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The following text is for question 61 - 64 With the advent of projection in 1895-1896, motion
pictures became ultimate from of mass
The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption. Previously, large audiences had
consumption until its technology evolved from the viewed spectacles at the theater, where vaudeville,
initial “peepshow”nformat to the point where popular dramas, musical and minstrel shows,
images were projected on a screen in a darkened classical plays, lectures and slide-and-antern
theater. In the peepshow format, a film was viewed shows had been prsented to several hundred
through a small opening in a machine that was spectcors at a time. But the movies differed
created for that purpose. Thomas Edison‟s significantly from these other forms of
peepshow device, the Kinetoscope, was entertainment, which depended on either live
introduced to the public in 1894. It was designed performance or (in the case of the slide-and lantern
for use in Kinetoscope parlors, or arcades, which shows) the active involvement of a master of
contained only a few individual machines and ceremonies who assembled the final program.
permitted only one customer to view a short, 50-
foot film at any one time. The first Kinetoscope 61. .According to paragraph 1, all of the following
parlors contained five machines. were true of viewing films in Kinetoscope
parlors except . . . .
For the price of 25 cents (or 5 cents per machine), A. One individual at a time viewed a film
customers moved from machine to machine to B. Customers could view one film after another
watch five different films (or in the case of famous C. Prizefights were the most popular subjects
prizefights, successive rounds of a single fights). for films
These Kinetoscope arcades were modeled on D. Each film was short
phonograph parlors, which had proven successful E. Customers needed to move from one
for Edison several years earlier. In the phonograph machine to another to view different film
parlors, customers listened to recordings through
individual ear tubes, moving from one machine to 62. The author discusses phonograph parlors in
the next to hear different recorded speeches or paragraph 2 in order to . . . .
pieces of music. The Kinetoscope parlors A. Explain Edison‟s financial success
functioned in a similar way. Edison was more B. Describe the model used to design
interested in the sale of Kinetoscope (for roughly Kinetoscope parlors
$1,000 a piece) to these parlors than in the films C. Contrast their popularity to that of
that would be run in them (which cost Kinetoscope parlors
approximately $10 to $15 each). He refused to D. Illustrate how much more technologically
develop projection technology, reasoning that if he advanced Kinetoscope parolrs were
made and sold projectors, then exhibitors would E. Inform the price f Kinetoscope
purchase only one machine-a projector- from his
instead of several. 63. Which of the sentences below best expresses
“He refused to develop projection technology,
Exhibitors, however, wanted to maximize their reasoning that if he made and sold projectors,
profits, which they could do more readily by then exhibitors would purchase only one
projecting a handful of films to hundreds of machine-a projector-from his instead of
customers at a time (rather than one at a time) and several.”
by charging 25 to 50 cents admission. About a A. Edison was more interseted in developing a
year after the opening of the first Kinetoscope variety of machines than in developing a
parlor in 1894, showmen such as Louis and technlogy on only one.
Auguste Lumiere, Thomas Armat and Charles B. Edison refused to work on projection
Francis Jenkins, and Orville and Woodville Latham technology because he did not think
(with the assistance of Edison‟s former assistant, exhibitors would replace their projectors
William Dickson) perfected projection devices. with newer machines.
These earlu projection devices were used in C. Edison did not want to develop projection
vaudeville theaters, legitimate theaters, local town technology because it limited the number of
halls, makseshift storefront theaters, fairgrounds, machines he should sell.
and amusement parks to show films to a mass D. Edison did not want to develop projection
audience. technology because he could not sell it to
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E. Edison would not develop projections 66. If the author is right concerning the role of
technology unless exhibitors agreed to education, the following might be predicted to
purchase more than one projector from him. take place, EXCEPT …..
A. Longer life expectation
64. According to paragraph 4, how did the early B. Lesser birth rate
….. C. Improved welfare
A. They were a more expensive form of D. Better quality living
entertainment. E. More jobs opportunities
B. They were viewed by larger audiences.
C. They were more educational. 67. The following sentences reflect the author’s
D. They did not require live entertainers. opinions in the passage, EXCEPT …..
E. They required active involvement of a A. Everyone has the right to get education
master of ceremonies. B. Education cannot be easily defined
C. EFA provides quality education by 2015
The following text is for question 65-68. D. Education is basic to human development
E. The EFA goals are faced with serious
Education is often viewed as school in a traditional, challenges
formal sense. Many people believe that true
learning can only take place in formal classroom 68. The situation the author shows in the passage
setting. Others feel education occurs in many above is best described as follows ….
different forms and environments. They may not be A. Quality education fundamentally ensures
a definitive answer to the question of, “What is quality living in all sectors
education?” However, we can start thinking about B. Education is essentially everyone’s right yet
the purpose of education. it still has its challenges
C. There are problems in eduaction in spite of
In 1990, UNESCO launched EFA, the movement it significant role
to provide quality education for all children, youth, D. As long as nations compete, educations
and adults by the year of 2015. The unfortunate cannot progress
reality is that for many countries, larger issues E. Absence of an exact definition causes
come before improving the quality of education. problems in education
How can we achieve the goals of EFA when the
numerous countries around the world are faced The following text is for question 69 - 72.
with challenges that seem far too impossible to
overcome? The answer lies in attempting to bridge Soil liquefaction, also called earthquake
some of the gaps that prevent developing nations liquefaction, is ground failure or loss of strength
to compete with developed nations. One example that causes solid soil to behave temporarily as a
is that of providing greater access to technology viscous liquid. The phenomenon occurs in water-
and narrowing the ever widening digital divide. In saturated unconsolidated soils affected by seismic
many ways, the most basic access to technology secondary waves, which cause ground vibfations
can serve as a valuable educational tool. during earthquakes. Although earthquake shock is
Individuals who are not afforded this access are at the best known cause of liquefaction, certain
disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunities to construction practices, including blasting and soil
make life better for themselves, their families, and compaction and vibroflotation (which uses a
their community. vibrating probe to change the grain structure of the
surrounding soil), produce this phenomenon
65. The author‟s main concern in the first intentionally. Poorly drained fine-grained soils such
paragraph of passage is ….. as sandy, silty, and gravelly soils are the most
A. There is no exact definition about susceptible to liquefaction.
B. Education is a fundamental individual’s right Granural soils are made up of a mix of sil and pore
C. Everyone has the right to get quality spaces. When earthquake shock occurs in
education waterlogged soils, the water-filled
D. Education occurs in any place not just pore spaces collapse, which decreases the overall
schools volume of the soil. This process increases the
E. Development can be gained through water pressure between individual soil grains, an
education the grains can then move freely in the watery
matrix. This substantially lowers the soil‟s
resistance to shear stress and causes the mass of
soil to take on the characteristics of a liquid. In its
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liquified state, soil deform easily, and heavy 70. Why does the author mention about Tangshan,
objects such as structures can be damaged from San Fransisco, New Madrid, and Alaska
the sudden loss of support from below. earthquake?
A. To show how dangerous liquefaction could
Buildings constructed on loose soil pitch and tilt be
easily when liquefaction occurs, since the soil no B. To explain the causes of liquefaction
longer supports the structures C. To exemplify the damages caused by
foundations. In contrast, structured anchored to liquefaction
bedrock or stiff soils in earthquake-prone areas D. To describe those cities‟ role during
suffer less damage, because less vibration is liquefaction
transmitted through the foundation to the structure E. To illustrate how liquefaction occurs
sbove. In addition, buildings anchored to bedrock
have a reduced risk of pitching and tilting. 71. According to the passage, which of the
following is not true about the impact o
One of the most severe episodes of liquefaction in liquefaction?
modern times occured in China during the A. It caused several structures in Mission and
Tangshan earthquake of 1976. Some scientist Market districts to pitch, tilt, and collapse
estimate that an area of more than 2,400 sq km B. It may cause landslide and sand boils
was subjected to severe liquefaction, which C. It destroyed homes and disrupted utilities
contributed to the expensive damage that took D. It contributed to the massive damage in
place in the southearn part of the city. The Tangshan earthquake
liquefaction of the soft lake sediment upon which E. It weakened the effects of the 1985
central Mexico city was built amplified the effects of earthquake in Mexico city
the 1985 earthquake, the epicenter of which was
located hundreds of miles away. In addition, the 72. The author organizes the passage by starting
liquefaction of the ground beneath the Mission and with …..
Market districts in San Fransisco during the 1906 A. Describing the causes and effect of a
earthquake caused several sturctures to pitch and certain natural phenomenon
collapse. These districts were built on poorly filled B. Explaining how a certain natural
reclaimed wetlands and shallow-water areas. phenomenon happens
C. Illustrating the impact of natural calamity
Liquefaction may also contribute to sand blows, D. Giving an example of the effect caused by a
which are also known as sand boils or sand disaster
volcanoes. Sand blows often accompany E. Comparing two natural phenomena
the liquefaction of sandy or silty soil. With the
collapse of the soil‟s granular structure, the density Questions 1—4 are based on the following
of the soil increases. This increased pressure passage.
squeezes the water out of the pore spaces
between the soil grains and expels wet sand from Forests have the ability to regulate water systems,
the ground. Sand blows have been observed in the prevent erosion and flood, and maintain soil
aftermath of several earthquakes, including the fertility. The ability of forests is inseparable from
New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-12, the the existence of millions and even billions of trees
Tangshan earthquake of 1976, the San Fransisco- in a forest area. Trees only store water for their
Oakland earthquake of 1989, and the Christchurch own needs, and the land saves water.
earthquakes of 2010-11. In addition, liquefaction
may also cause landslides. For example, during Billions of trees with their wide canopies will hold
the Alaska earthquake of 1964, the liquefaction of back rain. In this position, rain water does not
a sandy layer of soft clay beneath Turnagain directly hit the soil surface, but will fall slowly
Heights, a suburb of Anchorage, caused a through the leaves and flow through the tree trunk.
landslide in the mass of ground above that Then, the soil surface filled with tree trunks will
destroyed appoximately 75 homes and disrupted produce quite a lot of litter originating from organic
utilities. materials in the forms of leaf and dry twigs.
Dramatically, littering is heading towards the decay
69. The passage above mainly deals with ….. process. The organic materials are collected on the
A. Earthquake and its impact soil surface.
B. Liquefaction and its impact
C. Examples of liquefaction cases Litter blocks the water falling from the canopy so it
D. Liquefaction in China does not directly hit the soil. Litter also functions as
E. Damages caused by liquefaction a place to live for millions of organisms (e.g.
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worms). This organism punctures the land as a 76. What most likely motivates the writer in writing
home and place of life. This organism’s behavior the passage?
causes the soil surface to become loose and A. There is an unresolved flood problem.
porous. When rain drops from the canopy fall onto B. People’s awareness towards reforestation
the litter, the water slowly flows to the soil surface. is low.
The loose and porous top layer of soil will absorb C. Not many people understand the benefits of
the water and then the water will be stored in the water for forests.
aquifer, the underground river. D. There is the fallacious concept that trees
store large amount of water.
The soil surface in the forest has high capacity to E. The information about the importance of
absorb rainwater. As a result, most of the rainwater trees in storing water is not available
seeps into the soil; only a little becomes running
water. Running water is the water that cannot be Questions 77 - 80 are based on the following
absorbed by the soil surface. This water will go passage.
down to a lower area. If running water exceeds the
carrying capacity of the river, it can certainly cause The older we get, the more likely we are to lapse
flood. Most of the rainwater that falls in the forest into a sedentary lifestyle. Recent research reports
area will be absorbed by the soil and stored in the an estimated 67% of older adults sitting for more
aquifer. than eight hours per day, whereas only 28% to
34% of adults ages 65% to 74 are physically
Furthermore, the water stored in the aquifer will active.
come out regularly through springs. From these
springs, water flows through rivers that are mostly A sedentary life can affect our health in ways we
found in the forest area. In addition, there is also may not realize, and the consequences of too
underground water that comes out as a spring in much sitting every day can be adverse. For
the resident wells. example, prolonged sitting, like spending hours
watching television, increase our chance of
Sumber : developing venous thrombosis, which potentially
leads to fatal blood clots that for in the deep veins
of legs. In fact, people who watched television the
73. The word 'dramatically' in paragraph 2 is best
most had a 70% greater risk of suffering from
replaced by ....
venous thrombosis compare with those who never
A. gradually
or seldom watched TV.
B. naturally
C. amazingly
On the flip side, squeezing in extra movement
D. surprisingly
during the day can have a big impact. For
E. simultaneously
instance ,standing more can help us lose weight
and keep it off. Everyday activities that incorporate
74. What is the main idea of the passage?
more walking also build up muscles, which may
A. Water guarantees millions of organisms to
help us live longer. Researchers have found that
survive in forest areas.
loss of leg muscle strength and mass is associated
B. Land stores and releases water through
with slower walking speeds among older adults.
various processes.
Slower speeds are linked with lower 10 year
C. Litter gradually flows water to the soil
survival rate for peole after age 75.
D. Trees store water to fulfill human daily
One way to combat the health risks of a sedentary
lifestyle is to work small bits of exercise into daily
E. Forests have various benefits for human life
routine. It does not matter if we are sweating or
feeling like we are working hard as long as we are
75. With the sentence ‘This organism's behavior
still moving our armas and legs, stimulating our
causes the soil surface to become loose and
muscles, and working our joints. Exercise doesn't
porous’ in paragraph 3, the writer intends to ....
always has to be intense to be effective. We can
A. describe the organism and its behavior
focus on adding just 30 minutes of extra activity
against loose soil
into our day, three days a week, or we can break it
B. confirm the behavior of organisms in loose
down into smaller segments, like 10 minutes in the
morning, afternoon and evening.
C. compare the loose soil with the porous soil
D. uncover natural processes at soil srosion
77. The paragraph following the passage most
E. explain the causes of soil erosion
likely discusses...
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(A) some cases of the dangers sitting all day reduced by incorporating regular
long. movements on a daily basis.
(B) the places we can visit to boost the (C) It seems that everybody now is a potato
frequency of our exercise. couch. One of the causes is the long hours
(C) the befenits of maintaining a routine work- at work, which lead people to sit behind the
out on a daily basis. desk throughout the day. While this sounds
(D) example of simple activities that can productive, its dangers to health maybe
promote physical movements. profound.
(E) recommendations on vitamins to take to (D) A sedentary life is likely to distort the
make our body immune to diseases. circulation of blood in our body. Therefore it
is essential to keep active whenever we
78. The author's attitude regarding sedentary can. As a rule of thumb, standing idle is
lifestyle is... preferred to sustained sitting.
(A) critical (E) Altering a sedentary lifestyle with a
(B) neutral healthier one can be done by regularly
(C) resentful working out. The longer the exercise, the
(D) apologetic better the result. After all, staying vigorous
(E) loathsome is a choice, not a given situation

79. Which of the following is the best summary of 80. Based on the passage, adults' well-being will
the passage? be reasonably improved if...
(A) The current sedentary is largely caused by (A) they switch from television to the Internet.
people's tendency to remain idle and (B) they regularly run to reach the worksplace.
unproductive, such as watching TV. It is (C) they work while standing behind their desk.
(D) they avoid commuting or driving to their
worsened by the fact that most people work
by sitting all day. To reverse the trend, (E) they engage in household chores more
taking up rigorous sports can be a sollution. frequently.
(B) Being phyaically inactive for most of the
day has been a lifestyle. Unfortunately, this
way of life can harm our bodily well-being.
Nevertheless, the adverse impacts maybe

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