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Phase 1: Preparatory Phase (4-6 weeks)

 Focus on technical development and movement proficiency

 Emphasis on snatch and clean and jerk technique
 Training 6 days a week
 Each session includes multiple sets of heavy singles in the competition lifts
 Incorporate variations and complexes to address weaknesses and reinforce technique
 Moderate accessory work to target specific muscle groups and improve stability
Phase 2: Hypertrophy and Strength Phase (4-6 weeks)
 Increase training volume to build muscle mass and strength
 Introduce squat and pulling variations to develop leg and back strength
 Maintain high frequency of snatch and clean and jerk practice
 Gradually increase training intensity
 Focus on maintaining proper technique under heavier loads
 Incorporate accessory exercises for muscle balance and injury prevention
Phase 3: Intensity and Peaking Phase (4-6 weeks)
 Higher intensity training with heavier weights approaching competition levels
 Reduce training volume to allow for recovery and peak performance
 Emphasize speed, power, and precision in the competition lifts
 Include competition simulations to prepare mentally and physically
 Maintain technique focus while handling heavier loads
 Reduce accessory work to prioritize recovery and freshness
Phase 4: Deload and Transition Phase (1-2 weeks)
 Decrease training volume and intensity significantly
 Focus on active recovery, mobility, and flexibility exercises
 Light technique work to maintain proficiency
 Mental and physical recovery before the next training cycle
 Address any specific weaknesses or imbalances during this period

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