OB - Assignment Brief 1.1 - New Form - Approved 13.9.23

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Assignment Brief
Unit Code, Number and Title A/618/5064– Unit 20: Organisational Behaviour

Semester and Academic Year Semester 1 | Academic year 2023 - 2024

Pham Thi Bich Ngoc | Nguyen Hoang Hieu |
Unit Assessor(s)
Nguyen Thi Lien Huong | Nguyen Minh Hang

Assignment Title OB A1.1: Culture, Power, Politics (Assessment 1 of 2)

Issue Date Wednesday, 27th September 2023

Submission Date 10:00 AM, Wednesday, October 25th, 2023

Student name
NEU Student ID 10210904
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own
work and I fully understand the consequences of
Student declaration
plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is
a form of malpractice.

Student name / Signature Nguyen Vu Minh Quan Date: Oct 25th, 2023

Submission Format

This assignment (Assessment 1 of 2) covers Learning Outcome 4 (LO4)

● This is an individual assignment.

● The submission format is in the form of a case study written E-report.

● The file on Turnitin must be in Word format and include the first page of this cover
sheet. The first page of the cover sheet should be in the picture format in order to
ensure the accepted similarity of Turnitin.

● The similarity allowed is up to 25% after excluding references.

● Name of the file includes Student ID_Unit name_Assessment no. (E.g.


● Ensure that authenticity declaration has been signed electronically.

● Plagiarism is unacceptable. Students must cite all sources and input the information by
paraphrasing, summarising or using direct quotes. A Referral Grade is given when
Plagiarism is identified in your work. There are no exceptions.

● Your evidence/findings must be cited using Harvard Referencing Style. Please refer to
the Reference guide posted on Moodle. The Reference page is compulsory to upload on

● This assignment should be written in a concise, formal business style using Arial 11 or
Times New Roman 13 font size and 1.5 spacing.

● The word limit is 3,000 words (+/- 10%).

● You MUST complete and submit a softcopy of your work on the due dates stated on the
Assignment brief. All late work is not allowed to submit. This rule is not waived under
any circumstances.
Read ALL Instructions on this Page and review the Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria
carefully. To pass the assignment, you must achieve ALL the Pass Criteria outlined in the
marking sheet. To achieve a Merit, you must achieve ALL the Merit criteria (and therefore
the Pass criteria). To achieve a Distinction, you must achieve ALL the Distinction criteria
(and therefore the Pass and Merit criteria).
Unit Learning Outcomes

LO4: Examine how power, politics and culture can be used to influence employee
behaviour and accomplish organizational goals

Assignment activity and guidance

Organizational culture is defined as a system of shared meaning held by members that

distinguishes the organization from other organizations (Robin and Judge, 2018).
Organisational politics refer to the use of power to affect decision making in an organization,
sometimes for self-serving and organizationally unsanctioned behaviors (Pullen and
Rhodes, 2014). Culture and politics are about feeling. Whether you deny or embrace, they
are always there, exist within organisational contexts. Usually not written nor clearly stated,
yet organisational culture and politics could be the most significant elements that constitute
employee experience. Corporate culture and organisational politics can motivate employees
or discourage them, and whether they be positive or negative, we all experience them every
day. To achieve organisational effectiveness, managers must be aware of and not ignoring
the impact of culture and politics on employees’ emotion and behaviour.

You are required to select an organisation in Hanoi to analyse and evaluate the influence of
culture, politics and power on the behaviour in the workplace and how to motivate individuals
and teams to achieve the organisational goals. It is strongly recommended that you will
interview some key managers and staff of the selected organisation to collect relevant data.
Your analysis and evaluation should be conducted using various organisational cultures and
motivational theories and be supported by relevant examples taken from your research of
the selected organisation. You will conclude with recommendations on how your
organisation could improve the performance of their employees to meet goals.

Specifically, your report should cover the followings:

1. An introduction to the organisation;(briefly introduced about mission, vision, history
of a company
2. An analysis of the selected organisation’s culture, power and politics situation using
relevant theories (e.g. Schein’s model, Handy’s model, power sources and power
tactics etc.) and their influence on individual and team behaviour and performance;
and the accomplishment of organizational goals;
3. An evaluation of the relationship between culture, politics, power in the selected
organisation and how the operation of power, politics and culture affect employee
behavior and the accomplishment of organizational goals; (two ways: explain the rel
between culture and polictics, politics and power)
4. Recommendations on how power, politics and culture can be used effectively in the
organization to influence and direct employee behaviour towards the accomplishment
of organizational goals.

Recommended Resources
Please note that the resources listed are examples for you to use as a starting point in your research –
the list is not definitive.
1. Robbins, S. P. and Judge, T. A. (2018). Organizational Behavior (18th Edition). Pearson.
2. Pullen, A. and Rhodes, C. (2014) ‘Corporeal Ethics and the Politics of Resistance in
Organizations’, Organization, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 782–96.
Further Instructions on Command Verbs:
1. Analyse: Present the outcome of methodical and detailed examination either:
 breaking down a theme, topic or situation in order to interpret and study the
interrelationships between the parts and/or
 of information or data to interpret and study key trends and interrelationships.
2. Critically analyse: Separate information into components and identify characteristics with
depth to the justification.
3. Evaluate: work draws on varied information, themes or concepts to consider aspects,
such as:
 strengths or weaknesses
 advantages or disadvantages
 alternative actions
 relevance or significance.
Students’ inquiries should lead to a supported judgement showing relationship to its
context. This will often be in a conclusion.
4. Critically evaluate: Make a judgement taking into account different factors and using
available knowledge/experience/evidence where the judgement is supported in depth.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO4 Examine how power, politics and culture can be D3 Make justified
used to influence employee behaviour and recommendations on how power,
accomplish organizational goals politics and culture can be used
effectively to influence and direct
P6 Examine how the M4 Evaluate how the employee behaviour towards the
operation of power, operation of power, politics accomplishment of organizational
politics and culture in an and culture affect employee goals
organization affect behavior and the
employee behaviour and accomplishment of
the accomplishment of organizational goals.
organizational goals

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