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Motto: Let there be bread (Fiat Panis)

Main Goal: Eliminate/ lessen/ reduce the rates/ statistics of hungry people in the world

Main priority: Lead international efforts to defeat hunger and to improve nutrition of every
human being and to have this so called food security that you can provide your food or at least
you can eat twice every day.

Founded: on 1945 (75 years of existence)

Headquarters: Move from Washington DC, USA to Rome, Italy

-Active in Philippines and other 129 states/ countries

-Very essential and important agency

-The largest organization according to staff and volunteers / considered as the largest
specialized agencies of UN

a. To do researches - e.g. they are also helping some other organizational researchers: Los
Baños, International Research Institute (IRI) by helping each other through researches
not only through funding’s, they can formulate, research on this type of rice that can
survive in any weather)
b. Provide technical assistance to projects
c. Operates operational and training programs
d. Gathers and collects data on agricultural output (production and development)
e. Partners with government agencies, non-government organizations, international
domestic in order to achieve their goal and to create something beautiful out of these
research partnership
f. Deals with projects that matters agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and land and water

Connected with no. 2 (Sustainable development goals) Defeat hunger or to to accomplish

the so called zero hunger rate

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