Religion Second Quarter

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JUAN PATRICIO PRAGER, CM, Province of The evangelical element that the Vincentian

Ecuador, offered these five characteristics of charism highlights is that the Kingdom of God is
Vincentian Spirituality during the Latin for those who are poor.
American Encounter of the Vincentian Family
(FaViLa), Guatemala – March 19th, 2015. Charism is not an idea that was invented by
Vincent de Paul but rather charism is a gift of God
Saint Vincent had to answer: that Vincent discovered during his journey.
Who is Jesus? How do I follow Jesus?
Charism is a mystery. The meaning of the
What do you think? What would be life-style charism is revealed during the course of history
implications? and the Vincentian experience.

FIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF No one — not even Saint Vincent — completely

VINCENTIAN SPIRITUALITY understands all the consequences that are
⤷ God leads us into the midst of the world involved in accepting the gift. Little by little the
⤷ God waits for us among the poor Holy Spirit guides us so that we might be able to
⤷ Christ invites us to participate in the live the charism in the midst of new situations.
mission The Spirit always allows new revelations, new
⤷ Christ sits with us in prayer ideas and new lifestyles that will ultimate enable
⤷ Christ enables us to be charitable people to live the charism.

The theme that has been given to me is rooted in The charism always includes the dynamic of
the Vincentian experience of Jesus. The “call- response”. The poor Christ calls us from
Vincentian charism and Vincentian spirituality the peripheries and invites us to respond.
are centered on an encounter with the poor Vincentian spirituality is the response to the call
Christ present among those men and women who of the poor Christ dwelling in the midst of those
are poor. who are impoverished.

There were two key questions that Saint It should be stated that Vincentian spirituality is
Vincent had to answer: not a series of references to the writings of our
Who is Jesus? How do I follow Jesus? Holy Founder nor is it some prayer formulary or
virtues or works or acts of piety.
During the process of his conversion Vincent
gradually began to understand the meaning of Rather Vincentian spirituality is the following of
those two questions. Jesus present among those who are most poor and
excluded from society. Certainly all of those other
His conversion was a process of coming to know realities have their place, but only in as much as
Jesus and thus, walking the path of the disciples, they help us to follow Jesus, evangelizer of the
the path of the Kingdom. poor.

As Vincent walked along the path he gave GOD LEADS US INTO THE MIDST OF THE
meaning to charism and spirituality that, in turn, WORLD
allowed him to create a life centered on the In the person of Jesus God becomes
charism. inserted into our world as brother and savior. God
does not save us from above nor from outside but
Here, however, Jesus took the initiative. Jesus rather as a part of humankind.
extended an invitation and Vincent struggled to
give a response. The poor Christ was revealed and We do not bring Christ to the world! Quite
Vincent had to open himself to that reality. The the contrary … it is God who leads us into the
Spirit of Jesus acted and Vincent responded with midst of the world. The world is God’s creation,
the gift of his life. the place of God’s grace and the place of our
salvation. To separate ourselves from or to
The charism that Jesus revealed to Vincent was attempt to escape from the world is not a
that of service on behalf of the poor. That charism Vincentian way of acting. Yes, sin exists in the
was and is a gift of the Holy Spirit … a gift to world and so there are elements that blur and hide
build up the Kingdom of God. Charisms are the presence of God, that disfigure God’s image.
always related to the Kingdom.
Ellan Flores
But, as Saint Paul states, where sin abounds, In the dialogue with God, God make us more
grace abound in great abundance. sensitive to his presence and his movement in
history. God questions us, strengthens us and
GOD WAITS FOR US AMONG THE POOR points out the path of love and justice and
The poor have value in themselves: I do freedom.
not reach out to the poor simply because Christ is
present there. I reach out to the poor because they CHRIST ENABLES US TO BE
are my brothers and sisters who are suffering. CHARITABLE
They are a priority in the Kingdom of God and The goal of Christian spirituality is love.
therefore, I care for the poor because they have a When speaking about Vincentian spirituality that
personal human dignity; they are the subjects of love is more specific since it refers to the
their own life and not the recipients of sympathy communication of mercy and solidarity to those
and alms. persons who are excluded from society.
To follow Christ among the poor means PABILLO, D.D. Auxiliary Bishop of Manila)
that we are missionaries. The missionary spirit is Pastoral Priorities for the new millennium
not a desire to walk and move from place to place. according to Novo Millennio Ineunte
In fact, going from one place to another to another
is probably more an obstacle rather a positive HOLINESS
element of the mission. ⤷ There is a great desire in people to be holy.
⤷ Holiness is attractive to people even in our
To be a missionary is to leave one’s proper times.
world and one’s secure place in the world in order ⤷ The Church is holy because its goal is to
to enter the world of the other; it is to leave one’s make people holy and she has the means
place in order to enter the place of the poor and to to make people holy.
accompany the poor with the gospel. ⤷ All the activities of the Church is to help
promote holiness.
This is a difficult task. From an economic ⤷ Bring out in people the desire to be saints,
and social perspective we are probably to be what they really are.
somewhere in the middle while the poor live on
⤷ Present the Saints to the people as role
the peripheries … and there on the peripheries
there is a distinct reality, different values, a
different culture, different religious expressions.
⤷ People should see in us our striving to be
holy ourselves. We witness to this.
Here we are not necessarily referring to some
geographical change but rather to be a missionary
is to adapt oneself to the reality of the poor. WRONG IDEAS ABOUT HOLINESS
1. It is only for some chosen few. It is rare
and very difficult, if not altogether
impossible, for ordinary people.
Vincent speaks about being
2. One needs to be a priest or a nun who will
contemplatives in action … he is not telling us
have the time and the training to be holy.
that we have to become monks or cloistered men
3. It is corny. One has to be goody-goody,
and women nor is he promoting a form of
with one’s feet off the ground.
spiritual schizophrenia which separates the
4. Holiness is of the past but not for us in the
spiritual life from the apostolic (pastoral) life.
modern world.
Rather Vincent is encouraging us to allow Christ
5. Holiness can wait later on, perhaps when
and his gospel to enlighten the various situations
one is already old and has no more cares
of our life. We are invited to engage in a personal
about the world.
dialogue with Christ about our experience among
6. Holiness is not really that important. It is
the poor: the signs and the countersigns of the
good if one has it, but really one can get by
Kingdom, our personal and interior reactions,
quite well without it.
community possibilities, etc.
7. To be holy is to be without sin. Our life is
already tainted by sin. We have no chance
Prayer is not something we do for God but rather
for it.
is something that God does for us.
8. One can be over holy. Baka makalampas
sa langit!
Ellan Flores
Leviticus 19, 2 CHURCH
⤷ Speak to all the congregation of the people The Catholic Church is holy because:
of Israel and say to them: You shall be ⤷ Jesus, its root, is holy. He is the way to the
holy, for I the Lord your God am holy. Father.
⤷ It is capable to make people holy by the
Ephesians 1, 4 action of the Holy Spirit.
⤷ He chose us in Christ before the ⤷ It has the means to make people holy.
foundation of the world to be holy and The saints are proofs that holiness
blameless before him in love. abounds in the Church.
1 Corinthians 1, 8
⤷ He will also strengthen you to the end, so MEANS TO HOLINESS
that you may be blameless (holy) on the 1. Encounter with Jesus in the sacraments.
day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2. Praying
1 Thessalonians 4, 3 (life pleasing to Go) 3. Word of God in the Bible.
⤷ For this is the will of God, your 4. Faithfulness in the daily duties of our life.
sanctification: that you will abstain from 5. Avoiding sin and temptation
fornication…. 6. Doing good to others
2 Thessalonians 1, 11 (judgement at xt coming)
⤷ To this end we always pray for you, asking Priests’ specific journey to holiness
that our God will make you worthy of his There are greater reasons that motivate a priest to
call (which is holiness) and will fulfill by be holy:
his power every good resolve and work of 1. That he may be worthy of the grace
faith. marked on him to stand in persona Christi
WHAT IS HOLINESS? 2. That he may be the living instrument of the
⤷ Holiness is the high standard of ordinary work of salvation.
Christian living. (according to Novo ex opere operato
Millennio Ineunte # 31) ex opere operantis
⤷ Holiness is the perfection of charity.
⤷ Holiness is doing the will of God. Our specific path:
Holiness in and through ministry.
⤷ Holiness is oneness with God.
⤷ We not only sanctify others in our
⤷ Holiness is closer following of Jesus
ministry. Our ministry sanctifies us. By
acting in persona Christi we become close
 God is holy. We cannot approach God if
to him. We ourselves become spiritually
we are not holy.
charged in our pastoral work. Check this
 To be one with God then is to be holy.
out in each activity that you do as priests.
 To be one with God is to love him.
 To love him is to keep his commandment.
⤷ Holiness is not something a priest can
 His commandment is that we love one
attain by himself or apart from the
another.(Jn 14,15.21; 15,9-10)
community of faith. The priest becomes
holy within the community by ministering
Jn. 14,15.21 to it and leading it
⤷ ‘If you love me, you will keep my
commandments…They who have my In acting as shepherd, the presbyter
commandments and keep them are those experiences his own transformation in the
who love me; and those who love me will image of the One he represents. This is
be love by my Father, and I will love them how he becomes holy.
and reveal myself to them.’
Jn. 15,9-10 Important elements in the specific journey of
⤷ As the Father has loved me, so I have the priest to holiness.
loved you; abide in my love. If you keep a) A climate of proximity to Jesus, or
my commandments, you will abide in my friendship and personal encounter with
love, just as I have kept my Father’s him.
commandments and abide in his love. b) The Blessed Virgin Mary.
c) Liturgy of the Hours.
Ellan Flores
Hence according to John Paul II:
⤷ “Spending time in intimate conversation
with the Good Shepherd in the Blessed
Sacrament is a pastoral priority far
superior to any other.”


1. The objective gift of holiness is
offered to all the baptized.

Baptism is a true entrance into the

holiness of God through
incorporation into Christ and the
indwelling of his Spirit. By holiness
we avoid a life of mediocrity that is,
reducing Christianity to
minimalistic ethics and shallow
2. Holiness is a call and a task for every
Christian, not just for a chosen few.

3. Holiness is achieved in the ordinary

Christian living. “Do your ordinary duties
extraordinarily well.”

4. The ways of holiness are many,

according to the vocation and
temperament of each individual.

5. There is a need for a genuine training in


6. To be holy is THE most important thing

in life. There is only one sadness in life,
that is, not to be holy!


Holiness is…..
⤷ Drawing close to God
⤷ Perfection of love
⤷ Doing the will of God
⤷ Following Jesus Christ.

Ellan Flores

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