländer et al., 2002). Besides carbohy- abetes (Salmeron et al., 1997; Ellegárd et al., 2000). Fibres
drates, apple pomace is rich in proteins, vitamins (A and C) bind excess hydrochloric acid, cholesterol and gastric juices,
and minerals (P, K, Mn, Ca, Mg and Fe) (Hang and Walter, increase the faecal bulk and stimulate intestinal peristalsis (Jenk-
1989; Johr et al., 1960; Kennedy, 1994). It is a good source of ins et al., 1998; Nawirska and Kwasniewúka, 2005). The fruit-
natural antioxidants (catechins, procyanidins, caffeic acid, phlo- and vegetable-based fibres are known to have better nutritional
ridzin, phloretin glycosides, quercetin glycosides, chlorogenic quality than cereal formulations, because of the presence of sig-
acid, etc). Apple pomace, including seeds, contains polypheno- nificant amounts of associated active compounds (flavonoids,
lics (Table 3) with the strong antioxidant activity of quercetin carotenoids, higher fibre content) in balanced composition (sol-
glycosides, phloridzin and its oxidative products (Lu and Foo, uble/insoluble dietary fibre ratio, water- and fat-holding capac-
2000; Schieber et al., 2002; Guyot et al., 2007). The seed con- ities, lower energy value and phytic acid content).
tains about 80% of fatty acids, the majority being linoleic acid Apple pomace contains a significant amount of non-starch
and oleic acid. polysaccharides (35%–60% dietary fibre), with a high amount
of insoluble fibre (36.5%) as well as soluble fibre (14.6%) (Chen
PROCESSING OF APPLE POMACE FOR BIOACTIVE et al., 1988; Gallaher and Schneeman, 2001; Villas-Bôas et al.,
MOLECULES 2003; Sudha et al., 2007). The main constituents of these dietary
Dietary Fibre fibres are pectins (5.50%–11.70%), cellulose (7.20%–43.60%),
“Dietary fibres” are the plant cell wall compounds (non-starch hemicelluloses (4.26%–24.40%), lignins (15.30%–23.50%) and
polysaccharides), which are resistant to hydrolysis by digestive gums. Cellulose, pectin and lignin are water insoluble, while
enzymes in humans. They are intrinsic and intact in plants and galacturonic acid and hemicelluloses are water soluble. A num-
consist of mainly cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectic substances ber of fibre enriched bakery products were prepared by adding
and lignins (Trowell, 1974). Diets with inadequate dietary fibre dried apple pomace powder on a wheat flour replacement basis.

Proximate composition of apple pomace

Composition Composition
Constituents (dry weight basis) Constituents (dry weight basis)

Moisture (%) 3.90–10.80 Alcohol-soluble fraction of carbohydrate

Protein (%) 2.94–5.67 Saccharose (%) 3.80–5.80
Total carbohydrate (%) 48.0–62.0 Glucose (%) 19.50–19.70
Fibre (%) 4.70–51.10 Fructose (%) 48.30
Insoluble fibre 36.50 Xylose, mannose and galactose (%) 1.20–4.40
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Soluble fibre 14.60 L-malic acid (%) 2.60–3.20

Fat (ether extract, %) 1.20–3.90 Arabinose and rhamnose (%) 7.90–6.0
Pectin (%) 3.50–14.32 Glucooligosaccharides (%) 3.40–3.80
Ash (%) 0.50–6.10 Xylooligosaccharides (%) 3.0–3.70
Minerals Arabinooligosaccharides (%) 0.20–0.40
Phosphorus (%) 0.07–0.076 Uronic acid (%) 2.70–3.40
Potassium (%) 0.43–0.95 Alcohol-insoluble fraction of carbohydrate
Calcium (%) 0.06–0.10 Glucan (%) 41.90–42.90
Sodium (%) 0.20 Starch (%) 14.40–17.10
Magnesium (%) 0.02–0.36 Cellulose (%) 7.20–43.60
Copper (mg/kg) 1.10 Polysaccharides of xylose, mannose and galactose (%) 13.0–13.90
Zinc (mg/kg) 15.00 Polysaccharide of arabinose and rhamnose (%) 8.10–9.0
Manganese (mg/kg) 3.96–9.00 Acid detergent lignin (%) 15.20–20.40
Iron (mg/kg) 31.80–38.30 Uronic acid (%) 15.3
For personal use only.

Sources: Chen et al., 1988; Hang and Walter, 1989; Kennedy, 1994; Joshi and Sandhu, 1994; Masoodi and Chauhan, 1998; Bhushan, 2002;
Constenla et al., 2002; Schieber et al., 2003; Marcon et al., 2005; Virk and Sogi, 2004; Nawirska and Kwaúniewska, 2005; Sudha et al.,
2007; Gullón et al., 2007)

Chen et al. (1988) investigated the effect of fibre source and The results revealed a significant increase in cake weight with
fibre concentration on physical and baking properties of bread, the increase in pomace concentration and particle size, which
cookies and muffins. They used commercially available fibres caused the batter properties to deteriorate to an unacceptable
of apple (spray dried), wheat bran and oat bran at 0%, 4%, 8% level. Cakes were also prepared by direct incorporation of finely
and 12% concentration with uniform particle size (130 µm). ground apple pomace (150 µm) in wheat flour at 0%, 10%, 20%
The results showed that apple fibres had a higher content of and 30% on a flour replacement basis (Sudha et al., 2007). The
dietary fibre (61.90%), lipids (2.45%), and lower amounts of rheological properties of the dough revealed an increase in wa-
proteins (7.25%) and ash (1.27%), than other fibre sources. Irre- ter absorption, resistance to extension and pasting temperature,
spective of fibre source, a significant increase in water absorp- with the increase of apple pomace content in the dough. They
tion, product weight and dough development time was observed observed a significant increase in cake weight and texture, and
with the increase in fibre concentration. A chemical analysis of a decrease in cake volume with the increase in concentration of
the finished product showed that the bakery products prepared apple pomace. Nutritional characteristics showed that products
by adding apple fibres had a higher dietary fibre content than prepared with apple pomace incorporation (25% apple pomace
other sources. Hence, the authors have advocated the addition blends) had significantly higher amounts of dietary fibre (14.2%)
of apple fibres (up to 4%) for food enrichment without compro- as compared to the control (0.47%). It was inferred that apple
mising product quality and acceptance by consumers. In another pomace not only improved the dietary fibre content of the baked
study, cakes were prepared with direct incorporation of apple po- product, but also increased the phenolic content (3.15 mg g−1 ) at
mace in the wheat flour and the baking properties were evaluated a 25% addition over the control (2.07 mg g−1 ). However, these
(Masoodi et al., 2002). They used dried apple pomace powder findings still require validation on a product safety and stability
of different particle sizes (30 µm, 50 µm and 60 µm) with a scale before recommendations for commercial food fortification
wheat flour replacement basis at 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% con- or nutritionally enriched product development can be made. It
centration. A significant increase in batter viscosity (82.6 poise, is worth mentioning that there is still no accessible report on
113.6 poise and 307.6 poise) was observed with an increase in apple pomace derived food products for human consumption on
pomace concentration (5%, 10% and 15% pomace) compared a commercial scale. Hence there seems to be a wide scope in
to the control (64.6 poise) at uniform particle size (30 mesh). this segment of food processing.

TABLE 3 delivery (Holst et al., 2006). The gelation properties of pectin

Total phenolic compounds identified in apple pomace fractions are a major factor in terms of its suitability for a particular appli-
and seeds cation and gelation these properties are known to be influenced
by the length of side-chain branches, the degree of acetylation
Apple pomace and the pattern of esterification (Constenla et al., 2002).
Catechin Quercetin 3-arabinofuranoside Apple pomace consists of approximately 10%–15% pectin
Epicatechin Quercetin 3-rhamnoside on a dry weight basis (Endreß, 2000; Wang et al., 2007). Pectin
p-Coumaric acid Quercetin-O-pentoside from dried apple pomace is usually extracted with diluted min-
p-Coumaroylquinic acid Sinapic acid-O-glucoside eral acids at elevated temperatures to solubilize the protopectin,
Caffeic acid-O-glucoside Apigenin* followed by alcohol precipitation (May, 1990). The dried apple
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Chlorogenic acid Chrysoeriol* pomace is ground to powder (particle size 80 mesh) and extru-
Caffeoylquinic acid Eriodictyol-hexoside* sion is performed (by twin-screw extruder) at different speeds,
Cyanidin 3-glucoside Eriodictyol* feed rates and moisture content (Hwang et al., 1998). Extrusion
Dicaffeoylquinic acid Hesperidin-O-pentoside* has been found to exert a more solubilizing effect than the com-
Ferulic acid Luteolin* mercial acid extraction process. However, it is effective only in
3-Hydroxyphloridzin Luteolin-7-O-glucoside* increasing the pectin yield with a lower degree of esterification,
Kaempferol-O-glucoside Luteolin-7-O-galactoside* which has limited industrial application. The authors have ob-
Procyanidin B2 Naringenin* served a cohesive effect of pH of the buffer, extraction time and
Phloridzin Naringenin-7-O-rutinoside* solid:liquid ratio on pectin yield. The pomace obtained from
Phloretin Naringenin-O-hexoside* Granny Smith apples, on a laboratory scale, was dried at differ-
Phloretin xyloglucoside Naringenin-O-hexoside* ent temperatures (60◦ C, 70◦ C, 80◦ C and 105◦ C) to evaluate the
Quercetin Naringenin-O-glucuronide* effect on pectin characteristics, composition, colour and gelpoint
Quercetin 3-diglucoside Naringenin-7-O-neohesperidoside* temperature (Constenla et al., 2002). Galacturonic acid content
Cyanidin 3-glucoside Naringenin-7-O-glucoside* seemed to be unaffected by the drying temperature; however, sig-
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Quercetin 3-rutinoside Protocatechuic acid* nificant effects were noticed on pectin colour and the gelpoint
Quercetin 3-galactoside Quercetin-O-pento-hexoside* temperature (maximum at 80◦ C). Extremes of drying temper-
Quercetin 3-glucoside Rhamnetin* ature resulted in more brownish pectin colour, either owing to
Quercetin 3-xylanoside Rhamnetin 3-glucoside* enzymatic browning (at a lower drying temperature, 60◦ C) or
Quercetin-O-hexoside Salicylic acid* caramelization (at a higher drying temperature, 105◦ C). Canteri-
Quercetin Schemin et al. (2005) used nine apple varieties to study the effect
3-arabinopyranoside of variety, particle size and kind of acid used for extraction on
Apple seed pectin yield. The apple pomace flour with a particle size higher
Catechin Phloridzin than 600 µm showed a lower pectin yield (maximum between
Epicatechin Phloretin 106 µm and 250 µm) and a statistical difference was noticed
p-Coumaric acid Phloretin xyloglucoside among the varieties with respect to pectin yield. However, this
p-Coumaroylquinic acid Quercetin 3-galactoside has little relevance to industrial apple pomace processing, as
Chlorogenic acid Quercetin-3-O-glucoside there is always a combination of number of varieties. Among
Procyanidin B2 Quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside the acid used for pectin extraction, citric acid showed the highest
average yield (13.75%) and was reported to be more econom-
*Reported for first time in apple or apple pomace fraction. ical and safe. Wang et al. (2007) used a microwave-assisted
Sources: Lu and Foo, 1997, 2000; Schieber et al., 2002, 2003; Sánchez- extraction system, at a frequency of 2450 MHz, for extraction
Rabaneda et al., 2004; Guyot et al., 2007, Cetkovic et al., 2008. of pectin from dried apple pomace powder (particle size 0.6 ×
10−3 to 1.5 × 10−3 ) and the analytical data was verified using
Pectin response surface methodology. Microwave-assisted extraction
The utilization of apple pomace for pectin production is con- reduced the pectin extraction time considerably. The authors
sidered to be one of the most practical approaches. Fruit pectins concluded from the experimental results that “extraction time
have been employed as gelling agents, thickener texturizers, and buffer pH” and “pH and solid:liquid ratio” had significant
emulsifiers and stabilizers in food processing, and the cosmetics effects on pectin yield and on the degree of methylation. The op-
and pharmaceutical industries (Thakur et al., 1997). In the food timum predicted yield (0.158 g g−1 dried apple pomace powder)
industry, pectin is used in products such as jams and jellies; fruit was recorded with pH 1.01 and HCl buffer, 499.4 W microwave
preparation; bakery jellies; confectionery; yogurt and acidified power, 20.8 min extraction time and 0.069 solid:liquid ratio. Re-
milk drinks; beverages; and frozen foods. The non-toxicity and cently, the effect of extraction conditions on yield and purity of
biocompatibility of fruit pectin render its application as a car- apple pomace pectin by alcoholic precipitation was investigated
rier for drugs, e.g. for oral administration of colon-specific drug (Garna et al., 2007). The extraction was carried out using two

different conditions of pH and process time by heating 50 g of was reported to be influenced by the liquid:solid ratio, time of
apple pomace in 1 L of acidic water, with continuous stirring extraction, concentration of alkali, type of pomace and pro-
at 250 rev min−1 in a jacketed stainless steel reactor at a tem- cess temperature. Furthermore, ultrasound-assisted extraction
perature of 90◦ C. The low pH (1.5) with the longer extraction (50 kHz frequency with an input power of 160 W) was observed
period (3 h) resulted in a high yield of pectin (8.9%), while a to reduce the time by a factor of three over the alkali extraction
slight increment in pH (2.0) with a decrease in extraction time method (Caili et al., 2006). The three independent variables,
(2 h) produced pectin with a high content of galacturonic acid. i.e. liquid (34.4):solid (1) ratio, KOH concentration (3.3 M) and
The researchers were able to obtain pectin with a high degree of extraction time (2.5 h) were optimized using response surface
methylation from both extraction conditions, but with a brown methodology. The conversion of xyloglucan into compounds
hue that developed owing to the oxidation of phenolic com- such as thickening agents and texture modifiers or as a source
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pounds. Efforts were made to improve the colour of the apple of biologically active oligosaccharides having medicinal prop-
pomace pectin by bleaching it with an alkaline peroxide (Re- erties, is possible. Therefore the extraction of xyloglucan from
nard et al., 1996). The process helped in improving the extracted apple pomace can provide a new means for the development of
pectin colour, but led to a loss of polyphenolics and to a degra- high-value biomolecules.
dation of the major part of the pectins, resulting in a lower pectin
yield. Later, Schieber et al. (2003) developed a method for the Natural Antioxidants
combined recovery of pectin and polyphenolics. This process A range of polyphenolics compounds have been isolated
helped the production of a light coloured pectin with the simul- from apple pomace, such as cinnamic acid and its deriva-
taneous recovery of phenolic compounds, which can be used as tives, epicatechin, epicatechin dimer (procyanidin B2), trimer,
a source of antioxidants. At present, fruit pectins with varying tetramer and oligomer, quercetin-3-glycosides phloridzin and
properties are in great demand and hence there is a need for 3-hydroxyphloridzin (Table 3). The nature of procyanidin
processes for the development of products with tailored proper- present in apple pomace has been established by 13 C-NMR
ties at an industrial level, and this is a great challenge for R&D spectroscopy, by the acid-catalyzed degradation reaction with
personnel. phloroglucinol and by electro-spray mass spectrometry (Foo and
For personal use only.

Lu, 1999). Earlier, these authors had investigated Gala apple po-
Xyloglucan mace as a potential source of polyphenols (Lu and Foo, 1997).
In addition to pectin, apple pomace is also a good source The fraction was obtained by extracting apple pomace powder
of cellulose and hemicelluloses – xyloglucan mostly fuco- with 70% aqueous acetone. The extract was concentrated and
galactoxyloglucans, representing up to 18% of apple cell wall left-over residue defatted with hexane, concentrated and freeze
polysaccharides (Renard et al., 1995; Watt et al., 1999; Caili dried before separation on Sephadex LH-20 using methanol as
et al., 2006). Cellulose is used for the production of various solvent. Out of the total polyphenols present (7.24 g kg−1 DM),
industrial products (methylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, quercetin glycosides accounted for more than half (4.24 g kg−1
carboxymethylcellulose) having wide commercial applications. DM), followed by phloridzin and its oxidative products. The elu-
However, the exploitation of xyloglucan extraction from apple tion order of the seven quercetin glycosides from apple pomace
pomace is at an infant stage. Xyloglucans are not solubilized dur- was established by Schieber et al. (2002) using HPLC stationary
ing the hot acidic treatment employed for pectin extraction. Re- phase with hydrophilic endcapping system. The separation was
nard et al. (1995) suspended depectinized apple pomace (1 g) in achieved within 8 min for all compounds and the elution order
100 mL alkali solution (pH 7.0) and centrifuged after incubation was found to be Q-3-O-rutinoside, Q-3-O-galactoside, Q-3-
for 15 min. They found that the increased alkali concentration O-glucoside, Q-3-O-xyloside, Q-3-O-arabino-pyranoside, Q-
and extraction time resulted in high xyloglucan production. 3-O-arabino-furanoside and Q-3-O-rhamnoside. The predom-
Xyloglucan was extracted with 4 M KOH from a commercial inant quercetin glycosides detected were Q-3-O-galactoside,
apple pomace source with and without pectinase pretreatment Q-3-O-arabinosoide, Q-3-O-glucoside and Q-3-O-xyloside.
(Watt et al., 1999). Different oligosaccharides were isolated from In the subsequent year, Schieber et al. (2003) reported a pro-
the 1,4-β-D-glucanase hydrolysate and characterized using 13 C cess for the simultaneous recovery of pectin and polyphenols
NMR spectroscopy. Enzymatic treatment of the apple pomace from apple pomace. The acidic extract of apple pomace (pH 2.8,
resulted in the production of lower molecular weight xyloglucan, TSS 3.1◦ Brix) preheated to 60◦ C was passed through an Amber-
with a lower viscosity compared to non-enzymatic treatment. An lite XAD 16 HP resin- (1.77 L) containing glass column at a flow
almost similar composition of neutral sugars was found in all rate of approximately 10 bed volumes per hour. Pectins present in
the purified xyloglucan fractions, except for a slight variation the extract easily pass through the resin and pectin-containing ef-
owing to apple variety and type of pomace used for extraction. fluent was collected at the bottom. Pectin residues were removed
The intrinsic viscosity of the purified xyloglucan was reported with distilled water until no pectin could be recovered by alco-
to be 244 mL g−1 . The results were comparable to earlier re- hol precipitation. The process resulted in a light coloured pectin
ports of Renard et al. (1995) (240 mL g−1 ), despite different with a slight increase in the degree of esterification and galactur-
extraction procedures. In both studies, the yield of xyloglucan onic acid units. The adsorbed phenolic compounds were eluted


Apple pomace (mg kg−1 DM)

Schieber et al., 2003

Apple seed (mg kg−1 DM)
Phenolic compounds Lu and Foo, 1997 Drum dried Lyophilisate Schieber et al., 2003

Catechin nd* nd 2,400 nd

Epicatechin 640 nd 9,300 9.6
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology Downloaded from by North Carolina State University on 03/11/13

Caffeic acid 280 nd nd nd

3-Hydroxyphloridzin 270 nd nd nd
Chlorogenic acid nd nd 14,300 119.8
Phloretin-xyloglucoside 170 nd nd 47.4
Phloretin nd nd nd 6.3
Phloridzin 1,420 nd 11,400 1,915.0
Quercetin 3-galactoside 1,610 224.2 nd 12.9
Procyanidin B2 nd nd 9,300 17.0
Quercetin 3-glucoside 870 27.6 3,900 5.9
Quercetin 3-xyloside 530 114.4 1,800 nd
Quercetin 3-arabinoside 980 223.0 1,100 nd
Quercetin 3-rhamnoside 470 297.5 4,700 25.0
p-Coumaroylquinic acid nd nd 1,800 9.4
*nd = not detected
For personal use only.

with a two bed volume of methanol, and after solvent removal in enzyme reaction, i.e. pH 3.6, enzyme to pomace ratio of 12%,
vacuo, residues were lyophilized at 0.075 mbar for 80 h. The to- 37◦ C and an 11 h reaction period. This resulted in higher yields of
tal lyophilisate contained about 12% of phenolic compounds and total phenolics (about 28%) and flavonoid content (about 50%)
a fraction was characterized by HPLC using a stationary phase in comparison to the control.
with hydrophilic endcapping. The main phenolic compounds Polyphenols from apple extracts have been shown to inhibit
detected were phloridzin, chlorogenic acid and quercetin-3-O- tumour-cell proliferation in vitro (Eberhardt et al., 2000). The
glycosides, with appreciable amounts of catechin and procyani- antioxidant properties of apple pomace polyphenols were eval-
din. The authors also investigated the phenolic profile of wet uated using a β-carotene/linoleic acid system, free radical scav-
and three-stage drum-dried apple pomace. Industrial drying of enging activity using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl)
apple pomace has been reported to have a non-significant ef- and superoxide anion radical scavenging activities by a cellular
fect on the total yield or phenolic profile except for flavanols, xanthine/xanthine oxidase system as a superoxide source (Lu
which were adversely affected. Sánchez-Rabaneda et al. (2004) and Foo, 2000). Epicatechin and quercetin 3-glycosides from
identified about 60 phenolic compounds in different apple po- pomace showed the highest activity, while phloridzin exhibited
mace fractions (peel, core, seed, calyx, stem and soft tissues) moderate activities in comparison to Vitamins C and E. Ex-
using LC/MS/MS and also verified the structure of the different cept for phloridzin (0.60 EC50 ), all of the apple polyphenols
compounds. Twenty-two new phenolic compounds were char- exhibited good DPPH-scavenging properties, two to three times
acterized from apple or apple pomace, especially naringenin, higher than vitamins C (0.35 EC50 ) or E (0.30 EC50 ). EC50 is the
luteolin and their derivatives. Factors such as pressure, temper- amount of antioxidant necessary to decrease the initial DPPH
ature, ethanol concentration and extraction time were found to concentration by 50%. Apple pomace polyphenols were found
influence the subcritical extraction of polyphenols from apple to be effective superoxide scavengers, in comparison to vita-
pomace (Adil et al., 2007). The phenolic profile of apple seeds mins C and E; however, among themselves, procyanidins were
seems to be limited (Table 4) in comparison to apple skin (Lu observed to be superior to quercetin 3-glycosides, chlorogenic
and Foo, 1998; Schieber et al., 2003). The effect of enzymatic acid, 3-hydroxyphloridzin and phloridzin.
treatment on the yield of phenolic compounds was also investi- These studies revealed that the polyphenols responsible for
gated under different extraction conditions (Zheng et al., 2008). the antioxidant activity in apple are still present in the po-
The pectinase treatment of apple pomace improved the extrac- mace, and can easily be extracted for food fortification or nu-
tion of polyphenolics compounds under optimized conditions of traceutical product development. Apple pomace can therefore

become an inexpensive and readily available source of dietary biosynthetic processes, they can be investigated for new appli-
antioxidants. cations either in biotransformations or bioconversions.

Source of Biocatalyst
The intrinsic enzymes system of apple pomace had been em- Pigment Molecules
ployed for biocatalysis. Biocatalysis can be defined as the uti- Oxidation of polyphenols by polyphenoloxidase leads to the
lization of natural catalysts, such as enzymes (either isolated development of yellow–orange coloured juices or ciders during
or intrinsic to the living cells) to perform chemical transforma- processing in the presence of oxygen, which has a direct correla-
tions on organic compounds. Since the 1980s there have been tion with the concentrations of hydroxycinnamic acid, flavanols
a few research groups working on the production of volatile and dihydrochalcones, i.e. phloridzin and phloretin xylogluco-
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology Downloaded from by North Carolina State University on 03/11/13

aldehydes and alcohols by apple peripheral tissues from in situ side (Lea, 1984; Nicolas et al., 1994). Phloridzin is a phenolic
or added linoleic acid or linolenic acid (Paillard, 1979; Ambid compound present in apple pomace and its enzymatic oxida-
and Fallot, 1980; Drawert et al., 1986). Almosnino and Belin tion has been shown to produce yellow products (Lu and Foo,
(1991) explored an apple pomace intrinsic enzymes system for 1997; Ridgway et al., 1997; Schieber et al., 2003). Phloridzin,
the bioconversion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the produc- using apple leaf enzyme systems, was first converted into 3-
tion of aromatic compounds. Fresh, oxidized (exposed to air) hydroxyphloridzin and later into the corresponding o-quinones
and frozen Golden Delicious apple pomace (10 g each) was (Raa and Overeem, 1968). A brown reddish colour was ob-
used as an enzyme source for the chemical transformation of tained, and it was proposed that these products resulted from
technical linoleic acid (75% linoleic acid) in 150 mL of McIl- the phloroglucinol nucleus and quinones in head-to-tail oxida-
vaine buffer reaction volume using Tween 80 as an emulsifier tive coupling reactions. Recent development in instrumentation
(37.5 µl). The reaction was carried out at 18◦ C for 4 h. Sulphur and analytical techniques has led to the identification and gener-
dioxide and ascorbic acid were used to preserve and reduce ation of structural information on compounds such as phloridzin
the browning of the apple pomace (caused from oxidation by oxidation products (POP). With the help of mass spectrometry
polyphenol oxidase). Micronized fresh apple pomace preserved and NMR, monomeric structures resulting from oxidation and
For personal use only.

with 60 p.p.m. of SO2 , and 500 p.p.m. of ascorbic acid was found intramolecular oxidative coupling with simultaneous ring rearo-
to increase the yield of hexanal and 2,4-decadienal by 56% and matisations of POP to a colourless compound (POPi), which
95%, respectively. The endogenous enzymes system contained a were then converted to yellow pigment products (POPj), were
lipoxygenase that converted linoleic acid to 9,13-hydroperoxide elucidated (Le Guernévé et al., 2004). The oxidation of phlo-
(Kim and Grosch, 1979) and these intermediates were further ridzin by mushroom polyphenol oxidase in POP production of
catalyzed by hydroperoxide lyase, resulting in the formation of yellow pigment, as an alternative to tartrazine for application as
volatile compounds, i.e. hexanal and 2,4-decadienal (Schreier a food dye, was evaluated (Guyot et al., 2007). Mushroom PPO
and Lorenz, 1982; Hatanaka et al., 1986). Hexanal formation was added to pre-incubated phloridzin (dissolved in phosphate
required both the lipoxygenase and hydroperoxide lyase en- buffer 100 mM, pH 6.5) at 30◦ C. The reaction time was 0–52 h,
zymes, while formation of 2,4-decadienal only depended on and the solution was immediately stabilized by the addition of
the presence of lipoxygenase for conversion into hydroperox- 200 µL of o-phosphoric buffer and 100 µL of sodium fluoride
ides (Almosnino and Belin, 1991). Later, the process was scaled solution. They studied oxidative product formation kinetics, the
up in 5 L and 10 L Trimix reactors, in a 2 L buffered medium effect of enzyme concentration, the colouring power of POPj,
containing 33% or 50% apple pomace and 0.5% or 2% linoleic stability as influenced by pH and temperature, and radical scav-
acid (Almosnino et al., 1996). The biocatalysis, occurring dur- enging activities. The POPj molecule exhibited strong colouring
ing biochemical transformation, was monitored by the quantifi- power, and 30 mg L−1 was found enough to reach half saturation
cation of hexenal (reflecting the expression of the double en- of the colour at pH 3. Researchers observed that an acidic pH
zyme system, i.e. lipoxygenase and hydroperoxide lyase) and (2.2–5.0) had no pronounced effect on the colour characteris-
2,4-decadienal production (reflecting the expression of lipoxy- tics; however, an alkaline pH (≥ 6.0) resulted in the formation
genase and β-scission decomposition). The authors found that of orange pigment from the yellow. the free radical scavenging
the reaction at 25◦ C, with continuous oxygen flow to vessel activity of phloridzin and its oxidative products was also exam-
headspace, resulted in high productivities of both aromatic com- ined. The studies revealed that phloridzin and POPj had a very
pounds. The best hexenal yield (160 mg kg−1 ) was obtained in weak antioxidant activity, while POPi had similar activity to that
an alkaline pH (9.0) after 48 h, exhibiting the pH optima of of epicatechin, ascorbic acid and Trolox. A similar free radical
the enzyme complex. However, both the enzymes appeared to scavenging activity of phloridzin was observed by Lu and Foo
be unaffected by acidic conditions in reaction buffers pH 1.4– (2000). The food and cosmetic industries are always looking for
4.8. new highly water-soluble yellow pigments and the phloridzin
Besides enzyme systems, apple pomace also contains min- pigment could be an alternative food dye. However, significant
eral elements such as iron, zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium research efforts would still be required to make this a viable
(Table 2). As these micro-elements act as cofactors in many process on an industrial scale.

CONCLUSIONS Ph.D. Thesis. Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and

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method for the nutritional enrichment of foods at a low cost. As
Caili, F., Haijun, T., Quanhong, L., Tongyi C., and Wenjcian, D. 2006.
per the reviewed literature, target molecules from apple pomace Ultrasound assisted extraction of xyloglucan from apple pomace.
are dietary fibre, pectin (especially tailored polysaccharides with Ultrasonic Sonochem. 13: 511–516.
unique functional properties) and, more importantly, natural an- Canteri-Schemin, M. H., Fertonani, H. C. R., Waszczynskyj, N., and
tioxidants. Dietary fibres from fruit residues have more benefi- Wosiacki, G. 2005. Extraction of pectin from apple pomace. Brazil-
cial effects on human health than cereals owing to the presence ian Arch. Biol. Technol. 48: 259–266.
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of associated bioactive molecules. Polysaccharides tailored for Carson, K. J., Collins, J. L., and Penfield, M. P. 1994. Unrefined, dried
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A lot of interest has been generated regarding natural antiox- A., and Tumbas, B. 2008. Assessment of polyphenolics content and
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