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A Review Of The Semantic Web Field

Pascal Hitzler
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas, USA
ABSTRACT which would probably produce a rather different narrative of the
We review two decades of Semantic Web research and applica- history and the current state of the art of the field. I therefore do
tions, discuss relationships to some other disciplines, and current not strive to achieve the impossible task of presenting something
challenges in the field. close to a consensus – such a thing seems still elusive. However I
do point out here, and sometimes within the narrative, that there
CCS CONCEPTS are a good number of alternative perspectives.
The review is also necessarily very selective, because Semantic
• Information systems → Graph-based database models; In-
Web is a rich field of diverse research and applications, borrowing
formation integration; Semantic web description languages;
from many disciplines within or adjacent to computer science,
Ontologies; • Computing methodologies → Description log-
and a brief review like this one cannot possibly be exhaustive or
ics; Ontology engineering.
give due credit to all important individual contributions. I do hope
that I have captured what many would consider key areas of the
Semantic Web field. For the reader interested in obtaining a more
Semantic Web, ontology, knowledge graph, linked data detailed overview, I recommend perusing the major publication
ACM Reference Format: outlets in the field: The Semantic Web journal,1 the Journal of
Pascal Hitzler. 2021. A Review Of The Semantic Web Field. In Proceedings Web Semantics,2 and the proceedings of the annual International
of . ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages. Semantic Web Conference.3 This is by no means an exhaustive list,
nnnnnnn but I believe it to be uncontroversial that these are the most central
publication venues for the field.
©Pascal Hitzler, 2020. This is the author’s version of the work. It Now that we understand that Semantic Web is a field of research,
is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The what is it about? Answers to this question are again necessarily
definitive version was accepted for publication in Communications subjective as there is no clear consensus on this in the field.4
of the ACM, April 2020. One perspective is that the field is all about the long-term goal of
creating The Semantic Web (as an artifact) together with all the nec-
1 INTRODUCTION essary tools and methods required for creation, maintenance, and
Let us begin this review by defining the subject matter. The term application. In this particular narrative, The Semantic Web is usu-
Semantic Web as used in this article is a field of research, rather than ally envisioned as an enhancement of the current World Wide Web
a concrete artifact – in a similar way in which, say, Artificial Intelli- with machine-understandable information (as opposed to most of
gence denotes a field of research, rather than a concrete artifact. A the current Web, which is mostly targeted at human consumption),
concrete artifact, which may deserve to be called The Semantic Web together with services – intelligent agents – utilizing this infor-
may or may not some day come into existence, and indeed some mation; this perspective can be traced back to the 2001 Scientific
members of the research field may argue that part of it has already American Article [1] which arguably marks the birth of the field,
been built. Sometimes the term Semantic Web Technologies is used and about which we will talk more below. Provision of machine-
to describe the set of methods and tools arising out of the field, in understandable information in this case is done by endowing data
an attempt to avoid terminological confusion. We will come back with expressive metadata for the data. In the Semantic Web, this
to all this in the article in some way; however our focus will be on metadata is generally in the form of ontologies, or at least a formal
reviewing the research field. language with a logic-based semantics that admits reasoning over
This review will necessarily be rather subjective, as the field the meaning of the data. (Formal metadata is discussed at length be-
is very diverse not only in methods and goals which are being low.) This, together with the understanding that intelligent agents
researched and applied, but also because the field is home to a large would utilize the information, perceives the Semantic Web field
number of different but interconnected subcommunities, each of as having a significant overlap with the field of Artificial Intelli-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
gence, and indeed for most of the 2000s major Artificial Intelligence
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed conferences ran explicit "Semantic Web" tracks.
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation An alternative and perhaps more recent perspective on the ques-
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or tion what the field is about, however, rests on the observation that
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission
and/or a fee. Request permissions from 1
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
4Iwould like to emphasize that this lack of consensus is as much a boon for the field,
ACM ISBN 0001-0782/2020/04 - ArticleNumber. . . $15.00 giving it diversity, as it is sometimes a disadvantage.
,, Pascal Hitzler

the methods and tools developed by the field have applications not For example, a first draft of the Resource Description Framework
tied to the World Wide Web, and which also can provide added value (RDF) was published as early as 1997.8
even without going all the way to establishing intelligent agents uti- Our story of the field will commence from the early 2000s, and
lizing machine-understandable data. Indeed early industry interest we will group the narrative into three overlapping phases, each
in the field, which was substantial from the very outset, was aimed driven by a key concept, i.e., under this reconstruction the field has
at applying Semantic Web Technologies to information integration shifted its main focus at least twice. From this perspective, the first
and management. From this perspective, one could argue that the phase was driven by ontologies and it spans the early to mid 2000s;
field is about establishing efficient (i.e., low cost) methods and tools the second phase was driven by linked data and stretches into the
for data sharing, discovery, integration and reuse, and the World early 2010s. The third phase was and is still driven by knowledge
Wide Web may or may not be a data transmission vehicle in this graphs. We discuss each of these in the following.
context. This understanding of the field moves it closer to databases,
or the data management part of data science. 2.1 Ontologies
A much more restrictive, but perhaps practically rather astute,
For most of the 2000s, work in the field had the notion of ontology
delineation of the field may be made by characterizing it as investi-
at its center, which of course has much older roots. According to a
gating foundations and applications of ontologies, linked data, and
many-cited source from 1993 [5], an ontology is a formal, explicit
knowledge graphs (all discussed later), with the W3C standards5
specification of a shared conceptualization – though one may argue
RDF, OWL, and SPARQL at its core; and we will explain and return
that this definition still needs interpretation, and is rather generic.
to each of these points in more detail below.
In a more precise sense (and perhaps a bit post-hoc), an ontology
Perhaps, indeed, each of the three perspectives just described
is really a knowledge base (in the sense of symbolic artificial intel-
has its merit, and the field exists in a confluence of these, with on-
ligence) of concepts (i.e., types or classes, such as "mammal" and
tologies, linked data, knowledge graphs, being key concepts for the
"live birth") and their relationships (such as, "mammals give live
field, W3C standards around RDF, OWL and SPARQL constituting
birth"), specified in a knowledge representation language based on
technical exchange formats which unify the field on a syntactic
a formal logic. In a Semantic Web context, ontologies are a main
(and to a certain extent, semantic) level; the application purpose
vehicle for data integration, sharing, and discovery, and a driving
of the field is in establishing efficient methods for data sharing,
idea is that ontologies themselves should be reuseable by others.
discovery, integration, and reuse (whether for the Web or not); and
In 2004, the Web Ontology Language OWL became a W3C stan-
a long-term vision that serves as a driver is the establishing of
dard (the revision OWL 2 [11] was established in 2012), providing
The Semantic Web as an artifact complete with intelligent agents
further fuel for the field. OWL in its core is based on a description
applications, at some point in the (perhaps, distant) future.
logic, i.e., on a sublanguage of first-order predicate logic9 using
In the rest of this article, we will lay out a timeline of the past of
only unary and binary predicates and a restricted use of quantifiers,
the field, and during this discussion we will cover a lot of ground
designed in such a way that logical deductive reasoning over the
regarding key concepts, standards, and prominent outcomes. After
language is decideable [12]. Even after the standard was established,
that, we will discuss some selected application areas, and some of
the community continued to have discussions whether description
the road and challenges that lie ahead.
logics were the best paradigm choice, with rule-based languages
being a major contender [28]. The discussion eventually settled, but
2 A SUBJECTIVE TIMELINE the Rule Interchange Format RIF [25] which was later established
Declaring any specific point in time as the birth of a field of re- as a rule-based W3C standard gained relatively little traction.10
search is of course debateable at best. Nevertheless, the 2001 Sci- Also in 2004, the Ressource Description Framework (RDF) be-
entific American Article [1], which was mentioned already above, came a W3C standard (the revision RDF 1.1 [32] was completed in
is an early landmark and has provided significant visibility for the 2014). In essence, RDF is a syntax for expressing directed, labelled
nascent field. And yes it was around the early 2000s when the field and typed graphs.11 RDF is more or less12 compatible with OWL, by
was in a very substantial initial upswing in terms of community using OWL to specify an ontology of types and their relationships,
size, academic productivity, and initial industry interest. and by then using these types as types in the RDF graph, and the
But of course there were earlier efforts. The DARPA Agent
Markup Language (DAML) Program6 ran from 2000 to 2006 with the
declared goal to develop a Semantic Web language and correspond- 8
ing tools. The European Union funded On-To-Knowledge project7 , 9 With some mild extensions not found in standard first-order predicate logic, such as
running from 2000 to 2002, gave rise to the OIL language which counting quantifiers.
10 Evidence for this is, e.g., given by comparing Google Scholar citation counts for the
was later merged with DAML, eventually giving rise to the Web standards documents, which are two orders of magnitude lower for RIF.
Ontology Language (OWL) W3C standard which we will discuss 11 The full standard is more complicated, e.g., it allows things like using edge labels,

in more detail below. And the more general idea of endowing data or node types, also as nodes from which other edges originate, which would be in
violation of what is usually considered a graph. Excessive use of such departures from
on the web with machine-readable or "-understandable" metadata standard graph structures are usually used sparingly, as the results are often hard to
can be traced back to the beginnings of the World Wide Web itself. interpret.
12 Syntactically, they are fully compatible, as RDF is a syntactic serialization format for
OWL. However, RDF and OWL each carry a (more precisely, several) formal semantics
5 The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) calls its standards "Recommendations." that are not fully compatible between the languages. To the best of my knowledge,
there is no single reference which discusses the exact relationship in detail, but [12]
7 gives some indications.
A Review Of The Semantic Web Field ,,

relationships as edges. From this perspective, an OWL ontology can

serve as a schema (or a logic of types) for the RDF (typed) graph.13
A W3C standard for an RDF query language, called SPARQL,
followed in 2008 (with an update in 2013 [36] which then also
became more fully compatible with OWL). Additional standards
in the vicinity of RDF, OWL and SPARQL have been, or are being,
developed, some of which have gained significant traction, e.g.
ontologies such as the Semantic Sensor Networks ontology [7]
or the Provenance ontology [20], or the SKOS Simple Knowledge
Organization System [24].
With all these key standards developed under the W3C, basic
compatibility between them and other key W3C standards has been
maintained. For example, XML serves as a syntactic serialization
and interchange format for RDF and OWL. All W3C Semantic Web
standards also use IRIs as identifiers for labels in an RDF graph, for
OWL class names, for datatype identifiers, etc. Figure 1: Number of RDF graphs in the Linked Open Data
The DARPA DAML program ended in 2006, and subsequently Cloud over time
there were few if any large-scale funding lines for fundamental
Semantic Web research in the U.S. As a consequence, much of
As is so often the case in Computer Science research, though, ini-
the corresponding research in the U.S. moved either to applica-
tial over-hyped expectations on short-term massive breakthrough
tion areas such as data management in healthcare of defense, or
results gave way, around the mid-2000s, to a more sober perspective.
into adjacent fields altogether. In contrast, the European Union
Ontologies in the form in which they were mostly developed during
Framework Programmes, in particular FP 6 (2002-2006) and FP 7
this time – meaning often based on ad-hoc modeling as method-
(2007-2013) provided significant funding for both foundational and
ologies for their development were researched on but had not yet
application-oriented Semantic Web research. One of the results of
led to tangible results – turned out to be often hard to maintain
this divergence in funding priorities is still mirrored in the composi-
and re-use. This, combined with the considerable up-front cost at
tion of the Semantic Web research community, which is dominantly
that time to develop good ontologies16 paved the way for a shift
European. The size of the community is difficult to assess, but since
in attention by the research community, which can be understood
the mid-2000s, the field’s key conference, the International Seman-
as perhaps antithetical to the strongly ontology-based approach of
tic Web Conference, has drawn on average over 600 participants
the early 2000s.
each year.14 Given the interdisciplinary nature and diverse appli-
cations of the field, however, it is to be noted that much Semantic
Web research or applications are published in venues for adjacent
2.2 Linked Data
research or application fields. The year 2006 saw the birth of "Linked Data" (or "Linked Open
Industry interest has been significant from the outset, but it is Data" if the emphasis is on open, public, availability under free
next to impossible to reconstruct reliable data on the precise level licenses). Linked Data [3] would soon become a major driver for
of related industry activity. University spin-offs applied state of Semantic Web research and applications and persist as such until
the art research from the outset, and graduating PhD students – the early 2010s.
in particular the significant number produced in Europe – were What is usually associated with the term "Linked Data" is that
finding corresponding industry jobs. Major and smaller companies Linked Data consists of a (by now rather large) set of RDF graphs
have been involved in large-scale foundational or applied research which are "linked" in the sense that many IRI identifiers in the
projects, in particular under EU FP 6 and 7. Industry interest has graphs appear also in other, in fact sometimes in multiple, graphs.
changed focus with the research community, and we will come In a sense, the collection of all these linked RDF graphs can be
back to this throughout the narrative. understood as one very big RDF graph.
Some large-scale ontologies, often with roots pre-dating the The number of publicly available linked RDF graphs has been
Semantic Web community, matured during this time. For example, showing significant growth in particular during the first decade as
the Gene Ontology [35] had its beginnings in 1998 and is now a very shown in Figure 1; the data is from the Linked Open Data Cloud
prominent resource. Another example is SNOMED CT15 which can website17 which does not account for all RDF datasets on the Web.
be traced back to the 1960s but is now fully formalized in OWL and A 2015 paper [29] reports on "more than 37 billion triples18 from
widely used for electronic health records [33]. over 650,000 data documents" which is also only a selection of all
RDF graph triples that can be freely accessed on the World Wide
Web. Large data providers, for example, often provide only a query
13 RDF Schema [32], which is part of the RDF standard, can serve this purpose as well interface based on SPARQL (a "SPARQL endpoint"), or use RDF
but is much less expressive than OWL, and in terms of semantics not fully compatible
with it – see the previous footnote. for internal data organization but provide it to the outside only
14 The much newer annual China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic
16 With it being rather unclear what "good" would mean.
Computing, established in 2013, with primarily national focus, has by now grown to
almost 1,500 participants. 17
15 18 In RDF terminology, a triple consists of a node-edge-node piece of an RDF graph.
,, Pascal Hitzler

via human-readable web pages. Datasets in the Linked Open Data some of the information that they present to human readers. As of
Cloud cover a wide variety of topics, including Geography, Gov- the time of this writing, Wikidata has over 66 million data items,
ernment, Life Sciences, Linguistics, Media, Scientific Publications, has had over one billion edits since project launch, and has over
Social Networking. 20,000 active users.22 Database downloads are available in several
One of the most well-known and used linked datasets is DBpedia W3C standards, including RDF.
[22]. DBpedia is a linked dataset extracted from Wikipedia (and, During the early 2010s, the initial hype about Linked Data be-
more recently, also Wikidata which we discuss further below). The gan to give way to a more sober perspective. While there were
April 2016 release19 covers about 6 millon entities and about 9.5 indeed some prominent uses and applications of Linked Data, it
billion RDF triples. Due to its extensive topic coverage (essentially, still turned out that integrating and utilizing Linked Data took
everything in Wikipedia) and the fact that it was one of the very more effort than some initially expected. Arguably [16], shallow
first linked datasets to be made available, DBpedia plays a central non-expressive schemas as often used for Linked Data appeared to
role in the Linked Open Data Cloud of interlinked datasets: Many be a major obstacle to reuseability, and initial hopes that interlinks
other datasets link to it so that it has become a kind of hub for between datasets would somehow account for this lack did not re-
Linked Data. ally seem to materialize. This observation should not be understood
There was quite some industry interest in Linked Data from the as demeaning the significant advances Linked Data has brought
outset. For example, BBC20 was one of the first significant industry to the field and its applications: Just having data available in some
contributors to the Linked Data Cloud and the New York Times structured format which follows a prominent standard, means that
Company [31] and Facebook [40] were early adopters. However it can be accessed, integrated, and curated with available tools, and
industry interest seemed mostly be about utilizing Linked Data then made use of – and this is much easier than if data is provided
technology, e.g. for data integration and management, often without in syntactically and conceptually much more heterogeneous form.
it being visible on the open World Wide Web. But the quest for more efficient approaches to data sharing, discov-
During the Linked Data era, ontologies played a much less promi- ery, integration, and reuse was of course as important as ever, and
nent role. They still often were used as schemas in that they in- commencing.
formed the internal structure of RDF datasets, however compared
to the overpromises and depth of research from the Ontologies era, 2.3 Knowledge Graphs
the information in RDF graphs in the Linked Data Cloud was shal- In 2012, a new term appeared on the scene when Google launched
low and relatively simplistic. The credo sometimes voiced during its Knowledge Graph. Pieces of the Google Knowledge Graph can
this time was that ontologies cannot be reused, and that a much be seen, e.g., by searching for prominent entities on
simpler approach based mainly on utilizing RDF and links between next to the search results linking to Web pages a so-called infobox
datasets held much more realistic promises for data integration, is displayed which shows information from the Google Knowledge
management, and applications on and off the Web. It was also dur- Graph. An example for such an infobox is given in Figure 2 – this
ing this time, that RDF-based data organization vocabularies with was retrieved by searching for the term Kofi Annan. One can navi-
little relation to ontologies, such as SKOS [24], were developed. gate from this node to other nodes in the graph by following one of
It was also during this time, in 2011, when appeared the active hyperlinks, e.g. to Nane Maria Annan who is listed with
on the scene [6]. Initially driven by Bing, Google and Yahoo! – a spouse relationship to the Kofi Annan node. After following this
and slightly later joined by Yandex – made public a link, a new infobox for Nane Maria Annan is displayed next to the
relatively simple ontology21 and suggested to website providers usual search results for the same term.
that they annotate (i.e. link) entities on their websites with the While Google does not provide the Knowledge Graph for down- vocabulary. In return, the Web search engine providers load, it does provide an API to access content23 – the API uses
behind promised to improve search results by utiliz- standard types and is compliant with JSON-LD [34],
ing the annotations as metadata. saw considerable which is essentially an alternative syntax for RDF standardized by
initial uptake: [6], from 2015, reports that over 30% of pages have the W3C. annotations. Knowledge graph technology has in the meantime found a promi-
Another prominent effort from this time period – launched in nent place in industry, including leading information technology
2012 – is Wikidata [39], which started as a project at Wikimedia companies other than Google, such as Microsoft, IBM, Facebook,
Deutschland funded among others by Google, Yandex and the Allen eBay [27]. However, given the history of Semantic Web technolo-
Institute for AI. Wikidata is based on a similar idea as Wikipedia, gies, and in particular of linked data and ontologies as discussed
namely to crowdsource information; but while Wikipedia is doing above, it seems to be apparent that knowledge graph is mostly a
this for encyclopedia-style texts (with human readers as the main new framing of ideas coming rather directly out of the Semantic
consumers), Wikidata is about creating structured data that can be Web field.24 With, of course, some notable shifts in emphasis.
used by programs or in other projects. For example, many other One of the differences is about openness: As the term Linked
Wikimedia efforts, including Wikipedia, use Wikidata to provide Open Data has suggested from the very beginning, the Linked Data
efforts by the Semantic Web community mostly had open sharing
release/ 22
20 23
21 As of the writing of this manuscript, it has 614 classes and 902 relations, and consists 24 The term knowledge graph is of course also not new as such, it was alrady used, e.g.,
primarily of a type hierarchy. in the 1980s with a similar general meaning.
A Review Of The Semantic Web Field ,,

in the Semantic Web field, many with substantial bodies of research

having been undertaken.


As we have discussed in the introduction, the Semantic Web field is
not primarily driven by certain methods inherent to the field, which
distinguishes it from some other areas such as machine learning.
Rather, it is driven by a shared vision,26 and as such it borrows
from other disciplines as needed.27
For example, the Semantic Web field has strong relations to
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning as a sub-discipline of
Artificial Intelligence, as knowledge graph and ontology represen-
tation languages can be understood – and are closely related to –
knowledge representation languages, with Description Logics, as
the logics underpinning the Web Ontology Language OWL, playing
a central role. Semantic Web application needs have also driven or
inspired Description Logic research, as well as investigations into
bridging between different knowledge representation approaches
such as rules and description logics [19].
The field of databases is obviously closely related, where topics
such as (meta)data management and graph-structured data have
a natural home but are also of importance for the Semantic Web
Figure 2: Google Knowledge Graph node – as shown after
field. However, in Semantic Web research emphasis is much more
searching on for the term Kofi Annan.
strongly on conceptual integration of heterogeneous sources, e.g.,
how to overcome different ways to organize data; in Big Data termi-
of data for reuse as one its goals, which means that linked data is nology, Semantic Web emphasis is primarily on the variety aspect
mostly made freely available for download or by SPARQL endpoint, of data [17].
and the use of non-restricting licenses is considered of importance Natural Language Processing as an application tool plays an
in the community. Wikidata as a knowledge graph is also unowned, important role, e.g., for knowledge graph and ontology integration,
and open. In contrast, the more recent activities around knowledge for natural language query answering, as well as for automated
graphs are often industry-led, and the prime showcases are not knowledge graph or ontology construction from texts.
really open in this sense [27]. Machine Learning, and in particular deep learning, are being
Another difference is one of central control versus bottom-up investigated as to their capability to improve hard tasks arriving
community contributions: The Linked Data Cloud is in a sense the in a Semantic Web context, such as knowledge graph completion
currently largest existing knowledge graph known, but it is hardly (in the sense of adding missing relations), dealing with noisy data,
a concise entity. Rather, it consists of loosely inter-linked individual and so on [4, 10]. At the same time, Semantic Web technologies are
subgraphs, each of which is governed by its very own structure, being investigated as to their potential to advance explainable AI
representation schema, etc. Knowledge graphs, in contrast, are [10, 21].
usually understood to be much more internally consistent, and more Some aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of
tightly controlled, artifacts. As a consequence, the value of "external Things are being researched on using Semantic Web technologies,
links" – i.e., to external graphs without tight quality control – is e.g., in the context of smart manufacturing (Industry 4.0), smart
put into doubt,25 while quality of content and/or the undertlying energy grids, and building management. [30]
schema comes more into focus. Some areas in the life sciences have already a considerable his-
However the biggest difference is probably the transition from tory of benefiting from Semantic Web technologies. We already
academic research (which mostly drove the Linked Data effort) to mentioned SNOMED-CT and the Gene Ontology. Generally speak-
use in industry. As such, recent activites around knowledge graphs ing, biomedical fields were early adopters of Semantic Web concept.
are fueled by the strong industrial use cases and their demonstrated Another prominent example would be the development of the ICD-
or perceived added value, even though there is, to the best of my 11, which was driven by Semantic Web technologies [38].
knowledge, no published formal evaluation of their benefits. Other current or potential application areas for Semantic Web
Yet, many of the challenges and issues concerning knowledge technologies can be found wherever there is a need for data sharing,
graphs remain the same as they were for Linked Data, e.g., all items
on the list of current challenges listed in [27] are very well-known
26 Another discipline not primarily driven by methods, but rather by shared vision or
25 Early
indicators of this have e.g. shown that many of the same-as links contained in goals is, e.g., Cybersecurity.
the Linked Data Cloud link entities which should not as such be considered exactly 27 See e.g. the ISWC 2006 keynote by Rudi Studer on Semantic Web: Customers and
the same [8]. Suppliers, see
,, Pascal Hitzler

discovery, integration and reuse, e.g., in geosciences or in digital Yet, the academic community does provide a basis for consolida-
humanities [15]. tion, by developing solutions that bridge between paradigms, and
by partnering with application areas to develop and materialize
Undoudbtedly, the grand goal of the Semantic Web field – be it Consolidation of sorts is also of course already happening in
the creation of The Semantic Web as an artifact, or providing so- industry, as witnessed by the adoption of Semantic Web technolo-
lutions for data sharing, discovery, integration and reuse which gies in start-ups and multinationals. Technical details – not even
make it completely easy and painless – has not been achieved to speak of in-house software – underlying this adoption, as e.g.
yet. This of course does not mean that intermediate results are in the case of the industrial knowledge graphs discussed in [27],
not of practical use or even industrial value, as our discussions are however usually not shared, presumably to protect the own
above around knowledge graphs,, and the life science competitive edge. If this is indeed the case, then it may only be a
ontologies demonstrate. matter of time before corresponding software solutions become
Yet, to advance towards the larger goals, further advances are more widely available.
required in virtually every subfield of the Semantic Web. For many
of these, discussions of some of the most pressing challenges can be 5 CONCLUSIONS
found, e.g., in [2], in the contributions to the January 2020 special Within its first roughly 20 years of existence, the Semantic Web
issue of the Semantic Web journal,28 or in the above referenced [27] field has produced a wealth of knowledge regarding efficient data
for industrial knowledge graphs, in [37] for ontology alignment, in management for data sharing, discovery, integration and reuse. The
[23] for information extraction, in [13] for question answering, or contributions of the field are best understood by means of the ap-
in [9] for ontology design patterns, etc. Rather than to repeat or plications they have given rise to, including, industrial
recompile these lists, let us focus on the challenge which I personally knowledge graphs, Wikidata, ontology modeling applications, etc.,
consider to be the current, short-term, most major roadblock for as discussed throughout this paper.
the field at large. It is natural to also ask about the key scientific discoveries which
There is a wealth of knowledge – hard and soft – in the Seman- have provided the foundations for these applications; however this
tic Web community and its application communities, about how question is much more difficult to answer. As I hope has become
to approach issues around efficient data management. Yet, new clear from the narrative, advances in the pursuit of the Semantic
adopters often find themselves confronted with a cacophony of Web theme require contributions from many computer science
voices pitching different approaches, little guidance as to the pros subfields, and one of the key quests is about finding out how to piece
and cons of these different approaches, and a bag of tools which together contributions, or modifications thereof, in order to provide
range from crude unfit-for-practice research prototypes to well- applicable solutions. In this sense, the applications (including those
designed software for particular subproblems, but again with little mentioned herein) showcase the major scientific progress of the
guidance which tools, and which approaches, will help them best field as a whole.
in achieving their particular goals. Of course many of the contributing fields have also individually
Thus, what I see that the Semantic Web field most needs, at this made major advances in the past 20 years, and sometimes central
stage, is consolidation. And as an inherently application-driven field, individual publications have decisively shaped the narrative of a
this consolidation will have to happen across its subfields, resulting subfield. Reporting in more detail on such advances would be a
in application-oriented processes which are well-documented as worth while endeavor but will constitute a separate piece in its
to their goals and pros and cons, and which are accompanied by own right. The interested reader is encouraged to follow up on
easy-to-use and well-integrated tools supporting the whole process. the references given, which in turn will point to the key individ-
For example, some of the prominent and popular software avail- ual technological contributions which lead to the existing widely
able, such as the Protégé ontology editor [26], the OWL API [14], used standards, the landmark applications reported herein, and the
Wikibase which is the engine underlying Wikidata,29 or the ELK current discussion on open technical issues in the field to which
reasoner [18], are powerful and extremely helpful, but fall far short references have been included.
from working easily with each other in some cases, even though The field is seeing mainstream industrial adoption, as laid out in
they all use RDF and OWL for serializations. the narrative. However the quest for more efficient data manage-
Who could be the drivers of such consolidation? For academics, ment solutions is far from over and continues to be a driver for the
there is often limited incentive to develop and maintain stable, field.
easy-to-use software, as academic credit – mostly measured in
publications and in the sum of acquired external funding – does
often not align well with these activities. Likewise, complex pro-
cesses are inherently difficult to evaluate, which means that top-tier This material is based upon work supported by the National Science
publication options for such kinds of work are limited. Writing Foundation under Grant 2033521 A1: KnowWhereGraph: Enrich-
high-quality introductory textbooks as a means to consolidate a ing and Linking Cross-Domain Knowledge Graphs using Spatially-
field is very time-consuming and returns very little academic credit. Explicit AI Technologies. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author
28 and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
29 Foundation.
A Review Of The Semantic Web Field ,,

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