Lesson Plan in Science 6 - COT - Illustrate and Describe Tecniques in Separating Mixtures Such As Sieving, Winnowing, Hand-Picking and Use of Magnet

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Lesson Plan: Techniques in Separating Mixtures

Grade Level: 6th Grade Science

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the concept of mixtures and their components.

2. Describe different techniques for separating mixtures, including sieving, winnowing, hand-picking,
and the use of a magnet.
3. Apply the appropriate separation technique for different types of mixtures.
4. Recognize the importance of separating mixtures in everyday life.

Materials Needed:

 Various mixtures (e.g., sand and pebbles, rice and beans, iron filings and sand)
 Sieve or strainer
 Fan or hairdryer
 Tweezers or tongs
 Magnets
 Plastic containers or trays
 Hand lenses or magnifying glasses


Introduction (10 minutes):

1. Begin the lesson by asking the students if they have ever encountered mixtures before. Discuss
examples of mixtures they might be familiar with, such as trail mix or soil.

Connection to Learning Objectives: This activity connects to learning objective 1 by establishing prior
knowledge and understanding of mixtures.

2. Explain to the students that today they will be learning about different techniques for separating
mixtures. Emphasize the importance of knowing these techniques in everyday life, as we often come
across mixtures that need to be separated

Main Activities:

Activity 1: Sieving (15 minutes):

1. Provide each student or group with a mixture of sand and pebbles.

2. Instruct them to use a sieve or strainer to separate the sand from the pebbles. Encourage them to
observe the difference in particle size between the two components.

Connection to Learning Objectives: This activity addresses learning objective 2 by introducing the technique
of sieving for separating mixtures.

Activity 2: Winnowing (15 minutes):

1. Distribute a mixture of rice and beans to each student or group.

2. Explain the concept of winnowing, which involves using wind or air to separate lighter components
from heavier ones.
3. Instruct the students to hold the mixture above a tray or container and use a fan or hairdryer to blow
air onto the mixture. The lighter rice grains should be blown away while the heavier beans will
Connection to Learning Objectives: This activity relates to learning objective 2 by introducing the technique
of winnowing and connecting it to the idea of using air to separate mixtures.

Activity 3: Hand-Picking and Magnetic Separation (20 minutes):

1. Provide each student or group with a mixture of iron filings and sand.
2. Instruct them to use tweezers or tongs to separate the iron filings from the sand. Emphasize the need
for careful observation and manual separation.

Connection to Learning Objectives: This activity addresses learning objectives 2 and 3 by introducing the
techniques of hand-picking and magnetic separation for separating mixtures.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

1. Recap the techniques covered in the lesson, including sieving, winnowing, hand-picking, and
magnetic separation.
2. Ask the students to reflect on the importance of separating mixtures in their daily lives. Discuss
examples such as recycling, food processing, and mining.

Connection to Learning Objectives: This conclusion connects to learning objective 4 by highlighting the
importance of separating mixtures in everyday life.

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