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Pumice wall construction:

Pumice wall construction

1. Layout and marking: using architectural plans and measurement to mark the exact
wall locations on the foundation, mark corners, openings and intersections

2. Mortal mix preparations: mix an appropriate ratio of cement sand and water.
Achieve a consistent mortal mix for optimal adhesion

Sifting sand for pumice walls

ensures uniform particle size,
removes debris, improves mixing,
reduces lumps, enhances bonding,
and benefits aesthetics.

3. Applying mortar bed for first course then place the first course of pumice blocks: lay
the first row of pumice blocks on the mortar bed
4. Press each block firmly into the mortar ensuring strong bonding

5. Check the vertical alignments of each block using a plumb bob

Weighted Object: A plumb bob

consists of a weighted object
attached to a string.
Gravity Alignment: The plumb
bob naturally aligns itself
vertically due to the force of
Verticality Check: It is used in
construction to verify the
vertical alignment of walls or
structures by comparing the
string's position with a
reference point, ensuring
precise verticality

6. Horizontal alignment using a leveled rope: attach a leveled rope along the length of
the wall at the desired height for each course (from column to another)
8. Maintain consistent mortar thickness for solid connections
9. Create doors and openings according to architectural plans. Use lintels for structural
support above openings

Plaster ceiling and floor:

1. Apply a bonding agent or primer to the ceiling surface before plastering. This improves
adhesion and prevents excessive moisture absorption. (rashit mesmar)

2. Start applying the base coat of plaster using a trowel. Spread the plaster evenly and
achieve the desired thickness. level and smooth the plaster across the ceiling. Eliminate
any uneven areas to create a uniform surface.
3. Curing and drying

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