Art Appreciation - Assesment

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Lesson 1

1. If you were an artist, what kind of artist you want to be?
 I want to be a song writer because I want to express myself. Through song writing I
can able to share what I really feel and of course my ideas. I aim to influence others in
a positive way. Whenever people are happy or sad, I want them to have something to
relate to.
2. Why is art not nature?

3. Art is Ageless. Explain this statement

4. Why does art involve experience?
 Art involve experience because most of artist relate to their experience in order to
create a beautiful masterpiece. Every experience we gain lessons from it that’s why
artist utilized it in order to show the beauty of their art.
5. Cite other misconceptions about art

Lesson 3
1. Why people tends to be confused about artist and artisans
2. Give the similarities and differences of an artists and artisans.
3. How do artists and artisans express their expressions and emotions through arts and crafts.
4. What would you want to become? An artist or an artisans and why?
5. What is the significant of studying about artists and artisans? Explain.
6. What is visual art?

Lesson 4
1. Give the significance of visual design in creating arts.
2. How principles of visual design will make the art effective and attractive.
3. Cite for at least 5 real life applications of visual design and 5 real life application of visual design

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