Mkbs 325 CT1

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Fungi are found in nearly every habitat on earth, from environments that are very hot to very

cold, as well as in lakes with high salt concentrations. / Swamme word in bykans elke habitat
om aarde gevind, van omgewings wat baie warm is tot baie koud, sowel as in mere met ’n hoë


A unicellular microorganism was recovered from a hot spring (95°C) in Wyoming. After
observation, it was determined that the microbes lack a nucleus, have a cell wall that lacks
peptidoglycan and have 70S ribosomes. Analysis of the plasma membrane reveals that the lipids
contain long-chained branched hydrocarbons with ether linkages. Choose the domain in which
this organism would be classified, based on the description provided. / ’n Eensellige
mikroörganisme was teruggevind van ’n warmwaterbron (95°C) in Wyoming. Na waarneming,
is vasgestel dat die mikrobes nie ’n nukleus het nie, ’n selwand het waar peptidoglycan ontbreek
en 70S ribosome het. Analise van die plasmamembraan toon aan dat die lipiede lang,
kettingvertakte koolwaterstowwe met eterskakels bevat. Kies die domein waarin hierdie
organisme geklassifiseer sal word, op grond van die beskrywing wat verskaf word.

 A. Archaea

 B. Bacteria

 C. Fungi

 D. Protist

Question 3 of 33 1.0 Points

The thallus of a mould consists of long, branched, threadlike filaments of cells called _________
that form a tangled mass called a _________. / Die tallus van muf bestaan uit ’n lang, vertakte,
draadagtige filament van selle genaamd _______ wat ’n verstrengelde massa vorm wat ’n
________ genoem word.

 A. mycelium; hyphae / miselium; hife

 B. hyphae; mycelium / hife; miselium

 C. thallus; hyphae / tallus; hife

 D. yeast; mycelium / gis; miselium

Question 4 of 33 1.0 Points

Choose the correct statement about the lifestyle of the chytrid fungi. / Kies die korrekte stelling
oor die leefstyl van die chitriede swam.

 A.
Free-living chytrids are parasitic; saprophytic forms infect aquatic plants and animals, including
insects. / Vrylewende chitriede is parasities; saprofities vorme wat waterplante en -diere besmet,
insluitend insekte.

 B.
Free-living chytrids are saprophytic; parasitic forms infect terrestrial plants and animals,
including insects, while a few are found in the anoxic rumen of herbivores. / Vrylewende
chitriede is saprofities; parasitiese vorme wat landplante en -diere besmet, insluitend insekte,
terwyl ’n paar in die suurstoflose grootpens van herbivore gevind word.

 C.
Free-living chytrids are saprophytic; parasitic forms infect aquatic plants and animals, including
insects, while a few are found in the anoxic rumen of carnivores. / Vrylewende chitriede is
saprofities; parasitiese vorme wat waterplante en -diere besmet, insluitend insekte, terwyl ’n paar
in die suurstoflose grootpens van karnivore gevind word.

 D.
Free-living chytrids are saprophytic; parasitic forms infect aquatic plants and animals, including
insects, while a few are found in the anoxic rumen of herbivores. / Vrylewende chitriede is
saprofities; parasitiese vorme wat waterplante en -diere besmet, insluitend insekte, terwyl ’n paar
in die suurstoflose grootpens van herbivore gevind word.

Question 5 of 33 2.0 Points

What follows is a fill in the blank question with 2 blanks.

fungal species are self-fertilising and produce sexually compatible gametes on the same
mycelium/ swamsoorte is selfbevrugtend en produseer seksueel verenigbare gamete op dieselfde

species require outcrossing between different but sexually compatible mycelia/ soorte benodig
kruisteling tussen verskillende maar seksueel verenigbare miselium.

Question 6 of 33 9.0 Points

What follows is a fill in the blank question with 9 blanks.
Complete each sentence about sexual fusion in fungal species. / Voltooi elke sin oor seksuele
samesmelting in swamsoorte.
Options to fill in: stolons, mycelium, protein, carbohydrates, rhizoids, gamete, haploid, diploid,
zygote, Zygomycota, ascomycetes, eukaryotic, dikaryotic, chytrids, sporangia
Sometimes both the cytoplasm and haploid nuclei fuse immediately to produce the diploid , as
seen in higher eukaryotes. Usually, however, there is a delay between cytoplasmic and nuclear
fusion. This produces a stage in which cells contain two separate haploid nuclei (N + N), one
from each parent. After a period of this existence, the two nuclei fuse and undergo meiosis to
yield spores. This is seen in both and basidiomycetes, so these are sometimes referred to as
dikaryotic fungi.
Rhizopus stolonifer grows on the surface of moist, -rich foods, such as bread, fruits and
vegetables. Hyphae called extend into the bread and absorb nutrients. Other hyphae ( )
become erect, then arch back into the substratum, forming new rhizoids.
Still others remain erect and produce at their tips asexual filled with black spores, giving the
mould its characteristic colour. Each spore, when liberated, can germinate to start a new .

Question 7 of 33 1.0 Points

Choose the statement that is correct about the Zygomycota. / Kies die stelling korrek is oor die

 A. Zygomycota develop sexual spores in sporangia at the tips of aerial hyphae and
are usually wind dispersed. / Zygomycota ontwikkel seksuele spore in sporangia op die
punte van lughifes en word gewoonlik deur die wind versprei.

 B. The hyphae of zygomycetes are coenocytic, with many diploid nuclei. / Die hife
van sigomisete is senosities, met baie diploïede kerne.

 C. Rhizopus stolonifer is a member of this division; this fungus grows on the surface
of moist, carbohydrate-rich foods. / Rhizopus stolonifer is ’n lid van hierdie afdeling;
hierdie swam groei op die oppervlak van vogtige, koolhidraatryke kosse.

 D. None of the above

Question 8 of 33 1.0 Points
Zygomycetes are involved in all of the following beneficial ways EXCEPT _________. /
Sigomisete is betrokke in al die volgende voordelige manier BEHALWE_____________.

 A. production of anaesthetics / die produksie van narkose

 B. production of meat tenderizers / die produksie van vleissagmaakmiddels

 C. treatment of soybeans to make a curd called sufu / die behandeling van sojabone
om ’n kês genaamd sufu te maak

 D. production of antibiotics such as penicillin / die produksie van antibiotika soos


Question 9 of 33 1.0 Points

Mycorrhizal fungi form important associations with the roots of almost all herbaceous plants and
tropical trees; these associations are considered _________. / Mikorisale swamme vorm
belangrike assosiasies met die wortels van byna alle kruidagtige plante en tropiese bome; hierdie
assosiasies word beskou as ________.

 A. parasitic because the fungi live on the plant tissue / parasities, omdat die swam op
plantweefsel leef

 B. mutualistic because both the host plant and the fungus benefit / wedersyds, omdat
beide die gasheerplant en die swam bevoordeel word

 C. commensalistic because only the fungus benefits but the plant is not harmed /
kommensalisties, omdat net die swam bevoordeel word maar die plant word ook nie
benadeel nie

 D. free-living because neither the fungus nor the plant can live without each other /
vrylewend, omdat nie die swam of die plant kan voorbestaan sonder die ander een nie
Question 10 of 33 1.0 Points
Most of the red, brown and blue-green moulds that cause food spoilage are _________. / Meeste
van die rooi, bruin en blou-groen muwwe wat veroorsaak dat kos vrot word, is ________.

 A. basidiomycetes / basidiomisete

 B. ascomycetes / askomisete

 C. glomeromycetes / glomeromisete

 D. zygomycetes / sigomisete

Question 11 of 33 1.0 Points

Which of the following statement is true about some species of Aspergillus? / Watter van die
volgende stellings is waar oor sommige Aspergillus-soorte?

 A. Aspergillus species produce an ascocarp that help them survive winter

temperatures, allowing them to release many ascospores when the temperature rises. /
Aspergillus-soorte produseer ’n askokarp wat hulle help om in die wintertemperature te
oorleef, waardeur hulle baie askokarpe kan vrystel wanneer die temperature styg.

 B. Some species of Aspergillus that infect plants form sclerotia to remain viable in
the soil, where they can take advantage of nutrient resources when the temperature rises. /
Sommige Aspergillus-soorte wat plante besmet, vorm sklerotia om lewensvatbaar in die
grond te bly, waar hulle voordeel kan trek uit voedingsbronne wanneer die temperature

 C. Aspergillus species produce appressoria, compact masses of hyphae, that allow

the fungi to survive winter temperatures. / Aspergillus-soorte produseer appressoria, digte
massas hifes, wat die swamme in staat stel om in die wintertemperature te oorleef.

 D. none of the above

Question 12 of 33 1.0 Points

The cause of “sick building syndrome" is the Ascomycota genus _________. / Die oorsaak van
“siekbou-sindroom” is die Ascomycota-genus.

 A. Stachybotrys

 B. Claviceps

 C. Blastomyces

 D. Aspergillus

Question 13 of 33 5.0 Points

What follows is a fill in the blank question with 5 blanks.
Label the diagram with the correct fungal structure. / Benoem die diagram met die korrekte

A- , B- , C- , D- , E-
Question 14 of 33 1.0 Points
Members of the ____________, known as urediniomycetes and ustilaginomycetes, include
important plant pathogens causing “rusts” and “smuts.” / Lede van die _________, staan ook
bekend as urediniomycetes en ustilaginomycetes, sluit belangrike plant patogene in wat “roes”
en “vlekke” veroorsaak.

 A. zygomycetes

 B. glomeromycetes

 C. ascomycetes

 D. basidiomycetes

Question 15 of 33 1.0 Points

What follows is a fill in the blank question with 1 blanks.
Fungi are important decomposers; they are classified as/ Swamme is belangrike ontbinders wat
geklassifiseer is as , meaning they secure nutrients from dead organic material by releasing
degradative enzymes into the environment/ beteken dat hulle voedingstowwe van dooie
organiese materiaal beveilig deur afbrekende ensieme in die omgewing vry te stel.

Question 16 of 33 1.0 Points

Which of the following statements is correct about the human pathogen Cryptococcus
neoformans? / Watter van die volgende stellings is korrek oor die menslike patogeen
Cryptococcus neoformans?

 A. Cryptococcus neoformans causes a systemic infection primarily involving the

gastrointestinal tract; this fungus always grows as a large, budding yeast with an
elaborate capsule. / Cryptococcus neoformans veroorsaak ’n sistemiese infeksie wat
hoofsaaklik die spysverteringskanaal betrek; die swam groei altyd as ’n groot,
knopvormende gis met ’n uitgebreide kapsule.

 B. Cryptococcus neoformans causes a systemic infection primarily involving the

lungs and central nervous system; this fungus alternates between growth as a large,
budding yeast with an elaborate capsule and formation of hyphae. / Cryptococcus
neoformans veroorsaak ’n sistemiese infeksie wat hoofsaaklik die longe en sentrale
senuweestelsel betrek; die swam groei altyd as ’n groot, knopvormende gis met ’n
uitgebreide kapsule en vorm hifes.

 C. Cryptococcus neoformans causes a systemic infection primarily involving the

lungs and central nervous system; this fungus always grows as a large, budding yeast
with an elaborate capsule. / Cryptococcus neoformans veroorsaak ’n sistemiese infeksie
wat hoofsaaklik die longe en sentrale senuweestelsel betrek; die swam groei altyd as ’n
groot, knopvormende gis met ’n uitgebreide kapsule.

 D. Cryptococcus neoformans causes a localized infection involving the skin only;

this fungus always grows as a large, budding yeast with an elaborate capsule. /
Cryptococcus neoformans veroorsaak ’n gelokaliseerde infeksie wat slegs die vel betrek;
die swam groei altyd as ’n groot, knopvormende gis met ’n uitgebreide kapsule.

Question 17 of 33 1.0 Points

What follows is a fill in the blank question with 1 blanks.
Common human pathogens among include Enterocytozoon bieneusi, which causes diarrhoea
and pneumonia. / Algemene menslike patogene onder _______ sluit Enterocytozoon bieneusi,
wat diarree en longontsteking veroorsaak.

Question 18 of 33 1.0 Points

A member of the Microsporidia that causes encephalitis and nephritis (kidney disease) is
________. / ’n Lid van die Mikrosporiedia wat enkefalitis en nefritis (nierontsteking) veroorsaak
is _______.

 A. Enterocytozoon bieneusi

 B. Encephalitozoon cuniculi

 C. Cryptococcus neoformans

 D. Blastomyces spp.

Question 19 of 33 1.0 Points

The ustilaginomycete Ustilago maydis is a pathogen that has become a model organism for
_________. / Die ustilaginomycete Ustilago maydis is ’n patogeen wat ’n modelorganisme vir
_________ geword het.

 A. plant smuts

 B. ergotism

 C. human disease

 D. hallucinogens

Question 20 of 33 8.0 Points

Match the fungal structure with its description. / Pas die swamstruktuur by die beskrywing.
1. A. Mycorrhizal fungi
2. B. Cryptococcus
3. C. Ustilago
4. D. Aspergillus
5. E. Agaricus
6. F. Rhizopus
7. G. Microsporidia
8. H. Saccharomyces

1. Form associations with plant roots/ Vorm assosiasies met plantwortels

2. Common bread mould/ Algemene broodmuf
3. Brewer’s yeast
4. Model organism for the study of eukaryotic cell and development biology/
Modelorganisme vir die studie van eukariotiese selle en ontwikkelingsbiologie
5. Obligate intracellular parasite/ Verpligte intrasellulêre parasie
6. Corn smut
7. Respiratory pathogen of human and animals/ Asemhalingspatogeen van mense en
8. Mushroom used as food/ Sampioen wat vir kos gebruik word
Question 21 of 33 1.0 Points
Chytrids are the only fungi with motile spores. Which of the following hypotheses best describes
the evolution of fungal spores? / Chitriede is die enigste swam wat beweeglike spore het. Watter
van die volgende hipoteses beskryf die evolusie van swamspore die beste?

 A. All fungi were thought to have flagellated spores, but other fungal taxa lost
flagella with the evolution of other forms of dispersal. / Daar is gedink dat alle swamme
geflagelleerde spore het, maar ander swam taksa verloor flagella met die ontwikkeling
van ander vorme van verspreiding.

 B. All fungi were thought to have flagellated spores, but other fungal taxa lost
flagella when they became free-living (no longer parasites). / Daar is gedink dat alle
swamme geflagelleerde spore het, maar ander swam taksa verloor flagella wanneer hulle
vrylewend (nie meer ’n parasiet nie) word.

 C. Only free-living members of Chytridiomycota have evolved flagella. / Net

vrylewende lede van Chytridiomycota het ontwikkelde flagella.

 D. Only parasitic members of Chytridiomycota have evolved flagella. / Net

parasitiese lede van Chytridiomycota het ontwikkelde flagella.

Question 22 of 33 1.0 Points

Sexual reproduction in zygomycetes and ascomycetes requires the participation of opposite
mating types. Which of the following best explains the evolution of sexual reproduction in these
fungi? / Seksuele voorplanting in sigomisete en askomisete benodig die deelname van
teenoorgestelde paringsoorte. Watter van die volgende verduidelik die ontwikkeling van seksuele
voorplanting in hierdie swamme die beste?

 A. Only fungi of opposite mating types can produce a zygote. / Net swamme van die
teenoorgestelde paringsoort kan ’n sigoot produseer.

 B. Only fungi of opposite mating types can fuse nuclei. / Net swamme van die
teenoorgestelde paringsoort kan ’n kerne saamsmelt.

 C. Only fungi of opposite mating types ensure genetic diversity will be achieved. /
Net swamme van teenoorgestelde paringsoorte verseker dat genetiese diversiteit bereik

 D. Only fungi of opposite mating types produce different pheromones. / Net

swamme van die teenoorgestelde paringsoort kan verskillende feromone produseer.

Question 23 of 33 0.0 Points

True to their habitat diversity, archaea account for _______ of the prokaryotic biomass on
Earth. / Getrou aan hulle habitatdiversiteit, is arachae verantwoordelik vir ______ van die
prokariotiese biomassa op Aarde.

 A. 10%

 B. 20%

 C. 35%

 D. 50%

Question 24 of 33 5.0 Points

Match the fungal structure with its description. / Pas die swamstruktuur by die beskrywing
1. A. Conidia
2. B. Mycelium/ Miselium
3. C. Hyphae/ Hifes
4. D. Yeast/ GIS
5. E. Sporangiospores

1. Long, thread-like filaments (cells)/ Lang, draadagtige filament (selle

2. Oval cells that reproduce by budding/ Ovaal selle wat voorplant deur te
3. Reproductive spores produced within sac-like structures/ Voorplantingspore wat
binne sakagtige strukture geproduseer word
4. Woven intertwining mass of hyphae/Geweefde, ineengevlegde massa hifes
5. Free spores not enclosed within a spore-bearing sac/ Geweefde, ineengevlegde
massa hifes
Question 25 of 33 1.0 Points
What type of macromolecule is thaumarchaeol? / Watter tipe makromolekule is thaumarchaeol?

 A. Protein / Proteïen

 B. Lipid / Lipiede

 C. Nucleic acid / Nukleïensuur

 D. Carbohydrate / Koolhidrate

Question 26 of 33 1.0 Points

In which environment are methanogens found? / In watter omgewing word metanogene gevind?

 A. Fresh water pond sediment / Varswater dam sediment

 B. On human skin / Op die menslike vel

 C. Associated with plant roots / Geassosieer met plantwortels

 D. White water rivers / Witwater riviere

Question 27 of 33 1.0 Points

Which organisms are able to oxidize methane? / Watter organisme kan metaan oksideer?

 A. Proteobacteria / Proteobakterieë

 B. Haloarchaea / Haloarchaea

 C. Crenarchaeota / Crenarchaeota

 D. Korarchaeota / Korarchaeota

Question 28 of 33 1.0 Points

Which genus of organisms lacks cell walls and grows in refuse piles from coal mines? / Watter
genus van organisme het nie ’n selwand nie en groei in vullishope van steenkoolmyne?

 A. Halobacterium
 B. Pyrococcus

 C. Archaeoglobus

 D. Thermoplasma

Question 29 of 33 1.0 Points

Which genus of organisms are sulphate reducers and are considered to be extremely thermophilic
S-reducers? / Watter genus organisme is sulfaat-verkleiners en word beskou as uiters termofiele

 A. Archaeoglobus

 B. Thermoplasma

 C. Pyrococcus

 D. Halobacterium

Question 30 of 33 5.0 Points

Match the descriptions and their corresponding class in order to test your knowledge of the major
groups of Archaea. / Pas die beskrywing en die ooreenstemmende klas om jou kennis te toets oor
die hoofgroepe van Archaea.
1. A. Extremely thermophilic S0 metabolizers
2. B. Cell wall less archaea
3. C. Methanogenic archaea
4. D. Extremely halophilic archaea
5. E. Archaeal sulphate reducers

1. Organisms that possess coenzyme M

2. An example is Archaeoglobus/ ’n Voorbeeld is Archaeoglobus
3. An organism that possess bacteriorhodopsin/ / ’n Organisme wat
bacteriorhodopsin bevat is
4. Thermophilic organisms/ / Termofiele organisme
An example is Pyrococcus and Sulfolobus/ / ’n Voorbeeld is Pyrococcus en

Question 31 of 33 1.0 Points

. Which of the following statements explain the debates regarding taxonomy of Archaea? /
Watter van die volgende stellings verduidelik die debat oor die taksonomie van Archaea?

 A. Autotrophic archaea are found in multiple phyla. / Outotrofiese archaea word in

veelvoudige fila gevind.

 B. Carbon fixation pathways are often duplicated, leading to redundancy in the

genome. / Koolstofbindingpaaie word dikwels gedupliseer, wat lei tot oortolligheid in die

 C. Pathogenic methanogens occasionally group taxonomically with Proteobacteria,

when they occupy the same niche, the mammalian gut. / Patogeniese metanogene
groepeer soms taksonomies met Proteobacteria, wanneer hulle dieselfde nis, die
soogdierderm, inneem.

 D. Many organisms have yet to be grown in pure culture. / Baie organismes moet
nog in suiwer kulture verbou word.

Question 32 of 33 1.0 Points

Certain marine Crenarchaeota were reclassified as the phylum Thaumarchaeota on the basis of
which discoveries? / Sekere mariene Crenarchaeota is herklassifiseer as die filum
Thaumarchaeota op grond van watter ontdekkings?

 A. Fatty acid profile showing genes encoding the enzymes needed to synthesize
thaumarchaeol. / Vetsuurprofiel wat gene wys wat die ensieme kodeer wat nodig is om
thaumarchaeol te sintetiseer.

 B. The demonstration that these organisms are capable of denitrification. / Die

bewys dat hierdie organismes in staat is tot denitrifikasie.

 C. The demonstration that these organisms grow as mesophiles. / Die bewys dat
hierdie organismes as mesofiele groei.
 D. The presence of thaumarchaeol in marine samples containing this group of
organisms. / Die teenwoordigheid van thaumarchaeol in mariene monsters wat hierdie
groep organismes bevat.

Question 33 of 33 1.0 Points

Which of the following statements best describes the origin of the three carbon molecules in
pyruvate formed by the reductive acetyl CoA pathway? / Watter van die volgende stellings
beskryf die oorsprong van die drie koolstofmolekules in piruvaat die beste deur die reduktiewe
asetiel CoA -pad?

 A. Oxaloacetate with four carbons is decarboxylated to form pyruvate. /

Oksaloasetaat met vier koolstofstowwe word gedekarboksileer om piruvaat te vorm.

 B. Each of the three carbon atoms in pyruvate comes from a separate molecule of
carbon dioxide. / Elk van die drie koolstofatome in piruvaat kom van 'n aparte

 C. Two molecules of acetyl CoA join to form pyruvate. / Twee molekules asetiel
CoA verbind om piruvaat te vorm.

 D. Succinate with four carbons is decarboxylated to form pyruvate. / Suksinaat met

vier koolstofstowwe word gedekarboksileer om piruvaat te vorm.

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