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Complete the sentences with the correct names or vocabulary to describe the relationships in

the family tree below.

1. Poppy's great-grandmothers are ________________________________.

2. Patrick's great aunt is ________________________________.
3. Franklin and Robert are ________________________________.
4. _____________________________ grandchildren are Poppy and Patrick.
5. Adrian's great-grandfathers were ___________________________________________.
6. Aaron is _______________________ son-in-law.
7. Poppy and Patrick are____________________________.
8. Adam and Adrian are __________________________.
9. Felicia and ___________________ are sisters-in-law.
10. Adrian, Adele and Alice are _______________ (one word).

Think about your own family and tell your partner about them.

 the youngest or the oldest member of the family

 your favourite grandparent or cousin
 number of siblings you have (would like to have)
 your extended family – how often you see them, where, which occasions
 common activities
 describe the relationships – how do you get on (extend this section after completing
the exercise below)
 think of some personal qualities to describe some members
o the funniest member – tells jokes, often laughs…
o the member that helped you the most – how, when…
o good / best friend
See the list of phrases and their definitions that describe relationships. If necessary use the
dictionary to make sure you understand all of them.

a) get on well with sb. d) fall out with sb. g) sibling rivalry
b) be out of touch with sb. e) stand up to sb. h) look up to
c) take after sb. f) look alike i) get into an argument

a) To get on well with somebody means to have a good relationship with them.
b) When you are out of touch with someone you have not heard from them for a long time.
c) When you take after somebody in your family you behave or look like someone older in
your family.
d) When you fall out with someone it means that you are not friends anymore because you
had an argument or some kind of conflict.
e) If you stand up to somebody you confront them without fear and do not allow them to
treat you badly.
f) Look alike means that that you have the same or very similar appearance like someone in
your family.
g) Sibling rivalry stands for problems between the brothers and sister when
they argue, compete or provoke each other.
h) When you look up to someone you admire and respect the person.
i) When you get into an argument with someone you have different opinions
on certain issues and often you speak to each other in an angry way. Clipart 1

Complete the sentences using the phrases (change the tense if necessary).

1) The parents had to deal with ________________ very often when the three kids were
growing up.
2) She ________________ to her mother when she was 18 and told her she would not
tolerate her controlling behaviour.
3) Every time we have a family union my brother ________________ with my father and
they spoil the family time for everyone.
4) Paul had always ________________ to his grandfather, he loved to spend time with him
during the holiday and he was always happy when granddad came to visit them.
5) I have been ________________ with my cousin since he moved to Canada, we do not
communicate in any way anymore.
6) Jonas ________________ his father, not only they look alike but they both also love sports
and classical music.
7) The cousins ________________ so much, they both have long blond hair, blue eyes and
even their figure is the same. Sometimes people think they are twins.
8) The brothers have ________________ with each other after their mother died; she was
the only one holding them together.
9) She is so nice and friendly she just ________________ with everybody in the family

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