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Conference of the Parties to the

WHO Framework Convention

on Tobacco Control

Seventh session FCTC/COP/7/DIV/2/Rev.1

Delhi, India, 712 November 2016 6 October 2016

Guide for Participants

in the Conference of the Parties

Table of contents

Venue and dates ............................................................................................................. 3

Registration process ...................................................................................................... 3
Credentials ..................................................................................................................... 4
Entry badges .................................................................................................................. 4
Working hours of the session ....................................................................................... 4
Informal regional meetings .......................................................................................... 5
Side events ...................................................................................................................... 5
Visa requirements ......................................................................................................... 5
Arrival in Noida/New Delhi and hotel transfer .......................................................... 5
Hotel reservations .......................................................................................................... 6
Local transportation ..................................................................................................... 6
Insurance ........................................................................................................................ 6
Arrangements for Parties eligible for travel support ................................................ 6
Distribution of documents ............................................................................................ 7
Submissions by delegations .......................................................................................... 7
List of participants ........................................................................................................ 7
Reservation of rooms for bilateral and private meetings .......................................... 8
On-site facilities ............................................................................................................. 8
Vaccination requirements ............................................................................................ 8
Weather and time .......................................................................................................... 9
Electricity ....................................................................................................................... 9
Value added tax (VAT) ................................................................................................. 9
Useful contacts ............................................................................................................... 9
Safety and security ........................................................................................................ 9
Annex 1 ......................................................................................................................... 11
Annex 2 ......................................................................................................................... 12
Annex 3 ......................................................................................................................... 14

Venue and dates
The seventh session of the Conference of the Parties (COP7) to the WHO Framework Convention on
Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) will be held at the India Exposition Mart (IEML) in Noida
(Plot No. 25, 27, 28, 29, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306, India.
Tel. +91 120 232 8011).

The first plenary meeting will open at 10:00 on Monday, 7 November 2016, at the India Exposition
Mart. Entry is from the ground floor and the session is expected to close no later than 13:00 on
Saturday, 12 November 2016.

A map of the India Exposition Mart is shown in Annex 3.

Smoking is not permitted in the conference area allocated to the session.

Registration process
Online registration is required for meetings of the COP. For security reasons, all participants are
required to wear photo ID badges in order to access the meeting rooms. For this reason, during the
online registration process, the focal point will be asked to upload a passport style photograph for each
member of the delegation.

Detailed instructions are available for downloading on the WHO FCTC website at The username and password to be used can be found in
the Notes Verbales1 sent to all Parties, States that are not Parties to the Convention and observers
accredited to the COP. This will allow registration of one focal point (preferably based in the
Permanent Mission in Geneva, otherwise in the capital). Once the focal point has been entered into the
registration system by attaching a Note Verbale (official diplomatic note prepared on headed paper,
dated, signed, and/or stamped), or an official signed letter from the head of the organization for IGOs
and NGOs observers, as the case may be, he/she will receive an email with a unique username and
password and a link to access the registration system so that he/she will be able to submit the names of
the delegates and attach a copy of the credentials containing the composition of the delegation. Any
changes to the composition of a delegation should be communicated through the online registration
system and revised credentials should be submitted to the Convention Secretariat.

State non-Parties and organizations accredited as observers to the COP are asked to follow the same
procedure for online registration.

In accordance with Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC and the guidelines for implementation of Article 5.3
adopted by COP3 in 2008, Parties should not nominate any person employed by the tobacco industry,
or any entity working to further its interests, or any person benefiting from the proceeds of tobacco

In the spirit of Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC and the Article 5.3 guidelines, State non-Parties to the
Convention and observers accredited to the COP should give due attention to ensure that no one
should be nominated who has any conflict of interest arising from a relationship with the tobacco
industry, works directly or indirectly to further its interests or engages in any collaborative projects or
initiatives with the tobacco industry and its front groups.

Queries concerning the system can be communicated by email to:, or by

calling the following number: +41 22 791 2111. Online registration will be open on 1 July 2016 and
should be completed by 15 October 2016.

CSF/NV/16/06 , CSF/NV/16/07, CSF/NV/16/08, CSF/NV/16/09

Although an advance copy of the credentials of participants will have been submitted through the
online registration system, Parties are required to submit the original credentials to the
Convention Secretariat before the opening of the session. Only original documents are considered
formal credentials by the COP.

Credentials shall be issued and signed by the Head of State, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the
Minister of Health, or any other appropriate authority, i.e. Permanent Missions and senior government
officials. Alternates and advisers may accompany delegates. Credentials shall be addressed to Dr Vera
Luiza da Costa e Silva, Head of the Convention Secretariat, WHO FCTC, and should include,
in addition to the full title and dates of the meeting, the following information for each participant:
LAST NAME (in capital letters), first name, title, function, institution, gender (unless indicated in
title) and contact details. In the case of a regional economic organization, credentials shall be issued by
the competent authority of that organization.

Entry badges
Participants will be able to collect their badges before the opening of the session at the registration
desk located on the ground floor. The registration desk will be open as follows:

– On Sunday, 6 November: from 14:00 until 18:00

(A complimentary shuttle service will be available between the hotels listed in Annex 2 and
the India Exposition Mart)
– From Monday, 7 November to Friday, 11 November: from 08:00 to 18:00
– On Saturday, 12 November: from 08:00 until the closure of the session
Delegations whose credentials have not been submitted to the Convention Secretariat before the
opening of the session, either through the online registration system or as originals, should register and
deliver their credentials at the registration desk. Please note that only those individuals whose
names appear on valid credentials (see section on credentials above) will be issued with a badge.
Access to the conference centre and to the meeting rooms will be restricted to persons wearing

For security and identification purposes, all participants are requested to wear their meeting badges at
all times, whether attending meetings or social functions.

Working hours of the session

Monday, 7 November 2016

10:00–13:00 Opening ceremony and first plenary meeting

15:00–18:00 Plenary meeting
19:00 Social event (Front lawns at IEML)

Tuesday, 8 November to Friday, 11 November 2016

10:00–13:00 Plenary or committee meetings

15:00–18:00 Plenary or committee meetings
Saturday, 12 November 2016

10:00–13:00 Plenary meeting and closing

Informal regional meetings
The Convention Secretariat will make arrangements to allow the regional groups for the African
Region, the Region of the Americas, the South-East Asia Region, the European Region, the Eastern
Mediterranean Region, and the Western Pacific Region to hold informal regional meetings as follows:

– Monday, 7 November: from 08:00 to 09:30

(delegates are requested to register and collect their badges if possible on Sunday, 6
November 2016 as indicated above)

– Tuesday, 8 November until Saturday, 12 November: from 08:45 to 09:45

Information on the meeting rooms allocated to each regional group for the above-mentioned meetings
will be available on the website of the WHO FCTC.

Side events
Side events will be organized during the session and will be open to all participants.
A schedule of these side events will be made available in advance.

Visa requirements
Participants are requested to ensure that they are in possession of a valid passport recognized by the
Government of India and to obtain, as appropriate, an entry visa from the Indian embassy in the
country from which they will be travelling – or from the nearest Indian embassy or consulate – prior to
entering India. Participants are advised to apply directly to the nearest Indian embassy or consulate
and not to use the services of any intermediate agent.

For more information on visa requirements, participants should contact the nearest Indian diplomatic
or consular office or visit the official website of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs at

Participants from countries that have a special visa agreement with India may be exempt from visa
requirements and as such can stay in India without a visa up to a determined period, depending on the
terms of any agreement between the two countries. For further information on visa exemptions, please
consult the local COP7 website at which will be operational from 30 July 2016.
In the meantime, queries may be addressed to the COP7 Coordination Office India in New Delhi by
email to

Arrival in Noida/New Delhi and hotel transfer

Indira Gandhi International Airport is located 15 km from New Delhi city centre and 53 km from
Greater Noida.

The nearest metro station is approximately a 25-minute car drive from the India Exposition Mart
(metro station Botanical Garden - see map in Annex 3).

COP7 welcome desks will be located in the arrival terminal (after passport and customs control) of the
Indira Gandhi International Airport from Saturday, 5 November until and including Monday,
7 November 2016, to assist participants with the transfer to their hotels.

The host country will provide a complimentary shuttle bus service for participants to and from the
airport and to the hotels listed in Annex 2, provided the participants have informed the Professional
Conference Organizer2 of their arrival details in advance by completing the form available on the
local COP7 website, which will be operational from 30 July 2016. More information on airport shuttle
services is also available on this site.

Hotel reservations
A number of selected hotels have been pre-booked by the host country at negotiated rates to facilitate
accommodation for delegates (see Annex 2). Participants wishing to use the COP7 pre-booking system
need to complete a hotel reservation request by 16 September 2016 directly on the
local COP7 website where further information on each hotel, including rates and
modification/cancellation policy, will also be available. In the meantime, requests for hotel
reservations may be addressed to the COP7 Coordination Office India in New Delhi, by email to

Hotel reservation requests for COP7 selected hotels will be handled on a first-come, first-served

Delegates are responsible for making their own hotel reservations and for carefully checking the
modification and cancellation policy applicable to each hotel. Participants are also responsible for the
payment of their hotel room.

Any cancellation, modification of dates, or any other change to a hotel reservation made through the
local COP7 website or directly with the Professional Conference Organizer should be communicated,
in writing, by the participant directly to the Professional Conference Organizer according to the
deadline indicated in the cancellation policy.

Local transportation
Shuttle services will be available during the session on a daily basis from Sunday, 6 November to
Saturday, 12 November 2016 between the hotels listed in Annex 2 and the India Exposition Mart.
Participants are requested to consult the timetables posted in the reception area of the hotels listed in
Annex 2. For further information, including information on public transportation, please consult the
transport section of the local COP7 website.

Participants should note that neither the Convention Secretariat nor the host country can be held liable
for any claim resulting from death, injury, sickness or other disability in connection with their
participation in the session. Participants are therefore responsible for making their own insurance
arrangements, as necessary.

Arrangements for Parties eligible for travel support

In accordance with decision FCTC/COP6(27), financial support will be available to facilitate the
participation of low- and lower-middle-income country Parties (see list in Annex 1). Financial support
will consist of an air ticket (cheapest economy airfare by the most direct route) and a per diem for one

The contact details of the Professional Conference Organizer will be available on the local COP7 website.

Travel arrangements will only be processed by the Convention Secretariat upon receipt of valid
credentials by the Convention Secretariat, either in the form of an advance copy through the online
registration system or of originals. To facilitate timely travel arrangements, Parties eligible for travel
support as listed in Annex 1 are requested to register online by 15 September 2016, and to indicate
which delegate should receive such financial support and to provide full contact details, including an
email address and a phone number for the supported delegate. Due to budgetary constraints, and
considering the increasing cost of air tickets, the Convention Secretariat cannot guarantee that it
will be possible to provide financial support after the deadline of 15 September 2016.

Participants to whom per diem payments are made in advance of the session and whose participation is
subsequently cancelled will be asked to refund to the Convention Secretariat the total amount

Arrangements made directly by a Party or a participant that have not been agreed beforehand
with the Convention Secretariat cannot be reimbursed.

Distribution of documents
In line with the efficiency measures adopted by COP6 that aimed, among other things, at reducing the
costs of printing and dispatch of documentation, while also contributing to a reduction in the carbon
footprint of COP sessions, paper copies of the official documentation for the session will not be
dispatched to Parties, State non-Parties and accredited observers, but will be available for download on
the WHO FCTC website 60 days before the opening of the session. Parties encountering difficulties in
accessing or downloading documentation on the website may request a set of hard copies by informing
the Convention Secretariat by email at as far as possible in advance of the opening

A Convention Secretariat document distribution desk will be located in the conference centre, from
which participants may collect in-session documents. Only documents distributed through this desk
are considered official for the session.

Submissions by delegations
Delegations wishing to have draft decisions distributed to the Plenary or one of its committees are
asked to hand them to the Assistant to the Secretary of the Plenary or to the committee concerned.
Rule 33 of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference of the Parties requires that ”proposals and
amendments shall not be considered if they have been circulated less than 24 hours before the
meeting”. Therefore texts should be handed in early enough to allow time for translation and
reproduction in the working languages. In this regard, Parties are encouraged to submit such proposals
and amendments at least two working days in advance. The Convention Secretariat is available upon
request to provide logistical and editorial or information support as required.

List of participants
A provisional list of participants3 will be available and posted on the WHO FCTC website at the
opening of the session. This list will be issued on the basis of valid credentials received by the
Convention Secretariat up to 12:00 on Sunday, 6 November 2016. A revised list will be issued later. In
the event of any official change in the details and composition of a delegation, the Convention
Secretariat asks that it be notified in writing during the session using the official form available at the
registration desk, which can be returned to the registration desk or sent by email to
The form should be signed by the chief delegate.

Document FCTC/COP/7/DIV/1

Reservation of rooms for bilateral and private meetings
There is limited space for bilateral or private meetings; however, upon request, rooms can be
designated by the Convention Secretariat for specific appointments. Regretfully, interpretation cannot
be provided for such meetings.

On-site facilities
Information desk
Located in the India Exposition Mart, ground floor, the desk will provide information on a range of
matters of interest to participants, and will direct them to other services such as travel, mail, medical
services, communications, etc. Lost property may be turned in or reclaimed at this desk.

Travel agency
Participants should ensure that their return bookings are confirmed. The travel desk of the Professional
Conference Organizer, located in the India Exposition Mart, ground floor will provide assistance to
participants in rebooking their tickets and other local arrangements (shuttles, etc.).

Internet café
Computers will be available on the 1st floor of the India Exposition Mart for delegates requiring
Internet, email and word processing services. The conference centre is also equipped with a Wi-Fi

Medical services
There will be an emergency medical facility in the conference centre during the conference.

Bank/currency exchange facilities

The Indian Rupee (INR) is the unit of currency in India (as of 13 May 2016, 1 US dollar is equivalent
to around INR 66.76). Currency exchange facilities are available in the arrival terminals of the
international airport and at most hotels.

There are two ATMs located at the India Expo Mart, however, it is advisable to carry cash or travellers
checks as backup.

Participants may use the Business Centre to make domestic or international calls if required. Call costs
remain the responsibility of the participants.

Catering facilities
The Host Government will generously provide lunch to participants from Monday, 7 November to
Friday, 12 November inclusive. There are also restaurants and coffee shops at the India Exposition

Vaccination requirements
There are specific vaccination requirements to enter India. For further information, participants are
advised to consult the WHO international travel and health website at or

Weather and time
In November, the temperature in New Delhi is normally around 20°C-25°C. Standard time in New
Delhi is GMT +05:30.

220 volts at 50 Hz. Adaptors may be needed. Plugs have three cylindrical pins.

Value added tax (VAT)

VAT is levied on most goods and services and varies across products and is included in the retail

Useful contacts
Contacts in Geneva:

Convention Secretariat in Geneva:

– Tel.: (+41) 22 791 2276/3926; Fax: (+41) 22 791 5830;


Contacts in New Delhi:

– COP7 Coordination Office India

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Room No-523 ‘A’ Wing, Nirman Bhawan,
Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi-110 011
Tel: (+91) 11 23063793
Local COP7 website: (operational from 30 July 2016)

– India Exposition Mart

Plot No. 25,27,28,29, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306, India.
Tel: +91 120 232 8011

A telephone directory with the names and functions of the staff serving during the session will be
available at the documentation desk.

Safety and security

New Delhi can generally be regarded as a safe city. However, participants are advised to observe
normal safety precautions when moving around the city. In particular:

– Stay alert: watch your luggage and briefcase.

– Please enquire at your hotel reception desk about the use of safe deposit boxes.

– Always carry with you the name and address of your hotel (preferably in both English and
Hindi). This will be helpful should you need to take a taxi.
– Should you encounter anything unforeseen and require assistance, please make use of the
emergency services number: 100
– Note that neither WHO nor the local organizers can be held responsible for the loss of
personal objects left unattended at meetings.

New Delhi emergency and useful numbers:

– Fire /emergency/rescue/Police: 100


Annex 1
Parties eligible for travel support for COP74 (as of 15 May 2016)
Afghanistan Liberia
Angola Madagascar
Armenia Mali
Bangladesh Mauritania
Benin Micronesia (Federated States of)
Bhutan Myanmar
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Nauru
Burkina Faso Nepal
Burundi Nicaragua
Cambodia Niger
Cameroon Nigeria
Cabo Verde Niue
Central African Republic Pakistan
Chad Papua New Guinea
Comoros Philippines
Congo Republic of Moldova
Cook Islands Rwanda
Côte d'Ivoire Samoa
Democratic People's Republic of Korea Sao Tome and Principe
Democratic Republic of the Congo Senegal
Djibouti Sierra Leone
Egypt Solomon Islands
El Salvador Sri Lanka
Equatorial Guinea Sudan
Ethiopia Swaziland
Gambia Syrian Arab Republic
Georgia Tajikistan
Ghana Timor-Leste
Guatemala Togo
Guinea Tuvalu
Guinea-Bissau Uganda
Guyana Ukraine
Honduras United Republic of Tanzania
India Uzbekistan
Kenya Vanuatu
Kiribati Viet Nam
Kyrgyzstan Yemen
Lao People's Democratic Republic Zambia
Lesotho Zimbabwe

In accordance with decision FCTC/COP6(27), least developed countries and low- and lower-middle income countries will
receive support for travel and per diem in order to facilitate participation in COP7. The travel support consists of an air ticket
(cheapest economy airfare by the most direct route) and per diem for one delegate. Only Parties that have submitted valid
credentials to the Convention Secretariat by 15 September 2016 may apply for such financial support.


Annex 2


The room rates quoted below are per room, per night, in Indian Rupee (INR) and include VAT of 15% and buffet breakfast. Payment should be made by each participant
directly as instructed by the Professional Conference Organizer by credit card for the amount in INR or by bank transfer in INR, US dollars or Euros. Participants are
responsible for verifying with the Professional Conference Organizer the conditions applicable for modification, no show or cancellation of reservations.

Hotels Room No. of offered Rates Distance Contact details Taxes

Category rooms to Venue
Single Double
Occupancy Occupancy
Per Night Per Night

1 Crowne Plaza Deluxe & Club Deluxe: 125 INR 8000 ++ INR 8500 7 KM Surajpur Chowk, Institutional Green I, 8.7% on applied rates
Club : 25 INR 11000 ++ ++ Greater Noida,
12000++ Tel.:+8527694303,
Ms. Ruchika Sharma

2 Holiday Inn Base 125 INR 6500 ++ INR 7000 25 KM Dist. Centre, Mayur Vihar Phase I, Delhi, 24.95% on rack rate
++ Tel.:+8860634445,
Mr. Puneet Mahajan

3 Crowne Plaza Base 100 INR 7000++ INR 25 KM Dist. Centre, Mayur Vihar Phase I, Delhi, 24.95% on rack rate
8000++ Tel.:+8860634455,
Ms. Veenu Rastogi

Please check COP7 Local website for updates of the hotel lists


4 Hotel Formula 1 Base 90 INR 2800 INR 3100 3 KM Plot No.3, Wegmans Business Park, Service Tax: 14%; Luxury Tax:
Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, 5%; Swachh Bharat Cess: 0.5%
Tel.:+9582942414, and VAT on breakfast: 14.5%
Mr. Rohan Roy Saigal

5 Savoy Suites, Suites 40 INR 4000 INR 4500 1 KM Ansal Plaza, Near Pari Chowk, Greatere 13.70% govt taxes
Greater Noida Noida, Tel:+9818881388,
Mr. Amit Seth

6 Quebe Studio Studio & Studio: 85 INR 3150 INR 3150 2 KM Plot No.9, Knowledge Park III, Greater 13.70%
Grand Studio Grand: 25 INR 4050 INR 4050 Noida, Tel.:+9818881388,
Mr. Lalit Jha

7 Jaypee Greens Deluxe (ROH) Deluxe (ROH) - 1.Deluxe Room 1.Deluxe 2 KM Jaypee Hotels Room: 15.1% on room
Golf & Spa Dlx Suite 72 (ROH) - INR Room G- Block, Surajapur Kasna Road, Greater (negotiated price)
Resort, Greater Exe. Suite Dlx Suite - 7 11,000 CP + (ROH) - Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308, Banquets: 30.88%
Noida Premium Suite Exe. Suite - 3 taxes INR 12,000 Tel.:+9818760303,
Premium Suite- 2.Executive CP + taxes Mr. Pritam Nayak, Deputy Sales Manager
8 Suite Room- 2.Deluxe
INR 30,000 CP Suite
Total 90 rooms + taxes Room-
from 6th 3.Premium INR 22,000
Nov’2016 to Suite Room - CP + taxes
13th Nov’2016 INR 45,000 CP 3.Executive
+ taxes Suite
4.Deluxe Suite Room- INR
Room- 30,000 CP
INR 22,000 CP + taxes
+ taxes 4.Premium
Suite Room
45,000 CP
+ taxes


Annex 3


Plot No. 25,27,28,29, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306, India
(Tel. +91 120 232 8011,


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