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June 2022


This work is a fruit of countless and arduous sacrifices. Through the researchers effort this study is

whole heartedly dedicated to our beloved parents and to the people who served as an inspiration.

We also dedicate this research to the Almighty God, for his guidance, power of mind, protection and

for giving us a healthy life to be able to carry out this research.

And lastly, we dedicate this research to our research adviser, Mrs. Analie I. Cabanlit, for his efforts

band patience to guide us throughout the research. Further more to those people who encourage and

advice that helped us be motivated to finish this research. All of these, we offer to all of you.


With the greatest and deepest gratitude I would like to express my thanks to out almighty God

and the people who quided and contributed for the success of this research

My completion of this project could not have been accomplished without the support of our

group team Giedy Feb,Irish, Lody joy, catherine, Juanie, Norilyn and arky sumaphi: Thank you

for allowing all your time from this research and write.

Immersurable appreciation for the help and support, are extended to the following persons

who in one way or another have contributed in making this study possible.

Mrs. Analie T. Cabanlit research teacher for her support advices, quidance, suggestions that

benefited her much in the completion and success of this study. Sharing her acknowledge and

helped in the analysis of data .

Mrs. Althea pearl Ruben our subject teacher for his comments, effort I'm checking and

editing this study.Our extremely grateful to our parents for this support prayers and sacrifies

educating our heartfelt thanks.


Approval sheet

This is to certify that one have supervised the preparation of and read the research paper
prepared and submitted by:Arky Sumaphi, Catherine Joy B. Singol, Giedy Feb H. Lubguban,
Irish Tilus,Lody Joy Digan, and Norilyn Ellomer Na in. The research paper entitled“The Study
of Cultural Belief of the Traditional Subanen Tribe in Lapuyan” and the research paper has been
submitted for examination by the oral examination committee.

Analie I. Cabanlit

As a member of the oral examination committee, we certify that we have examined this research
paper, presented before the committee on........ And hereby recommended that it be accepted as
fulfillment of the requirements for the intercourse Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion (3Is).

Analie I. Cabanlit Althea Pearl Ruben

Panel Panel

Veejay Lubusan

This research paper is hereby approved and acceptance by the Lapuyan National High School,
Senior High School Office as fulfillment of the requirements for the course Inquiries,
Investigation and Immersion (3Is).

Analie I. Cabanlit
SHS Coordinator

Table of Content

Title page..............................................................................................................i



Approval sheet......................................................................................................iv

Table of content.....................................................................................................v


Background of the study........................................................................................1-2

Theoretical Framework..........................................................................................3

Statement of the problem.......................................................................................3


Scope and delimitation...........................................................................................4

Significance of the study........................................................................................4

Definition of terms.................................................................................................5-6

Ethical consideration..............................................................................................6-7


Review of Related Literature................................................................................8-13


Research Method..................................................................................................14

Research Design................................................................................................14

Research locale..................................................................................................14

Respondent of the study.....................................................................................14

Instruments of the study.....................................................................................15

Sampling techniques..........................................................................................15

Data gathering procedure...................................................................................15


Presentation Analysis and Interpretation...........................................................16-21






Appendix A......................................................................................................34-35

Appendix B.......................................................................................................36

Curriculum Vitae..............................................................................................37-43


The study examined the cultural beliefs and modification of traditional subanen tribe in Lapuyan
Zamboanga Del sur. These cultural Beliefs, which are further clarified through a set of
behaviours that are associated with each belief are intended to inspire and empower our people to
shared their knowledge and understanding. Each culture has its own rituals that influence the
expression of grief. The purpose of the study on which this article is based, was to describe
cultural beliefs of the subanen and now it modified. This study finds that many subanen believe
in cultural belief such as sumpa and Gaba which all Filipinos believes it. This study provides
insights for the Subanen's thimuay in terms of cultural beliefs and the modifications the results
may offer some valuable information that may aspire to the Subanen and readers
Keywords: Cultural beliefs,' Modification: Subanen: Lapuyan Zamboanga Del sur


The Problem


The subanen people are known as the aborigines of the island of Mindanao and are found

mostly in the northern western and southern positions of the Zamboanga Peninsula (H palingag.

Popul from. 1981).Accordingly, the name “subanen"means “the person on people of the

river”.The researcher is very certain and confident to say that subanens manifested many

differences in terms of cultural belief and traditional subanen tribe. This difference starts at the

subanen people before and can be continued today's generation. Thus, it results to that subanen

people becomes the educators for their knowledge about their culture belief and traditional tribe.

Consequently, subanen or not subanen professor or teachers and etc. Have to enlighten other

people about their way to life. Their customary beliefs and how they are able to preserve their

culture for the next generation.

The researcher all knows that this cultural belief and traditions of subanen tribe is unique

were originated from their ancestors and had been preserved for a long time. The subanen people

as a tribe are able lto sustain their belief system in respecting nature all living creatures,

especially to the spirits which they also believe living among them.

Subanen tribe in the Philippines is one of the largest among the ethnic groups in the

country (Lucky, 2005).Subanen tribe has different cultural beliefs and traditions performed or

knows in different situations. These beliefs are not commonly seen by the non-subanen

community because these are usually knows within the locality of the subanen tribe.

The researcher choose this topic to enlighten other people about what subanen tribe cultural

belief and how this days belief changes. We the researchers want to know how subanen cultural

belief before modified now a days.

As we saw nowadays there are different belief that known this place and also some of the

oyher belief change. That why we want to find out what is it. Some study I know on belief are

about superstitious beliefs. It is generally means a belief in supernatural forces. Some survey

studies report a high degree of belief interest and involvement in supertiton or belief (see, e.g.,

Gallup and newpost 1991, Ross and Joshi 1992).

As researchers, we wish to collect questionnaires and interviews from subanen people,

particularly the Thimuay, who are knowledgeable about many cultural ideas. The Thimuay also

understands how their beliefs have evolved over time and how they continue to develop.

We can develop new information every day as the years pass, which is why we want to know

how subanen culture has evolved in terms of knowledge in this day and age. The significance of

this topic demonstrates how new generations' cultural beliefs are changing. And how they will

pass on their cultural beliefs to future generations. We, the researchers, wish to see how Subanes'

cultural.Choosing a topic are often one in every of the foremost necessary selections you may

create in your skilled career as a result of it determines the primary major piece of analysis that

you'll be well-known.Our study topic is “Cultural beliefs of the traditional subanen tribe ”the

subject derives it's importance due to many unbelievable belief presently in place. We choose

this topic to involve our selves in our culture beyond our own findings we can learn all of it. Our

purpose of this study is to know the different cultural beliefs of subanen. We want to find out

cultural belief instincts and fact. We want to negate the ideas and values of their cultural belief.

That is because not everyone understand why there cultural belief one thing or another.

Theoritical Framework

Rudiger J. Seitz, Raymond F. Paloutzian, and Hans-Ferdinand Angel

Despite the long scholarly debate on religion, spirituality, and faith in western theology and

philosopy , explanations of what a belief and what believingis still lacking. We present evidence

suggesting that believing is a human brain function that results in probabilistic representations

with attributes of personal meaning and value and thus guides individuals behavior. We propose

that the same mental processes operating on narratives and rituals constitute beliefs system in

indivisuals and social groups .Our belief-formation model can account for both secular and non-

secular belief development.

Statement of the problem

The fundamental problem addressed in this study is that traditional Subanen tribe

cultural beliefs and modifications we the researcher fully know of doing the results in boosting

Subanens people knowledge about it outcomes. Because the goal of qualitative case studies is to

illustrate the subanen belief's lived experience in a specific context, it is believed that the

empirical technique would indicate a direction worth exploring further.

The following are the primary research questions that this study is based on:

1.What are the cultural beliefs of subanens?

2.How have subanens' cultural ideas changed?


3.How essential is the cultural belief system of Subanen?


Cutural beliefs and the traditional subanen tribe's alteration have a significant relationship.

Scope and delimitation

The focus of this study is on the traditional subanen tribe of Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur's

cultural belief and modification. Subanen people of all sexes are involved in this research. The

research will take place during the academic school year 2021-2022.

The information gathered and provided by students will be used to confirm any potential

changes. The surverys results will then aid in the planning and drafting of solutions to the

problem that have been identified as needing attention.

Significance of the study

Thus research will assist the following persons and groups:

Native Americans. They preserve early culture's traditions and other elements. This is linked to

the first settlers in a certain region.

People of subanen. Speak in the subanon dialect. Originally, these people resided in the Low-
lying places.

Non-Subanen people. They showed today's subanen cultural belief.

Definition of Terms

Cultural beliefs-are beliefs that are learned and shared across groups of people (Susan C. Weller,

Subanen people -known as the aborigines of the island of Mindanao, and are found mostly in the

northern, western and southern portions of the Zamboanga Peninsula.

Subanen -means the person on people of the river.

Subanen tribe -one of the largest among the ethnic groups in the country.

Traditional subanen -are still practicing the traditional beliefs in the subanen communities.

Cultural attitudes -are increasingly being recognized as an important component in the genetic

counseling process, just as they are in other fields of medicine.

Culture -defined as everyday symbolic and expressive practices, both those that occur naturally

(and are not aimed at producing artifacts).

Ethical Considerations

Objectives: The conducting of research requires not only expertise and deligence but also

honesty and integrity. This is done to recognize and protect the rights of human subjects. To

Reader the study ethical the rights to self determination anonymity confidentiality and inform

consent were observed

Design: Qualitative study using interviews of descriptive design as the primary method for

gathering data.

Setting: At Lapuyan

Participants: Cultural beliefs of the traditional subanen tribe attending thimuay and subanen


Interventions: Presented with the research questions participants selected every were in Lapuyan

Immediately afterward and while considering their decision each respondents sorted differents

questions bases in cultural belief.

Conclusion: Interviews and descriptive design are useful qualitative methodological tools to

study the complec structures of cultural beliefs of the traditional subanen tribe. This study

revealed the cultural beliefs of subanen that come from to our participants as they mad ethically

challenging answers.

The participants feedback appear to answer the following problems. Generalizability of results

will require further studies.



Review of Related Literature

This chapter examines the ideas and concepts derived from many publish and online

investigations, journals, books, and another resources that are relevant to the variables in the

study. This chapter focuses on cultural beliefs, which are beliefs that are learnt and shared by

people from different cultures. Individuals known distinct subsets of cultural knowledge and

hence might vary in their cultural comopetences since the amount on information in a culture is

too big for any one person to master. Variable access to and engagement in cultural knowledge

also contribute to cultural competency variation and specialization. By averaging responses for

each question on the same issue, shared cultural views or norms surrounding the answers can be


The "totality of socially transmitted pattern of thinking, values, meanings, and beliefs" Is

characterized as culture (purnell 2005).

They were originally found along river banks, or “suba”but now live in the mountains,

according to Zamboanga city's history. The subanen arrived from Indonesia between 2,000 and

6,000 years ago, but moved into the hinterlands after the arrival of the Muslims, who would

often attack the subanen to collect taxes and capture slaves. Among the subanen, it is also a

thanksgiving holiday (H Daligang. Popul Forum. 1981).It is not restricted to any ethnic group,

geographical place, language, religious belief, clothing style, sexual orientation, or social class


Subanen are animist because they believe that nonhuman enitities including animals, plants,

inanimate objects, and phenomena have spiritual existence (Mabini et al. 2014)

Tan explains that "culture is imprinted in our bodies and brains" In revising us of, pasma, and

kulam(Tan 2008).

According to Harris(1983), each culture has its own individual animistic entities and it's own

unique laboration of the soul notion.

Intangible cultural heritage, such as ceremonies, gives the Subanen tribe a feeling of identity

and continuty, encouraging appreciation for cultural variety. Subanen believes in the presence of

a realm that is invisible to the naked sight (Hapalla, 2002).

The sum of cultural property conserved and developed over time and passed on to posterity

is referred to as ingenuity that indicate a people's or nation's identity. Moveable or Immovable,

tangible or invisible, private or public, an important cultural property can be either (republic Act

10066). The subanens execute rituals to appease thier Gods, which are the procedures that allow

beliefs to be realized (Prabhakar Gangadhas, 2011).

The perception of these beliefs is mediated by cultural interpretation, in combination with a

range of other factors specific to each community and household at a specific time place, which

will influence how people will prepare themselves or not (Debens, 2007).

Each culture has its own distinctive animistic being and is difected in their great respect for

others and for nature (Elgado et al. 2013).

The study of culture's forms and practices (not just it's text and objects), the relationship to

social groups, and the power relations between those groups as they are conducted and mediated

by forms of culture is central to cultural studies. The term "culture" Is not limited to art or high

culture. Culture is defined as everyday symbolic and expressive practices, both those that occur

naturally (and are not aimed at producing artifacts), such as travelling or shipping, and "textual

practices," Which are those, performance, display, space, writing, or narrative.

Discussion of cutural preservation does not happen enough. The lack of awareness is

languages and cultures to die out, a notable loss for humans as a species. Develop their past,

present and future manifestation of their cultures. Based on the information gathered during the

study traditional subanen believes in a supreme being call "Diwata migbebaya" and have had a

holy book at one time but the said book were no longer be found after the Spanish invasion.

Traditional subanen which are still practicing the traditional beliefs in the subanen communities.

Traditionally, education among subanen people is limited to instructions by Tumuay's chief for

future husbands and wives about love, respect and treatment of one another, parent's, and in-laws

these is a common belief that all humans must marry. At the core of a culture that enables the

subanen to maintain a culture that enables the subanen to maintain a meaningful identify distinct

from both Catholic Filipino Lowlanders and coastal Muslims is a shared system of belief and

ritual that is uniquely subanen Frake, Charles O. (1980). Subanen believe that all and each and

every subanen are relatives and family that should live with equality. Subanen believe of

"common wealth" That on one should own the land or territory but all the people within Oso

people could room anywhere inside the controlled land of subanen people.

The Subanon maintain their ancient polytheistic religion, in stark contrast to the surrounding

peoples who have accepted Christianity or Islam. They believe that man coexist with a multitude

of gods, spirits, demons, and ghost in the universe. These supernatural forces are considered to

be capable of harming people. Humans, on the other hand, are said to have the ability to damage

them. The Subanon make sacrifices of rice, pork, and wine to the gods and ancestor spirits at

different periods of the year. In Subanon religion, which doctors, also known as shamans, play

an important role. The people rely on shamans to hear and interpret the gods' and ancestor spirits'

intentions. (1997).

The preservation of intangible cultural heritage such as ceremonies gives the Subanen tribe

a feeling of identify and continuity, supporting cultural variety and respect. The Subanens

execute rituals to appease thier gods, which are the means through which their beliefs are

realized (Prabhakar & Gangadhar, 2011).

Belief in a plethora of spiritual creatures Interested in human matters and capable of assisting or

damaging human goals. Sir Edward Burnett Taylor's Primitive Culture was the first to

comprehensively examine ideas (1871).

Every day, seven days a week, people create information. People have seen how our culture

has grown when it comes to information in this days and age. In order to survive in today's

communities, we need information. The desire for information and understanding about what

happened, what is happening, and what will happen in their surroundings is one way that these

communities contribute to thier enlightenment. The study of local history is thus one of the

primary interest of an enlightened or informed community (Hobbs, 1962).


Organizational culture could be looked at as the pattern of shared valued, beliefs and

assumptions considered being the appropriate way to think and act within an organization

(Schneider, 1985).

Culture is defined as "experiences, expressions, symbols, materials, habits, behaviors,

morals, values, attitudes, and beliefs generated and shared among individuals" and passed down

as cultural traditions from generation to generation (villa, et al., 1993).

Cultures are the language, knowledge, ideas, assumptions, and values that influence how we

see the world and our place in it, give meaning to our experiences, and are passed down via

individuals, communities, and generations. Spirituality is a profound intuitive sense of

connectedness to the world in which we live, yet it is not always consciously expressed.

Religion, an institutionalized system of belief and ceremonial worship that usually centers on a

supernatural God or gods, is its most common cultural depiction.

Culture is defined as "experiences, expressions, symbols, materials, habits, behaviors, morals,

values, attitudes, and beliefs generated and shared among individuals" and passed down as

cultural traditions from generation to generation (villa, et al., 1993).

As a result, the connection between culture and health is critical to comprehend since it

influences an individual's worldview and decision-making process(purnell 2005).

Cultural attitudes are increasingly being recognized as an important component in the genetic

counseling process, just as they are in other fields of medicine (Cohen et al. 1998;edward et

Albee. 2008;Peen et al. 2010).


Most bisya believe in saying Tabi-tabi Po out loud in nature it is one of the bisay most

practiced is the saying of "tabi tabi po" (excuse me) when passing through places whese

elementals are likely to dwell. While subanen believe that one of the seasoning behind this is that

elementals may be inhabiting the space and you might be trespassing or causes harm for them

They believe that is causes bad luck and health can ensue after that. It can lead to unexplained

sickness that can only be cured by an albularyo.

Lumad also believe in "pagpag" taking a detour after attending a funeral is meant to shake

of evil spirits from following you home. They believe that it also cause bad lack . While it is

same in subanen but they also believe that serving food at wakes will be it heavy meals or light

snacks at subanen wakes is customary visitors should not make the mistakes of taking and home

with them even a small peice of candy as it signifies inviting misfortune into your home.


Research Method

The research Discussed in this document is entirely qualitative. The procedure chosen and

designed during data collection are constantly adjusted based on ongoing analysis.

Research Design

The researcher employed a qualitative descriptive design as the primary method for

gathering data for an examination of traditional subanen tribal cultural beliefs and modifications.

This study design is defined as a research approach that describes the traditional subanen tribe's

cultural beliefs and modifications. At one point in time, the data will be collected from the

respondents. This design is always more concerned with the what of the research topic than with

the why of the research topic (Babbie, 1990).

This study, for example, used a descriptive correlation strategy. A descriptive study's goal is

to paint a picture of a situation, person, or event, or to explain how things are connected.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur.

Respondent of the study

The respondents of this study were the Thimuay or subanen people at Lapuyan Zamboanga
del sur during the school year 2021-2222.

Instrument of the study

To collect the data for the subanen tribal profile, a researcher aid questionnaire and interview

will be employed. The researcher's reading, past studies, published, and unpublished thesis

related to the topic will be used to create the questionnaire draft.

The thimuay and subanen members of the subanen tribe of Lapuyan were interviewed. This

qualitative interview will be semi-structured, and participants will be asked to react to open-

ended questions about traditional Subanen tribal cultural beliefs and modifications. Open ended

questions allowed the researcher to acquire insight into all of the viewpoints on the subject of the

survey, allowing them to probe for more missing data.

Sampling Techniques

This study used quota sampling techniques. Qouta sampling is type of sampling you recruit

a specified number of people from each strata as you can across them rather than selecting then

through random procedure.

Data Gathering procedure


This examined the particular meaning and function embedded in the subanen cultural belief

and the present modification of traditional subanen tribe. A series of key informat interviews was

conducted in Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur with the subanens selected as key informant according

to their perceive and belief to provide information. The findings of the study showed that

subanen tribe has various cultural belief such as namamana, lihi and sumpa.

The first step in the process is to arrive at a clear, precise and exact definition of the variable

of the study. The researchers need to operationalize them, in other words identify specific

cultural belief which could provide acceptable evidence for describing it.


Presentation Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter summarizes the findings of the data analysis and interpretation based on the

responses to the field questionnaires. The data collected from the interview results was assessed

and extensively examined by the researchers, as this is one of the most significant components of

acquiring data for a study.

However, some respondents were unwilling to participate in research, particularly doing

interviews, which posed a barrier during data collecting. However, the difficulties were mitigated

by removing personal information such as names from the research instruments and assuring that

the study was purely for academic purposes.

More specifically, the researchers sought to answer the following questions:


Participant 1

From: Guinghuran Bae St. poblacion Lapuyan Zamnoanga Del Sur

Question no.1 What are your belief as subanen?

:As a subanen( thimuay) one of our beliefs are including: Don't go if you are sneeze because

there is something happen to you, sweeping at night is "Malas", serve Pancit or noodles at

celebrations especially birthdays and etc.

Question no.2 Do you believe that dumping on New year's Eve make you grow taller?

:For today's generation we believe it but some of us did not believe. In our history they

believe that jumping on New year's Eve make you grow taller. Especially to our grand parents,

who encourage us to jump to grow taller.

Question no.3 It is important to follow those cultural belief?

:Long ago we belief and follow it but now on with a new normal generation some who

believe it is the origins of that beliefs. For us it is okay that until now we can follow. Because we


Participant 2

Address: Dungos Purok datu lumok, Poblacion Lapuyan Zamboanga Del sur

Question no.4 Are there new beliefs changes then and for now?

: There is no changes in our beliefs but they modify those belief a title bit sensitive.

Question no.5 As a subanen did you follow all the cultural beliefs we have?

: Not all because religions, values are entered, when religions comes some cultural beliefs

change to manifest his religions.

Question no.6 Do you believes of the belief sumpa and Gaba?

:Yes Gaba is a similar concept to bad karma. Sumpa and Gaba inflicted to person because

the she commited a sin.

Participant 3

From: purok khelat Lapuyan Zamboanga Del Sur

Question no.7 How do Cultural beliefs affect health care?

: First of all if we go out side of house if there is a sound of a bird, or what else don't Walk

away, it doesn't seem like we can go on , if we are dead or accident , go away . Just give a few

Question no.8 It is wrong to practice others cultural beliefs?

: If you think he is good,e is good but if you think he is bad,he is already bad.

Question no.9 It is possible to change our cultural belief?

: As a subanen we not like to Lose our culture, because may be no one will live in our area,

like the young or children, grandson, so we don't like to Lose our culture here in the homeland in

zamboanga del sur.


Question no.10 What are the benefits of cultural beliefs?

: In fact, there are many benefits that you can do, even if it is not good, but you will do it in

the end, it will be good for you.

Question no.11 Why there are cultural belief?

:Actually the cultural beliefs even the tribe is not the only subanen with beliefs,but all tribes they

have beliefs,you as well as they superstitious not true if you really on fall it is really true.

Question No. 12 Why Subanon believe in the spirits who are part of nature?

: Actually in the first of all there is no subanen Christian all the subanen is fegab if really

talking about Fegan . When we talk there is no jesus for subanen for reality. For the subanen first

did not seem to believe in jesus, what they believed seemed to be called Balian for where they

worship thst gives them what is good and what is bad.

Question no. 13 what is the purpose of cultural belief?

: Actually, if the purpose is mentioned, there are many kinds of cultural beliefs, It is also said

that the cultural beliefs in is actually shared with other belief that are not true.

Question no.14 How modern trends replaced cultural beliefs?

: Actually for modernadition before the subanen is They don't worship here because of the

reganism so there are so many beliefs so no subanen Christian is pure fegan. Arriving here in the

Christian here in the city so you can see the church herr is alliance only. The tabernacle

throughout the Zamboanga peninsula because the Christianized here is the American so the

beliefs of first are strong now . If there are American who have come here a little bit, they will

believe in the God.

Question no.15 Why have regions formed different cultural beliefs?

:It's crucial to understand that it's actually throughout the province and for Spain for Zamboanga

Penenzula composed of five provinces for actually throughout the Philippines they have one hundred

times but one of subanen so the same pure subanen but they did not they same all expression and also the

dialec of subanen but everything is different now,so understand the problem of DepEd that they want to

be centralised the sapain of Zamboanga Penenzula they all about subject it's called mother tongue so it is

difficult to subanen because it is not they same.

Participant 5

1. It is important to follow those cultural belief?

: so for as a subanen that is our tradition if their is a cultural beliefs life what they said if your blood

flow from your body you need to follow what beliefs have in your culture -opcourse but not all we follow

because all of the people who live in Lapuyan they go to church but they have a beliefs to follow

2. How has technology compronted cultural differences?

: when it comes today's generation in technology if it base in cultural differences even though in

technology sometimes in flow from our cultural as a subanen because that is our beliefs even now in

planting they under go in agreculture which they have a due date regarding what they plant in our beliefs

is they some because sometimes we follow and sometimes is not Actually in highly person they will not

believe in their culture except those people who are IP in our community.

3.As a subanen did you follow all the cultural beliefs we have?

:Of course not all those cultural beliefs are still followed because almost all the subanen in lapuyan

are going to church but atleast thier is still beliefs that jave been followed by the subanen.

4.How do cultural belief affect health care?

: My cultural belief about health there it is Doctor so if look you really affect health could you consult

your medicine month because there it is call doctor medicine men or dibalyan or balyan.

5.Why there are cultural belief?

: The IP can escape so invironment the believe in big tree has Live so you have to go first there you have

to long for side by side you can't find the good faith we believe in big tree live.

6. What is the purpose of cultural belief?

: can identify you belong cultural you belong on IP you can be identified because of your cultural belief.

7.What are the benefits of cultural belief

: the cultural beliefs is just what you learned but if you observed all of those their are beneficial and their

are not but why you need to follow the cultural beliefs. Example when you are walking their are

something happen that their is accident happen forward so you will not continue unless 1hours will not

passed if is important their you go 1hours before you go or one minutes.



Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter covers the overall study's research summary, conclusion, and recommendations. The

study's findings will all be written in the summary, and this chapter will cover the study's final outcome.


The study focuses on the traditional subanen tribe's cultural beliefs and modifications in Lapuyan,

Zamboanga Del Sur. The researchers identify the cultural beliefs of the interviewees as well as the

changes they have made in their professions.

Summary of the Study


Cultural beliefs are beliefs that are shared and passed on to succeed generations.The objectives

of this study were to explore the different cultural beliefs and how it modified among to the

subanen tribe through the 3 research questions in the statement of the problem as listed as


RQ1.What are the cultural beliefs of subanens?

RQ2.How have subanens' cultural ideas changed?

RQ3.How essential is the cultural belief system of Subanen?

Summary of Finding

The result of the study revealed that:

 The respondents are the thimuay of subanen people. In terms of gender, it has the

same number of male and female. For question 1 the findings are as follows:

i. Many cultures believes that sneezing before you walk is a sign of bad luck. In

other case Subanen believe if you sneeze while their is people walk away, something

bad will happen to him/he's

ii. Sweeping of night is "Malas" The belief said that sweeping of the floor should not

be done at night. They say that sweeping at night is prohibited because blessings

may also swept away. All for tune will also sweot, outside instead of coming inside

of the house.

iii. Thimuay beliefs that serving Pancit or noodles in every special days in our

lifes symbolize long life it is also believes for a good luck.

iv. The belief if you sleep with your hair wet, you could go blind or crazy.

This was probably taught by my mother to young girls.

v. They belief if we go out side of our house and there is sound sing of a bird, don't

Walk away, because according to our inventors there is an accident happens if

you walk away when their is bird singing.

vi: Subanen believe also planting of kamoteng kahoy you should seem to sit down

and sway your legs, so that are many flesh we get.

Research question 2 investigate the subanen cultural belief changed for this generations. The

finding of data led to the followings:

i.According to the respondents there is no changes of their beliefs. Until now they

preserve it always to the young generations. They are only modified those sensitive

cultural belief.

Research question 3 presented how important the cultural belief in subanen people . That that

always followed and never change it until now. The findings are in the following:

i.The cultural belief of subanen is essential because that culture is invisible, rather than an

essential part of human nature, it gives identify and see of belonging to a collective things

usually fiction's that you choose to believe because everyone in your cultural group believes that

and you don't want to be excluded.In fact, there are many benefits that you can get it that good

for you.


In conclusion the researcher found out:

That subanen have many different cultural beliefs practice and this cultural beliefs does not

change by this generations.

The researcher conclude that the subanen not only the timuay should have enough believes and

knowledge to confuse their cultural belief.

The researcher also conclude that cultural belief of subanen people in Lapuyan Zamboanga Del

Sur are no changes or modifications for then and now.


The proponents are recommending to Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur and for the participants

that they having a cooperation with their insights. It is very advisable especially nowadays

because we are in modern world where some belief modified and forgotten to the you g subanon


The researcher recommend that the cultural belief of subanen improve their living especially

with their practices, knowledge and believes so that subanen will shared cultural belief in

different aspects. The municipality of Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur will surely benefit, due to its

findings like the cultural belief.


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Appendix A
Republic of the philipines
Department of education
Religion IX, Zamboanga penensula
Division of Zamboanga del sur
Lapuyan national high school
Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur

To: Sharon Rose T. Sencio


Lapuyan National High School Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur

June 2022

Dear: Ma'am Sencio,

We are please to inform your that our research study entitled“The study of cultural belief of the
traditional subanen tribe in Lapuyan”.We just recently presented a research study unfit "The of cultural
belief of the traditional Subanen tribe in Lapuyan" to the panel interview as half completion as
requirements. For this reason, we respectfully request your permission to conduct a study interview in

order to collect data for thimuay of lapuyan, preferably during off-peak hours. Participants will be
questioned using a questionaire with an open-ended question to respond to the study problem statement.

Furthermore, we eagerly await your kind response.

Thank you a lot!

Voted by:
Analie l. Cabanlit
Senior high schools coordinator

Very truly your Grade 12 Student

Republic of the Philippines

Department of education
Region IX Zamboanga del sur
Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur
Lapuan national high school

Dear Respondent,

The researchers are currently conducting a study on “The study of cultural belief of the traditional
subanen tribe in Lapuyan”.

In this matter, we are requesting your kindest to respond honestly to the question in order for us to
come up with a realistic result.

Thank you very much.


Very truly your's,

Lubguban, Giedy Feb
Digan, Lody Joy
Tilus Irish
Singol, Catherine
Nain, Norilyn
Gunsing, Junnie
Sumaphi, Arky

Appendix B

Lapuyan national high schoo

Lapuyan Senior high school

Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur



1.Its is important to follow those cultural belief?

2.As a subanen did you follow all the cultural beliefs we have?

3.How do cultural beliefs affect health care?

4.Is it wrong to practice others cultural beliefs?


5.Is it possible to change our cultural beliefs?

6.What are the benefits of cultural belief?

7.Why there are cultural belief?

8.What is the purpose of cultural belief?

9.How modern trends replaced cultural belief?

10.Why have regions formed different cultural beliefs?

11.What are some examples of cultural belief?

12.How has technology confronted cultural belief?

13.What are the differences between cultural belief and common belief?

14.Do cultural beliefs stop us for being productive at work?

15.Why subanon believe in the spirits who are part of nature?

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Giedy Feb H. Lubguban


Address: Poblacion.Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Date of birth: February 8, 2004

Place of birth: Purok 8, Poblacion Ramon Magsaysay Zamboanga del sur

Father name: Rudy M. Lubguban

Mother name: Margie H. Lubguban

Religion: Alliance

Educational Background

Primary: Bululawan Lakewood

Secondary: Lapuyan national high school

Curriculum vitae

Name: Lody Joy D. Digan


Address: Poblacion Lapuyan Zamboanga Del Sur

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Date of birth: March 13, 2001

Place of birth: Poblacion Lapuyan Zamboanga Del Sur

Father Name: Lody B. Digan

Mother Name: Jocelyn D. Digan

Religion: Catholic

Educational Background

Primary: Antonio V. Apostol Senior Memorial Central Elementary School

Secondary: Lapuyan National High School

Curriculum vitae

Name: Irish D. Tilus

Address: Poblacion.Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Date of birth: June 26, 2002

Place of birth: Poblacion Lapuyan Zamboanga Del sur

Father name: Francisco S. Tilus Jr

Mother name: Marvie D. Tilus

Religion: Alliance

Educational Background

Primary: Antonio V. Apostol Senior Memorial Central Elementary

Secondary: Lapuyan national high school


Curriculum vitae

Name: Catherine joy B. Singol

Address: Poblacion.Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Date of birth: December 03, 2004

Place of birth: Poblacion Lapuyan Zamboanga Del sur

Father name: Loy T. Singol Sr.

Mother name: Ferna B. Singol

Religion: Alliance

Educational Background

Primary: Antonio V. Apostol Senior Memorial Central Elementary

Secondary: Lapuyan national high school


Curriculum vitae

Name: Juanie B. Gusing

Address: Poblacion Lapuyan Zamboanga Del Sur

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Date of birth: March 31, 2003

Place of birth: Poblacion Lapuyan Zamboanga Del Sur

Father Name: Pablo B. Gusing

Mother Name: Ellie D. Bugtay

Religion: Alliance

Educational Background

Primary: Antonio V. Apostol Senior Memorial Central Elementary School

Secondary: Lapuyan National High School


Curriculum Vitae

Name: Arky B. Sumaphi

Address: Pampang Lapuyan Zamboanga Del Sur

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Date of birth: February 14, 2002

Place of birth: Pampang Lapuyan Zamboanga Del Sur

Father Name: Berting T. Sumaphi

Mother Name: Daylita C. Bondiogan

Religion: Alliance

Educational Background

Primary: Antonio V. Apostol Senior Memorial Central Elementary School

Secondary: Lapuyan National High School

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Norilyn E. Nain

Address: Pampang.Lapuyan Zamboanga del sur

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Date of birth: April 27, 2001

Place of birth: Gusom Kumalarang Lapuyan Zamboanga Del sur

Father name: Rogel H. Nain

Mother name: Analyn E. Nain

Religion: Islam

Educational Background

Primary: Diplo National

Secondary: Lapuyan national high school

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