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a. Terrestrial - land mass (land,
mountains, rivers, lakes within its
Lesson 5:
b. Fluvial - water (territorial water,
extending six miles into the sea
IN THE CONTEXT OF from the coast)

GLOBALIZATION c. Aerial - air or sky (air space, lying

above its territory)
A state is a political unit that has  It refers to the agency wherein the will
sovereignty over an area of territory and of the state is manifested.
the people within it.  It refers to the organization in charge of
A state is an organized political the management, administration, and the
community acting under a government. governance of the people within the
A country is simply another word for jurisdiction of the state and the
State. resources within it.
The four basic elements of the state are 4. SOVEREIGNTY
population, territory, government, and  It refers to the supreme power of the
sovereignty. state.
1. POPULATION  It also pertains to the power of the state
 State is a community of persons. to command and enforce obedience of its
 It is a human political institution. will from people.
 Population refers to the people living in a KINDS OF SOVEREIGNTY
country. It involves all the citizens of a a. Legal sovereignty
state.  It is the authority of the state which has
2. TERRITORY the legal power to issue final commands.
 A geographic area belonging to or under b. Political sovereignty
the jurisdiction of a governmental  The power behind legal sovereignty, or
authority. the sum of the influences that operate
 Territory is defined as the fixed portion upon it.
on the surface of the earth on which the  The electorate constitutes the political
State settles and over which it has sovereignty or the whole mass of
supreme authority. population.
 The components of the territory of the c. Internal sovereignty
state are as follows:
 It refers to the power of the state to This refers to the ability of the state to
control its domestic affairs. levy required contribution from the
 This refers also to the supreme power of states.
the state to command obedience within The power to impose and collect revenues
its territory. for the operation of the government.
d. External sovereignty Taxation is the act of levying tax.
 It refers to the freedom from external
It refers to a group of people belonging
 The power of the State to direct its
to one community, having one culture and
relations with other states.
language, and living the same experience.
INHERENT POWERS OF THE It refers to the people.
A state is a territory with its own
institutions and populations while a nation
is a large group of people who inhabit a
The inherent power of a government to
specific territory and are connected by
exercise reasonable control over persons
history, culture, or another commonality.
and property within its jurisdiction in the
A nation-state is a cultural group that is
interest of the general security, health,
also a state (and may, in addition, be a
safety, morals, and welfare except where
sovereign state). In a nation-state,
legally prohibited.
people are homogenous which means that
It is the power to regulate the behavior
the population has one culture, one
or conduct of its citizen in the interest
language, one experience and one
of the common good within the limits of
the state laws.
A right of a government to take private Globalization is the word used to
property for public use by virtue of the describe the growing interdependence of
superior dominion of the sovereign power the world’s economies, cultures, and
over all lands within its jurisdiction. populations, brought about by cross-
It enables the states to take property border trade in goods and services,
for public use upon payment of just technology, and flows of investment,
compensation people, and information.
Requisites for Valid Exercise of the Power of It also refers to the intensification of all
Eminent Domain possible interactions that both the state

 Public Use (Public purpose, public and non-state actors in the international
interest, and public convenience) community.
 Just Compensation (the full and fair Globalization means the speedup of
equivalent of the property taken from its movements and exchanges (of human
owner by the expropriator) beings, goods, and services, capital,
POWER OF TAXATION technologies or cultural practices) all
It refers to the lifeblood of the state. over the planet.
Globalization is a process of interaction CULTURAL GLOBALIZATION
and integration among the people,  Merging or “watering down” of the
companies, and governments of different world’s cultures e.g. food,
nations, a process driven by international entertainment, language, etc.
trade and investment and aided by  Heavily criticized as destructive of
information technology. local culture

TYPES OF GLOBALIZATION  It refers to the interpenetration of

cultures which, as a consequence,
means nations adopt principles,
 This can be linked with the rise of a
beliefs, and costumes of other
global financial system with international
nations, losing their unique culture to
financial exchanges and monetary
a unique, globalized supra-culture.
 Interconnections of the world’s financial
 This accounts for the idea of
systems. (e.g. stock markets)
considering planet Earth as a single
global entity a common good all
 A worldwide economic system that
societies should protect since the
permits easy movement of goods,
weather affects everyone and we are
production, capital, and resources (free
all protected by the same
trade facilitates this)
 It is the development of trade systems
 Seeing the Earth as a single
within transnational actors such as
ecosystem rather than a collection of
corporations or NGOs.
separate ecological systems because
so many problems are global in nature.
 Connection between nations through
technology such as television, radio,
 A growing belief that we are all global
telephones, internet, etc.
citizens and should all be held to the
 The phenomenon by which millions of
same standards and have the same
people are interconnected, thanks to the
power of the digital world via platforms
such as Facebook, Instagram, Skype or
 The development and growing influence
of international organizations such as the
UN or WHO, means governmental action
takes place at an international level.
 countries are attempting to adopt similar
political policies and styles of government
in order to facilitate other forms of

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