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Yoghurt is a dairy production that has more profits than milk. Digestion

system in some people that are an allergic to lactose (sugar of milk), but,

lactose is transformed to lactic acid in yoghurt and does not create allergy.

On the other hand, calcium in yoghurt is absorbed in the body faster than

milk. Because, lactic acid of yoghurt turns into calcium to solution and

absorption. therefore, yoghurt devotes calcium to body more than milk.

Yoghurt decreases event of bowel cancer remarkably and is more effective

in absorbing minerals, proteins and vitamins of group due to its contains

biologically adequate. The measurement of vitamins and salts in yoghurt is

more than milk in the same volume, because, dry matter of yoghurt is more

than milk. yoghurt contains vitamins of A, B, C, D,E and all ingredients and

features in milk. yoghurt strengthen abdomen and helps digestion of food

and relaxes nerves due to content of vitamin B Experts recommend the use

of yoghurt with antibiotics, because, the majority of antibiotics are fatal for-

profit bacteria of digestive system and results in disorder. Based on

investigations, the death of these bacteria can create high or medium

dysentery. Yoghurt can help to back to natural conditions. it has been

recommended that patients use at least 250 ml of yoghurt in their daily

dietary, them using antibiotics more than two weeks. since both yoghurt and

banana have high nutritional facts, the production of fruity yoghurt with

banana flavor has been noticed.


BANANA is a monocotyledonous, perennial herb within the order

Zingiberales, and the family Musaceae. The Musaceae is divided into two

genera: Musa and Ensete. Musa consist of about 40 species and is

distributed through India, New Guinea, Australia and Southeast Asia

(Simmonds, 1962). The Musa genus is grouped into four sections: Eumusa,

Callimusa, Rhodochlamys and Australimusa. Eumusa is the most

widespread and contains the greatest number of species and forms, for it

includes all the edible seedless bananas. Almost all cultivars of the edible

banana are now classified under two species M. acuminata (AA) and M.

balbisiana (BB), both belonging to Eumusa section. According to Simmonds

(1962) most cultivated bananas were derived from natural hybridization

between two diploid species M. acuminata and M. balbisiana. Musa

acuminata surpasses Musa balbisiana in variability and in diversity of

species, and at least nine sub species have been described (ssp.malaccensis,

ssp. microcarpa, ssp. burmannica, ssp. burmannicoide, ssp. siamea, ssp.

banksii, ssp. errans, ssp. zebrine and ssp. truncate (De Langhe, 1969),
whereas Musa balbisiana is less diverse with no subspecies recognized.

Most of edible types that are derived from these species are triploid,

although diploid (AB) and Tetraploid (ABBB) cultivars are also known.


PINEAPPLE is a herbaceous perennial, which grows to 1.0 to 1.5 m (3 ft

3 in to 4 ft 11 in) tall, although sometimes it can be taller. The plant has a

short, stocky stem with tough, waxy leaves. When creating its fruit, it

usually produces up to 200 flowers, although some large-fruited cultivars

can exceed this. Once it flowers, the individual fruits of the flowers join

together to create a multiple fruit. After the first fruit is produced, side

shoots (called 'suckers' by commercial growers) are produced in the leaf

axils of the main stem. These suckers may be removed for propagation, or

left to produce additional fruits on the original plant. Commercially, suckers

that appear around the base are cultivated. It has 30 or more narrow, fleshy,

trough-shaped leaves that are 30 to 100 cm (1 to 3+1⁄2 ft) long, surrounding a

thick stem; the leaves have sharp spines along the margins. In the first year

of growth, the axis lengthens and thickens, bearing numerous leaves in close

spirals. After 12 to 20 months, the stem grows into a spike-like inflorescence

up to 15 cm (6 in) long with over 100 spirally arranged, trimerous flowers,

each subtended by a bract.

The ovaries develop into berries, which coalesce into a large, compact,

multiple fruit. The fruit of a pineapple is usually arranged in two

interlocking helices, often with 8 in one direction and 13 in the other, each

being a Fibonacci number.


STRAWBERRY (or simply strawberry; Fragaria × ananassa)[1] is a

widely grown hybrid species of the genus Fragaria, collectively known as

the strawberries, which are cultivated worldwide for their fruit. The fruit is

widely appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy

texture, and sweetness. It is consumed in large quantities, either fresh or in

such prepared foods as jam, juice, pies, ice cream, milkshakes, and

chocolates. Artificial strawberry flavorings and aromas are also widely used

in products such as candy, soap, lip gloss, perfume, and many others.

The garden strawberry was first bred in Brittany, France, in the 1750s via a

cross of Fragaria virginiana from eastern North America and Fragaria

chiloensis, which was brought from Chile by Amédée-François Frézier in

1714. Cultivars of Fragaria × ananassa have replaced, in commercial

production, the woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca), which was the first

strawberry species cultivated in the early 17th century.

The strawberry is not, from a botanical point of view, a berry. Technically, it

is an aggregate accessory fruit, meaning that the fleshy part is derived not

from the plant's ovaries but from the receptacle that holds the ovaries.Each

apparent "seed" (achene) on the outside of the fruit is actually one of the

ovaries of the flower, with a seed inside it.


VANILLA is a spice derived from orchids of the genus Vanilla, primarily

obtained from pods of the Mexican species, flat-leaved

vanilla (V. planifolia).

Pollination is required to make the plants produce the fruit from which the

vanilla spice is obtained. In 1837, Belgian botanist Charles François Antoine

Morren discovered this fact and pioneered a method of artificially

pollinating the plant. The method proved financially unworkable and was

not deployed commercially. In 1841, Edmond Albius, a 12-year-old slave

child who lived on the French island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean,

discovered that the plant could be hand-pollinated. Hand-pollination

allowed global cultivation of the plant. Noted French botanist and plant

collector Jean Michel Claude Richard falsely claimed to have discovered the

technique three or four years earlier. By the end of the 20th century, Albius

was considered the true discoverer.

Three major species of vanilla currently are grown globally, all of which

derive from a species originally found in Mesoamerica, including parts of

modern-day Mexico. They are V. planifolia (syn. V. fragrans), grown

on Madagascar, Réunion, and other tropical areas along the Indian Ocean; V.

tahitensis, grown in the South Pacific; and V. pompona, found in the West

Indies, Central America, and South America. The majority of the world's

vanilla is the V. planifolia species, more commonly known as Bourbon

vanilla (after the former name of Réunion, Île Bourbon) or Madagascar

vanilla, which is produced in Madagascar and neighboring islands in the

southwestern Indian Ocean, and in Indonesia. Madagascar's and Indonesia's

cultivations produce two-thirds of the world's supply of vanilla.

Vanilla is the second-most expensive spice after saffron because growing the

vanilla seed pods is labor-intensive. Nevertheless, vanilla is widely used in

both commercial and domestic baking, perfume production,

and aromatherapy.


The demand for fruity yoghurt with different flavors is developing. Adding

fruit juice decreases viscosity and the rate of acid enhancing, but increases

whey separation. the structure of fruity yoghurt can be improve by using

stabilizing agents such as starches, gelatine and pectin.[(4] Adding

difference fruit juices to yoghurt increases some minerals such as

Mg ,Zn ,Fe ,Cu, and else in it Although yoghurt is a relatively unprocessed

food, fruit flavored yoghurt contains fruit that has been thoroughly heat

treated. this is required because the fruit must contain extremely low levels

of yeasts prior to addition to the yoghurt. if this condition is not met, shelf

life diminishes rapidly, due mainly to the growth of yeasts such as candida

format and which are capable of grow that refrigeration temperatures, and

can utilize the proteins, organic acids, and carbohydrates in yoghurt. In

total, the main pre materials for production of fruity yoghurt contain milk

that is turned to yoghurt and needs specific experiments and the other is fruit

that selection of its type is with some process. Besides, additives like powder

milk, sugar, stabilizer (pectin and starch)are added to the production.


General Objective

The general objective of this study is to produce Yoghurt that is made with

Banana, Strawberry, Pineapple and Vanilla flavor.

Specific Objectives

To develop A yoghurt with different flavor such as (Banana, Strawberry,

Pineapple and Vanilla)


The output of this research will be used to show the possibility of yoghurt

production using different flavor such as Banana, Strawberry, Pineapple and

Vanilla flavor. Consequently, low-income society will enjoy the benefits by

consuming nutritious and low cost of the yoghurt. In addition, interested

professionals of Food Science and Technology will use the output of this

research to cooperate and create job opportunity. Moreover, investors who

want to invest in the production can use it and enjoy the benefits by

producing fruit flavored yoghurt in large scale.




Yogurts are prepared by fermentation of milk with bacterial cultures

consisting of a mixture of Streptococcus. thermophilus and Lactobacillus

delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus. There are two major types: set and stirred

yogurt. Set yogurt is formed in retail pots as lactic acid bacteria ferment

lactose into lactic acid giving a continuous gel structure in the retailer

container. In stirred yogurt, the acid gel formed during incubation in large

fermentation tanks is disrupted by agitation (stirring), and the stirred product

is usually pumped through a screen which gives the product a smooth and

viscous texture (Tamime and Robinson, 1999). The physical attributes of

yogurts, including the lack of visual whey separation and perceived

viscosity, are crucial aspects of the sensory quality and overall consumer

acceptance of yogurts.

An understanding of the mechanisms involved in the formation of

texture in yogurts and the impact of processing conditions on texture

development may help to improve the quality of yogurt. Yoghurt is

classified as fresh with a shelf life of up 16 – 21 days under refrigeration or

thermized yoghurt with shelf life of 8-12 weeks (Alakali et al., 2008). There

are different classes of yoghurt based on fat content. These include very low

fat, skimmed yoghurt, (0.2– 0.5% fat), half fat or semi skimmed yoghurt

(0.5 – 2.0 % fat), whole milk or full fat yoghurt (over 2.0% fat) and high fat

or cream yoghurt with fat content as high as 10 % (Early, 1998).


The history of yogurt goes back over six thousand years. It is

believed that the word yogurt evolved from the Turkish word “jugurt”

(Rasic&Kurmann, 1978). Today, yogurt is known by different names in

different regions in the world. In Finland it is called “fiili” (Tamime&Deeth,

1980; Tamime& Robinson, 1985). It is assumed that limited

availability of milk due to dry desert surroundings in Middle East led to

development of a yogurt like product. In Turkey, it was thought to be

consumed as a preserved milk product (Akin &Rice, 1994; Tamime&

Robinson, 1985). Traditionally, Greek yogurt is prepared from ewe's

milk, yet cow milk is used commercially. In South Asia the yogurt is

called “dahi” and it exhibits soft coagulum, lumpy texture and mild

acidic flavor. In India, “raita” is made from “dahi” with addition of

grated cucumber or grated bottle gourd, black pepper, cumin seeds and

coriander. Bulgarian yogurt has a unique flavor and taste due to different

microbial strains in the yogurt preparation.

In Indonesia different varieties of yogurt called “dadiah” are prepared

by fermenting milk in a bamboo container surrounded with banana

leaves. “Taratur” is a variety of yogurt made in Albania and Republic of

Macedonia by mixing yogurt with vegetables, walnuts, garlic, oil, and water.

“Rahmjoghurt”, yogurt with higher milk fat content (10%), is produced in

Germany and other European countries. “Matsoni” is another variety of

yogurt product made by using Lactococcuslactiswhich gives it a

distinctive viscous texture. In Middle Eastern countries, such as Jordan

and Palestine, yogurt named “Jameed” is combined with salt and dried for

preservation. (FPP, 2009).


Over the last two decades, the changing concepts in nutrition have led

to the introduction of functional foods. As the science of nutrition

progresses, a wide variety of foods is being characterized as functional

food with a range of components affecting a myriad of body functions

relevant to either a state of well-being and health and/or to the reduction of

the risk of a disease. Consequently, the term functional food has as many

definitions as the number of authors referring to it (Roberfroid, 2005).

Based on some commonly used definitions, the term functional food can be

broadly defined as ‘food and drink products derived from naturally

occurring substances or those similar in appearance to conventional

food or that which encompasses potentially helpful products including

any modified food or food ingredient, that can and should be consumed as

part of the daily diet and has been demonstrated to possess particular

physiological benefits when ingested and/or reduce the risk of chronic

disease beyond nutritional functions’ (Roberfroid, 1999a).

Australia and New Zealand, Australia's primary food regulatory

agency, describes functional foods as ‘...similar in appearance to

conventional foods and intended to be consumed as part of a normal diet, but

modified to serve physiological roles beyond the provision of simple

nutrient requirements’ (FSAN, 2006). Industrialized nations as well as

developing nations are facing several health related challenges. At the same

time the modern concept of nutrition supports the hypothesis that, beyond

providing nutrition, food can modulate various functions in the body

that are relevant to health, thus emphasizing on the promising use of

foods to promote a state of well-being, better health and reduction of the

risk of disease. These concepts are increasingly becoming popular with

consumers. Advances in food science and technology have placed the

food industry in the challenging position of addressing the growing

consumer awareness of healthy foods. A food can be said to be functional if

it meets one of the following criteria:

It contains a food component (being nutrient or not) which affects one

or a limited number of function(s) in the body in a targeted way so as to

have positive effects;

It has physiological or psychological effect beyond the traditional nutritional


Collectively, a functional food should have a relevant effect on well-being

and health or result in a reduction in disease risk. The component that makes

the food “functional” can be ‘either an essential macronutrient if it has

specific physiological effects or an essential micronutrient if its intake is

over and above the daily recommendations. Additionally, it could be a food

component even though some of its nutritive value is not listed as essential,

such as some oligosaccharides, or it is of non-nutritive value, such as

live microorganisms or plant chemicals’ (Roberfroid, 1999a). The

variety of functional foods that can be developed is driven by the

imagination of scientists, the perceived benefits, and the willingness of

consumers to pay for those benefits.


Fermented dairy products, having the tradition as healthy foods, are a

natural choice for their makeover as functional foods. A vast array of

yogurts is now available in the market to suit all palates and meal occasions.

Yogurts are available in a variety of textures (e.g. liquid, set, and smooth),

fat contents (luxury, low-fat, virtually fat-free) and flavors (natural, fruit,

cereal). The low-fat varieties of yogurt provide an array of important

nutrients in significant amounts in relation to their energy and fat content,

therefore making them a nutrient-dense food (Shah et al., 2004; McKinley,


The healthy image of yogurt is further endorsed by the addition of various

fruit preparations in yogurt to include the health benefits of fruits such as

providing fiber and antioxidants (O’Relland Chandan, 2006). In recent years

yogurts are being developed as a vegetarian alternate to bovine milk yogurt

that can also overcome the problem of milk protein allerginicity. The

Australian standards define low-fat yogurt as ‘the yogurt prepared by

culturing skim or low fat cow’s milk, resulting in a thickened, tangy yogurt

and does not contain fruit or flavoring. It contains on an average 6.6%

protein and 0.3% fat’ (FSAN, 2006).A starter culture can be defined as ‘a

microbial preparation of large number of cells of at least a strain to be

added to a raw material to produce a fermented food by accelerating and

steering its fermentation process’ (Lorri and Svanberg, 1993).


The main processing steps involved in these two types of yogurt

manufacture include the standardization of milk (fat and protein

content), homogenization, heat treatment of milk, inoculation, incubation/

fermentation, cooling, and storage.


Homogenization of the milk base is an important processing step for yogurts

containing fat. Milk is typically homogenized using pressures of 10-20 and 5

MPa first and second stage pressures, respectively, and at a temperature

range between 55 and 65°C. Homogenization results in milk fat globules

being disrupted into smaller fat globules and the surface area of

homogenized fat globules greatly increases. The use of homogenization

prevents fat separation (creaming) during fermentation or storage, reduces

whey separation, increases whiteness, and enhances consistency of yogurts

(Vedamuthu, 1991). When milk is homogenized, caseins and whey proteins

form the new surface layer of fat globules, which increases the number

of possible structure-building components in yogurt made from

homogenized milk (Walstra and Jenness, 1984). Homogenized milk fat

globules act like protein particles due to the presence of protein on the fat




During the manufacture of yoghurt, the heat-treated milk is cooled to the

incubation temperature of the starter culture The commercial process of

yoghurt making uses a defined mixture of lactic acid bacteria, for example

S. thermophilus and L. delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus, but other products

may require a different blend. For example, Bulgarian buttermilk is

produced using L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus alone, whilst dahi in

India is produced using a mixed starter culture containing S.

thermophilus, Lactococcuslactis and Lactococcuslactis subsp.

cremoris(Tamime and Marshall, 1997).Bio-yoghurts are made with different

and defined starter cultures containing the yoghurt organisms (single or

mixed) and/or Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Enterococcus species;

(Tamime and Marshall, 1997).

2.6.1 Fermentation process

In general, the milk is fermented at 40–45°C, that is, the optimum

growth condition for the mixed culture and the short incubation

method. However, the longer incubation method, (i.e. overnight) can be

used and the incubation conditions are 30°C for around 16 -18 hours, or until

the desired acidity is reached (Hrabova and Hylmar, 1987). While

thecooled milk is being pumped to the fermentation tanks, the starter

culture is normally metered directly into the milk, or alternatively, if a

multipurpose tank is being used, the starter culture is added either manually

or, if the volume of the tank is large, the desired quantity of starter is

pumped into the tank. The actual fermentation stage can take place either in

the retail container for the production of set yoghurt, or the milk is

incubated in bulk for the manufacture of stirred yoghurt. However, no

matter what type of yoghurt is being produced, the biochemical

reactions responsible for the formation of the gel/coagulum are exactly the

same. Bacterial fermentation converts lactose into lactic acid, which reduces

the pH of milk. During acidification of milk, the pH decreases from 6.7 to

≤4.6. Gelation occurs at pH 5.2 to 5.4 for milk that was given a high heat


2.6.2 Cooling of yoghurt

When yogurts reached the desired pH (e.g., ~4.6), they are partially cooled

(~20°C) before fruit or flavoring ingredients are added. Yogurt products are

often blast chilled to <10°C (e.g., 5°C) in the refrigerated cold store to

reduce further acid development (Tamime and Robinson, 1999). In the

production of set yogurt, yogurts are directly transferred to a cold store or

blast chilled in cooling tunnels. For stirred yogurts, cooling is first

performed by agitation in the jacketed fermentation vat and the product

is sheared and smoothened by devices like back-pressure values, high

shear devices or sieves.



Acidification of milk leads to the disruption of the internal structural

properties of casein micelles due to the solubilization of CCP (casein-

casein proportion) (Duitschaver and Arnett, 1972). As caseins approach

their isoelectric point (pH 4.6), the net negative charge on casein is reduced,

which decreases electrostatic repulsion between charged groups,

including the phosphoserine residues that are exposed when the CCP is

solubilized. Electrostatic attraction increases and protein-protein

attraction also increases through enhanced hydrophobic interactions.

Physico-chemical mechanisms for the formation of acid milk gels can be

discussed for three pH regions (Lucey, 2004).pH 6.7 to 6.0: When the pH of

milk decreases from 6.6 to 6.0, the net negative charge on the casein

micelles decreases, which results in a decrease in electrostatic

repulsion. Since only a small amount of CCP is solubilized at pH

>6.0, the size of the casein micelles is largely unchanged. pH 6.0 to 5.0:

As the pH of milk decreases further from pH 6.0 to 5.0, the net negative

charge on casein micelles greatly decreases and the charged “hairs” of κ-

casein may shrink (or curl up). This results in a decrease in electrostatic

repulsion and steric stabilization, which are both responsible from the

stability of casein micelles in the original milk. At pH ≤6.0 the rate

of solubilization of CCP increases, which weakens the internal structure

of casein micelles and increases electrostatic repulsion between the

exposed phosphoserine residues.

At low temperatures, hydrophobic interactions involved in casein

association are very weak (Lucey, 2004). pH ≤5.0: When the pH of milk

becomes close to the isoelectric point of casein (pH 4.6), there is a decrease

in the net negative charge on casein, which leads to a decrease in

electrostatic repulsion between casein molecules. On the other hand, casein-

casein attractions increase due to increase hydrophobic and plus-minus

(electrostatic) charge interactions. The acidification process results in the

formation of three-dimensional network consisting of clusters and chains of

caseins (Mistry and Hassan, 1992).




The physical and sensory properties of yogurt gels are greatly

influenced by the total solids content of the yogurt milk, especially the

protein content. The G′ values of yogurt increases with an increase in the

total solids content obtained by the addition of skim milk powder or

by ultrafiltration (Bourne, 1982). Increased yogurt viscosity is observed

when the total solids content of milk is increased (Gustaw et al.,

2006). The oral viscosity of yogurt or perceived thickness also increases

with an increase in total solids content of milk (Salji et al., 1985). In

practice, there is an upper limit (before an increased risk of heat coagulation)

of around 4% additional whey protein (from WPC) to give a total milk

protein level of about 7%.

Improper hydration of powders can result in a number of defects in yogurt

including lumpiness, chalkiness, and powdery off-flavors. The increased

solids content in yogurt milk as a result of fortification also creates

increased buffering that requires additional acid development by the starter

cultures to achieve a similar pH target. Most yogurt products are

sweetened (not plain). The use of sucrose increases the total solids of

the mix and strengthens the gel network. A range of sweeteners are

used commercially, especially for low calorie products. Another option is to

use β-galactosidase to hydrolyselactose as the products are glucose and

galactose, which are much sweeter than lactose (Walstra and Jenness, 1984).

Heat treatment

Native whey proteins from unheated milk are inert fillers in yogurt (Lucey

et al., 1999). When milk is heated at >70°C, the major whey proteins,

such as, β-lactoglobulins, are denatured. During denaturation β-

lactoglobulins interacts with the κ-casein on the casein micelle surface

(and any soluble κ-casein molecules, i.e. κ-casein that dissociates from

the micelle at high temperatures) by disulfide bridging, which results

in increased gel firmness and viscosity of yogurt (Dannenberg and

Kessler, 1988; Lucey et al., 1997). Denatured whey proteins that has become

attached to the surface of casein micelles are a critical factor involved in

the increased stiffness of yogurt gels made from heated milk (Lucey et

al., 1998c). Soluble complexes of denatured whey proteins with κ-

casein also associate with the micelles during the acidification process.

Heat treatment of milk for 15 min at ≥80°C results in significantly increased

denaturation of β-lacto globulins compared with milk heated at 75°C for a

similar time (Lucey et al., 1997).

Incubation temperature

Physical properties and microstructure of yogurt are influenced by

incubation temperature. During the formation of yogurt gels at a low

incubation temperature, slow protein aggregation occurs resulting in the

formation of a large number of protein-protein bonds and less

rearrangement of the particles/clusters. A highly cross-linked and branched

protein network that had small pores was observed in micrographs of yogurt

gels incubated at low temperature (Lee and Lucey, 2003). At lower

incubation temperature, there is an increase in the voluminosity of casein

particles, which results in an increase in the area of the junctions

between aggregated casein particles. Increased contact area between casein

particles could contribute to the increased stiffness of gels observed at low

temperature (Walstra and Jenness, 1984).

Higher viscosity was observed in stirred yogurts that had been incubated at

lower temperatures (e.g. <40°C) compared to gels incubated at high

temperature (e.g. >40°C) (Beal et al., 1999; Martin et al., 1999; Sodini

et al., 2004; Lee and Lucey, 2006). As incubation temperature

increased, there was a decrease in the sensory attributes, such as, mouth

coating and smoothness of stirred yogurts (Cho-Ah-Ying et al., 1990; Martin

et al., 1999).


High fat consumption has been linked to several chronic diseases

including cardiovascular diseases, obesity and certain forms of cancer.

Nutrition experts recommend a total fat intake of less than 30 per cent of

total daily calories. These dietary recommendations are one reason for the

increasing demand for lower fat food products of the world market has been

flooded with the food products carrying the labels "low fat", 'no fat' or

'reduced fat'. Fat mimics or fat substitutes are normally used to produce

low-fat foods, fat mimics are substances that help replace the mouth

feel of fat but cannot substitute for fat on a gram for gram basis low fat

cheese, processed cheese, cultured products, frozen desserts, butters and

spreads have been successfully developed using commercially available fat

mimics/replacers. Using similar technique several low fat varieties of

traditional dairy products can be developed.

Functionally, fat affects the physico-chemical properties of the product and

is therefore involved in the behavior of the food product during processing,

post-processing characteristics and storage stability. It also determines the

sensory characteristics of food products, mainly appearance, texture,

flavor and mouth-feel.


Banana is a tropical plant which is able to protect from the oxidative stress

caused by high intensity of sunlight and elevated temperature by raising its

antioxidant ability (Kanazawa and Sakakibara, 2000).

Along with other fruits and vegetables, consumption of bananas may be

associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer (Deneo-Pellegrini et

al.,1996) and in women, breast cancer and renal cell carcinoma. Banana

ingestion may affect dopamine production in people deficient in the amino

acid tyrosine, a dopamine precursor present in bananas. (Taylor and Erkek,


(Emaga, et al., 2007) cited Banana peels a good source of carotenoids and

available on medicinal benefits of banana extract which include relief from

pain, swelling, itching, bruising, and wrinkles and sunburn. The peels are a

good source of calcium. For iron content, Patchable is specifically high with

10 mg/100g, and if used as a supplement, the peel can provide natural iron

and calcium deficiency

Fruit consumption is very important for reducing the risk of many diseases

including chronic diseases (Beecher, 1999), heart disease (Gordon, 1996),

inflammation, cardiovascular diseases and cancers (Bae et al., 2008). These

diseases are related to elevated levels of oxidative stress in the body due to

damage of lipids, proteins and nucleic acids molecules (Leong and Shui,

2002). Antioxidant compounds are substances that may protect from

oxidative damages by reactive oxygen species thereby minimizing the

incidence of the above diseases.


The pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant with an edible fruit; it is

the most economically significant plant in the family Bromeliaceae. The

pineapple is indigenous to South America, where it has been cultivated for

many centuries. The introduction of the pineapple to Europe in the 17th

century made it a significant cultural icon of luxury. Since the 1820s,

pineapple has been commercially grown in greenhouses and many tropical



Raw pineapple pulp is 86% water, 13% carbohydrates, 0.5% protein, and

contains negligible fat (table). In a 100-gram reference amount, raw

pineapple supplies 209 kilojoules (50 kilocalories) of food energy, and is a

rich source of manganese (44% Daily Value, DV) and vitamin C (58% DV),

but otherwise contains no micronutrients in significant amounts.


The garden strawberry (or simply strawberry; Fragaria × ananassa)[1] is

a widely grown hybrid species of the genus Fragaria, collectively known as

the strawberries, which are cultivated worldwide for their fruit. The fruit is

widely appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy

texture, and sweetness. It is consumed in large quantities, either fresh or in

such prepared foods as jam, juice, pies, ice cream, milkshakes, and

chocolates. Artificial strawberry flavorings and aromas are also widely used

in products such as candy, soap, lip gloss, perfume, and many others.


Raw strawberries are 91% water, 8% carbohydrates, 1% protein, and contain

negligible fat (table). A 100 gram reference amount of strawberries supplies

33 kilocalories, is a rich source of vitamin C (71% of the Daily Value, DV),

a good source of manganese (18% DV), and provides several other vitamins

and dietary minerals in small amounts. Strawberries contain a modest

amount of essential unsaturated fatty acids in the achene (seed) oil


Vanilla is one of the most expensive spices in the world because it is so

labor-intensive to produce. Vanilla plant flowers are hand-pollinated, and the

bean pods are ripened, dried, and conditioned to create their distinctive

flavor and aroma.

Because true vanilla extract is expensive and also in high demand, synthetic

vanilla is made from wood pulp and coal tar to use as a substitute. While

synthetic vanilla is less expensive, it does not offer as many health benefits

as natural vanilla.

Health Benefits

Traditional practices around the world have found a number of wide-ranging

therapeutic uses for vanilla, including as an aphrodisiac and to aid with gas

relief. Studies have shown that both the flavor and aroma of vanilla can offer

some health benefits, including


Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

Energy 406 kJ (97 kcal)

Carbohydrates 3.98 g

Sugars 4.0 g

Dietary fiber 0g

Fat 5.0 g

Protein 9.0 g

Vitamins Quantity


Vitamin A equiv. 0%

beta-Carotene 26 μg

lutein zeaxanthin 22 μg

Thiamine (B1) 2%

0.023 mg

Riboflavin (B2) 23%

0.278 mg

Niacin (B3) 1%

0.208 mg

Pantothenic acid 7%

(B5) 0.331 mg

Vitamin B6 5%

0.063 mg

Folate (B9) 1%

5 μg

Vitamin B12 31%

0.75 μg

Choline 3%

15.1 mg

Vitamin C 0%

0 mg

Minerals Quantity


Calcium 10%

100 mg

Iron 0%

0 mg

Magnesium 3%

11 mg

Manganese 0%

0.009 mg

Phosphorus 19%

135 mg

Potassium 3%

141 mg

Sodium 2%

35 mg

Zinc 5%

0.52 mg


Selenium 9.7 µg

Water 81.3 g

Link to Full Report from USDA Database

 Units

 μg = micrograms • mg = milligrams

 IU = International units

Percentages are roughly approximated

using US recommendations for adults.

Yogurt (plain yogurt from whole milk) is 81% water, 9% protein, 5% fat,

and 4% carbohydrates, including 4% sugars (table). A 100-gram amount

provides 406 kilojoules (97 kcal) of dietary energy. As a proportion of

the Daily Value (DV), a serving of yogurt is a rich source of vitamin

B12 (31% DV) and riboflavin (23% DV), with moderate content of

protein, phosphorus, and selenium (14 to 19% DV; table).

Comparison of whole milk and plain yogurt from whole milk, one cup (245 g)


Property Milk Yogurt

Energy 610 kJ (146 kcal) 620 kJ (149 kcal)

Total carbohydrates 12.8 g 12 g

Total fat 7.9 g 8.5 g

Cholesterol 24 mg 32 mg

Protein 7.9 g 9g

Calcium 276 mg 296 mg

Phosphorus 222 mg 233 mg

Potassium 349 mg 380 mg

Sodium 98 mg 113 mg

Vitamin A 249 IU 243 IU

Vitamin C 0.0 mg 1.2 mg

Vitamin D 96.5 IU ~

Vitamin E 0.1 mg 0.1 mg

Vitamin K 0.5 μg 0.5 μg

Thiamine 0.1 mg 0.1 mg

Riboflavin 0.3 mg 0.3 mg

Niacin 0.3 mg 0.2 mg

Vitamin B6 0.1 mg 0.1 mg

Folate 12.2 μg 17.2 μg

Vitamin B12 1.1 μg 0.9 μg

Choline 34.9 mg 37.2 mg

Betaine 1.5 mg ~

Water 215 g 215 g

Ash 1.7 g 1.8 g


Yogurts can be high in protein, calcium, vitamins, and live culture, or

probiotics, which can enhance the gut microbiota. These can offer protection

for bones and teeth and help prevent digestive problems. Low-fat yogurt can

be a useful source of protein on a weight-loss diet. Probiotics may boost the

immune system.




The experiment for production of yoghurt using different flavours,

physicochemical analysis and sensory quality evaluation will be

conducted in Plateau State Polytechnic Barkin Ladi. Banana, Pineapple,

Strawberry and Vanilla flavor respectively



The material requite for yoghurt production include:

 Water

 Fresh milk and Powder milk

 Sugar

 Stabisole

 Gelatine

 Skimmed Milk

 Flavour


 Incubating method

 Recipe

 Water

 Powder Milk

 Stabisole

 Gelatin

 Sugar

 Flavor


Put clean water into the mixing tank of about 100liter boil for about 55-

60min. add the powered milk, gradually stir until it dissolves, then add

sugar, stab sole, gelatin and stir gradually, until it becomes thick and pour in

a mixing sterilized tank.

Bring it down by using thermometer measuring, the temperature until it

becomes warm, then add in your flavor to give desire taste .

Add the started (unsweeted yoghurt) and cover it for fermentation to take



 A pot as incubator

 Plastic rubber as mixing tank

 Soup spoon

 P.H

 Container

 Refrigerator


i. Pre-heat it into a mixing tank for at least 55-60oc.

ii. Add your ingredient, gelatin, sugar, stab sole (started unsweeted

yoghurt). Send the yoghurt product to pasteurize to be safe from any

micro-organism for homogenization to take place.

iii. Send your yoghurt into incubator tank for incubation at sweet able

degree of (40oc, 41oc, 42oc) for drinking yoghurt.

iv. Allow it for about 3-4 hours before the mixing tank

v. Add flavor

vi. Put it in the refrigerator to prevent from sour.



1. poor

2. fair

3. good

4. very good

5. excellent

SENSORY EVALUATION OF YOGHURT A sensory evaluation will be

conducted to evaluate mouth feel, appearance, aroma, taste, texture, and over

all acceptability of the yoghurt sample at the department of Hospitality

management. Fifteen semi trained panelists will be randomly selected from

students and staff of Department of Hospitality management. Panelists will

be advised to avoid strong odorous materials, such as soaps, lotions and

perfumes prior to participating on panels and to avoid eating and drinking at

least 30 minutes prior coming to a sensory test.

Data Analysis

The experiment will be done in triplicate times and the result will be

presented as mean plus or minus standard deviation. Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) will be used to analyze data at p˂0.05 and the significance

difference between means will be determined by Fisher’s LSD test. SAS,

version 9.1 software will be used to perform the statistical analysis.




First , Powdered milk was added into an beaker and heated on a heater for

reaching temperature of milk to 90 °C and then cool it down to 45 °C.

On the order hand pre-heat it into a maxing temperature for at least 55-60 oc,

add your ingredient. Send the yoghurt product to pasteurize to be safe from

any micro-organism for homogenization to take place .after this stage, send

your yoghurt into incubator tank for incubation at sweet able degree. Put in

45°C oven for 2.5 to 3 hours and then put in refrigerator for one data.


- A pot as incubator

- Plastic Rubber as mixing tank

- Soup spoon

- P.H

- Container

- Refrigerator


- Water

- Fresh milk and power milk

- Sugar

- Stabile

- Gelatine

- Skimmed Milk

- Flavour

4.3 Table 1A

SAMPLE A: Using Banana Flavor

No. of Appearance Taste Flavor Texture Acceptability


1 4 5 5 4 4

2 5 4 5 5 5

3 4 5 4 4 5

4 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 4 4 4 4

6 5 5 5 4 5

7 3 3 3 3 3

8 4 4 4 4 4

9 4 3 3 5 5

10 3 3 5 5 5

Total 42 41 43 43 45

- Mean score for Appearance = 10 =4.2

- Mean score for Taste ¿ 10 ¿ 4.1

- Mean score for Flavor ¿ 10 ¿ 4.3

- Mean score for Texture ¿ 10 ¿ 4.3

- Mean score for Acceptability¿ 10 ¿ 4.5

Summary of performance of sample A

Characteristics Average Assessment

Appearance 4.2

Taste 4.1

Flavor 4.3

Texture 4.3

Acceptability 4.5

4.2+ 4.1+ 4.3+ 4.3+4.5

The combined mean score is 5
= 4.28

Table 4.1 shows that all the characteristics of Yoghurt produced from

Banana flavor shows high level of acceptance of 4.28%. this shows its

acceptability in the industry if introduced alongside with others.

Table 2B

SAMPLE B: Using Pineapple Flavor

No. of Appearance Taste Flavor Texture Acceptability


1 4 4 4 4 4

2 3 3 3 3 3

3 5 5 5 4 5

4 5 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5

6 5 5 4 5 4

7 5 4 4 4 4

8 5 4 5 5 5

9 4 4 4 4 4

10 3 3 5 5 5

Total 44 41 43 43 43

Mean score for Appearance = 10 =4.4

Mean score for Taste ¿ ¿ 4.1

Mean score for Flavor ¿
¿ 4.3

Mean score for Texture ¿ 10 ¿ 4.3

Mean score for Acceptability¿ 10 ¿ 4.3

Summary of performance of sample B

Characteristics Average Assessment

Appearance 4.4

Taste 4.1

Flavor 4.3

Texture 4.3

Acceptability 4.3

4.4+ 4.1+ 4.3+4.3+ 4.3

The combined mean score is 5
= 4.28%

Table 4.2 shows that all the characteristics of Yoghurt produced from

Pineapple Flavor shows high level of acceptance of 4.28%. This shows its

acceptability in the industry if introduced alongside with others.

Table 3C

SAMPLE C: Using Strawberry Flavor

No. of Appearance Taste Flavor Texture Acceptability


1 4 4 4 4 4

2 5 4 4 4 4

3 4 5 5 5 5

4 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 4 5

6 3 3 3 3 3

7 4 4 4 4 4

8 4 4 3 4 4

9 4 3 3 5 5

10 3 3 5 5 5

Total 41 40 41 43 44

Mean score for Appearance = 41=4.1

Mean score for Taste ¿ ¿ 4.0

Mean score for Flavor ¿
¿ 4.1

Mean score for Texture ¿ 10 ¿ 4.3

Mean score for Acceptability¿ 10 ¿ 4.4

Summary of performance of sample C

Characteristics Average Assessment

Appearance 4.1

Taste 4.0

Flavor 4.1

Texture 4.3

Acceptability 4.4

4.1+ 4.0+4.1+ 4.3+4.4

The combined mean score is 5
= 4.18%

Table 4.3 shows that all the characteristics of Yoghurt produced from

Strawberry shows high level of acceptance of 4.18%. This shows its

acceptability in the industry if introduced alongside with others or as

substitute to other yoghurt.

Table 4D

SAMPLE D: Using Vanilla Flavor

No. of Appearance Taste Flavor Texture Acceptability


1 4 4 4 4 4

2 3 3 3 3 3

3 5 5 5 4 5

4 5 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5

6 5 4 5 4 4

7 5 5 5 5 5

8 4 5 5 5 5

9 4 3 3 5 5

10 3 3 5 5 5

Total 40 41 44 44 45

Mean score for Appearance = 10 =4.0

Mean score for Taste ¿ ¿ 4.1

Mean score for Flavor ¿
¿ 4.4

Mean score for Texture ¿ 10 ¿ 4.4

Mean score for Acceptability¿ 10 ¿ 4.5

Summary of performance of sample D

Characteristics Average Assessment

Appearance 4.0

Taste 4.1

Flavor 4.4

Texture 4.4

Acceptability 4.5

4.0+ 4.1+4.4 +4.4 +4.5

The combined mean score is 5
= 4.20%

Table 4.4 shows that all the characteristics of Yoghurt produced from

Vanilla Flavor shows high level of acceptance of 4.18%. This shows its

acceptability in the industry if introduced alongside with others or as

substitute to other yoghurt.

Summary Of Result

Appearance Taste Flavor Textur Acceptability Total Mea Sample Rating

e n

4.2 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.5 21.4 2.14 A 1

4.4 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.3 21.4 2.14 B 2

4.1 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.4 20.9 2.09 C 4

4.0 4.1 4.4 4.4 4.5 21.4 2.14 D 3

NOTE: From the above table sample, A,B & D has the highest score so it

will be more recommended in the hospitality industry.




Yoghurt has proved to be of great importance in THE society production of

Yoghurt using different flavors, and the hospitality department is not left out

of its impact


The researcher was able to come out with a number of findings. It is observed


- The acceptability of Yoghurt using different flavors.

- The Banana, Pineapple, Strawberry and Vanilla are used in the production of

Yoghurt and other products to maximize sales in the hospitality industry


From the study carried out, it was observed that in the hospitality

establishment, Banana, Pineapple, Strawberry and Vanilla Flavor which is

used in yoghurt production will gain the recognition it deserves through the

understanding and enjoyment of its enormous benefits and favours.

The satisfaction of the quest is the most vital objective of any establishment

because it increases the revenue base in the long run.


Although the result and analysis showed a significant improvement in

Yoghurt production in the hospitality industry, there is still a need to widen

the scope and as well as hotels and guest houses.

- Banana, Pineapple, Strawberry and Vanilla Flavor should be sold and served

in the following hospitality outfit, restaurants (to accompany a meal)

Yoghurt shops.

- To encourage the high intake of Banana, Pineapple, Strawberry and Vanilla

flavor yoghurt daily because a glass of Banana, Pineapple, Strawberry and

Vanilla flavor yoghurt can burn down 12kg of calories in the body.

- Banana, Pineapple, Strawberry and Vanilla flavor yoghurt is recommended

for both aged and youth from different works of life.


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