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Tacloban City
Control No. EVSU-ACA-F-005
Title of Form: Course Syllabus Revision No. 03
Date AUGUST 15, 2022

Program Educational Objectives

VISION Institutional Outcomes (IO) Institutional Graduate Attributes (IGA) Program Outcomes (PO)
Demonstrate personal and collective 1. Excellent in one’s field of specialization a. Apply knowledge of mathematics ans
A Leading State University in Graduates of Bachelor of Science in sciences to solve complex engineering
adherence to high standards and thereby demonstrating a personal and
Technological and Professional Electrical Engineering of Eastern problems.
distinctive achievement. collective adherence to high standards in
Education Visayas State University-Ormoc b. Develo and conduct appropriate
all areas. experimentation, analyze and interpret data.
MISSION Instill the value for lifelong learning 2. Visionary leaders guided with the highest City Campus, after three years of c. Design a system, component , or process to
Develop a Strong Technologically among graduates who are guided with practice of ethical and moral standards. graduation shall: meet desired needs within realistic
and Professionally Competent 3. Serving individuals towards a committed constraints such as economics,
highest practice of ethics, principles
environmental , social, political, ethical,
Productive Human Resource and moral standards. citizenry, driven by relevant cause for the PEO1. Build career in the field of
health and safety, manufacturability and
Imbued with Positive Values common good. electrical engineering consultancy sustainability in accordance with standards.
Needed to Propel Sustainable Show commitment and motivation to 4. Unifying agent founded on truth and and professional design services, d. Function effectively on multi-disciplinary
Development exist with relevance and significance in respect of human worth amidst diversity academicians, techno preneurs, in- and multi-cultural teams that establish goals,
CORE VALUES providing assistance to clientele. of beliefs and talents. novators and/or researchers, man- plan tasks and meet deadlines; (based on
agement supervision incharge of ; PQF Level6 descriptor).
e. Identify , formulate and solve complex
Create an environment which respect electrical contruction, operation, problems in electrical engineering.
each other’s worth, beliefs and talents maintenance and control, manufac- f. Recognize ethical and professional
towards a synergistic goal. turing,fabrication and repair of elec- responsibilities in engineering practice
E – Excellence trical equipment. g. communicate effectively with a range of
Provide platforms for technological h. Understand the impact of engineering
PEO2. Involve in community-en-
competence and skills development. solution in global, economic, environmental,
V – Value-Laden gagement activities in the field of and societal context
Electrical Engineering with social re- i. Recognize the need for additional
sponsibility and ethical behavior. knowledge and engage in lifelong learning.
j. Articulate and discuss the latest
S – Service-Driven
PEO3. Pursue and engage in envi- developments in the field of electrical
ronmental, social and cultural works
k. Apply techniques, skills and modern
U – Unity in Diversity with commitment to life-long learn- engineering practice
ing and continuous educational de- l. Demonstrate knowledge and
velopment including research. understanding of engineering and
management principles as a member and/or
leader in a team to manage projects in
multidisciplinary environments.
Course/ Teaching-Learning
Topics Resources & References Assessment Learning Evidence
Learning Outcomes Activities
1. Orientation
1.1. EVSU Vision and PPT Slides
1. Orientation of
school’s vision and
Course Information 1.2. CAS Goals and
mission & department’s
Course Code EE 313 Objectives Course Description goals and objectives.
Title 1.3. Course Objectives
BASI ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING This course deals with the Course
elementary electrical engineering theory, direct and alternating current state, parallel and
Credit Units 3 and Requirements series circuits and combination,
Lec/Lab Hours 3 gradingdifferent formclass
criteria and of electrical networks in AC and DC circuits and to its application to
1.4. Grading Criteria house wiring electrical installation.
CE3A(1:00PM-4:00PM/WED) 1.5. Class Policies and policies and rules will
Class Schedule CE3B(5:15PM-8:15/MON) also be discussed.
Prerequisite(s) None
 To be ablemodule,
the 6. Introduction
Comparison of Workbook Lecture/discussion
Co-Requisite(s) At the end of this
None 2. of Workbook Lecture/discussion
studentsstudents differentiate
are expected to: alternating current and
Electricity Practical Demo
the AC and
 Students should DC be direct
1. current.and
Definition Handouts
Handouts Activity
able to identify and Identificationof electric
7. Capacities Assist assignment and
 define
The students should be conductors PPT Slides Assignments activity
able to learn the a. Introduce
2. Raceways to electricity Marker/whiteboard Assists activity
electrical Marker/whiteboard Activity
3-4 different ampacities of b. Conduits
terminologies. a.
a conductors. 8. Theories
Midterm and
Assignments Assists assignment
 Students should be
 The students should be Workbook Lecture/discussion
able 9.factors
Branch thatCircuit
affect :
able to
to learn
learn the
the basic
fac- b.
structure of electricity. a. Factorts
resistance of good
tors in designing elec-
circuit design Handouts Activity
trical wiring and its
12-13 b. Circuiting guide- Assist activity
lines PPT Slides Assignments
 The students should
c. Different types of Marker/whiteboard
5-6 know theshould
 Students different kind
know 3. Electriccircuit
Current Workbook Lecture/discussion Assignment Assist short quizzes
of branch circuit.
the component of a a. Components of a activity
 complete
The students should be
loop. complete circuit. Handouts Lecture/discussion
Practical Demo oral test
10. Building electric practical demo
 To be able the electrical
able to design students b. Advantage of electric
installation of the current Handouts
PPT Slides Activity
to learn the usage of a. Electric service
building. Marker/whiteboard
14-16 alternating current c.
Sizing the of electric
branch Assignments Assist activity
 The student should be circuit, conduit pipes PPT Slides
current oral test
able to obtain the and overcurrent Marker/whiteboard
7-8  Tosafety
the rating
studentsof protec-
to protection
4. device.
Conductor, insulator, Workbook Lecture/discussion Assignment Assist activity
tive device.
know the factors that and its wiring accessories.
17-18  influence
The student theshould be 11.Factors
a. Definition
thatof terms
influence Handouts
Handouts Lecture/discussion Oral test
activity Assist oral test
able to know the
conductors resistance, 12. Final Exam
the resistance of the
and terminologies
its types. conductor. PPT Slides Assist Final Exam
of this chapter.
 To be able the students 5. Nomenclature/ Marker/whiteboard
to apply the different Mensuration
formula in obtaining
the voltage and current
This activity aims students to uphold the moral thoughts and ideals of our national hero. With this in mind, student is expected to create a personal 5-10 year commitment plan as a future professional
(teacher, engineer, architect, accountant, economist, chemist, etc.).

a. This is an individual task that students can accomplish outside classroom.
b. Students will follow the form below as a guide.


Grading System Class Policies

Major Exam 1. Courtesy must be observed at all times. Communicate with your teacher and classmates politely.
Midterm Exam 25% Use of foul language is strictly prohibited.
Final Exam 25% 2. Personal responsibility is encouraged among students. Each student is expected to perform the
Long Quizzes 30% required activities/tasks.
Assignments, Workbook, ect. 10% 3. Punctuality in the submission of required papers/outputs is necessary. Failure to comply with the
Attendance 10% specified schedule could result to disqualification to proceed to the next level.
------ 4. If possible, all students must be members of the class Facebook Group. For purposes of
TOTAL 100% transparency and proper identification, students must register using their real names and profile
pictures. The use of fake names/photos in the student’s Facebook account is strongly
INC if there is missing any of the course requirements listed. Given 1 year to 5. In compliance with Republic Act No. 10627 otherwise known as the “Anti-bullying Act of 2013,
comply the INC. students are enjoined to constantly refrain from making annoying, cruel, and discriminating
remarks on anyone while engaging in any class activity.
6. Likewise, selling, marketing or promotion of goods or
services in any form is not welcome in this class.

Effectivity and Revision Information

Effectivity Date: Revision Date: Revision Number: Notes on Revision:
2 (Your notes on revision will be written here.)

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved:

Faculty, Engineering Department Program Coordinator GERRY B. CADIZ, EnP. Ph.D LYDIA M. MORANTE, DA
Campus Director, EVSU-OCC Vice President for Academic Affairs


Head, Engineering Department

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